The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

Have you been spending hours trying to pass a level? Or maybe you are completely addicted to a newly bought game. Do you have a question about a game or would like to share something else? In the Weekly Discussion Thread, you can do it all!

Please don’t forget to use the spoiler tag as soon as you start talking about a storyline.

AphoticDev, avatar

Return to Moria. It’s a lot of fun, adventuring through a Dwarven mine with a few friends. It was hard to put down, but I suppose we need to eat and sleep at some point.


How are you getting on? I’m really considering getting this - I get paid today and have a week next week without the family… Been playing and enjoying Planet Crafters and Forever Skies, and I’m in the survival-building-exploring mood at the moment.

AphoticDev, avatar

I dunno how fun it would be alone, because dwarves are a race that are all about being together and some of the features lean into that, but we’re having a lot of fun with it. It’s challenging, but not to the point where we feel overwhelmed or lost. And the atmosphere it has is just right, they did a great job taking what we know from the books and the style we got from the movies, and turning that into a video game.


Dave the Diver. Not sure why I never heard about the game - it’s great. Hot pepper tuna for life



all-knight-party, avatar

Man, I gotta get back to that. I almost cleared the whole first Michigan map entirely and took a break, but I really loved the slow paced thoughtful approach to a "driving" game.


I’m playing Slay the Princess! It’s sort of like a puzzle/visual novel hybrid, where you’re trying to explore all the routes to find all the mini ‘endings’. It’s been really fun to try and work my way through each scenario, unlocking new paths to see new possibilities. The art style is this hand drawn looking sketchbook style that is super cool to watch animate, as well.


Spiderman 2, and it’s amazing.


Are you finding there to be almost no side missions aside from the collectibles? I’ve had 2 small side quests for Miles so far, and I think that’s all…


That’s really great to hear. I heard an estimate of the game length elsewhere too. I’m really glad to hear that overall it’s generally a tighter experience rather than including a bunch of collectathons.


Well I do hope more open up at some point. I like good narrative side missions in open world games. I want to be the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.


Ah ok, gotcha. Who knows, I might agree once I actually pick the game up. I just don’t want a map filled with what feels to me like filler.


There are 2 side-storylines for Miles with a bunch of missions (the museum and school one), and at least 1 for Peter (the flame).


Back to playing the Sims 4, and watching Detroit: Become Human playthrough online. I want to play it but not sure about what platform


Been playing Mario wonder and destiny although I need to start up starfield again soon.


I’ve really been enjoying Wonder, I find the online stuff a lot more fun than I thought it would be.


Mass Effect trilogy for the first time. So many people have been trying to put me on it for years, finally giving it a go. Heard really good stuff about it

all-knight-party, avatar

Are you playing the Legendary editions? The first one definitely didn't age super well, even on LE. the mako sections are not great, the combat is decent with the LE changes, and random planet exploration is not very good either.

but the story, character stuff, and the lore of the world are very good, and it's a great kickstart to the universe and your investment in the rest of the trilogy, 2 is SIGNIFICANTLY better than the first and by the third you're really invested and the gameplay has made great strides. It's a little tough to get into, but it does really snowball into something incredible.

Also, in the first one, there is a point of no return that the game doesn't warn you about explicitly, I missed out on doing DLC or character specific side quests because I went too far and couldn't return, be careful.


Legendary edition. Only a couple hours in the first one and enjoying the story so far. Thanks for the heads up though - I’m trying to avoid looking at any guides and wanting to experience on my own but should I look when specifically in the game there is a part of no return?

all-knight-party, avatar

At a certain point you'll need to go to a planet named Ilos. Do what you want to do before you go there and you'll be good.


Titanfall 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 for the past few weeks.

also DCS if that counts as a game


Just started playing cities: skylines 2 (with gamepass, I didn’t preorder) and I think it’s good. The performance, while bad, isn’t as bad as people are saying. I’m on low settings + 1080p with a gtx 1650 super, and a ryzen 7 5700x and I get around 20-30 frames, which is bad but not unplayable and there will be mods that improve this.

Aielman15, avatar

Sea of Stars.

Story is a bit too cliché at the moment, but graphics, soundtrack, gameplay and exploration are top notch. It really captures the feeling of being a kid, coming back home from school and playing those old school JRPG, but the QoL features make it much more enjoyable, and it doesn’t waste your time like those games.

I’m really satisfied for now. I also like the cast, it’s a nice change of pace from the edgy/moody characters that lots of JRPG seem to have. Sitting down at the firepit and listening to the two protagonists joking and having fun among themselves really makes me like them.

My only gripe is the story. As I said, it’s a bit too much on the “generic” side. Like, it’s not bad, I’m having fun, but it feels like, you know, been there, done that. Hopefully it gets better later on.


I just started this too! Agreed on all fronts. It’s gorgeous, the combat is refined and a combination of a lot of great old-school JRPG mechanics, I like all the winks and tongue-in-cheek mentions of classic tropes. I was just really hoping the story wasn’t going where I thought it was going. But now that I have gotten a certain bit in, it feels like it’s going exactly where I think it’s going. But it’s such a self-aware game that I hope I’m wrong. Because you’re right, the characters are actually likeable and do at times subvert tropes, blatantly even, like they know we expected them to behave a certain way. Fingers crossed.


I just finished it, then went back for the bonus side quests so I could get the true ending.

I wished the writing was less childish, but like you, I really enjoyed the texture of the characters. They really do Garl right. The original final bossfight is laughably easy if you’ve learned how to use Serai, but the “true ending” final boss is more fun. Overall I’m 4/5 on it.

Aielman15, (edited ) avatar

I totally agree, Garl is awesome.

At first I thought he was the comic relief guy, and I’d spend the following 20-40 hours listening to cringe-inducing Marvel-like humor. Instead they crafted a character that was funny but never over-the-top, and actually proved useful a few times (especially on a chapter that I won’t discuss because I’m not sure how spoilers work on Lemmy and its various applications yet).

I have not finished the game yet, and although the story is a bit cliché, it also has a few good moments, and I’m loving the cast so far.


The one thing that pulls me away from JRPGs is when their story is too generic. All the best ones I’ve enjoyed had some truly unpredictable, or even just highly dramatic, elements to their story.


Replaying AC Odyssey as Alexios. It’s weird to see angry Kassandra.

So far I’ve been disappointed in dialogue and interactions with NPCs, even in the main story, where I expected things to change between the two characters, but the dialogue has been mostly all the same.

But hey, I get really fun, ancient Greece ship combat. 10/10 recommend the game just for that.

Edit: Also playing through Hades for the first time since purchasing it. I love how Supergiant put their own spin on all the Gods and Demi-Gods while keeping them mostly true to their depictions in Greek myth.

CosmicSploogeDrizzle, avatar

God of War Ragnarok about 6 hours in. And just started Returnal to play as my multiplayer game with a buddy online. Got to the first boss just myself and almost beat it. Love the vibe overall. I’ll also probably start Spiderman 2 this week


Darkest Dungeon with a buncha mods, shoutout to all the patient gamers out there

quinten, avatar

Cities Skylines II :)


I am so excited to get started on this. But I saw it is not well optimized :(

quinten, avatar

Yeah. I don’t have performance issues but the game feels empty without mods. It’s kind of hard to explain. There are only a few trees for decoration for example. Houses are half floating or do not connect to the road when there is a small hill. But I have confidence that they will sort it out.

That being said. Games that are not ready for release should not be released, period.


How does it compare to the first one? I’ve played it for a while but I could not really get hooked on it

quinten, avatar

If you did not enjoy the first one I doubt you enjoy the second one. Tldr: its more in depth than the first one.


Awesome thanks! I actually played with out mods for CS1. But I have GamePass until January so I can play it there till it is fully patched. Thanks!

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