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Amarok has been around for a long time. I’ve never used it much but I remember the name.

The road to 3.0 has not been a short one. Much of the Qt5/KF5 porting was done in 2015 already, but finishing and polishing everything up has been a slow, sometimes ongoing and sometimes stalled process ever since.

Wow. Almost 10 years for the polishing porting to Qt5, and now KDE based on Qt6 has just been released. I didn’t know that Amarok supported scripting, interesting (Imagine having a cronjob or systemd timer to slowly fade away the music).


I thought I’d put some image here for fun (where sign at a car parking place is taken over) , after all the comments about bigger and smaller cars (I thought I would see bikers and bike friendly people here but there’s all kind of car owners!). No problem to remove my post if more people dislike it.




Oh, I see, t y!


As someone who thinks that “all” phones should have headphone jacks and that sustainability is a precious thing : www.sustaphones.com


Yes, indeed.But the Linux kernel is just the kernel, small compared to a Linux distribution user land with a massive amount of packages to choose from.


I am interested in GNU Guix, and I’ve tried the OS (on x86 platforms) a few times but found it quite slow to install and perform the next steps.When I searched today for running GNU Guix on Raspberry Pi 4 I can’t find clear instructions or whether it will work.Am I missing something ?I guess I can run the Guix package manager on top of for example Debian, and then learn some more Guix.


Like someone else already wrote : GUIX is a GNU Project. If you look how very long it took for Debian to include non-free firmware with the installer (Since Debian Bookworm) one may start to appreciate the difference between free software and open source.


t y !


Your web link (404) appears to be missing something. This is correct : getaurora.dev

What are your thoughts on Invizible pro ? (f-droid.org)

The app seems fairly small in size compared to orbot which is really old and also invizible pro seems to do a ton of things that including firewall vpn etc . So does it connect to tor network properly and pass all your traffic through it as good as orbot and completely block internet acces to not whitelisted services as good as...

  • Go to the settings of your F-Droid app
  • Enable the Guardian Project repository
  • Wait till it has updated the repo info
  • Install OrBot

Snikket launched their XMPP hosting in March this year. From the looks of it you can pay for one account where you’d be admin for a group of friends, family and give them accounts.

For Android Conversations is really nice I think. Conversations is available for free on F-Droid but you can support the developer by buying the app on Google PlayStore. Does OMEMO by default.Video calls with Conversations always worked very well for me (but this depends on which XMPP provider the other person uses), better than Signal. There are some Conversation forks on F-Droid as well with different features.


Indeed! conversations.im has a Donations section.


They say there’s no good apps for iPhone with OMEMO support

Have you looked at siskin.im ?

  • If you unsure about an app and OMEMO, see here : omemo.top

With XMPP you can self-host a server or you can have your own custom domain hosted with XMPP via the Conversations developer. Signal is a centralized service in the USA, hosted on Google servers. And yes, one more app on the phone will cost more battery life.


Yes. Maybe a nice one for the Phoronix website ? I’d guess that OpenBSD would not score that high. OpenBSD is cool for firewalls and servers with focus on security but not sure about speed.


I’d say we don’t know unless we ask Netflix engineers but the comments about license look like a good one to me. Then there is in my opinion the “bloated” Linux versus the more clean BSD experience (I am a Linux user and I like to tinker with BSD sometimes). Maybe it is still true that BSD will not run on as much hardware as Linux does but have you ever compiled a custom kernel on BSD and compared it to compiling a custom kernel on Linux ? On BSD it is in comparison much easier and the documentation is usually really good.


t y

We did not make a technical choice to abandon FreeBSD in favor or something else, we made an organizational choice to abandon external hosting in favor of owned and operated hosting which required a lot of technical changes, one of which was switching operating systems.


Dear OP, this whole conversation makes me think of the bullying towards open source developers, which can be seen on and off since years. Let me also share what I have seen on Mastodon : Unlike on Lemmy, Mastodon has had support for ALT text descriptions for uploaded images for some time. Several people have been complaining when people do not add such ALT text, and even bots were made, that you could choose to follow, for people to have themselves reminded that they forgot to add ALT to an image. What I have seen several times is that people were helpful by responding and giving an ALT suggestion to the OP. That would be complaining and helping in one. Here in this post conversation several people have asked OP for descriptions and then some tension came up. None of the people complaining took some time to add a description themselves and appear to want to make the OP do extra work.And I understand that the OP is not obliged to do that extra work. Regardless of all this I think that a nice solution here would be if OP or someone else creates a new Lemmy community with a name like e.g. selfhosted_software_releases (For open source software releases there is a Lemmy community like that. Can’t be bothered to search for the name now) which is only for software releases for self hosting. Then this and other selfhosted Lemmy community can have the announcement of that new selfhosted_software_releases Lemmy community as a pinned post or in the sidebar. The advantages of that :

  • OP and others will not need to add descriptions
  • Interested people can quickly see when there’s been new releases
  • Others can have a peek at software names they never heard of before and dive into the details
  • Selfhosted communities will go back to peace mode ;-)

GRUB on 32-bit UEFI (Nextbook 2-in-1)

The only distro I can find that successfully configures a functioning bootable GRUB on this (bastard) machine is Nobara, which looks very cool but is way too heavy! Some things are glitchy; attempting tab completion seems to freeze Konsole for ~5 seconds and does not complete the command as expected. We’re working with an...


Following this conversation and here it was a pleasant surprise to see this pinned post from a GoToSocial developer 🙂



I feel that that is not what their post was saying.I read it more like the possibility that Mark Zuckerberg would want to talk to the core developer of Mastodon and e.g. buy Mastodon.social, and then when GoToSocial would grow Zuck would want to talk with them as well.I’d be surprised if the GoToSocial software would have Meta Threads blocked by default in their source code.


Yes, it’s a lot to read but I’m just the messenger and not capable to do a tl;dr.


I’m not gonna read this person’s Evangelion analogy, but I did go to the trouble to hunt down what Jon Ringer actually did.

Here’s a link.

Thanks. From the same page I found this which has a tl;dr which is maybe useful for other readers.

The open letter is very vague at some points. It tries to outline some real issues that require years of context to fully grasp. Without having this necessary context - it is very hard to follow some of the points made, and evidence seems very poor.

This repository aims to list some key points that are easy to understand without all of the context. This is a compilation of damning evidence for Eelco’s leadership, essentially.

If you’re looking for a TL;DR of the situation, here it is:

  • Nix community had a governance crisis for years. While there has been progress on building explicit teams to govern the project, it continued to fundamentally rely on implicit authority and soft power
  • Eelco Dolstra, as one of the biggest holders of this implicit authority and soft power, has continuously abused this authority to push his decisions, and to block decisions that he doesn’t like
  • Crucially, he also used his implicit authority to block any progress on solving this governance crisis and establishing systems with explicit authority
  • This has led uncountably many people to burn out over the issue, and culminated in writing an open letter to have Eelco resign from all formal positions in the project and take a 6 month break from any involvement in the community
  • Eelco wrote a response that largely dismisses the issues brought up, and advertises his company’s community as a substitute for Nix community



The post title is the title of the blog and I’ve added the (==Goodbye NixOS) part to show Fediverse readers it is about NixOS. After several people commented, I have, after a suggestion of a commenter, added the tl;dr (written by another person apparently involved in the NixOS drama) in the post body. After all this I prefer to leave the post title as is.


Those are amazing! There so cute 😍

Yes, I’m very impressed by the high quality photos and how it captures how the penguins live their lives.

I wounder if we could make a script to pick a random one and use it as a background image? It would be awesome to have those as background images but o don’t know if the author would be okay with me using them for that

Don’t know, but nice idea. btw, I found out about the photographer on Mastodon today as someone used a photo. When I zoomed in on the penguins photo I noticed the photographer name and searched and found their photo site.



Up to you. Netguard does need a local VPN connection on the phone to work, so if you would need some VPN app to run there’s a problem. Netguard blocks network access per app (with choice for enabling/disabling WiFi and/or Mobile Data per app) which I think is cool. And it is an open source app available via F-Droid.


Much depends on your use cases I figure. Here’s an example about my mixed feelings for Linux : I use Debian among others on the desktop. I noticed that when I log out from the GUI and return to the Display Manager a lot of processes keep running in the background all owned by my user. Maybe not a problem but I do not like it so much. I compared it with an OpenBSD installation I have. The same happens except for less processes and none of them is owned by my user.


To add some more : Done FreeBSD and OpenBSD installations here this month. Having FreeBSD on a Raspberry Pi was much easier than expected and boots from USB (yay!). Installing OpenBSD with disk encryption was also much easier than before because the installer has build in support. One day I’d like to have an OpenBSD server running with Honk on it for simple micro blogging, and maybe wireguard VPN.Perhaps with openbsd.amsterdam


I got a spare RPi3. Seems the hardware support is great, even with wifi. RTC seems to be unsupported tho. Such a shame since I got a DS3231 just for the Pi.

What’s DS3231 ?

How’s your overall experience?

So far I’ve only been using ssh to log in to the FreeBSD stick on the pi4, and have been testing it with a GELI encrypted USB disk to explore that and learn some more, besides using LUKS with Linux. I have been thinking about making desktop backups to the Geli disk via rsync. I find it interesting to learn some more internals of BSD again (like years ago). For example in Linux the default command to check your own local IP address is ip. The command ifconfig has been deprecated on Linux. But on FreeBSD and iirc OpenBSD it is - tada! - ifconfig. I’m curious to have a look at Bastille given enough time.


IRC by itself is really ancient and certainly has drawbacks but given the amount of mobile apps, desktop apps and web apps for it and the fact that anyone can easily join as guest without needing to hand out any information (email address, name, phone number) is hard to beat. Things like Discord, revolt.chat, Matrix, SimpleX Chat, Session and team chat like Mattermost, RocketChat, Zulip have their users and its benefits in the open source world.


hmm? Where did you read that ?


Cool. Thanks. That post may encourage me to finally learn more about tmux. From that list of software I’d use neomutt rather than Alpine with Midnight Commander (nnn is nice but not for me yet) and a mpd client.


I really with FreeBSD would get a port of Podman and I could just go back to my FreeBSD. My servers are rock solid since they where installed in the FreeBSD 10 days and just keep getting updated with no problems at all

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