dezmd, avatar

/stares in 3090


I have a 3080 that is maxing out in BG3, my buddy’s 3070 overheated


Really? Is he playing on 4k? If not I worry he’s got a lemon. My 3070 only had the occasional stutter in act 3 and I played on near-max settings on 1440 and rarely dropped below 50fps


I’ve been playing bg3 in nearly max settings at 4k on a RX6700 and it’s been nearly flawless. I noticed a bunch of people commenting about higher end 30 series cards, does the game struggle on those?

The biggest issue I’ve found is the cpu usage. Especially in the city of BG I’ll see 8+ cpu cores really getting a workout.


Have you gotten to act 3 yet?


I’m most of the way through act 3. I have a 3080ti and it’s still pretty smooth for me. I’m maxed out at 1440p with DLSS on quality.

Sanctus, avatar

How does this bode well? PCs are extremely varied, as far as I know consoles have known components inside that can be targeted. This isn’t the case with end-user PCs. So why does that translate to good tidings for us?


The series S is the lowest spec console that they are targeting. In order to get the performance they want out of it, they are trying to optimize as much of the game as they can. Those optimizations have decreased the amount of RAM, VRAM, and CPU load the game is using and those optimizations affect the PC version as well.

Sanctus, avatar

Thank you, I was under the assumption that the benefits of console optimizations are mostly known hardware. I just looked up the Series S, damn.

addie, avatar

Act 1 and at the first half of Act 2 ran pretty well for me, generally 80ish fps on max settings everywhere (6700xt @ 1440p). It’s after that when it started running like a three legged mare; frequent random slowdowns to about 15fps. I suspect that they got the game mostly finished and then started their optimization pass at the beginning, and just hadn’t got to the end of the game by the release date, which was moved forward last-minute to avoid Starfield.

The end of the game doesn’t look any more complicated than the beginning; suspect they just ran out of polishing time.


I think that’s might be because only act one was available during early access so that received the most playtesting by a broad range of specs


And act 2 had lower requirements. Many fewer NPC’s etc.


I’m running it on a fuckin Steam Deck without issue. The Deck can’t even run Apex without lagging like hell.

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