
What’s the difference to “Linux deploy”?


this is the most useful thing android will ever do.

Once rooted.


You need a phone, tablet, or other device that’s been rooted.


fossilesque, avatar

Me in this thread: revolvingdoor.gif


look into proot+termux-x11 if you don’t have a rooted device, it’s still very good.


I looked on the play store and fdroid, haven’t found anything. I’d love to have a Linux chroot with CLI linux software, don’t want to root my phone. Halp.


For the lazy, in termux:

$ pkg install proot
$ pkg install proot-distro
$ proot-distro install debian
$ proot-distro login debian



Commenting here for a good time.


It’s just quite a bit slower. Everything else other than messing with /sys and android processes works the same.

HDMI, mouse and keyboard and you have an office pc.


Yup, I used it all the time with samsung dex, works great


Rule of thumb for android users, all of the interesting shit is shit you can’t do unless you’re rooted.

GlenTheFrog, avatar

I remember when it used to be all the REALLY interesting stuff was root only, yet a lot of normal interesting stuff was non-root. Now even with root, modern Android can be a pain and the interesting stuff just pales in comparison with true Linux


yeah, linux has me spoiled, just being able to do whatever i want as i please is truly a modern art.

Android made me realize how incredible linux was by being so utterly painful.

fossilesque, avatar
iturnedintoanewt, avatar

*is going to be.


You could emulate Android on Linux before, now you can also emulate Linux on Android

The circle of libe is compleet


@lemmyreader @cafuneandchill PostmarketOS in chroot in termux in waydroid on PostmarketOS 🤘


Now the only question is: How deep can you go?


We can also emulate windows on android and WSL obviously on windows.

So we can use Linux to emulate Android, which in turn emulates windows to run WSL


well it’s not really emulation, if you are familiar with LXC it’s that, it’s pretty much a super chroot


Technically true, but it’s easier to refer to it as emulation


It’s also quite wrong.


Oh I like that one. Yoink! Thanks.


I have been running arm32 elf binaries and Xorg on my HTC M8 stock kernel with Android 4. That’s not a new thing. Libreoffice and Xfce ran pretty well on that thing.


Yo dawg, I heard you like Linux. So I built a Linux container for your Linux phone. Now you can enjoy Linux while enjoying your Linux phone.


We definitely living in a simulation.


Not that I don’t disagree with you, but how did you come down to this conclusion?


We’re so many levels of abstraction and emulation deep, that the natural conclusion is that there’s no reason to believe we’re at the top of the abstraction, but somewhere in the middle.


I understood that. But I don’t see how you came down to this conclusion simply because someone put Linux inside Linux.

When you put matryoshka russian dolls one inside the other, do you also think “man, we live in a simulation”?






Wonder if it’s running on Linux


You can call it GNU/Linux if the same name for OS and kernel turns out to be confusing for you.

fossilesque, avatar

Does this mean I could install and run Blender on my phone???


You can try


you can already try that with chroot/proot, this just gives far better integration for input handling and stuff


So I could use this to run PostmarketOS inside Android?


@lemmyreader @electricprism There is someone who managed to convert a proot-distro version of into a one. It's not as great as it may sound though.


there are massive limitations to termux proot/chroot that don’t apply here. proper touch support is one of them.



ExtremeDullard, avatar

So basically it’s UserLAnd with accelerated graphics instead of VNC.


Actually, no, this seems to work on a very different principle.

ShellMonkey, (edited ) avatar

I recall using an app way back when I used to root and haxor all the mobiles that would do this. Kind of a virtualbox for the Nexus phones/tablets, but it needed root to do it. Will have to look into this, would be interesting if it can do so in user space somehow.

Edit: Damn, still needs root. Was a longshot to be able to hook into system resources without it but was hoping for some bridge function.


That bridge function would still need root (or critical level security holes) to be installed, if the ROM doesn’t ship it.

ShellMonkey, avatar

Makes sense, I’m so accustomed to making virtual machines and such that it becomes just a thing but inevitably at some point admin access was required to create the hypervisor, the vnic, a virtual switch, etc. Without that restriction a piece of malware could readily exfiltrate data past a local protection by just making it’s own new pathway through on the fly or any number of other unpleasant things.


if you want a non root solution, termux proot + termux-x11, or eventually termux proot + termux-gui + wayland compositor


If someone could build a preconfigured image that has Phosh and basic phone apps, I would consider using this full time.


Would be even better if it can be registered as the default launcher too


Could we uninstall almost all non system apps, make it autostart and prevent any other app from getting in the way?



cityboundforest, avatar

I would as well


TLDR: Easy installation of something like Termux, GUI, Kwin and KDE, and a graphical display.

This is really good!


Not really. It seems to use a very different technology from termux.


it’s actually not that far off a chroot, it uses LXC, the really cool thing thats going on is this wayland integration, I was waiting for termux-gui + wlroots to come along, but this might just land first

lily33, (edited )


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  • drwankingstein,

    I havent looked into it yet, but ill be looking into doing an extra shim layer if this is the case. It wont be hard to set up some basic stuff for that, wlroots for instance is great for doing nested stuff since it can forward all of the inputs we need to the nested compositor

    iturnedintoanewt, avatar

    So how does it render to screen? Because the biggest nag on any of these previous implementations came when I needed to use VNC to remotely connect to the desktop…


    A better alternative would be spice, but just a guess


    it uses a modified wayland compositor that hooks up directly to android surfaceview. Currently if you want a chroot/proot solution, I reccomend termux-x11. it’s good performance.

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