
paddirn, to world in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling

Biden needs to exercise his expanded rights as President to save America by removing agents from all branches of the government who have been working to undermine America. Congress members, Supreme Court Justices, and Presidential candidates with ties to Russia or far-right nationalists should be removed by any means necessary. We’re essentially at war with Russia and we’ve been allowing foreign agents to work against us from inside our country. Take the gloves off and remove those people, they’re trash people who will do it first if/when they get into power next. They’re pretty clearly broadcasting their plans to turn the US into a dictatorship and the SCOTUS just handed them the power to do it the next time they win an election.

PanArab, to world in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling

I sure hope someone enforces the law

urfavlaura, to world in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling

okay assasinate Trump, you’re legally allowed to do that now


That would be confusing for the secret service.

StinkySocialist, to world in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling

Welp he’s just gonna wait till let trump be the first to use it. We are still cooked. 🤡🔫

UltraGiGaGigantic, to world in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling

King of the Democratic party. Vote for king biden serf. You should kiss the ring and bend the knee.

Clothing optional.

@irreticent@lemmy.world avatar
Linkerbaan, to world in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Biden no longer has the moral high ground to pretend this would be illegal.

Surpreme Court just literally said he can do whatever he wants. Everything he does is legal.

So use those powers to actually want to “save Democracy” if you believe it’s truly in danger. Or would that make your carrot disappear of forcing people to vote for you?

Jakdracula, to world in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling
@Jakdracula@lemmy.world avatar

No kings but us.

ZK686, to world in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling

This is silly. If this was Obama or Clinton that pushed for this, Democrats would not care. The Left is doing anything and everything to make it sound like Trump is some evil human who does NOT deserve some kind of immunity. They’re doing this simply to scare people into voting for them (which both sides are guilty of despite what the Left will tell you…) .For fucks sake, we’re talking about the POTUS, what’s the purpose of holding the most important job in the world, if you constantly have to worry about going to prison? Ridiculous.


Somebody skipped the checks and balances lesson in 10th grade American History, eh?

@RubberElectrons@lemmy.world avatar

No kidding 🙄


Are you literally smoking crack?


I thought I smelt something funky when reading that bait.


what’s the purpose of holding the most important job in the world, if you constantly have to worry about going to prison? Ridiculous.

Big yikes there. The purpose is to serve the American people.

The President is not the King of America, and its easy to not have to worry about going to prison - just don’t commit crimes. Before Trump, the question wasn’t even relevant.


Weak bait, mate.


Bad bot


Imagine being conservative and having two conservative parties for all voters to choose from with no other options and STILL not being happy.

You never will be happy. Even after trump is king. Even if there was only one conservative party to vote for it wouldn’t make you happy.

pachrist, to world in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling

Words are wind.


He blasted them, hard!

Sidyctism2, to world in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling

Gotta say i read that to the tune of “there are no cats in america”

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

Has the added benefit of being just as inaccurate as of July 1st!


Core memory unlocked

Binette, to world in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling

Hehe Biden blasts

Wilzax, to world in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling

“Biden Blasts Supreme Court” could have a whole new meaning after their latest ruling


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Please make this happen.

Hawanja, to world in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling

I like how every single one of these comments are blaming Biden and the Democrats for a supreme court ruling that the conservatives and Republicans enacted. How about we put the blame on the people who are actually doing the terrible things?

This is why the Republicans keep winning btw, because they’re united.


If you don’t put down a rabid dog and get bitten, I’m not going to blame the dog.


We’re not talking about a diseased animal, we’re talking about people who are making conscious decisions knowing what the results will be. I can and so absolutely blame people for that.

Your metaphor insinuates that Republicans are unable to control their actions. If that were the case, that’s all the more reason to vote and get them out of positions of power.


I don’t think you understand. No reasonable person thinks that republicans are good or not to blame. Blaming the republicans won’t stop them from taking power. They have done and continue to do what they have said they will do and the Democratic party has done nothing to stop them.

It’s like your sky diving, and your parachute fails to open. Do you get upset at gravity or the guy who packed your parachute? Yeah, gravity is what is going to kill you, but it doesn’t care, that was the plan. The guy who packed the parachute is your only real way of controlling the situation.

The Democratic Party packed the parachute and it isn’t opening. Hopefully it does soon.


And now you compare the Republicans to some natural force, as if they are inevitable and inescapable. Gravity has no will, no plan. It just is. Republicans have a will and a plan. Getting mad at the Democrats for not being good enough to stop that is akin to victim blaming. The Republicans should never have gone down this road in the first place.

Do you blame the thief, or do you blame the homeowner for not having better locks? Who do you hold accountable?


The Republicans should never have gone down this road in the first place.

I think this is the crutch of our disagreement. My question to you is why? The Republicans want power. They want to turn the US into a Free Market Theocracy. Why shouldn’t they do what they are doing? I personally think what they are doing is bad, but why should they care?

Getting mad at the Democrats for not being good enough to stop that is akin to victim blaming.

I am more interested in your response to my first point, but I couldn’t let this stand. It’s such a bad comparison. Both the Dems and Republicans are fighting for power, they are not a victim and an aggressor, they are both aggressors.

Do you blame the thief, or do you blame the homeowner for not having better locks?

I blame the police for not arresting the thief when they revealed their plans to rob my house before they robbed it.


Watched the debate, this is a verbatim quote I pulled from the transcript, Biden: “And if I’m elected, I’m going to restore Roe v. Wade.” Why does he have to wait for re-election?

I expect Reps. to strip rights and will always blame them for that. The flip side of that is I expect Dems. to restore them, which isn’t happening and so they should be criticized. It’s just always “we’ll fix it in the future” which is why I put the biden quote in.


“Ain’t no foolin’…”


Because the Republicans control Congress, and at this point only an act of Congress can restore it.

It comes down to this: a Republican president would veto any abortion protection law, but a Democratic president would pass it. But the law has to get to his desk first.

@jimmie_cricket007@lemmy.world avatar

The party that wants to strip rights are the democrats. They would love nothing more than to disarm every single American. The only “right” they would make sure women had was the “right” to kill babies.

Biden is such a hypocrite. He is claiming Trump would abuse immunity, yet he states he would directly violate the Supreme Court by restoring roe v. wade.

Also, presidents have always had immunity while in office, the Supreme’s just upheld that fact. And immunity hasn’t change by this ruling. A president can’t commit murder and claim immunity.


Weak bait.


Only congress can do something and they tried and failed because we didn’t have enough of a majority. Vote down-ticket blue to get as much control as possible.



Why doesn’t Biden just illegally overturn this ruling? He has immunity


WTF are you smoking? This ENTIRE website blasts Trump and Republicans for EVERYTHING!! Welcome to Reddit 2.0.


Deservedly so.


Maybe you should Unite with people that are left of Richard Nixon some day soon.


This is what I’m talking about. Maybe you should stop reacting with fear and spite to everyone who’s trying to help you and actually contribute to defeating the fascists instead of sitting around complaining about losing all the time.

SeattleRain, (edited ) to world in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling

Public: So do something about it.

Biden: I-i-i-if I do that, I’ll be a baka.


I was not expecting the baka lol

StaySquared, to world in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling

Payback’s gon’ be a bitch. The pendulum will swing the opposite direction with much more force, me thinks.


I’m wondering what side you’re on yet that doesn’t even matter. Your comment shows you’re little more adult than a 15 year old kid.


My point is the right and the left keep going to extremes. And the pendulum is actually an axe blade and all the citizens of this country are strapped to the table beneath that pendulum.


The Left isn’t going to any extremes. They do almost nothing and it is what is allowing the right to swing to their extremes. This “both sides” take is disingenuous at best. A better analogy is the american people are strapped to a guillotine, the right is ready to release the blade and the left is still trying to debate and dicuss the merits of not dropping it.


Really? Anti-Fa? BLM? C’mon man. Either way, from my point of view, both sides of the isle are making our lives more and more miserable over time.


Fuck off troll, no one is buying your obvious bullshit.


BLM: Stop killing unarmed citizens and being racist.

You: Why won’t the leftists stop being so extreme???


You forgot about the part where there was violence and property destruction by BLM protestors.


Ah yes, some Targets getting broken into is equally as damaging and extreme as racist christofascists attempting to overthrow the government and subvert democracy multiple times. How could I be so silly as to forget.


Are they BLM protestors doing that? Or does chaos just bring out all the looters?

I remember in Philly the same thing happened after a football game. Chaos happened, then looting.


Dood… all I know is, there’s a difference between a rally/protest and whatever the fk BLM and Anti-Fa does to get their point across. And 10 times out of 10, BLM/Anti-Fa damaged their image thoroughly. And as for their supporters, the craziest thing to witness is someone saying, “well the property they damaged is all covered by insurance”… wat. But hey, if violence is the option chosen, don’t get upset with the consequences.


Was really unaware that Antifa and BLM were official wings of the Democratic Party.

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