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Picked up peglin recently and I’ve gone back for a mech warrior run. Few others get cycled in as well. But those two the most right now.


I live near Rochester, MN. This is hilarious. I’m sending it to many people I know


As am I. Also solo. I’ve talked to a ton of small business owners, and the difference between small business owners and corporations is you have to be willing to fuck people over to become more than “the little guy”. So, I think people like us are in the “not evil” category because our goals aren’t just to simply “make money line go up.” However, because of that, we will forever be “the little guy”


Precisely. Best of luck to you my friend on your journey. Mine has been a wild ride and I’m not even a year into it.


Looks like a golf green and he definitely has a club, so, “reading the green”, he’s looking for any small hills or valleys in the grass to get to the hole. Golf greens are designed with many different slopes to make putting harder.


We need devs, like the maker of the Falcon 4 game to “leak” source code. Its the only reason the worlds premier combat flight sim run on a game released in the 90’s.

Should I be talking about a game that released the same year I was born? No. I’m so glad someone kept it all.


Ew. As an American, and a midwestern at that, I’m happy to say I’ve never heard of that, though, honestly, not that far fetched either unfortunately.

Hathaway, (edited )

Woah. I’ve never heard of this website. Do you use it regularly? I’m blown away by the fact I just clicked a link to a recipe that doesn’t have a 2.5 page write up of the authors family, why they make the dessert, and when. Along with 4 pop up ads, a banner ad, and the inability to use an Adblock.

10/10 website. Will have to go back.

I take it all back. Clicked one other recipe. Looks like ads just don’t want to be shown with this thing either.

Ah. This blessed commenter shared the printer version. Pro move.


I’m glad someone could interpret my misery.


My biggest thing personally is the UI. Which is also getting a facelift. It’s not super intuitive. I think the overhauled tutorials, along with some UI changes are going to make this game exponentially more accessible.

I’m not a X4 vet either. I have a couple hundred hours. Which, the X4 vets will have saves with hundreds or thousands of hours. But, I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface. I’m not sure what the price is. I bought it on sale about a year ago. Though, even if I spent $70(which it is not) I definitely have gotten enough enjoyment to justify that! I think it goes on sale fairly regularly though if the price is a bit too much for you now!

Hathaway, (edited )

Just curious, do you live in one of fewer than 10% of districts that’s actually a battleground area? Otherwise, sorry, your vote is meaningless anyway. Gerrymandering guarantees that! Sorry if your feeling of moral superiority fades now.

At the end of the day you can’t blame the user for making do with a systemically broken process. For me, someone like 90+% of Americans, my vote actually, provably, does not matter. At all. I would rather be a part of the record setting number of 3rd party voters, signaling to the system, that we know it’s fucked, and we’re not going to play anymore.

If my vote mattered, I 1000% agree with you. But it doesn’t, so I don’t.

Hathaway, (edited )

I’m glad you do! Then I would be in your boat as well. Your vote matters, sincerely, for the rest of us, use it.

I have yet to say who I’ll vote for, but, I’m not really a leftist, so likely not their non existent candidate.

I don’t think it’s going to be a difference. Or be anymore valuable than voting for a main party, but, it seems every election, the # of votes not going to republican or democrat is growing. (I don’t actually have the data to back that but I think I heard that the last 2 elections, I can try to look if it’s a big deal.) I would rather vote in a manner that, hopefully, elected officials can at least put into a data set, that says “hmmm looks like Americans are more and more disillusioned by this” and maybe that can lead to something. For me, in a not competitive area, that’s way more compelling than the status quo if you get me.

Hathaway, (edited )

Are you trying to miss my point? Whether I vote or not is actually meaningless. Nothing I do is going to “do much of anything.”

That’s the point. Guess what, the party that best represents me when it comes to voting season, is anything but the status quo. Because the status quo doesn’t work for me. Simple as that. If I vote blue, doesn’t matter, if I vote red, doesn’t matter. There’s 0 moral grandstanding. My vote is actually 100% meaningless, (in other words: empty, hollow, insignificant, mindless, nonsense, nonsensical, pointless, purposeless, senseless, unmeaning, vacuous). Unless it’s at a local level.

Voting anything other than status quo at least makes it worth my time to go stand it line, for me. It’s how I personally justify wasting a few hours of my day. And that’s true for 90% of Americans whether they want to believe it or not. Voting is meaningless. This “democracy” is broken.


I do appreciate the fact check. Especially because I did say votes were growing for 3rd party, and that isn’t true. I just don’t understand the moral high horses people get on around this time, which again, in your circumstance, is very valid. But, that’s an increasingly shrinking number of Americans that can say what you do. It’s sad. Just keep that in the back of your mind, basically, unless they’re your neighbor, odds are, their vote also doesn’t matter. Like at all. It actively depresses me haha I would like to live somewhere where I feel like I had a voice.

And yes, locally, I’m getting more involved! I live in a small town of 3000 so yeah, my votes feels impactful and something I actually take seriously. You also tend not to have nut jobs because they’re not worried about such massive hot button problems. I like local government lol


100%. And yeah, I figured it was something like that, I’m so terrible at conveying how I’m actually coming across over text so sorry if I was combative.

I wasn’t trying to take away from what you were saying at all, cause like I said, I actually agree with like 95% of what you’ve said, I’m just totally disenfranchised with things on a federal level.

Again though, like I have been saying, you’re in an increasingly small number of Americans that can actually say they have a tangible voice right now, make it count! I just wish it applied to more. Good luck and good voting, I hope you get the outcome you want.


I was just hoping for an update on this last week. Awesome!


I don’t think it’s about the data as much. If you can predict and influence the civilian population of your global competition, that’s immense power from abroad. I could see a national threat. It’s not an accident that hearts and minds are underlined when attempting to project power into a region.


Part of me would rather have it with capitalistic sociopaths that want to extract my money rather than an authoritarian government that is provably responsible for (multiple?) genocide(s). Like, in a perfect world, there’s a better system, but at least our government still, in theory, can control the businesses within our country. They won’t though.


Except that America can tell American companies not to do certain things. You can’t stop china from essentially causing instability here through tiktok, they own it. You could stop them if they were using Reddit, Facebook, etc. it’s not going to happen. But to pretend that a foreign owned mass media app is anything but a way to control a population, or narrative, is sort of funny. America does it with their shit. Why would we not be more threatened by something abroad. Why would a nation allow foreign propaganda?

Hathaway, (edited )

Whataboutism. One, in theory, I have a say for/against(in theory) another I don’t. It isn’t hard. But, yes, US bAd. Good job. Anything to actually add?

You don’t have to tell me about the murders of my ancestors.

Also, to follow up, the US government doesn’t control social media here, unlike wherever your bot farm is out of. Which is why your whataboutism really falls flat, cause one media company is controlled by an authoritarian government currently eradicating Uighurs and the other is owned by Zuck, who’s trying to idk honestly, drown in money?


That, we’ll agree on.


Well the Chinese communist party isn’t a US owned company. So, it is most definitely a priority. This isn’t the first time it’s almost been banned. It is a pressing concern. Why don’t you feel that it is?

We also fined the shit out of YouTube in 2019 for collecting and selling children’s data without consent. Can’t do that with the CCP. I’m actually shocked that I’m proud of the FTC for once.

Hathaway, (edited )

Did we forget about the Uighur’s? China isn’t even TRYING to hide that, but, yeah. Except that they ban any mention of it within their borders.

Mind you, I’m not trying to take away from what the US is and has done, but, currently, the only super power locked in a provable genocide, is china. Simple as that. The US is so fucking sideways that we’re simultaneously bringing food into Gaza while also supporting its destruction. Really nothing new there, money goes up. But, different than state sponsored genocide. Fuck, I hate that that’s a buzzword.


Yeah, Reddit will actually need to kill itself, which, with how it’s being run, isn’t out of the question. Or, something no one else has thought of has to do something better. I don’t know that you can have essentially a Reddit clone ever have the user base for a lot of those niche communities to exist. Because they already do.

It’s hard for me to use Lemmy largely due to this. Unfortunately the communities I used Reddit for, really don’t exist anywhere else, so I still use Reddit, granted, in browser, and I no longer comment or engage with anything. But, it is the only place to get news and discourse for some of the things I like.

I sometimes consider attempting to create a more niche community here occasionally, but, to what end? I don’t have the sources or inside knowledge for some things. Nor do I have time for it realistically. Sad really, I’d like Reddit to die as much as any of us. But, I don’t see it happening. I do like it better here though in terms of actual engagement, when it happens.


trans women and men are biologically no different than their cis counterparts.

I want to start by saying I don’t have a horse in the race, I’m not a competing athlete (anymore) and honestly believe sports should be accessible to anyone but, I have seen “reports” (who knows how accurate) of trans women wiping the floor with cis women athletes. Like the D1 swimmer. Or, Natalie Ryan(who’s a disc golfer which is my niche). Are these largely outliers?

I honestly don’t know enough about biology to know how the human body reacts to those treatments. If you’re correct, that’s awesome! While it’s more inconclusive(at least as far as I’m aware) if you’re outclassing your competitors, you should have to play with your skill level. In terms of disc golf, there’s FPO(female professional open) and MPO(mixed professional open). If you don’t really have competition at FPO, you should have to play MPO.

Now, in my example, there are more layers because disc golf is a tiny sport, Natalie Ryan wins any small tournament she’s in, but when it comes to the big ones, she’s middle of the road. So, I’m not going to say she’s the prime example of “dominating a female field” and honestly, not sure there is one. So, you’re probably onto something.


Well, I, like many many, others am playing Baldur’s gate.

But, honestly, I still find time for ol’ trusty falconBMS. (It’s a tiny but very loyal playerbase, thinking about starting a page for it on lemmy somewhere)


While I agree, most games are delayed and still garbage, buggy messes. Looking at you cyberpunk, halo, etc.

I just hate the current state of the industry as a whole.

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