
Passionate about capturing moments through photography and videography. Tech enthusiast and programmer on a mission to establish a media production company. Committed to exploring the intersection of technology and creativity. Keen on learning and promoting privacy in our digital age.

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Can you tell excel sheets which were created using a pirated version of MS Office?

My friend works for a company which requires her to use Microsoft specific application, she didn’t really want to switch to Win 11 and choose to just use Wine Linux package and install a 2016 version of MS office on her Linux laptop. That’s all well and good, but this company she is working for servers other clients at...


I’m in the EU as well and am working for a company in the USA. They make us use our own computers for work - which includes installing time tracking software.

I am actively trying to get out of the company and do not recommend working for a company that makes you use your own device. Since they are only registered in the USA, I have no legal protection from the EU and my country of residence.

Sorry for the tangent, I just think it’s important for others to see as well.


I’m living in the EU and work remotely for a US based company.

I took the job as my I was unemployed. My contract came to an end at my previous company and they weren’t renewing any contracts unfortunately.

This job I’m working now pays $15.50 an hour and they are super strict (micromanagement on a whole other level) about what we do during that time. I posted about it here.


Currently trying to leave. I’ve got a side gig but it’s not bringing in enough to leave this job yet.


Already done. Still waiting for a response from them.


I think it’s allowed on paid business accounts

Planning on moving over from Windows 10 to Linux for my Personal Work Station. Can't decide which OS I should switch to.

Windows has been a thorn in my side for years. But ever since I started moved to Linux on my Laptop and swapping my professional software to a cross platform alternative, I’ve been dreaming on removing it from my SSD....


I’m using EndeavourOS and I use DaVinci Resolve. The only issue I’ve had is a strange bug in DaVinci 18.6.x where my footage will start flickering after a few minutes.

I shoot in SLOG3. The flickering looks like my colour grade flashing on and off for a frame or two. It will persist until I turn off all of my colour nodes, save and quit, open Resolve again, and turn on the nodes again.

I haven’t figured out what is causing it yet.


EndeavourOS has been rock solid for me as well!


I’ve installed it both ways. When installing via AUR you will need to download the zip from black magic. The AUR will look at your downloads folder and use the zip as the installer.

Updating is very similar to Windows. You’ll still need to download the new version as a zip and then install it again.

I don’t use fusion too often since my GPU is a little underpowered but I’ve not noticed any worse performance. If anything it’s been the same or better across the board.


I’ve been using it for about 4/5 months and it’s been rock solid for me.


I haven’t noticed any major differences between btrfs and ext4. Having said that, I mostly only play one game on Steam - Red Dead Redemption 2

supermarket club cards

Hey I’m sure you all know how sketchy club cards are for collecting your data. But I do begrudge paying slightly higher prices just for valuing my privacy. I was wondering if there was any way to sign up to these things whilst limiting the data they have access to. Would it be enough to sign up with fake details and never use...


Thank you for sharing internet stranger. I was slightly confused


I’ve been waiting for this! Downloading now, work can wait for me to tinker a little


Same here. Works great! I had to switch back to X11 because the time tracking software my company uses doesn’t want to work with Wayland for some reason - it did previously


I haven’t looked at too deeply yet. I’ll have a look on the weekend.

A newbie helping newbies - Launch Firefox profile from shortcut.

I recently switched from Windows 10 to ZorrinOS (after a quick detour to NixOS… OOF) and in the course of setting things up how I like, I ran across some interesting stuff relating to flatpaks and shortcuts. I wanted to get this written to provide a resource for other people who might be switching....


I was looking for something like this the other day. Thank you!

According to Google Plasma 6 for Arch was cancelled :D (

I don’t use Google directly, but as part of the open source meta search engine SearXNG, where we can specify what search engines it will use. And the top result is from Google and I can confirm that Plasma 6 for Arch is now officially been canceled. And it’s linked to Reddit. :smiley:...


I’ve been refreshing the arch repo site constantly to check if it’s available on the standard repo (not the testing).


My wording was not great. I was looking for the live+persistent mode.


My laptop is not very powerful so using a VM isn’t a great idea. I wanted to use the USB in order to boot into Fedora Silverblue before installing it so I could play around and see how it feels.


I’ll preface my question by saying that it may be a n00b question. I started using Linux as my daily driver about 4 or 5 months ago.

What makes EndeavourOS so terminal centric? I’ve been using it for about a month now (maybe two) having moved from Pop!_OS. I don’t think I’m using the terminal more now than I did in Pop!_OS.

For context, I use my PC for video/photo editing, gaining occasionally, and work (we use our personal computers).


That makes a lot of sense, thank you.


Aur. I’ll add that to the post now


Honestly, I always (at least in my head) thought of the AUR and normal arch repositories as the same. TIL.

To correct myself, I installed Firefox with pacman.


Thanks to @NateSwift I realised that I didn’t use the AUR. I installed with the normal Arch repositories(pacman).

foxy, to linux avatar

Apparently my love language is installing @linux on the laptops of people I really care about.


I’ve got ZorinOS 17 running on a laptop I share with my partner. Her initial reaction was “what is this?” but now that she’s used to it, she’s been happy.

Silverblue looks quite interesting, I might give it a go in a VM. As long as it kinda looks like Windows it shouldn’t be too hard of a transition


Could you share your config for Awesome? I’m toying with the idea of moving to a tiling WM.

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