Why are keyboards getting smaller?

I’m not a true mechanical keyboard enthusiast. I mean I like a good keyboard for typing code, so I rolled with model-Ms in the 80s and 90s, then some expensive Cherry keyboard I only recently retired because it was utterly spent (and it was PS/2), and now I happily use a Wooting Two HE.

I’m so glad the mechanical gaming keyboard scene has developed so much: it means there’s a plethora of really excellent keyboards for the rest of us who don’t play games.

But something utterly baffles me: why are high-quality keyboards getting smaller?

There’s a lot more keyboards without the numpad and the block of middle keys - whatever they’re called - or with the middle keys reduced or squashed up awkwardly on the side, than full-size plain old 102- or 104-key layout keyboards. What’s wrong with the numpad? Isn’t more keys generally better?

Back in the days, I bought the original Happy Hacking keyboard because it kind of made sense to maneuver around in our server room with a small keyboard that took up less space. Typing on it drove me up the wall but it was convenient to carry. And I guess it was also good option for going to LAN parties with a smaller backpack. But other than that, for a keyboard that never leaves your desk, I don’t get it.

Are there other advantages to smaller keyboards? Genuine question! I’m not dumping on smaller keyboards: to each his own and if you’re happy with yours, more power to you. I’d just like to know why you prefer smaller.

@tal@lemmy.today avatar

There’s a lot more keyboards without the numpad and the block of middle keys - whatever they’re called - or with the middle keys reduced or squashed up awkwardly on the side, than full-size plain old 102- or 104-key layout keyboards.

I don’t like reduced-size keys or reshaping the block of six keys. My guess is that reshaping the block of six keys (Insert, Home, etc) is to mirror laptop layouts, so one doesn’t have to switch between different layouts mentally. No real need on a desktop, but on a laptop, space is often at a premium.

But getting rid of the numpad is something that I am definitely enthusiastic about.

There aren’t that many uses for the numpad. In my experience:

  • You actually do a bunch of numeric entry. I think that very few people do this, but for those people, sure, it’s useful.
  • A few games use it, largely because it happened to be there for numeric entry. Because laptops don’t generally have a numpad, shifting to keybinding schemes that use it have become far less common.

However, the numpad sits right where the mouse would ideally be if the keyboard is reasonably centered.

In general, I’d rather have my hands stay on the home row. If you have to use keys off in neverland, like arrow keys or F-keys or the like, you need to relocate your hands. Preferable to use modifier keys and chord them with regular keys in the “main block” of keys. If you’re a vi or emacs user, you likely don’t use the arrow keys for cursor movement.

There was also a trend back around, oh, early 2000s to have a bunch of extra keys added to the keyboard, stuff like Play, Pause, etc. That seemed to kinda fall out of favor.


I’ve recently built and am transitioning to a 50-key split-ergo keyboard. I code for a living so, a bit of getting used to, to be honest. The big advantage is in ergonomics and portability. Fewer keys means that fingers have less travel distance.

@HatchetHaro@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Gamers generally want more room on the desk so their mice can travel further without needing to be repositioned.

I love having a numpad for extra keybinds in MMOs and for number inputs for work, but I’ve since switched to a TKL and never looked back.

I still miss the numpad but that thing can be bought separately, and not smashing my mouse into my keyboard is a big plus.

Looking into upgrading to a Wooting 80HE once that launches; it’s like a TKL that wants to be questionably special, but given Wooting’s reputation I’d wager it’d still be better than anything else on the market.


I use keyboards in the 40%-65% range. For me it is about reduced travel. Almost no travel for typing any key and minimal travel for the mouse.

I wouldn’t use a keyboard that small if it wasn’t for QMK, the open source keyboard firmware. We essentially have dedicated layer keys. A key when tapped or held remaps the keyboard. For myself that is usually caps lock and a couple keys on the bottom row. I select keyboards that have the space bar split into 3-4 keys for this to work. 4 is preferred to put backspace next to space.

With 40 keys and 3 layers that’s (40 keys - 3 layer keys) * (1 base layer + 3 activated layers) = 148 keys within reach of home row. A full size is around 120 keys.

I’m used to software using “leader” keys like vim and tmux, so it never really bothered me to use layers. I don’t get why anyone would want their hands always moving to reach keys since I started using layers.

@ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I’m a heavy VI user, but the one thing I can’t stand is HJKL navigation. Damn that to hell and back: I’d much rather stay in edit mode and move around with the arrow keys. HJKL can burn in hell. As for the numpad, I don’t use it too often, but when I have to type rows and rows of numbers in my code for some reason, I really miss it. And that curiously happens often enough that I prefer the numpad to remain firmly attached to the rest of the keyboard.

The mouse being closer isn’t an issue for me because, as I mentioned elsewhere in the thread, I use a trackball.


I have a separate “macro pad”, essentially a numpad layout, also mechanical running QMK. I keep it to the right of the mouse. I don’t use it much anymore, but I do have the option.

I also have an MMO mouse for gaming. WoW, EvE, and FFXIV were too difficult with layers.

I don’t mind HJKL once I got used to it. My arrow keys are bound to caps lock + HJKL, lol.


Weird tangential question: what is the cutoff point for FFXIV for you and why?

I recently swapped to a moonlander and I feel okay with a gaming layer, but I also do not do savage raids or above.


I use a 45% with no dedicated number row. Been a couple years but I mained a Reaper. 12 buttons for my AoE rotation (plus a few utility) and another full 12 for single target. In early WoW days I got away with main abilities on 1-6, Q, E, F, G, R, X, Z and their modded versions (shift, ctrl). Without a number row, I just didn’t have enough keys. I probably could have come up with additional mod keys via layers to make it work, but the MMO mouse just made it easy to have a numpad at my thumb.

Macros like WoW would have helped also. The rotation was pretty predictable from what I remember unlike my Frost DK in WoW which was more proc based and like playing DDR on my keybinds.


Thanks! Due to how queueing abilities work in FFXIV, rotation macros ain’t a thing even on predictable classes.

I see what you mean with the number row. I also like to have F1-F4 accessible plus tab.

Good thing the moonlander is on the big side there.


I like having more real estate for the mouse. If I need the numpad, I just reach for it.

I can live without the nav cluster. I can just Fn+arrows for pgup/dn/home/end. But can’t live without arrows.

Size comparison

@ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I like having more real estate for the mouse

It seems many people who answered here also want a smaller keyboard to position the mouse closer to the centerline, or make room for the mouse.

Perhaps I should mention my own setup then: I don’t use a mouse 🙂 I use this - rather confusingly named - fabulous trackball: the Kensington Expert Mouse:


This is the best trackball ever. It’s been around for many years. People who like trackballs swear by it, and I can’t do without it.

The trackball is right up against the keyboard. So even though I use a full-size 104-key keyboard, the “mouse” is ergonomically placed and doesn’t require a lot of space.


How does a trackball hold up when playing vidya that requires a mouse normally? RTS, ARPG, Indie Rogue lites, FPS, basically anything that may require twitch, precision and traversal.

@ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Well, I’m not much of a gamer. But I regularly play Quake1, 2 and 3/Arena - which are traditional WASD + mouse games despite being old, and I have zero trouble aiming quickly and accurately, even far targets that are single-pixels. The Kensington has a big ball that really helps for fine control.

Of course, there’s a learning curve, as with all trackballs. But once your favorite trackball becomes second nature, the (small) effort really pays off. I’ve used trackballs almost exclusively for 30 years and I’ve settled on the good old classic Kensington Expert Mouse, that’s a beloved favorite of musicians who lack desk real-estate in their MIDI setup, server room warriors like me, and just about anybody who wants a precise mouse without having to sacrifice space. Also, there is something to be said for always having the same controls at the same place all the time when you need to move the cursor: that too reduces hand fatigue.


What a coincidence. I just dusted off my quakeworld client yesterday. How does performing an unscripted RJ with a trackball compare to a mouse?

I’ve seen people swear by the ploopy. Have you had your hand on one?

@ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

How does performing an unscripted RJ with a trackball compare to a mouse?

I just tried it again in case there was some difficulty but no: it’s just fine. The thing is, this trackball is exaclty as comfortable and efficient to me as your mouse is to you. So really there never is any difference in terms of usability. You’ll never catch me being slower or less precise with that thing, because I’ve been rolling with one Kensington Expert Mouse or another since the late 90s 🙁

I’ve seen people swear by the ploopy. Have you had your hand on one?

I have not. Like I said, I’ve been totally satisfied with the Expert Mouse for decades, so I’ve never had any need to change.

But I did look it up and I can tell you rightaway what will drive you up the wall: it doesn’t have a scroll wheel. The Expert Mouse does (it’s a ring around the ball) and I don’t think I could live without it. Other than that, it sure looks interesting. I do like the open design.

EDIT: Actually nevermind: I see it has some button to use the ball as a scrollwheel. Interesting… I might just order one.


I’m much more a fan of the thumb trackball Logitech used to make:

https://www.newegg.com/logitech-910-001799/p/24W-001B-00008 as an example.

I’ve seen red or blue marble varieties. I think I’ve owned both, have bought like 5 of these over the years.

Currently using just a regular optical mouse, because it came with the keyboard, and is bound to the same usb plug, but I think I have one somewhere.


I love using 65% boards. Main reason being that I get more desk space, more space for my mouse, more ergonomic as my mouse hand doesn’t have to be as far to the right (this is particularly better for gaming), it’s easier to travel with if the need arises, and I just think they look neat.


I don't have a use for a numpad and it typically sits where I have my mouse so I rather have the space than the numpad. If I really needed one I'd likely just get an external numpad that I can plug in and have it to the side somewhere.

Personally, my favorite size / layout are 75% keyboards, as they keep their F-keys and the Home / Page keys, but everything is compacted into one uniform block without useless gaps. Perfect blend between functionality and aesthetics for me.


I have a split ergo (Ergodox) and an ortho (Preonic). The Ergodox is my normal keyboard and has modifiers and a number row. I use the ortho for cad/3d work when my right hand stays on a mouse so I can type commands and inputs one handed. I still don’t have muscle memory fully down to use layers for symbols and numbers but could get there.


The avarage user doesn’t need all the buttons accessible at every moment as such are willing to trade convenience for space saving and cost reduction. Some people though mainly professionals with hyper specific niches go the opposite direction and trade space and cost for oversized keyboards in the name of efficiency.

Trading terminal keyboards are the easiest keyboards to point to utilizing their additional keys for more streamline trading in an era before algorithmic trading https://sh.itjust.works/pictrs/image/43a87925-04b8-400b-bdcf-a2a08c478dc9.jpeg

Belive it or not just like click switches, large keyboards still popup within the mech keyboard community. Hyper 7 being the most well known (and has a group buy currently going) but there’s also the wombat 200% which features twenty rotary encoders. Some people have been getting the best of both worlds by utilizing a modular mindset. A 75% keyboard with an external numpad and macro pad has the same functionality as a battleship.

@hamburglar26@wilbo.tech avatar

Ok the Hyper 7 totally blew me away. Absolute overkill hit damn I wish I had money to burn on that right now.

I’m the type that has to have the number pad, I play a lot of older games that tend to be much easier to play with it for keyboard shortcuts, and I’m just way better at typing numbers invites the top row.

@LemonLord@endlesstalk.org avatar

User getting younger and keyboards smaller.


Skill issue.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

I type on a Cooler Master Masterkeys Pro M. It’s very slightly reduced from a standard 104 key ANSI layout. It has a numpad but is missing the three arrow key columns (what I’ve taken to calling the nav group as most of those keys are for navigating a document) All that functionality is in the numpad, like it always was, except on this keyboard it’s not laid out like an old Model M, they transferred the arrow keys, home-end-page up/down-ins-del keys and such into the numpad in a way that makes sense if you’re used to them. Takes a second to get used to, and I actually ever use the numlock key on this keyboard, but it works. The alphanumeric key section is more or less perfectly normal ANSI layout (there’s a fn key between right Super and Ctrl) so it’s perfectly ordinary to type on.

Narrowing the keyboard a bit like this does two things for me:

  1. Moving my hand from the home row to the mouse is ~4 inches shorter. A full 104 key is so wide that either the mouse ends up way off to the right, or to reach the home row I have to reach my right hand to my right. My right wrist spends less time at extreme angles.
  2. It frees up room for my space mouse to the left of the keyboard on my tiny little keyboard tray.

I really don’t get the folks who not only did away with the F row but also the number row and have to deal with layers to get to stuff like that.


It probably feels more ergonomical, I would also have a smaller if I were to buy one tbh

@OneRedFox@beehaw.org avatar

As a small keyboard user myself, I made the switch because I wasn’t using those keys anyways and the few that I were could easily be handled with layers. I have one of those desks with the sliding tray where the keyboard sits, so being able to free up space so the keyboard fits comfortably is nice.

@Comradesexual@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I’m a severe numpad hater but I hate when they also steal the arrow keys.

@GarytheSnail@programming.dev avatar



We have a TVS Gold, the most popular mechanical keyboard in India that comes with Cherry MX Blue switches. You will find it in government offices, banks and elsewhere, and they work for decades. I would prefer quieter red/black switches, but the full traditional key layout is a joy to use.

People probably prefer smaller layouts for their wrist issues and for minimalist aesthetics.

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