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I rebase quite often, its the better distrohopping.

Have a look at Fedora Discuss, interesting things there.

[Solved] Swaync volume slider not showing when using all:unset

I always use all:unset in my css files and I did the same when configuring the swaync notification but somehow when using it inside global selector *{} it doesn’t show the volumeslider which is shows in a notification, related pictures will be attached. I wanna use all:unset and so I want to know how to re-enable volumeslider...


You posted this 3 times, network issues I guess


I mean if you dont have secureboot or TPM support some people would say crucial security features are broken.

TPM is only used for “prevent local tampering with device” but could be used for way more.


On my machine it says that soft disabling Intel ME would disable the TPM functionality.

But not too sure about that so not spreading any rumors.

It is dasharo coreboot from Novacustom. Very cool project.


Figure out how to do snapshots before doing updates or upgrades.

Timeshift I think? Maybe more available.


I think there are better tools.

Use is only

  1. For cloning the entire OS to a different drive that is smaller or bigger
  2. For snapshotting home

*Fedora Atomic

Its a huge bundle of tons of variants, likely 40 or so, if you take everything that uBlue, wayblue and secureblue produce

  • Fedora Atomic has been a remarkable project ;D

Fedora builds the container images, even though they themselves use OSTree remotes. There is a Change Proposal to change to them.

This means they continuously build the container images without even using them!

Only because of that the standard container workflow actions (they use an Ubuntu container!) even work. But for sure their tooling is very useful


Flatpak Firefox and Chromium are very different. Note that Flatpak Firefox starts normally fast for me.

Use the native version, it is one of the best maintained software and has access to “user namespaces” for isolation.

Now search on the internet what that is XD


Yeah that is a dumb decision of the uBlue folks. I really like their tooling but their Flatpak browser stuff (and a bit more) are annoying.

You also cant even layer Firefox, due to this rpm-ostree bug

Make some noise there if you want.


It is a great idea but the concept is flawed

This issue helps to understand it

seccomp background

libseccomp is a long established security “firewall for syscalls”, it allows to restrict what actions programs can perform on the system.

I dont know what exactly these are, often low level stuff I guess, but one of these actions is “create an unprivileged user namespace”.

Flatpak uses a single, “badness enumerating” seccomp filter, which means they block the syscalls “A”, “B” and “C” for all programs. All others are allowed, and (see the issue) programs cannot define a more restrictive one.

user namespaces

A namespace is a virtual filesystem on top of the “real” one, where certain real system files are mounted to. This means unprivileged programs can suddenly do “OS stuff”, needed to create this filesystem.

contra user namespaces

Many distros like Debian (and Arch) didnt enable this feature for a long time, because user namespaces mean that unprivileged userspace programs, like your browser, can suddenly access low level system components like the filesystem.

If there now is a bug in such a component, user namespaces allow the program to directly access a way more privileged area, escape here and thus have privilege escalation.

This would not be possible when not using user namespaces.

Flatpak has a seccomp filter that blocks the creation of user namespaces, to avoid this low level system access. Which is a very good thing, but the missing modularity doesnt allow anything else!

pro usernamespaces

Over time even slow pacing distros like Debian enabled user namespaces.

Today they are the core feature of bubblewrap, podman, docker, (and thus distrobox and toolbox)…

The concept is that a rootless binary, running in userspace, can access system components which would normally require root.

Firejail is the opposite example, it is a root binary and sandboxes apps also when user namespaces are disabled. Chromium has a fallback suid sandbox which also is a root, same with bubblewrap after the modification by 34N0 implemented in the “no userns” images of secureblue.

The problem is, a root binary has root access. If there is a flaw in it, which was the case with firejail, the “nice and secure isolated app” could now use the root binary to escalate its privileges to root level, more than what it could have done without it.

Browsers and Sandboxes

A browser is basically a platform to run “apps” on. Nearly all websites nowadays require executable code, which means browsers are the attack surface for malware. Scrap your verified Flathub or well maintained distro repository, a single website could use a weakness and break your system.

This was a thing back in the time… crazy huh?

Chromium (Chrome, Edge, Brave, Vivaldi, Opera, …) has the said rootful sandbox as a fallback, I guess implemented back when user namespace sandboxes were not adopted enough.

But is normally uses a user namespace sandbox for process isolation, every tab runs in a different process, on Android too.

Firefox also uses user namespace sandboxes for tabs, but additionally uses seccomp-bpf to restrict the syscalls that the isolated tabs/processes can execute.

Flatpak and Chromium

Chromium relies exclusively on the ability to create sandboxes, with a root binary (the strange not really used fallback method) or with user namespaces.

So much that it straight up doesnt run if it cannot do that. The same goes for Electron apps, which are a browser platform running a single or very few processes.

This is why zypak was created. It redirects the calls of Chromium to flatpak, so it uses the builtin Flatpak sandbox instead.

As I said, all Flatpak apps (and thus all processes) use the same seccomp filter, so I assume that zypak is less secure than the native sandbox, which is battle tested by Google, Microsoft and more companies.

But it uses a sandbox, it is rootless and uses user namespaces. It just needs a little testing, a security audit, a bit of pentesting.

At the current stage I would honestly not trust it, so Flatpak Chromium browsers are not recommended for “production”.

Flatpak and Firefox

The Firefox Flatpak is official.

What the heck?

Thats what I asked byself and created this issue but honestly, this issue thread is way more informative.

Right now we just fork(), so replacing that with flatpak-spawn would cause a massive increase in memory usage? You would no longer have CoW sharing of memory.

So Firefox would need big architectural changes to support a sandbox like Flatpak’s. It uses copy-on-write to save Memory and be more efficient.

For some reason Chromium works just fine with zypak.

it’s not clear to me the “Flatpak Sandbox” it’s creating is comparable to what we have now (even with just seccomp-bpf). We launch our subprocesses with specific, nailed down sandboxes.

They should absolutely compare their seccomp filters. But this indicates the same issue as the one at the beginning, always using the same seccomp filter is not suited for an entire platform like a browser.

Fair usage in Flatpak

To sum it up:

Electron apps are likely fine to be ran as Flatpaks. The zypak sandbox may not isolate the processes from another as well as the normal one does, but they are controlled and known code.

Electron uses Chromium because of laziness, not because it needs the security of the platform. Daniel Micay, the creator of GrapheneOS, would also list a few very technical things why Electron has crippled security features of Chromium.

Thunderbird is using Firefox similar to Electron, just as a platform for known code, so this will be fair too.

Flatpak Firefox… is probably okay secure. If you use UBlock Origin with some filterlists, and an opt-in NoScript setup (which I highly recommend for privacy and security), the risk is even lower.

But the risk is literally getting malware, losing all your data, getting breached or intruded. So why leave out this security measurement.

But, its true, Flatpak isolates the browsers from the system, which is really nice. If there is a weakness in the browser platform, a process could not just escalate and access everything Firefox can.


So isolating the browser from the system using Bubblewrap, a modern and rootless sandboxing tool, sounds like a good idea.

The only issue is the always-the-same seccomp filter. The best solution would be a fix for the issue at the beginning, but for now we can use bubblejail.

It is a tool that makes the creation of bubblewrap and seccomp filters easy, and adds Desktop entries to launch existing apps through that sandbox.

For some reason it doesnt work at all anymore for me… but it did in the past. It is certainly not ready, but with some helping hands it can fix all the gaps, where system apps are needed for certain abilities.

May that me a VPN app, Nextcloud-client adding icons to your task manager, an IDE like VSCodium, Zed, Lapce, Kate… or isolating all your system apps!

So currently I use Fedora Firefox, which is very well maintained and checked for security build flags.

I will continue making bubblejail work, which will be a good solution for this problem.


Run it from the terminal to get more info.

Also run it through a profiler software like perf with the GUI hotspot.

Also, you are not by accident using secureblue, are you?


Dont mind then. Secureblue uses a strange hacky workaround for manking Flatpaks supposedly more secure.

So then try the other things I said.


BSD people laugh about linux because of that all the time

There were tons of comics by OpenBSD vs. Linux (being the corporate slave)


Not sure if it detects the presence of an NVIDIA driver on the system though. Flatpak is normally separated.

Linux on old School Machines?

Hi all, the private school I work at has a tonne of old windows 7/8 era desktops in a student library. The place really needs upgrades but they never seem to prioritise replacing these machines. Ive installed Linux on some older laptops of mine and was wondering if you all think it would be worth throwing a light Linux distro on...


The hardware is totally fine, Linux requirements didnt really change at all in the last years.

KDE Plasma is a really well maintained desktop, poorly also with a ton of customization. It has a very familiar user experience. GNOME is also nice but not familiar at all.

On these machines, recommendations:

  • some stable distro like Debian 12, with automatic background updates
  • OR an atomic distro like Fedora Atomic. (Still waiting for CentOS bootc, which would be the best of both worlds. Or Rocky/Almalinux Atomic)
  • GNOME or KDE

best would be to always delete the user account, so they need to store stuff on a network drive. That way they cannot permanently break a desktop, but you still dont need active directory stuff.

Be aware that managing many PCs is work. Keep it as simple as possible, install apps as systemwide flatpaks, keep the OS minimal, automate updates.

Maybe have a look at ansible, I think it is complex but the learning curve is worth the effort if you need to manage more than 4 machines.


There are tons of things a distro needs to preconfigure for you to work like that.

It can absolutely work. Imagine:

  • atomic distro based on uBlue using KDE Plasma
  • a working ISO (lol)
  • it updates automatically when battery is okay and the network is not metered
  • the image uses :latest versions so version upgrades are automatic
  • flathub is preinstalled
  • install apps
  • manage flatpak permissions through KDE Settings
  • maybe use btrfs-assistant for some fancy backup and management stuff (but that is not preinstalled)

But for some stuff CLI is needed.


I had a situation where the updater didnt work at all so I had to go full debian, knew the steps luckily, and it was a pain.

Like manually searching for version nicknames and changing a textfile.


No in Linux Mint. The version was something 20.1 or so and 21.3 is the latest or something.

The updater didnt work at all, apt worked normally.


  1. Debloat random preinstalled deb packages
  2. Update
  3. Upgrade
  4. Check for fixed packages and remove or upgrade them
  5. Dist-upgrade, full-upgrade (whatever the difference is)
  6. Reboot to be sure
  7. Search on the internet for the new ubuntu version nickname and the new mint version nickname
  8. Search for sources.list, not there but a single file that contains all sources in a subdir, strange
  9. Manually change the names
  10. Update, upgrade, dist-upgrade, full-upgrade etc

Worked perfectly, the amount of stuff that can be updated, stopped, swapped without a reboot is fascinating.

Fedora atomic is throwing all that over board, you always need to reboot, there is just one function to get the new stuff. Okay you can install stuff with cache only and a few more tricks. But by default it is rpm-ostree update or rpm-ostree rebase


Fedora always requires a reboot for big upgrades, not sure what these are specificslly, for stability, which makes sense.

But atomic doesnt, it goes on the live system in the background, pretty cool.


Arch wiki already in there XD


Really interesting project.

Yes I also thought it would be focused on non-BTRFS, especially as Mint doesnt use BTRFS either, right?


Is that R-Linux and R-Studio something different from R the language and RStudio the GUI for it? Damn this is confusing.


Thanks, added it


Okay, you won we have the same link, stop confusing me XD


Added it


Added it


I think BTRFS is especially problematic on Fedora Atomic desktops.

Afaik the OSTree snapshots use BTRFS deduplication, also the zstd compression helps reduce storage usage and increase SSD use.

But as the entire system partitions are read only, you cant balance, scrub etc them.

This is a big issue I think, I will open a Fedora Discussion post about this.


Added it


Okay I will add a “btrfs bindings” section 🫠


I also tried an install with LVM and F2FS instead of the default EXT4. It works, and F2FS is faster in theory, but I only found 2 bigger benchmarks. The older one said BTRFS is waaay slower, a newer one with exact reproducability details said it is equal.

And yes I suppose that rpm-ostree utilizes the BTRFS CoW, deduplication and compression which all help reducing disk usage.

But I dont know that.


Ok you know one?


Try r-linux ? It is supposed to be able to recover deleted files on BTRFS


Do you have a guide for that? And tailscale is proprietary isnt it?


Sounds pretty damn awesome, need to try it.


Really nice! uBlue has Tailscale preinstalled, but I now switched to their simpler variant. I will try Nerbird!


If you could show me some links that would be helpful.


Interesting channel, he also reacted to TheLinuxExp.

Valve uses KDE, for Gaming. The so called “gaming” highly relies on Windows software translation stuff so I assumed it also has to do with optimized compositors.

Lets see.


Very interesting. I dont think that app interfaces should break between releases? But CentOS Stream doesnt really have releases so yeah, very fair point.

You actually convinced me that it is likely completely bad for using on Servers. It is just a testing OS for upstream RHEL.

I liked a YT Video about this. CentOS Stream now is upstream of RHEL, RockyLinux and Almalinux. If one of these projects wants to fix a bug, they can implement the fix in Stream and all get the fix.


Yes, verification is very different from the security rating.

Poorly you can sort by subsets but not by the security rating.

There are legacy apps that are always insecure with huge static filesystem permissions AND they are sometimes not well maintained i.e. they dont support the Flatpak.


Linux mint and Ubuntu both add the “universe” repo by default. That repo is basically community grade, and even used for official flavors which tells a lot about their reliability.

Same with Fedora. Everything outside of Workstation or the KDE Spin needs to be checked for maintenance carefully. There is lots of abandonware.

With Flatpak on the other hand too, and you can still use it as it can just use EOL runtimes even on a rolling distro…


The tree refers to the Linux kernel Git repo. On Linux normally all drivers are in there.

I think that is a pretty crazy concept, but it kinda gives trust and if it is in there is will likely not break.

Out of tree means the driver is not compiled in (like BTRFS on RHEL distros) or cannot even be included as it is proprietary or else (NVIDIA, Displaylink, Virtualbox).

These drivers are added locally using kmods OR akmods, I dont know the difference and never used it.

uBlue adds some drivers during the build process which is pretty cool. So even though it is out of tree, it gets centrally included and if it breaks you dont get the update.


Windows is a single OS, with a LOOT of late stage capitalist market monopoly. It is a single OS.

Also the drivers on Windows are not in the kernel, which I think is actually a pretty good thing for security.

But as userspace is always different in the various Linux Distros, vendors just stopped doing that, which is a shame.


Yes minix, hurd, RedoxOS are all (using) microkernels.

Most projects didnt succeed but RedoxOS is interesting.

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