Powderhorn, to technology in Instagram is training AI on your data. It’s nearly impossible to opt out avatar

Talk about begging the question. Block all Meta domains at the router level, and … uh … don’t have an account.

stardust, to technology in Instagram is training AI on your data. It’s nearly impossible to opt out

Social media that requires an account to view stuff aren’t worth even visiting.

Ilandar, to technology in Instagram is training AI on your data. It’s nearly impossible to opt out

rEdDiT iS uP iN aRmS

Did anyone else click through to the supposed evidence of this? It’s a thread with like 40 karma and 30 comments lol

Atelopus-zeteki, to technology in Instagram is training AI on your data. It’s nearly impossible to opt out avatar

Opting out is easy. Come to Pixelfed, they sure as hell aren't IG.

frog, to technology in Instagram is training AI on your data. It’s nearly impossible to opt out

UK citizens can also opt out, as the Data Protection Act 2018 is the UK’s implementation of GDPR and confers all of the same rights.

In my opt out, I have also reminded them of their obligation to delete data when I do not consent to its use, so since I have denied consent, any of my data that has been used must be scrubbed from the training sets and resulting AI outputs derived from the unauthorised use of my data.

Sadly, having an Instagram account is unavoidable for me. Networking is an important part of many creatives’ careers, and if the bulk of your connections are on Instagram, you have to be there too.

Thalestr, avatar

Forgive me for the pessimism, but I sincerely doubt that they honour any opt-outs. Meta has shown time and time again that they’d rather just pay fines as business expenses instead of abiding by law(s).

tal, to technology in Instagram is training AI on your data. It’s nearly impossible to opt out avatar

I don’t have an Instagram account.

I mean, I guess maybe someone could take a picture of me and upload it to Instagram and label it or something. And it’s possible to infer that two people are associated by having a picture containing both them that you run facial recognition or something on. I guess you could kind of think of that as being “my data” in an indirect sense.

darklamer, to technology in Instagram is training AI on your data. It’s nearly impossible to opt out avatar

“These features and experiences need to be trained on information that reflects the diverse cultures and languages of the European communities who will use them.”

No, they do not, these features and experiences don’t need to exist at all.

cmnybo, to technology in Instagram is training AI on your data. It’s nearly impossible to opt out

You opt out by simply never giving them any of your data.

NocturnalMorning, to upliftingnews in The world's biggest carbon removal factory just opened in lceland

Nothing uplifting about this. It’s a distraction from the real solution. Corporations would love nothing more than to convince us that carbon capture will solve our problems so we can continue on business as usual.

ryan213, avatar

Something good isn’t uplifting?

Yeah, it doesn’t tackle the root cause, but it’s definitely a positive.

Bishma, avatar

It’ll take 30,000+ of these facilities to be meaningful.


And that number will come down as these tests are run and the technology matures.


As I understand it, even if we stop 100% of greenhouse gas emissions right now, we’re past the tipping point of self-sustaining climate change. Meaning we absolutely need carbon capture in some form as well as stopping emissions. This isn’t the solution on its own but it is a necessary part of the solution.

I appreciate that there are people out there trying to sell this as the solution, but don’t let that distract from the actual importance of carbon capture.

I would welcome being corrected about self-sustaining climate change if I’m wrong about this. It would be a load off my mind.


You’re correct. We need to plant trees too. Cut fossil emissions asap. But even that likely won’t be enough. Figuring out carbon capture is a worthwhile endeavor.


Yeah, basically what my partner says about this. She does climate adaptation research, and says we need carbon capture.

I just get so annoyed when this is presented as THE solution.

Honestly the fact that we aren’t treating climate change like a ww2 style economic all hands on deck type of situation says a lot about our species in my opinion. It just makes me sad bcz we could stop the worst climate change effects, and it seems like we kinda just don’t want to at this point.

tla, to politics in Why facial recognition technology makes these campus protests different from those in the past

Mask? Welcome to biometric gate analysis

retrospectology, to politics in Why facial recognition technology makes these campus protests different from those in the past avatar

I was told that if I have nothing to hide becoming a surveillance state is fine.

disguy_ovahea, to politics in Why facial recognition technology makes these campus protests different from those in the past

Most colleges offer free PPE masks. It may not be a bad idea to pop one on.

yum13241, to technology in The cult of Obsidian: Why people are obsessed with the note-taking app

The Doom map generator? /s

sunbeam60, to technology in Why did the metaverse die? Because Silicon Valley doesn’t understand the concept of fun

What in seven hells in this article on about saying King came out of Silicon Valley?! King couldn’t have been further from Silicon Valley.

acastcandream, to technology in Why did the metaverse die? Because Silicon Valley doesn’t understand the concept of fun

It died because meta (which everyone still sees as facebook) is a toxic brand, even to the average consumer now.


Really, no. That’s not it at all.

It’s because it’s been almost exclusively pushed by hucksters. Just like blockchain, whose driving inspiration in the marketplace has been crypto and NFTs.

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