
Alternative take on the headline: Christian Bale barges in to homes he helped build and angrily destroys the foundations with a sledgehammer.

@ThePantser@lemmy.world avatar

Bale will finally have that pool of children to choose his Robin.


I hated Christian Bale for the longest time because I assumed he was an ass hole because of his rant on the set of Terminator Salvation. Eventually I forgave him because he apologized for it.


Don’t develop parasocial relationships with actors. Just appreciate the acting they do and keep on truckin. Most successful musicians and actors are pricks. Parasocial relationships with actors is how you get the Johnny vs Amber internet war.

@agent_flounder@lemmy.world avatar

Totally. Most highly successful, rich, and/or famous people are probably emotionally damaged, ruthless assholes to get where they are.

Even if, occasionally, luck or wholesomeness helps someone make it, it is so incredibly rare that the vast majority of attachments to famous strangers will lead to bitter disappointment.


For every Keanu, there’s several Oprahs (someone who chases success no matter what awfulness it enables), Ellens (sociopaths abusive to their staff but friendly in public), Harveys (people who abuse their gate keeping of a pathway to celebrity to extort those who want to go down that path), and Christians (celebrities whose ego tells them they are superior to others who they work with).

And that’s not mentioning the Quentins (abuse actors in their search for perfect shots, assuming the abuse itself isn’t the reason), Alecs (producers who run such a lax safety environment that someone ends up dead), OJs (celebrities who literally get away with murder because of worship by law enforcement), Britneys (celebrity abused by those who were supposed to be protecting her at the cost of their mental health or even freedom).

Or the potentially worse kind of all, the Ronalds, or popular celebrities that take a role as the face of a political group so that their celebrity status and what people think they know about them because of their characters to greatly accelerate the consolidation of the economy under the wealthiest and social tools used to control those they deem “lesser”.


All I saw with the Depp/heard trial was a couple of mutually abusive, narcissistic assholes trying to outdo each other. I have no idea why anyone took a side on that one or why people were trying to make Depp out to be a victim when we got so much evidence of both of them being pricks.


It was a symbolic issue for male domestic abuse


Yup. I honestly could not care less about what musicians/actors do in their personal lives (unless it’s illegal, then they should go through the justice system).

You don’t have to be a good person to be good at your job.

@TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

According to people who work in film industry, it was a deserved rant. That other dude, had walked on set during filming, second time. Apparently, you’re not supposed to disturb the scene.

Also Bale ranted while staying in accent. That’s just glorious.


Well he IS an asshole. But he also has pr people and managers, so yeah he’s gonna get reigned in at times. He’s not the worst asshole in Hollywood but he’s up there.


Actor at day, building foster care homes at night. Because he’s the hero children need and deserve.

@chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world avatar

It’s funny, the date lines up with TDK, and I wonder if this idea had was inspiration for the foster home subplot of TDKR.


I never actually thought before just how full the comics are of foster home and orphanage related stories. It’s almost like it’s the main theme of batman comics.


Orphanages were needed back when parents died in wars and at work with much more regularity. Their requirement in society has dwindled as Life has gained social value in the west.


does it come with bat cave?


Of course.


See? You’ll never see Atheist Bale do that! Checkmate unbelievers!

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