
I honestly have no real opinion on this (yet), as I don't know if that would help or not.

But 90% of all policy proposals from the UK end up being terrible ideas, so I'll just assume this is stupid.


I wonder if there will be any unintended consequences to this action.


Well let you know, NZ’s new conservative government has just done this same thing.

Unintended consequences? Boost to low end mobile phone sales: kids will buy a shitty phone to surrender at the start of the school day.


Seems like an obvious thing to do. Too bad we wasted a generation or two on this problem before waking up.


Time and attention well spent.

E: I have to add an /s to that? Seriously? Who reads this and goes “That’s somebody’s real take!”


Bike shedding.

Let’s focus on this small but easily understood problem and hope that someone somewhere else is sorting out the big and difficult stuff.

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