Russia recruiting female convicts into the military report says, as the role of women in the Ukraine war expands

  • Russia is recruiting female convicts to boost its military forces, a Ukrainian intelligence spokesperson said.
  • Moscow wants to recruit the convicts to auxiliary and combat roles, the Kyiv Post reported.
  • More than 100,000 convicts from Russian penal colonies have reportedly been conscripted to fight in Ukraine.

Good. Should help tank Russia’s population.


Katfights inc.


There’s going to be so much rape.


Shouldn’t every Russian “soldier” or “military personnel” be defecting by the millions to Ukraine ? I mean if the Ukraine-Russia War finally resolves, either Ukraine will be a EU AND NATO Member !!! Or Russia will shrink politically and economically ( military likely the first to get thrown under the bus if Russia loses) even a Russian victory now will be a extremely pyrrhic lose-lose situation further isolating Russia.

I cant imagine if Russia sends WOMEN to the front-lines in ANY capacity. Women will seek to surrender to Ukrainian forces and Russia will start to decline by population. You cannot create an Army without women participating. If you remove even 5% of Russian women, the war will be lost before you fire bullets.


They have families in Russia. And the state have plenty of windows with their names already written on it, just in case.


What is the opposite of a girl boss?


Boy slave(?)


So on the surface, it’s more people to die in Ukraine, which is sad. On the other hand, one of the reasons women traditionally don’t serve in armies is because if you need 100 kids to be born in 9 months, that can come from one single guy, but it can only come from 100 women. Something to consider in a country that is in a demographic crisis already.

Diplomjodler3, (edited )

Putin has no long term strategy. It’s all about surviving the next day. Russia will be paying the price for decades to come, though.


It would be naive to think that. Dugin, his ideologue, wrote a book on their long term geopolitical strategy, of which Brexit, and funding US racists was a part of.

He made a massive miscalculation on the combat effectiveness of both the Russian and Ukrainian armies, which was a heavy blow to those goals, though. Let’s hope it was a big enough mistake.


They may write fantasy books where they are some sort of mythical heroes all day long. That doesn’t mean any of this is applicable to reality.


Brexit happened, Trump was (and might be again) president, far right is growing in Europe. Outside of the battlefield, they are quite successful in their war against the West


Social manipulation is something russia is unfortunately quite adept at

ghostdoggtv, (edited )

The demographic consequences of Russia’s misadventures will continue to echo for decades. The Russian security state has given Russia multiple lobotomies over the last ~100 years and that’s more or less how they’re able to stay on top of things. The stability they export is only an asset insofar as they don’t have the same kind of domestic potential.


He made a massive miscalculation on the combat effectiveness of both the Russian and Ukrainian armies

More like, he was counting on Trump’s second term. If that had taken place, there would be no Ukraine now

It may still happen but hopefully the damage is done by now


There is that of course, but I don’t want to discount Ukraine here. From 2014 to 2022, everyone, including the West and Ukraine has meekly resigned not to escalate to open warfare after the start of the invasion. In 2022, during the first 3 days, Putin expected Kyiv to fall in three days, and so did the whole world. But it didn’t. It’s the kind of shit that will have Zelenskyy streets named after him around the world, while Putin will have as much share in the public consciousness as any of the Mongolian khans whose names historians quote as fun trivia, but not much else.

At this point, Russians are cursing the name of Gorbachev for the fall of the USSR, but in 50 years, they will be cursing the name of Putin for the fall of Russia.


I hope you are right and that they go so far out hating Putin that they’ll never allow another repeat…


I don’t see them hating Putin for the same reasons you, or I would. They would hate Putin because he lost.


I hope I am right and you are wrong… but as I type this reply, my conviction has almost entirely dissipated :-(


At least we share in where our hopes lie, friend


They may end up serving in a different role than you may be assuming.

Making a corps of childbearering women under military supervision would be very dystopian, but also kinda in-character for Putin and the Russian government’s trajectory lately.


are we just making shit up now?


I’m hypothesizing.

It’s not a stretch to imagine Putin and his ilk enacting some sort of horrific policy like that. They think of their citizenry as a natural resource to be exploited in a very direct sense. They do not care about their citizens in an individual sense. They only care about their citizens in an aggregated sense inasmuch as their citizens provide utility for their own goals and enrichment. That’s what a kleptocracy is, and the Putin regime is very much a kleptocracy.


I mean homie is just sharing thoughts not really making anything up

But you realize Putin is a human trafficker right???


What, you’d be surprised if they press-ganged these women into sexual slavery? Really?

This is Russia we’re discussing here.


The Japanese did it during WW2. “Comfort Women”


If stealing kids is not below them, then how would this be?


Don’t need a corps; just note that pregnant women get sent to the rear and let things sort themselves out.

MushuChupacabra, avatar

This is the sort of thing you do when everything is going just great in the war that you started.


Ukraine is totally winning yep

MushuChupacabra, avatar

You press your women into service, when you’re winning yep. Surely a sign that things are going well on the front.



I said it unironically. Slava Ukraini 🙂




Ukraine can absolutely lay down 10 to 1 casualty ratios and still lose. The population and industrial disparity is pretty big.

Snowpix, avatar

Nice 8 hour old account. Probably made just to stir shit up, eh?


More dead blyats.


I am willing to bet that is not a picture of the female convicts


Cannon fodder is a gender neutral job.


You made me spit my coffee.


russia now embraces gender equality, feminism and general wokeness.


I was told Russia was going to protect us from all that wokeness. The Russian Army was strong because it didn’t bow down to wokeness like America.


I had an idiot tell me he would move to Russia to escape the wokeness (not going to happen).

I wished him luck, I sure wasn’t going to follow and I hope he likes being sent to the front as cannon fodder. Putin barely cares about Russians so a foreign Slavic Muslim is certainly going to get treated amazingly I’m sure. But I don’t mind conservatives leaving.

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