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wait till you visit(or revisit) South Koreas attempt to normalize 69 hour work weeks


was one of those, cousin was watching movie so i walked into movie blind about what to expect and the movie was wtf


IMO its a waste of time for their in house industrial designers for that. this kind of project should 100% be a community effort. a startup company does not have infinite resources.


the funding likely was for plans they disclosed to the shareholders. its still simethinf they shouldnt pursue because its already on its own a very niche usecase.

for example, they didnt outright produce the desktop case themselves, they handed off production of that essentially to coolermaster.

the handheld gaming case is a niche (repairable laptop owners), in a niche (people who are on their second fw13 board), in a niche(is a gamer), in a niche (willing to trade off performance and size due to board size and slower ram speeds). there is very little momey in that and the project makes sense more for the community than the company itself (which some in the community has already started/finished)


sausage, eggs, double serving of hash browns, either oj or coffee depending on mood.


i mean, games launched on epic arent perfect either… and devs get much more of a cut, and a bonus if its unreal engine.

FF7R for example ran poorly, stutters in directx modes due to a poor implementation of shader compilation and these bugs STILL exist in the game today last ive seen.

the developer didnt take a 30% cut for the game, being epic exclusive and being unreal means the oppisite, they got PAID and still released a buggy POS.

its a fallacy to assume if a dev had 30% more budget that a game would be bug free.


has games from companies like Riot games, or various MMOs been reviewbombed for not being on steam?


i mean think like camels. the only reason why other regions dont do it as much is because they either dont have a history of dairy, or they lack some bovine species to milk as bovines produce more milk (not saying horses dont produce a good chunk of milk, just not as much as cows, bison, yaks and such)

UN Security Council backs plan for Israel-Hamas ceasefire (www.reuters.com)

UNITED NATIONS, June 10 (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council on Monday backed a proposal outlined by President Joe Biden for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip and urged the Palestinian militants to accept the deal aimed at ending the eight-month-long war....


Israel probably is only accepting it due to pressure from the U.S government. It itself is trying to distance itself away from being active in the agreement though.


its for cutscenes. because without it, you get situations that happen a lot on underpowered devices (e.g the switch) where when you DO hit a cutscene, something looks very low res and low detailed because it was designed to be looked from afar with low performamce impact. It draws away from the immersion factor.

a common situation are games on mobile that are also playable on console/pc (e.g some gacha rpgs). Some character models use texture normal maps and not physical 3d models, so when you look at them zoomed up, it looks really off.


the problem that intel has that the piece doesnt mention is all of intels claims for the most part was intel comparing it against themselves and not their competitors, as intel probably knows that it would look silly vs AMD.

theres clearly stuff being hidden as Intels claiming both gpu performance and power consumption better than previous generation. the problem is, intel previous generation was already by default worse than AMD/TSMC in both fronts, so being better than previous intel only paints part of the picture.

also advertising for raytracing at this performance tier is silly. thats like trying to buy a rtx 3050 for raytracing (you really shouldn’t)


some people believe its to inflate active PSN users to show to investors


the PS5 also has reletively low game ownership rate, so the hours on PS5 are either games given for free/part of subscription, or free to play.


this generation is odd because the effects of covid are still being felt.


the advantage the PS4 and PS5 had was the physical console sold at a loss in a shorter time window.

the PS2 had to push the DVD format to be mainstream, and the PS3 pushing the Bluray format as mainstream (the PS3 was effectively the cheapest bluray player on launch), while both devices retaining backwards compatibility initially by including the previous generations cpu.

also having the market move to digital saves a lot of cost on logistics and pumping out physical copies.


one of the few things that marks a super power is having (reletively) good logistics. almost all major corporations that sell products have to master logistics.


usually when it comes to collabs, its licensing issues, especially if aaid product or IP is handled by different bramches or organizations internationally


because unlike lemmy where its usually about following topics, twitter is about following people, and migration requires said people who theyre following to also migrate


probably same reason why some are anti birth control. kinda playing against gods role by manipulating the natural result.


essentially its similar to product sponsorships and product reviews. Product sponsorships give the sponsor all the power to censor parts they dont like. Reviews should be honest and reveal something is good or bad.

they tried to say in order yo get into beta you can only say good stuff, so any online footage is similar to a sponsorship rather than an honest review

ASUS Scammed Us (www.youtube.com)

This undercover warranty investigation is a one-year follow-up from our series that investigated ASUS for motherboards incinerating AMD CPUs, at the end of which ASUS promised a number of improvements to its then-anti-consumer warranty processes. Spoiler alert: They’re still anti-consumer. We sent our ASUS ROG Ally Z1 Extreme...


I basically always tell people, if you’re buying Asus(in the U.S), youre essentially buying something new in box, but essentially considered used. Treat it as if its open box sale, because they will fight tooth and nail to attempt to deny your warranty.

Its a problem at various levels, primarily with the major Taiwanese Brick and Mortar companies. The sad part is how ubiquitous they are when it comes to the DIY portion of PC building.


its less consumers, its more on intel handling logistics better than AMD. the FAR majority of laptops being purchased are business laptops, and AMD has a prpblem where they take orders, but take several months to complete them for some customers (which means lost sales and profit) whereas Intel is usually better at handling supply when purchased.

its only (supposedly) going to flip soon as laptop oems supposedly do not like Meteor Lakes performance, and Lunar lakes major design change is going to be quite the gamble.

With the closure of Tango Gameworks, Xbox sends an accidental message: it is not a platform for fans of Japanese games (www.vg247.com)

More than anything, though, it’s a gut punch because it sends a message. The wrong message, really. Xbox had one major studio in Japan - no more. Xbox is making deals with third parties and independent creators, yes - it’s got something in the pipes with Hideo Kojima, for instance - but like I said, the first party is your...


japans fully behind pc nowadays. there’s a reason why japanese devs of various sizes for the first time in the past few years have made pc ports of their games. Bandai, whose never had games like taiko no tatsujim, nor tekken on pc, and virtually the entire gundam franchise, puts most of the titles on pc. Capcom who never put monster hunter on pc till world, and always made pc a second thought, has put all of their titles. on pc now. Sega puts some of its largest IPs like Phantasy Star online on pc.

the same trend can also be seen in reverse, where a lot of wetern developers are having japanese language support in their games, one of the most popular in japan, being apex legends.

japan not being into pcs is very outdated information nowadays.


the rumor was AMD made a hard pitch to get nintendo to switch sides, but couldnt offer a 10w performance target enough at a good price to make said jump.

current speculation sits on Nvidia orin with some backported features on 8nm so Nintendo can sell console for profit (as all their consoles sold for profit besides the WiiU, which sold at a loss)


i mean its not like you cant go onto the mobile store and buy games like stardew valley or terraria. its just that pay to play games have taken a back seat due to the profitability of free to play games.


this rubber band man erasure right here /s


how i personally see it is that it welcomes devs to set a new minimum pc requirement to target. due to valve not doing contstent iterations (which imo is actually a good thing), it gives people a point of performance comparison reference to when wanting to play a new title.


iirc FCC fined that company to oblivion recently, hence why it kinda died off.


not sure on xboxes, but on playstation and nintendo devices, it depends. sometimes you can delete update data and find a disk or local device that has a specific update and install it and its be fine. for some titles, games have memory that a higher update exists for the device after uninstalling it, and refuse to boot unless that update is installed.

you for sure cannot have version control over store updates on console though.


also to further back the statement, it wasnt because wiiu games were bad, in fact most of the wiiu games ported to switch are top sellers, so no one can make the claim it was a game quality issue.


apples not producing the chip in house, only the design. if apple had control of the materials, it would be the non cpu/memory conponents.

From Windows to about 6 recommended distros for gaming.

I am not bad with computers and have a beginner+, maybe intermediate level knowledge of Linux and I kept running into some problems here and there with different distros. Most claimed to work out of the box (which may be the case for some users, but I have a shit ass Nvidia 1060 and that was not at all the case, until I...


Arch tends to be close, because it is a bleeding edge type of rolling update model, so any fixes would come to Arch faster than more LTS options.

Some distros like Nobara liek you mention have it built in, Pop OS is another. Different distros will prioritize different aspects and that how itll fundamentally be.

Linux is a game of knowing which distro fits your usecase, the less offending hardware you use, the easier the choices are. take for example those who use bleeding edge hardware might not like the out of the box experience on LTS based distros that take awhile to push something to kernel.


ove seen it one time forst hand and not directly but indirectly second hand. first hand time ive first seen it was actually related to OPish, had friends who needed Nvidia drivers installed for compute(non gaming), borked their distro.

second hand indirect one was the meme moment Linus (tech tips) borked his installation of Pop OS (over Ubuntu) because there was a tiny window period where popos really had a borked version of steam that wouldnt function, and borked it by trying to install steam in a very roundabout way he found online (something a perspn learning to use linux would do often).that situation was only caused by a combination of specific timings and some user negligence


What distro, and did you use official methods or something random from the internet?

Ubuntu, for a computer engineering project

As far as I remember, that whole Linus does Linux series was widely ridiculed in the Linux community. Like he didn’t even read the prompts before spamming y

hence part user error, but what was not user error was there was like a week period where a bad version of steam was put up, which was what caused the problem in the first place. Having a non working version of steam was more on the maintainer end and not the user end, and looking for alternatives to get it working is 100% a new user would do, what was user negligence was the part of accepting that he was going to make distro breaking changes. Hence while ultimately his fault, it was caused by a situation completely not his fault, and he initially acted in a way most users would, which is google for workarounds.


reminder that Edgeworth was originally supposed to br a 36 year old prosecutor vet, but changed to be the same age as Phoenix when Kumiko Suekane pushed for it (who is also a known Yaoi Artist).

also conveniently in Spirit of Justice, Trucy Wright (Phoenix’s adopted daughter) treats Edgeworth like a Dad.


whats funny is when in the topic of japan specifically, they used to talk about the complete oppisite situation, as asian seeies lasted no more than a year back then, while thr U.S had long running shows like Friends, Fraiser, Full House and such, where a show got a lot of content


technically speaking, some companies collectors edition doesnt even come with the game, which would kinda fit the bill youre looking for. but yes the difference is when it was released.


nintendo only does reletively good when their consoles struggle.

whenever they hit something sucessful, they become shrewed and start removing features/make a worse experience at times.

3ds strugles, nintendo gives 20 retro games for free. wiiu struggles, many bogo offers. Switch is sucessful, removes paid for emulated games and pushes them into a subscription service, removes local save backups, removes browser, charges 20$ for online, objectively have a worse online experience to both the WiiU/3DS in many instances. Half asses some games, increases the price of ported games (e.g Tropical Freeze on the WiiU was 50$, then a 20$ nintendo select late in its life, was a 60$ game on the switch)


the reason why the fallout story is very flexible on a any place no context story is because each individual vault has its own story, and stories are hyper regionalistic. so while all regions may share the same start (nuclear fallout of course) and prewar tech, what happens after is up to the writers imagination, as long as a writer doesnt pick an already existing vault number that already has a rule.

minor lore spoilers ahead: each vault was not built the same, all were a major experiment and had different conditions to see how humanity would adapt to different conditions presented to them.

this is why fallout is super flexible on where a story can start, game, or show wise. for example of something that won’t be in a game or show, Vault 68 was an experiment where what would happen if you put 1 woman, and 999 men in a bunker. Vault 69 was what would happen if you had 1 man, and 999 women in a bunker.


isnt that why if you value privacy (or customization) youre supposed to not plug the tv to the internet and use your prefered streaming setup connected over hdmi. its ultimately a self inflicted problem of people using the built in stuff rather than take the time and setup an actual setup (that would stay the same between tvs as long as said device doesnt die on you)

then convenience is sold, especially if its free, then your data is going to be sold with it.


which is why ones better off with a modified Nvidia Shield or Apple TV to minimize data collection, if you arent using an HTPC for a streaming server. Not a binary system, its a game of whose doing it the least, and the TV companies have a huge incentive to collect money off the integrated stuff vs companies whose cost is moreso on the hardware, and make money off their intended subscription services (Apple One for Apple TV, Nvidia Geforce Now for gaming on the Shield)


its why RTS games have less toxic communities relatively speaking. the fact that its more often played 1v1 and has a very high technical skill requirement floor, it becomes. obvious when one person gets outplayed


hence, reletive


basically nintendo and sony are dubious with digital,. since they dont host their own CDN, so the store is more prone to being shut down earlier than virtually all other competitors.


copper in the context of itself is actually pretty cheap. the problem copper has is that copper is reletively expensive when compared to other common metals, hence why in some industries, copper usage is being cut back more (e.g heatsinks, as copper is commonly used for its great heat transfer coefficient, but reletively speaking, is more expensive than aluminum, while cheaper and lighter, doesnt conduct heat as well as copper)

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