
some guy… somewhere

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First thing I thought of. “Cat is the screaming cowboy guys in the sky.”


Come on.

  1. Find correct end of bag, bag will tell you which is correct
  2. Place that end of bag between your (dry, not breathed on, non-disgusting) palms
  3. Rub back and forth a few times
  4. Enjoy your open bag

My hands are bone dry and this works. Try harder.


And no monster piñatas. And no trap rooms. And no pointless upgrades. And no nausea-inducing jumping puzzles.

Classic doom, pretty graphics, crazy weapons, new monsters, and steal music from 90s hard rock and heavy metal again.


Any software can have security issues, including ones written in rust. Just because C/C++ allows one to shoot oneself in the foot doesn’t mean it’s something that’s commonly allowed by anyone with any skill, it’s just a bug like anything else. I swear, people advocating rust believe that it’s something intrinsic in C/C++ that allows such a thing regardless of what a developer does, and it’s getting tiresome.


A language for noobs that encourages bad style and programming because you can’t shoot yourself in the foot as easily (but you totally still can)? That’s what all these fad languages seem to be, and more keep popping up and declaring themselves the future of programming all the time. Just wait, rust will be forgotten for some other fad language everyone will start using soon enough. Stop reworking everything into the fad language of the moment and just work on existing code.


How is displaying a password in a certain font “broken” when you can easily copy/paste it? People who rally against Firefox sure do point to ridiculous, non-existent “problems” as an excuse to keep using laughable Chromium/derivatives.


I am just hoping governments will see the massive issues and copyright problems with AI and ban that garbage outright soon so all these companies eager to add their AI trash to every single product they ship will stop.


The only relevant training material to make a truly complete dataset must include copyrighted material or you do not have a full set of data to draw from and thus it is useless. Stop defending this horrible technology.


You have a computer in front of you and yet you’re relying on wetware? Found the issue.


You can’t even rely on Wikipedia to be right, and how is reddit “content you can license”? Its articles are owned by their sites, and the original stuff posted there is from the poster and is usually wildly inaccurate or outright wrong (or even downright dangerous). And even when they do pull in tons of stuff they shouldn’t, the results are frequently laughably wrong.

You’re not making a good argument for LLM crap here. Just accept the fact that it’s a failed technology that needs to be shut down. Please. How are people so excited and gung-ho over this garbage, failed, laughably bad technology? It’s almost like people WANT chaos.


So copy and paste it into something else on your computer if you’re too blind to see the difference in letters in that font (I can tell, easily) and tell it to use another font. PEBCAK issue, not a real one.


Sure hasn’t helped AI/LLMs with accuracy yet. And never will. Computing doesn’t actually think and reason, it’s just mashing together bits of data it has, and if what it has now isn’t accurate, how is anything going to be?

You and others continue to harp on how great this new technology is and meanwhile we have seen it do nothing but absolutely, laughably fail. You keep saying it will get better, but it won’t. It is limited by the fact that computers don’t work that way. Sick and tired of the people justifying this garbage “tech” that is stealing art, code, text, etc, sucking up huge amounts of power, and giving wrong information, telling people to do dangerous things and even kill themselves because computers don’t know the difference.

Just admit it. AI/LLM is garbage. Please. Stop being a massive fanboy for something that has clearly, evidently, 100% failed miserably and dangerously.



This is how you sound. Just because there’s a ticket open for outlier bullshit doesn’t make it valid to gripe about endlessly, especially when there are so many possible, simple ways around it. Slightly annoying does not mean broken.

Phones have copy/paste, by the way.


Get over it.


I have always had minor issues with VLC with video playback when seeking or playing certain videos that mpv has never, ever, ever had. mpv just works.

VLC is a nice piece of software but it’s just never beaten mpv for me.


I’ll stick with nano over Esc+Meta+Alt+Ctrl+Shift, thanks. I mean, it’s an interesting operating system, but too bad its default text editor sucks.

(This from someone who used to use “pull the power plug to exit” vim…)



Am I going to be able to use a computer in any way at all in the future without having freaking world power-sucking, thieving, inaccurate, laughable AI doing stuff for me?


Go search Usenet posts from the 80s. We’ve used the short term “app” for “application” for goddamn forever.


The fact that it’s optional now is irrelevant. Most people aren’t going to disable AI and will thus use a horrible, broken feature that has never been proven to work reliably. And what is “optional” now becomes the standard later. Best to kill it now before it becomes the complete ruination of the tech industry.


How have we not banned the use of AI yet? Just fucking ban it.


Just wait until you start using Proton mail. Damn thing spams your inbox with so many of its own services and offers


“That explains the poster in hygiene class: ‘no glove, no love’.”

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