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I’m gonna believe you just made that up.


Arnaud Bertrand has different opinions about this. He delves into the dishonesty of this article and why the renovation has been misrepresented.


From the Scott Trust Limited, owners of the Guardian:

In 1992, the Trust identified its central objective as being the following:

  • “To secure the financial and editorial independence of The Guardian in perpetuity: as a quality national newspaper without party affiliation; remaining faithful to its liberal tradition; as a profit-seeking enterprise managed in an efficient and cost-effective manner.”

Certainly a liberal, profit-seeking enterprise wouldn’t be biased against a socialist, communist nation… /s


There are people there now:

Reporting in a 2018, Shepard revisited a number of the so called “ghost cities” several years his book and noted that, "Today, China’s so-called ghost cities that were so prevalently showcased in 2013 and 2014 are no longer global intrigues. They have filled up to the point of being functioning, normal cities … "


I was just reading about it. It’s another web encyclopedia trying to incorporate other encyclopedias to compete against Wikipedia’s biases.

This is an archived article from the guy who first wrote about the “ghost cities.”


Thanks for the historical context. I’m tired of being told to hate China, when I know very little of its history, culture and how its current government operates. I’ll make up my own mind.

TokenBoomer, (edited )

I’ll reserve judgment until I find more information. It could be a good thing, Wikipedia does have problems with editors changing articles, or it could be a bad thing to proliferate misinformation. That’s why I linked the Reuters article.

Edit: I read through the page on Fascism. It’s crap, runaway.


Justapedia is crap, but the article it references is real and from the guy that first wrote about the ghost cities.


The opinion piece that the “2018 onwards” section is based on was released in 2018 itself and was proven wrong almost immediately.

Which piece has been proven wrong?

This one, this one, or this one?

You didn’t just make that up to confirm your bias, did you? Can you please provide evidence that the state-level new area is unpopulated? Because my search says the population is 5.68 million.


Someone already showed that the linked article was outdated nonsense almost the minute it was published.

Where? Everything I’m reading says that most of the new state-level areas are inhabited and not “ghost cities.” Unless Ohio State is wrong.


I care about the facts and the truth, not the source, as should you.

But I notice you ignored all the left-wing sources I provided that demonstrates the new areas in China are populated and not “ghost cities,” so I’m guessing none of this actually matters to you anyway.

TokenBoomer, (edited )

I do. I admitted Justapedia was a biased source:

Edit: I read through the page on Fascism. It’s crap, runaway.

but the references linked were credible.

I’ll admit when I’m wrong, will you?

Five studies, including two from Harvard researchers, have found a left-wing bias at Wikipedia:

  • A Harvard study found Wikipedia articles are more left-wing than Encyclopedia Britannica.
  • Another paper from the same Harvard researchers found left-wing editors are more active and partisan on the site.
  • A 2018 analysis found top-cited news outlets on Wikipedia are mainly left-wing.
  • Another analysis using AllSides Media Bias Ratings™ found that pages on American politicians cite mostly left-wing news outlets.
  • American academics foundconservative editors are 6 times more likely to be sanctioned in Wikipedia policy enforcement. source

Maybe I misread it. I’m not concerned with winning an argument, only with correcting the misinformation about “ghost cities.” I did that. Now I just have to wait for Legoland Sichuan to open in 2025 in the new state-level are of Tianfu. Hopefully it won’t be too crowded, since it’s a “ghost city.”

TokenBoomer, (edited )

Whatever dude. People are just mad that they’ve been misinformed. It happens to all of us.

While most of these so-called ghost cities have failed to live up to their original promise, very few of them have actually failed completely and are hardly deserving of the nickname that’s been assigned to them. They may have to go back to the drawing board and set some more realistic goals. Most of them should become fully functioning cities eventually. All they need is a little more time.


I invite anyone to verify that the “ghost cities,” are indeed, inhabited. Why do people choose to fight battles that are easily fact-checked. Confirmation bias is a helluva drug.


Marx always knew there would be a transition from capitalism to socialism.

None of these measures abolishes capitalism straight away; each constitutes a partial intervention by the state in the economic mechanism of capitalism, and only in the totality, and over time, are they deemed to undermine capitalism completely. Thus, for instance, the measure ‘a vigorously graduated income tax’ assumes that under the dictatorship of the proletariat there would still be marked differences in incomes – that the capitalist would not be expropriated at a stroke. ‘During the revolution, the gigantic increase in the scope of taxation may serve as an attack on private ownership; yet even in such a case taxation must be a stepping stone to fresh revolutionary measures, otherwise there will be a return to the erstwhile bourgeois conditions.’


What? What has he done, other than words?


Has any other president been sued for genocide?


Trump never aided a genocide during his term.


Solid talking points.


That’s not what the polling says.


Dialectic word-play, nice!

TokenBoomer, (edited )

Well, I’m not president. And I can’t find any info on Biden getting the Saudis to allow aid. Can you point to a policy?

Edit: It was Egypt. That certainly will help. Why you bitching about my bitching? We bitching together. We bitches.


But while many media outlets were quick to report on the case not moving forward, they largely missed a key aspect of the ruling: the judge did not dismiss the case on its merits but rather because it fell ​“outside the court’s limited jurisdiction,” source

In fact, U.S. District Court Judge Jeffrey White’s statement appeared to uphold some of plaintiff’s key charges in the case:

The judge went further, urging Biden and his administration officials to scrutinize ​“the results of their unflagging support” for the Israeli government’s assault on Gaza.

Until he changes his stance, he’s “genocide Joe.”


Covid? He tried to take out his own voters.


I agree. All individuals and institutions you listed could be culpable, but no suits, internationally, nor domestically have been filed. Except for the CCR case against Biden, Blinken, and Austin.

I looked into the origin of the “genocide Joe” meme. The earliest entry is from October 18, 2023. As far as I can tell it was started by pro-Palestine leftists like Aaron Mate, Hasan, and Alan Macleod. It did not originate from conservative media.


As long as we’re clear that I’m bitching about the genocide. I’m good. 🙂 Maybe, if more people would bitch about Biden enabling a genocide, instead of defending his actions, we wouldn’t have to bitch about Trump being president.


This prolix exposition does nothing to keep Trump from being reelected. More likely, it serves to depress voter motivation. You need to give people a reason to vote for Biden, not against Trump. Best of luck.


Then you should be buying, so I can get rich, and outspend AIPAC and CUFI to lobby Biden to change course on Palestine, so he can get reelected. It’s almost 🤔 like you want Trump to win.


You’re not wrong. That is how the American electoral system should work. But Trump and Project 2025 would fundamentally break the American experimental democracy. There may not be a viable means to elect a Democratic or another party in 2028.

Project 2025 aims to roll back civil rights and destroy the federal government, among other proposals source

See, you can advocate for Biden without defending a genocide. It can be done ✅


Yikes! They’re not wrong.


Is that from memory? Where can I find that list for future reference? Now, if we can get our compatriots to stop defending the genocide, we might be able to sway some votes. The genocide is an albatross around Biden’s neck and should be downplayed.


I saved it. Biden can’t change his position on Israel, there is too much money and history for that to happen. But his accomplishments can be used to help people remember how bad Trump was. It’s the only play. We can’t defend an indefensible genocide, but we can acknowledge it, and maximize the other differences between Trump and Biden.


If you truly want Biden to be reelected, be like disguy_ovahea.


Unironically, yes. Insulting voters and defending a genocide does not win people to your side.


Thanos did nothing wrong, and I can prove it.


Blnken’s a Zionist:

His paternal grandfather, Maurice Henry Blinken, was an early backer of Israel who studied its economic viability

In his confirmation hearing, Blinken recalled the story of his stepfather, Pisar, who had been the only Holocaust survivor of the 900 children in his school in Poland. Pisar found refuge in a U.S. tank after making a break into the forest during a Nazi death march.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Same with you.


I don’t remember him getting charged with genocide. Pretty sure I’d remember.the ACLU did file charges for forced removal, but not genocide.


Great job. That was during Covid too, although it had been going on for some time. Stephen Miller is a ghoul.


Even if we underestimate them, it’s still horrific what they will achieve.


Don’t take it personally, haters gonna hate. Keep posting.

Hamas launches rocket attack towards Tel Aviv area (

Hamas says it has launched a rocket attack towards the Tel Aviv area in central Israel for the first time in nearly four months. At least eight rockets were launched from the Rafah area in southern Gaza and several were intercepted, the Israeli military says. No injuries have been reported.

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