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My understanding was more: people are stupid for buying the media’s narrative despite the world being destroyed by what the protest was trying to tell us about, including the thing these people are supposedly upset about protecting.


I agree with both of you. They were terrorists by the definition we typically use. However, that word was created by the ruling class to easily turn people against a perceived threat. They usually use the same tools as the state. Why don’t states get called terrorists when using fear and force for political gain? The word terrorism is not useful. It is another tool of the ruling class to control things.

I can see the argument of using the word and saying that it can be good. That what DS9 did. I would prefer the word to stop being used. I think it’s best at the moment to use the word, say it can be good, and then also say why the word is a tool of control and should be abandoned.


I love the “as many of us know, Rep Friske is always exercising his 2nd Amendment right,” as if to somehow excuse an assault with a deadly weapon.


It is not the most expensive for any intrinsic reason. It’s not necessarily that complex to operate. It’s expensive because bureaucracy that has been strapped to it to make switching to it harder, which was designed to keep dirty energy in demand longer. It is the safest power source we have available (including renewables). There’s no reason it’s so expensive except to attempt to kill it.


Some of it, yeah. Obviously some is required. Not the amount that it has though.


As a Virginian, I hadn’t subscribed to a VPN until our legislators decided to pull this shit.


Were people angry because it was low or high? I’d give it a lower score personally, though I’ve still seen some people argue it’s a perfect game

I’d say it deserves a perfectly mediocre 5. Everything it does is better in other games, and the one thing it’s supposed to do (exploration) is better in their other games. I live sci-fi so I was willing to overlook a lot of issues, but I think the biggest letdown is that the sci-fi stories it tells are boring as hell and don’t actually make use of the genre. If they really wanted to make a sci-fi game they should have been ready to tell interesting sci-fi stories. Instead they gave up all the strengths of their other games to tell uninteresting stories.


Israel does make some of their own weapons. (Have you ever heard of the Uzi or Desert Eagle?) Just not enough for their current goals. I’ve heard that proposed as a reason the US provides them so many weapons, to suppress the growth of their local weapons industry.


Damn. I was skeptical of this game, but I really just wanted to see some competition in that genre. There’s still a few other similar projects being worked on, but The Sims has had a monopoly in that style for so long. I was really hoping this would make it.


The art style was “what if we target the uncanny valley specifically?” It was the strangest thing that seemed to target realism but without the technology that actually makes it look reasonable. I didn’t really care about what it looked like though. Just having some game competing with Maxis would have been nice. Cities: Skylines brought the city builder out of the pit it had been festering in with no competition. I was hoping this would do the same. Hopefully the other projects can do that still.


Yeah, but having the games in competition would force then to try to win players to their side over the alternative, for both of the games. It would have been nice to have an option when playing this genre.


KDE Connect works even on Windows supposedly. I’ve had great experience with it on Ubuntu, Fedora, and Garuda.


I can recommend syncthing. If it’s a file you want to keep updated between the two devices, it’s great and easy to set up. I use it for my password manager database.


Also, they aren’t doing it an act of compassion either. They’re being paid stupid amounts of money. I’m not going to thank someone for walking a granny across the street if they were paid a few million dollars to do so.


OK, so your earlier comment was saying they’re good for sending (selling) weapons to Ukraine. Then you say they can’t be held responsible for the bad things. If they can’t be responsible for the bad, then they also don’t get credit for any good.


I enjoyed my time, but I was a horrible student for the same reason. I remember in one of my course (something about computer logic) that was fairly early in the morning. I would fall asleep almost every lecture. I never opened the textbook or studied anything. Near the final approaching the professor looked me straight in the eye and told the class that you wouldn’t pass if you slept in the coming lectures. I still did and got a B in the course —which was apparently on the high end. Meanwhile I failed several easy courses because I just didn’t do the work.

We really need to figure out how to make highschool function properly for us who have an easy time with it.


I’d agree it should be. However, there is no government grant for journalism, and journalists have to eat. Either it’s free, and the journalists either don’t do the work or make it a hobby project (which means less quality) or they have to get paid somehow.


No true scotsman.


Sure man, I’ll quote it for you even: “You presumed that because a claim has been poorly argued, or a fallacy has been made, that the claim itself must be wrong.”

I was not saying what you said must be wrong because you committed a fallacy. I was saying your argument was a fallacy and held no relevance.

Is claiming you’re right by saying someone committed the fallacy fallacy the fallacy fallacy fallacy?

I didn't know where else to ask rule (lemmy.blahaj.zone)

How do you shave your balls? Every time I’ve tried with my trimmer it pinches and tears my sack and I’m too traumatized to try it again unless there’s a full proof bloodless method. Usually I just pluck as many as I can tolerate while I’m sitting around watching YouTube or somethin. But it’s such a pain (literally)....


I trim things with an electric trimmer, but to actually shave I use a double edged razor. Some people are scared of them, and even a lot of the people who use them on their face are scared to shave their pubes with them. It’s really not that hard though. I also don’t see why you’d want more blades (which I think every disposable is like 5+), because that means if you fuck up and move your blade sideways your cut will be that many times worse.

The key thing, and this applies to all methods, is you have to keep the skin taut. You have to pull the skin that is being shaved, not just drag a blade across the loose skin. If you don’t, you’ll likely cut yourself. Along with applying to all blades, this applies to all skin also.


I think the only big thing to note is I don’t think Russia sends ships elsewhere all that frequently. Their navy is a bit of a joke. It’s still not provocative, but it is different.

I’m assuming the us showed the sub as a signal saying “we were right there with you. Did you even detect us? You don’t stand a chance, so don’t start anything.”


I don’t agree with them but this:

But they are still terrorists, right?

That’s a loaded question.

Terrorism: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

The first part that needs to be dealt with is “unlawful.” Who’s laws? The issue is states get to arbitrarily define terrorism. If a state does terrorism, they get to say it’s something else.

Second: “violence and intimidation… in the pursuit of political aims.” OK, so all militaries do this part. That’s the point of a military. If this part is wrong then all states are wrong.

OK, so essentially the issue is defining “terrorism” as a bad thing. It isn’t necessarily. It’s using the means of the state against a state. That is all. It can be bad, but so can the actions of a state. It can also be good. If only states are allowed to use violence then they will use violence to suppress voices they disagree with, and there’s nothing that can be done about it.

We’ve got to stop using the term terrorism. It’s a term of the media. It isn’t useful in a real discussion. It is a term used to drive hatred and fear even if the ones using it are the ones on the receiving end of most of the violence. The media will never use the word to refer to state actions that they agree with. Stop using their language.


This reminds me of Intercept Games (Kerbal Space Program 2) recently when the creative director assured fans they were fully funded so they weren’t worried about closing. Shortly after Take Two closes their studio and everyone gets layed off. Maybe You actually should all be worried. Although the CEOs obviously have plenty of money and their studio closing doesn’t put them at risk, like it does the devs doing the real work.


It’s also not a good idea to talk poorly about the company that owns you. Nothing he says in public has any value really.


Sadly, no one knows the plot of Caprica because we’re the only two people in the world who watched it. It’s impressive how well BSG was received and is remembered and most people don’t even know Caprica exists.


Yeah, both have pros and cons. I have Steam installed through pacman and flatpak also. For me I have the Flatpak version because it contains its own version of glibc. This mostly doesn’t matter, except I play Squad and it’s doing something with it’s anti-cheat that isn’t supported in the most recent versions of glibc, so I use the Flatpak version for Squad only.

Flatpak is essentially a more controlled environment. It will contain everything it needs to work, which is good for ensuring it works but bad because you’ll have duplicates. It mostly doesn’t matter which you use, but occasionally it does.


Because we have strong evidence Israel is not trying to avoid civilian casualties. There’s a difference between the missile attacks on boots on the ground too. When you actually have people in there, it shouldn’t be too hard to avoid killing civilians. Meanwhile, they’re doing things like literally using civilians as human shields or killing civilians collecting aid from an aid convoy.

I can accept some excuses from Israel, if it were accompanied by so much evidence that it’s on purpose. They clearly have no interest in avoiding civilian deaths, and quite probably show an interest in causing them.


Three things: We aren’t giving weapons to Hamas to fight, they’re on the defence, and they’re a significantly less organized less advanced force. Gorilla warfare is the stand operating practice of a less advanced force fighting a more advanced one. They can’t hide in jungles though. They only have urban places (or directly next to the border).

Israel has the initiative. They get to choose when and how to take a fight (or to choose not to at all). Even when they put people in the area, they still commit atrocities, like dressing up as civilians and medical workers to assault a hospital and murdering civilians. I haven’t seen Hamas do such things.

I don’t think Hamas is good by any means. They just are. The situation in which they were created is not of their own will. The situation they fight in is not of their design. Their existence is also, in part, a piece of Israel’s desire and force. (They funneled money to them in order to create an enemy to fight against.) I don’t fault a lion for mistreatment of their prey, but I do fault humans for how we treat livestock. One does it because of the situation in which it lives, and the other does it out of a totally lack of respect, or potentially malice.


Point 2 - interesting part of the point you mentioned regarding dressing up to murder civilians in hospitals. Hamas was doing such things - terrorists dressing up as civilians to access medical care, who took arms into a hospital that removed its protections, who were then killed by an opposing force in a way that minimizes civilian casualties.

The Israelis didn’t just dress up as civilians, which would be bad, but they dressed up as medics. This is a war crime under the Geneva Convention. This is not acceptable because it leads to a situation where medical workers can’t operate because they can’t be trusted to not be soldiers.

Also, the soldiers there were seemingly brought there and were critically wounded. This does not “remove the protections” of the hospital. Soldiers are allowed to be treated in a hospital without the hospital becoming a valid military target.


I think it’s more likely that someone else buys it for the audience it already has, not for Alex, and uses that for good or ill. It could end up as more of the same, or it could get much better or worse.


I’m sure your memory is correct, but I think it’s missing a major part of the issue. Trans issues weren’t discussed, so you weren’t shown the bigotry that was hidden away. It’s like for black people, the majority didn’t show their bigotry until they were asking for equality. When they were “in their place” you just go about your life like normal and it’s not a point of discussion.

That said, a lot of the anti-trans movement is created artificially to use as a target to distract voters. It’s a fake issue they can purposefully misrepresent so their voters ignore the actual harm they’re doing to them.


Hey. I hope you can read through this chain later. This guy didn’t say anything mean and you snapped at him. I get it. We all do things quickly and poorly when angry. It’s all good. Your response was poor and I think you should consider that in the future to try to avoid making the same mistake.

The post shows you care to some extent about how other people feel. I would hope that extends to people on the other side of a conversation to you too. I can understand you were upset by other things, but that doesn’t make it OK to try to upset other people. It won’t help you.


I don’t think you’re stupid. I just now think you’re an asshole. Such a shame with what seemed to be a kind post.


Puberty also has significant consequences. The fact that your body is going to go through it without intervention doesn’t change that there are consequences to consider.

Puberty blockers have been used for decades, mostly for non-trans patients. I’m sure the effects are fairly well understood, as far as any medical procedure can be understood.

My dad got a knee replaced not too long ago. He was told about the potential consequences and everything it may involve. He spoke with his doctor about what it’d entail many times. He made the decision to go ahead with it. He ended up regretting it and generally having more issues than it solved.

Does that mean people shouldn’t be allowed to get knee replacement surgery? Of course not. You talk it through with your doctors (and parent/guardian in this case) and make an informed medical decision. The government shouldn’t be making medical decisions for people, especially for things they don’t fully understand themselves. People should be allowed to make their own medical decisions.


Being apprehensive about something you don’t understand is perfectly acceptable and understandable. Taking away people’s choice to make an informed decision for themselves with their doctor because of the apprehension is not acceptable (or it shouldn’t be at least).

Every medical procedure has consequences, as does the forgoing of such procedure. The decision should be left for each individual to decide for themselves, not a government making medical decisions for all people while being ignorant of their situation.


First of all, puberty blockers require no surgery.

The benefit of the medical intervention should compare costs and benefits. Even for children we do many medical treatments that can’t be undone because the benefits seem to outweigh the possible negatives that come with it. For example, fixing a cleft lip has some pretty large consequences, particularly socially, and can’t be undone.

We also allow some things that have essentially no positive and don’t have the child’s consent, such as circumcision.

Medical decisions should be made by the patient, their doctor, and their parent and/or guardian if that applies. It should not be made by you. You can’t weigh the costs and benefits for them since you have no idea on every person’s circumstances. If they think the outcome will be better with the treatment then it should be their decision.

Removing choice is not something anyone should be in favor of doing. You would not find it acceptable for other people to tell you you can’t do things you’d like to do, so leave others to make their own decisions. Assuming that you know what’s best for them is controlling and demeaning. They’re far more capable in making that choice for themselves than you are.


As an anarchist, yeah that’d pretty much be anarchy.

We couldn’t have people make decisions for themselves I guess! We have to make sure those rich elites in control of the government are there to protect us from our total stupidity. /s

Of course there need to be regulations. The procedure needs to be tested to be safe on humans (which it has, to a higher degree than many other medicines), and the parents/guardians would need to reach a decision with their child and with a licensed medical professional.

Government officials aren’t licensed medical professionals. They shouldn’t be making that decision. They should lay out the groundwork for licensing and medical testing and leave the actual results and decisions to the professionals and the patients.


Anarchism is not what you believe it to be. The Wikipedia page honestly isn’t too bad for it:

Anarchism is a political philosophy and movement that is against all forms of authority and seeks to abolish the institutions it claims maintain unnecessary coercion and hierarchy, typically including the state and capitalism. Anarchism advocates for the replacement of the state with stateless societies and voluntary free associations. As a historically left-wing movement, this reading of anarchism is placed on the farthest left of the political spectrum, usually described as the libertarian wing of the socialist movement (libertarian socialism).

Generally anarchists want regulations to protect people from being preyed upon. It doesn’t want people telling them how to live their lives. People should have the liberty to choose how to live for themselves, as long as it doesn’t negatively impact others. No one should have the power to control another person’s life. We need to have regulations that protect people and to keep things ordered, but we don’t need anybody ruling over others.


They need therapy, and puberty blockers have to be done as puberty starts, and that deadline causes steps to be skipped, things rushed, corners skipped, and once its done, its done. You cant undo it.

Hold on. Puberty is the thing that is forcing things to be done in haste. Puberty blockers give people time to figure things out. That’s the point of it. It gives time to think. Puberty has significant consequences and side effects. Delaying that the effects are just that it’s delayed. It’s preventing the effects. Some people go through puberty later than others. Puberty blockers are largely just a mechanism we have to control when that happens. You can’t undo going through puberty, but you can largely undo the effects of puberty blockers.


Some definitions, sure. Not all of them. Not lawlessness and chaos, which is how it’s normally portrayed in the media. Ordered liberty without hierarchy is what it is.


The Wikipedia page seems to be generally correct. It’s a pretty broad political spectrum though with a reasonably long history. Some anarchists disagree with each other (as people in any group do) so there isn’t a perfect definition. The synopsis of the wiki is probably as good as you’ll get without reading the literature. Proudhon is probably the most famous anarchist, if you want to read up on his works.


Yep, and I’m sure blatantly violating the gag order (assuming it works like for a normal person) will lead to harsher sentencing. In that case, I hope he violates it further.


This isn’t the reason. He committed fraud while paying a porn star to be quit. He did not commit a crime with the payment itself necessarily, rather in how he did it (and with the side effect of defrauding the public during an election).


Yeah, the issue is it isn’t intended for you to do things like that. An Immersive simulator expects you to be able to use boxes or whatever else is in the world to solve issues in immergent ways. Fallout, and any Bethesda game really, doesn’t really do this. You are expected to follow the set out rules. You can take any path and go in any order, but you are supposed to engage with it in the ways they designed.


What can happen. I think this was many years ago, and I don’t know anyone who doesn’t know what transgender means now. Usually the people acting like this are doing so in bad faith. I’m glad this one ended well, but it’s notable because it’s an exception, not the norm.


Personally I almost always do, but it doesn’t cause me personal emotional distress to be told that trans people aren’t real since I’m cis. If I had to constantly deal with that, I don’t know if I’d treat it as generously.

State Department official resigns after Biden administration says Israel not blocking Gaza aid (www.middleeasteye.net)

A career State Department official resigned from her post on Tuesday, saying she could no longer work for the Biden administration after it released a report concluding that Israel was not preventing the flow of aid to Gaza....


The purpose of not actually calling it what it is is because most people won’t read it. It let’s the media “accurately” say the thing they want them to say.


I want to add, good graphics doesn’t mean realism. All that you listed (and essentially all AAA) go for realism, because they’ve sold the idea realism is the way it should look. I don’t know about everyone else, but realist art is the least appealing to me. I can appreciate the skill and effort, but I can see better realism in real life. Games should try to be stylistic and intentional. They’re art. They should be creative and not limit themselves to what the real world looks like.

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