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Gay man says Qatar authorities lured him via dating app, planted drugs and subjected him to unfair trial (

A British-Mexican man who says he was targeted for being gay and arrested on false drug charges in Qatar has been given a suspended six-month jail sentence, a fine amounting to about $2,700, and a deportation order by a court in the Arab nation, which is a vital U.S. ally in the Middle East, according to his family and Mexican...


I had sympathies until the last paragraph. If you are gay, and you not only live in a country where that’s illegal, but you actively decide to move there, it really is your own fault. Stay the fuck away from backwards religions and their oil money regimes.


I think it is a stupid change myself, but as far as I (recent Linux convert) can tell, mint is considered the go to distro for people coming freshly over from windows, and decidedly caters to beginners. A default setting for maximum user protection makes sense for that.

GregorGizeh, (edited )

I dont know, it is just the general consensus on every “I want to drop windows but i am scared of Linux” post ever made, and from my personal experience I found it actually too much like windows (made a live boot before I chose another distro).


Well I agreed that it is an ultimately bad change, but I can see how the beginner mode mentality would lead to this conclusion. Provide the new user with the most stable and bug free experience possible, and after some time they will probably turn that setting off on their own to get all that popular software.


Well its not that much worse:

Apparently there are also more normal pictures of her and one that’s way worse than this or the op, so my guess is some sort of plastic surgery obsession developing in more recent times


Just look at the fine print. Also of course it is ai, you can’t bread and deep fry something and keep this much detail. There is a reason fried foods are simple shapes, even those for kids who are marketed to with fun shapes


It seems so pathetically small that this is what a politician costs. This is less than 2% of one billion, which in itself is just a fracture of what the rich have to their name. If you’re gonna whore out your politics at least have the dignity to ask for more than chump change


Many of the difficulties we westerners have understanding the chinese culture and mentality can be alleviated by learning about the Chinese concept of “face”.…/Face_(sociological_concept)

Now this is fairly basic and often cited in discussions such as this one, but it still plays a huge role in the Chinese mindset and under which their subconscious decision-making is happening.

Interestingly this has a lot of parallels to Klingon culture and their understanding of honor, if you happen to be a trek nerd.


Curiously I haven’t had any of those glitches, bugs, crashes, performance dips and so forth that supposedly plague the game since release… For me it has been nothing but enjoyable since I bought in in 23.


Oh yeah i didn’t want to diminish your experience, the game certainly was plagued with a disastrous rushed launch and still doesnt deliver everything people wanted out of the game. But i found it quite enjoyable gameplay in an amazing and compelling setting and have curiously not experienced any of the issues others seem to have. Even playing it under Linux was a non issue for me. That being said it is of course completely valid to refund the game if your experience was this terrible.

GregorGizeh, (edited )

The honest answer is that I can only care about so many ongoing genocides at once before I go numb towards it. And I am more invested in the one happening two countries over. And the absurdly cynical one committed by a people who had plenty of genocides happen against them over the course of history.

PayPal Is Planning an Ad Business Using Data on Its Millions of Shoppers (

Wall Street Journal (paywalled) The digital payments company plans to build an ad sales business around the reams of data it generates from tracking the purchases as well as the broader spending behaviors of millions of consumers who use its services, which include the more socially-enabled Venmo app....


Interested myself. So far I had only good experiences as a customer, though i hear they are pretty rough towards vendors. It is also widely accepted where I live (EU), which makes it very convenient.

But i am always eager to stop using a corporate product or service.


Take a look at bazzite. It is built upon the idea of a steamOS PC, and comes very close. It is also quite beginner friendly and idiot proof due to its architecture and the ability to roll back to a working version at any time, in case you brick something on accident.


As a recent convert from windows myself (about two weeks in) I can only recommend it. Almost everything including windows games worked right out of the box with minimal tinkering required, and setting up and configuring the system itself was even simpler than on Windows. It feels a lot like setting up a new smartphone as a comparison.

Personally i just copied my important files and documents to a backup drive, prepared the install medium and then nuked my windows installation, but you may want to take a less drastic approach and create a test partition first to dip your toes in.


It seems so absurd to me this could happen. For the boomers I understand, they grew up in an offline world, but the youth? They are raised on the modern web and smartphones but are often clueless too.

Was it the unsanitized, wild west internet era of the late 90s/early 2000s that hardened the millennials against online bullshitting?


In Germany we have the wahl-o-mat, translates roughly into elect-o-mat.

This is a website loaded with all available parties and their political demands. You then answer a few dozen questions to identify your own opinions on the different subjects and then runs a comparison. You then end up with a tiered list of political parties you align with the most.

Perhaps a similar tool exists for other languages and countries as well


The contradictory goals for privacy displayed here are caused by corporations and intelligence agencies lobbying behind closed doors to get that data. And with the think of the children / anti pedophilia rhetoric people blindly agree. Because who wants to be against something that helps to protect kids right?


I dont know, most functions on navy ships dont require constant and explicit input from the captain today either. To stick with trek: The captain sets a destination and speed, the crew makes it happen. He doesnt have to specify they should put dilithium crystals in the warp core, they know to do that stuff because it is part of the procedure.

Similarly the common tactical maneuvers like evasive action, reinforcing shields where damage is coming in, or disabling enemy weapons should be automated or subject to the judgment of the tactical officer. Once the captain has ordered to engage, these things should be done “under the hood” like 95% of stuff that happens aboard.


That was specifically what I had in mind while writing that comment lol

Like, why is he even there if he has no actual function beyond suggesting strategy (that the captain politely dismisses virtually every time). Might as well be an advisor like that fold faced stratagema player then


… To be able to use the VPN I would guess.


I’d say the most trusted developer for a security oriented service is the provider, so it makes sense that proton vpn offers a proton vpn client i should say.

For the OS, i dont know it or why it needs a special version of the Linux client, and i dont really care, but the users apparently do.

As for the “22 years of oops”, if that is so why does anyone use a vpn nowadays? Security is always relative.


She is an authority to them, they are obviously not adults, she invited them to her home, and there is little doubt she had sex with both because one evidently came at least on her bed and the other inside her.

This is sexual abuse. If the sexes were reversed the guy would be scheduled for a life sentence with high probablility of getting shanked every time he encounters another prisoner.

GregorGizeh, (edited )

My only worry with this is that we start hunting them to eradicate or at least contain a threat, like we do to most wild animals who could potentially, perhaps, maybe, harm a human intruding on their habitat and territory. Like wolves in europe, we carefully reintroduce them after almost eradicating them entirely, they do what wolves do and prey on some livestock here and there, and people immediately ask for them to be culled.


It is a bit more nuanced than that, AFAIK they added female versions of a specific subset of human military, which for all this time were explicitly male with various lore reasons supporting that fact.

I’m not involved in the hobby myself but went on the occasional lore reading spree on the wikis, as s disclaimer. But I can understand that fans are upset about retcons such as this, where there wasn’t much ambiguity in the lore to squeeze the change in, making it a pretty hard lore break


I just realized I dont know who this lady is in real life, i think i never saw her prior to the expanse and then in a bunch of other recent sci fi movies. Seems unusual that an actress would achieve popularity only with age, mostly it is the reverse. Not to say I dislike her, she is great and very memorable with her hardass roles and chain smoker voice.


Not sure if that is an option for you too, but I have a scanwatch light myself. It is a hybrid smartwatch, being a classic analog watch with a small black and white display in the background.

The scanwatch products are health focused, allowing the user to track a variety of health stats like heartrate, activities and sleep analysis. It is very energy efficient, requring a a recharge about once a month in my case.

It is noteworthy that the hybrid concept makes some cuts to the smartness of the watch, for example replying to messages from the watch is not possible, only reading them as they come in. It doesn’t have touch functionality either, instead you control it with the bezel.

You can configure in the smartphone app which apps are allowed to relay notifications to the watch, giving you the option to filter out most noise that is not relevant to your mom. You can also set up activity plans to track and/or remind her to engage in some moderate activities like taking a walk.

Do note though that the watch asks for a subscription for some premium functions, like workout plans and more in depth health analysis. I don’t have that myself either though, being able to generally monitor my activities is enough for me. The watch also relies on the paired smartphone for its gps functionality, without the phone it would essentially be reduced to a classic wristwatch.


Last I checked the overall reviews were already back in “mostly positive” territory


Yeah, I’ve been on the discord yesterday for a while, and it is a constant torrent of nerd rage and hateful messages for the community manager. While I have requested a refund myself as well and am also really pissed about this change, I realize the poor schmock who is paid to talk nice to the players isnt at fault here but gets all the shit.


Actually they are hyper emotional by nature, which has given them a lot of grief (in the form of brutal violence and wars against each other) over the millennia until one guy came up with their philosophy of pragmatic rationality, which as its core element asks vulcans to learn to ritually suppress their emotions.

It isnt so much them considering emotions as useless, more them being very wary of them due to their past, and their philosophy/belief system teaching and emphasizing rational thought as paramount and the highest ideal, and (their) emotions being fundamentally irrational. So they are often a bit miffed when humans for example make obviously emotional decisions.


IIRC the cause for the split isnt completely fleshed out, but supposedly it happened around that time with the romulans rejecting the new philosophy. I am not sure if they simply left or were exiled though.

What I also find interesting in this regard is that the vulcans are slightly telepathic, and the romulans are not. Perhaps it is an ability that developed from generations of mental discipline the vulcans went through.

Another fun (and not very likely) take I once read is that the vulcans we know are actually augments, similar to the ones earth made and banned after they became tyrannical.

The theory here being the original vulcans (physically romulans) tinkered with genetic engineering, creating the modern form of the vulcans with increased mental capacity and psionic potential, also losing the romulan forehead in the process. Then they would go the same route as the human augments, paired with their violent emotions, and start a civil war with their regular brethren who then eventually lose this war and leave or are exiled.

The new vulcans then start warring with each other until eventually surak shows up with their modern philosophy.


This weirdly looks like Samuel L. Jackson


Yes, they already have your money. Pay up again or get lost, it’s just good business 🤑


*for a new game mode in an existing game


Germany sucks as a place for tech startups, but not because of this. Your information is years outdated, the law has long since been adjusted to include digital media under the art and expression exclusions for the use and depiction of Nazi imagery.


You dont have those things not happen any more because of the stock market, you dont have to endure those things any more because regulations prevent it.

I can guarantee you 100% that if corporations could use child labor again, or dump rats in a meat grinder and sell it, they would in a heartbeat.


Ah fair enough, that makes more sense then. Read it as an argument for the free market


I feel very torn over this. On one hand, I completely understand the desire not to die in a fucking war. I certainly wouldn’t want to either.

On the other, who if not the ukrainians can defend their homeland? The west can’t even actively interfere without risking potential global repercussions neither side wants 💣🍄. I also think it is unfair that the men who could afford to leave get a pass, while the rest has to risk their lives.


This is a great example of overreaching self censorship. I looked at the mod because I was curious what the fuss is about, and apparently it is two tiny, only very mildly suggestive pictures of her. Nothing scandalous to see at all.


I agree with the sentiment, but objectively democracy is a terrible form of government. We just haven’t come up with anything better, and the other options are even worse.


If you want to argue semantics, sure


Pretty much this. The average voter is by all objective measures not qualified to decide on political matters, its just that not having every mouthbreather have a voice has always led to autocracy in every single attempt made.

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