
gaming Icon

buildapc Icon


A community for fans of life simulation games, including the Sims series and the upcoming Paralives and Life by You.


A place to share alternatives to popular online services that can be self-hosted without giving up privacy or locking you into a service you don’t control.

For Example

  • Service: Dropbox - Alternative: Nextcloud
  • Service: Google Reader - Alternative: Tiny Tiny RSS
  • Service: Blogger - Alternative: WordPress

We welcome posts that include suggestions for good self-hosted alternatives to popular online services, how they are better, or how they give back control of your data. Also include hints and tips for less technical readers.

Useful Lists Icon


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Linux is a family of open source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991 by Linus Torvalds. Linux is typically packaged in a Linux distribution (or distro for short).

Distributions include the Linux kernel and supporting system software and libraries, many of which are provided by the GNU Project. Many Linux distributions use the word “Linux” in their name, but the Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to emphasize the importance of GNU software, causing some controversy.


  • Posts must be relevant to operating systems running the Linux kernel. GNU/Linux or otherwise.
  • No misinformation
  • No NSFW content
  • No hate speech, bigotry, etc

Related Communities

Community icon by Alpár-Etele Méder, licensed under CC BY 3.0


Docker is an open-source project to easily create lightweight, portable, self-sufficient containers from any application. The same container that a developer builds and tests on a laptop can run at scale, in production, on VMs, bare metal, OpenStack clusters, public clouds and more.



  • Be Civil.
  • Post about your homelab, discussion of your homelab, questions you may have, or general discussion about transition your skill from the homelab to the workplace.
  • No memes or potato images.
  • We love detailed homelab builds, especially network diagrams!
  • Report any posts that you feel should be brought to our attention.
  • Please no shitposting or blogspam.
  • No Referral Linking.
  • Keep piracy discussion off of this community Icon



A community for all things Splatoon!

Stay fresh! <コ:彡 C:彡


Feel free to add any of these to help identify your post!

Topics & Formats

[Image] [Discussion] [Fan Art] [Stategy] [Salmon Run] [Meme] [Video] [Clip] [News] [Data]


[Spoiler] [OC]

Useful Links

Server Status


Event Calendar

Splatoon Stronghold

Other Communities


/r/Splatoon Discord


Credit to /u/NorthWestWind for the current banner! Icon


Video game news oriented community. No NanoUFO is not a bot :)


  1. News oriented content (general reviews, previews or retrospectives allowed).
  2. Broad discussion posts (preferably not only about a specific game).
  3. No humor/memes etc…
  4. No affiliate links
  5. No advertising.
  6. No clickbait, editorialized, sensational titles. State the game in question in the title. No all caps.
  7. No self promotion.
  8. No duplicate posts, newer post will be deleted unless there is more discussion in one of the posts.
  9. No politics.


  1. No personal attacks.
  2. Obey instance rules.
  3. No low effort comments(one or two words, emoji etc…)
  4. Please use spoiler tags for spoilers.

My goal is just to have a community where people can go and see what new game news is out for the day and comment on it.

Other communities: gaming gaming pcgaming


Post your Doom related stuff


A community for those that would like to get away from Google.

Here you may post anything related to DeGoogling, why we should do it or good software alternatives!


  1. Be respectful even in disagreement
  2. No advertising unless it is very relevent and justified. Do not do this excessively.
  3. No low value posts / memes. We or you need to learn, or discuss something.

Related communities

!privacyguides !privacy !privatelife!linuxphones !fossdroid !fdroid Icon


Studies, research findings, and interesting tidbits from the ever-expanding scientific world.

Subcommunities on Beehaw:

Be sure to also check out these other Fediverse science communities:

This community’s icon was made by Aaron Schneider, under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Icon


Welcome to the Relationship Advice community on Lemmy and Kbin!

The ideal place to ask for help with your relationships: romantic, friendships, we don’t know what we are yet, co-workers or just human interactions in general.

Please make sure you read our rules before posting.


Rules can be clicked on to be expanded.

1: Treat all users with respect. [!]## The goal of this community is helping OP and readers, not making fun of them. We are an inclusive community, any sort of disrespect towards ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, etc, will not be tolerated. ##

2: Mark sexual content as NSFW. [!]## Posts containing mentions or descriptions of sexual topics must be tagged as NSFW. This includes descriptions of sexual acts, requests for advice in the bedroom, explicit descriptions of your body and similar content.

3: All posts must be a request for advice.## All posts must be phrased as a request for advice or as a question. Sharing of stories, personal anecdotes, or past mistakes are only allowed if they’re followed by a clear and relevant request for advice with the situation.

4: Provide sufficient and relevant information.## Your title and body need to contain enough information relevant to your situation, such as ages, genders, and the relationship between people mentioned. For privacy-related concerns, we recommend using fake names and broad general locations.

5: Comments must be on topic and relevant to OP.## Comments must be directly related to helping OP, asking for more information, providing relevant resources or otherwise relevant to the thread. Off-topic comments and remarks, suspicious attempts at gathering personal data from OP or other readers, or bullying will not be tolerated.

6: This is a community for requesting advice, not moral judgement.## Moral judgements, “AITA?” and other similar questions are better served by different communities.

Reddit reposts are allowed.## As a temporary measure and the result of a poll, Reddit reposts are allowed following an expanded set of rules:

How are rules enforced and bans applied?## For the most part, this community operates under the assumption that users are acting in good faith and should be given second-chances for their mistakes. Posts and comments with very light rule violations, or otherwise undesired but mostly harmless content, can be removed by a moderator on a case by case basis without any further punitive actions. For violations of our rules, we follow a “3 strike” system as follows: - 1st violation: 72 hours ban + moderator warning via PMs. - 2nd violation: 1 week ~ 1 month ban + final warning via PMs. - 3rd violation: 1 month ~ permanent ban. The goal of this system is making sure users are made aware of their behavior before being permanently banned, but also protecting the community from any rule violations. Exceptions: While the “3 strike” system will be applied to the majority of situations, rules marked with a [!] in the sidebar signifies a rule that, if violated in an intentional, malicious or significant way, can warrant an immediate permanent ban regardless of the number of previous violations. This includes severe disrespect to users or groups, dangerous content, and similar.

Related communities: Icon


Welcome to the “FreeBSD” community at the BSD Cafe BlendIT server!

Join us in our bustling virtual cafe, where we savor the finest virtual pastries and discuss all things FreeBSD. We’re thrilled to have you here, and we hope this place becomes your go-to spot for all matters concerning FreeBSD. Whether you’re a seasoned FreeBSD enthusiast, a curious newcomer, or simply intrigued by the world of BSD operating systems, this space is open for discussions, questions, and knowledge exchange. Feel free to introduce yourself, pose questions, share your experiences, or engage in conversations about FreeBSD’s robustness, performance, and its thriving community. We foster a warm and respectful environment where everyone can learn and contribute. So, take a seat in our bustling cafe, treat yourself to a virtual pastry, and let’s dive into the exciting world of FreeBSD together! Your insights and questions are highly valued, and we eagerly anticipate enlightening conversations within this community.


A community for discussions and thoughts about degrowth, postgrowth, donut economics and similar ideas to create an economy, which is able to meet every humans needs, without overusing our planets resources, by cutting useless consumption and focusing on appropriate technologies. Icon


on computer games” is a gaming blog that publishes analyses, musings, and essays on the highly subjective experience of computer games; presented in a style reminiscent of “very creative writing” and covering a range of topics such as philosophy, nostalgia, and tanuki lore.

We also publish a free online magazine. Links below.

Glad you asked!

On top of discussing any content @; the purpose of this community is to discuss anything about COMPUTER GAMES, with a slant toward the philosophical, conceptual, and creative; we do not care about your “score” for the new ____ game; we care about your unique experience while playing the new ___ game. We are also partial to sh!t posting if it is games-related.

Keep it copacetic and stay “on topic,” the topic being COMPUTER GAMES.

If you link to other publications, like: “check out this interesting review for ___ game at Kotaku!” we reserve the right to delete your post and ban you; posts should be fairly original content, as much as human creation can be “original.”

Issue#1 - The Dragon Takes Flight

*disclaimer: the term “computer games” in this context means literally any video game; “computer games” is what grandma says when she tells you to “stop playing those damn computer games and go outside!” Icon


I'm a group about BeersOfMastodon. Follow me to get all the group posts. Tag me to share with the group. Create other groups by searching for or tagging @yourGroupName

atheism Icon


Reddit’s new home for ExMormon. Welcome heathens!

  1. Be respectful (no hate, racism, anti LGBTIQIA)
  2. No NSFW
  3. No trading/Selling
  4. No chat spamming/intentional reposts
  5. Have fun!

Here’s a graphic for how the Fediverse works. (Source ) Icon


A Lemmy community for the game League of Legends. Icon


Rule 0: Be civil

Rule #1: No spam, porn, or facilitating piracy

Rule #2: No advertisements

Rule #3: No memes, PCMR language, or low-effort posts/comments

Rule #4: No tech support or game help questions

Rule #5: No questions about building/buying computers, hardware, peripherals, furniture, etc.

Rule #6: No game suggestions, friend requests, surveys, or begging.

Rule #7: No Let’s Plays, streams, highlight reels/montages, random videos or shorts

Rule #8: No off-topic posts/comments

Rule #9: Use the original source, no editorialized titles, no duplicates Icon

dataisbeautiful Icon


/c/TenFoward: Your home-away-from-home for all things Star Trek!

Re-route power to the shields, emit a tachyon pulse through the deflector, and post all the nonsense you want. Within reason of course.

~ 1. No bigotry. This is a Star Trek community. Hating someone off of their race, culture, creed, sexuality, or identity is not remotely acceptable. Mistakes can happen but do your best to respect others.

~ 2. Keep it civil. Disagreements will happen both on lore and preferences. That’s okay! Just don’t let it make you forget that the person you are talking to is also a person.

~ 3. Use spoiler tags. This applies to any episodes that have dropped within 3 months prior of your posting. After that it’s free game.

~ 4. Keep it Trek related. This one is kind of a gimme but keep as on topic as possible.

~ 5. Keep posts to a limit. We all love Star Trek stuff but 3-4 posts in an hour is plenty enough.

~ 6. Try to not repost. Mistakes happen, we get it! But try to not repost anything from within the past 1-2 months.

~ 7. No General AI Art. Posts of simple AI art do not ‘inspire jamaharon’ and fuck over our artist friends.

Fun will now commence.

Sister Communities:





Want your community to be added to the sidebar? Just ask one of our mods!

Honorary Badbitch:

@jawa21 for realizing that the line used to be “want to be added to the sidebar?” and capitalized on it. Congratulations and welcome to the sidebar. Stamets is both ashamed and proud.

Creator Resources:

Looking for a Star Trek screencap?(TrekCore)

Looking for the right Star Trek typeface/font for your meme?(Thank you @kellyaster for putting this together!) Icon


For PC gaming news and discussion. PCGamingWiki


  1. Be Respectful.
  2. No Spam or Porn.
  3. No Advertising.
  4. No Memes.
  5. No Tech Support.
  6. No questions about buying/building computers.
  7. No game suggestions, friend requests, surveys, or begging.
  8. No Let’s Plays, streams, highlight reels/montages, random videos or shorts.
  9. No off-topic posts/comments.
  10. Use the original source, no clickbait titles, no duplicates. (Submissions should be from the original source if possible, unless from paywalled or non-english sources. If the title is clickbait or lacks context you may lightly edit the title.) Icon


Nintendo 3DS, DS, 2DS gaming handhelds, games, accessories, gear, hacks, history and community. Fun, memories and friends associated with them.

Older handhelds like Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, Game&Watch also welcome.

To show your collection or pickup, use the pinned thread.

For hacks and piracy, use those respective communities. Also consider using the Game Boy community for GB-specific matters.

Related communities:

3DS Themes:


3DS Hacks:


3DS Piracy:


DS Hacks:


Game Boy:


Nintendo communities:







Regular rules of conduct of apply. Icon

alberta Icon


Talk about all your favorite fighting games in here. Icon


A community for ARPG/HacknSlash games.

  • Diablo series
  • Path of Exile
  • Last Epoch
  • Grim Dawn
  • and any other game of the genre!

Season 1: TBA

Crucible: April 7, 2023 (now live!)

Patch: 0.9.1 Rising Flames (now live!)


  1. Be nice and don’t start trouble.’s rules apply.

  1. Don’t trash games you personally don’t enjoy.

You are free to criticize and voice your opinion, as long as you respect others. Don’t start flamewars, don’t be a dick.

  1. Self-promotion (e.g. YouTube LP’s) will be removed.

No one likes spam.

For now Lemmy is most likely to small to garner enough activity for niche communities like this. I’ll mirror content I like from similar subreddits in order to fill this place with some content. Feel free to submit your own links or posts! Once this site has grown it might be more feasible to create communities specific to certain titles.

Community icon created by Freepik - Flaticon Icon


A community to talk about the Fediverse and all it’s related services using ActivityPub (Mastodon, Lemmy, KBin, etc).

If you wanted to get help with moderating your own community then head over to !moderators!


  • Posts must be on topic.
  • Be respectful of others.
  • Cite the sources used for graphs and other statistics.
  • Follow the general rules.

Learn more at these websites: Join The Fediverse Wiki,, Wikipedia Page, The Federation Info (Stats), FediDB (Stats), Sub Rehab (Reddit Migration), Search Lemmy Icon


Be sure to follow the rule before you head out.

Rule: You must post before you leave.

^other^ ^rules^ Icon


For watch enthusiasts to discuss everything related to watches and horology. Icon


A place to share alternatives to popular online services that can be self-hosted without giving up privacy or locking you into a service you don’t control.


  • No harassment
  • crossposts from c/Open Source & c/docker & related may be allowed, depending on context
  • Video Promoting is allowed if is within the topic.
  • No spamming.
  • Stay friendly.
  • Follow the instance rules.
  • Tag your post. (Read under)


Beginning of January 1st 2024 this rule WILL be enforced. Posts that are not tagged will be warned and if not fixed within 24h then removed!

  • Lemmy doesn’t have tags yet, so mark it with [Question], [Help], [Project], [Other], [Promoting] or other you may think is appropriate.


If you see a rule-breaker please DM the mods! Icon


Community about running GNU/Linux on phones. Projects like Ubuntu Touch, Plasma Mobile, PostmarketOS, Mobian etc. Either on former Android phones or hardware like the PinePhone.

See also:

Related chats: Icon


All things BG3!

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a story-rich, party-based RPG set in the universe of Dungeons & Dragons, where your choices shape a tale of fellowship and betrayal, survival and sacrifice, and the lure of absolute power. (Website)


If your post contains any possible spoilers, please:

  • Use the text [SPOILER] at the beginning of your title, do not include any spoilers in the title.
  • Use the appropriate spoiler markup to conceal that content in the body of your post.

Thank you! Icon


Discussions and news about gaming on the GNU/Linux family of operating systems (including the Steam Deck). Potentially a $HOME away from home for disgruntled /r/linux_gaming denizens of the redditarian demesne.

This page can be subscribed to via RSS.

Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.






Telegram: Icon


Rumors, happenings, and innovations in the technology sphere. If it’s technological news or discussion of technology, it probably belongs here.

Subcommunities on Beehaw:

This community’s icon was made by Aaron Schneider, under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Icon


Welcome to the largest gaming community on Lemmy! Discussion for all kinds of games. Video games, tabletop games, card games etc.

Weekly Threads:

What Are You Playing?

The Weekly Discussion Topic


  1. Submissions have to be related to games
  2. No bigotry or harassment, be civil
  3. No excessive self-promotion
  4. Stay on-topic; no memes, funny videos, giveaways, reposts, or low-effort posts
  5. Mark Spoilers and NSFW
  6. No linking to piracy

More information about the community rules can be found here. Icon


Ergonomic, split and other weird keyboards


Keep it ergo

Posts must be of/about keyboards that have a clear delineation between the left and right halves of the keyboard, column stagger, or both. This includes one-handed (one half doesn’t exist, what clearer delineation is that!?)

i.e. no regular non-split¹ row-stagger and no non-split¹ ortholinear²

¹ split meaning a separation of the halves, whether fixed in place or entirely separate, both are fine.
² ortholinear meaning keys layed out in a grid

No Spam

No excessive posting/“shilling” for commercial purposes. Vendors are permitted to promote their products/services but keep it to a minimum and use the [vendor] flair. Posts that appear to be marketing without being transparent about it will be removed.

No Buy/Sell/Trade

This subreddit is not a marketplace, please post on r/mechmarket or other relevant marketplace.

Some useful links Icon


r/startrek: The Next Generation

Star Trek news and discussion. No slash fic…

Maybe a little slash fic.

New to Star Trek and wondering where to start?


1 Be constructiveAll posts/comments must be thoughtful and balanced.

2 Be welcomingIt is important that everyone from newbies to OG Trekkers feel welcome, no matter their gender, sexual orientation, religion or race.

3 Be truthfulAll posts/comments must be factually accurate and verifiable. We are not a place for gossip, rumors, or manipulative or misleading content.

4 Be niceIf a polite way cannot be found to phrase what it is you want to say, don’t say anything at all. Insulting or disparaging remarks about any human being are expressly not allowed.

5 SpoilersUtilize the spoiler system for any and all spoilers relating to the most recently-aired episodes, as well as previews for upcoming episodes. There is no formal spoiler protection for episodes/films after they have been available for approximately one week.

6 Keep on-topicAll submissions must be directly about the Star Trek franchise (the shows, movies, books etc.). Off-topic discussions are welcome at c/quarks.

7 MetaQuestions and concerns about moderator actions should be brought forward via DM.

Upcoming Episodes

DateEpisodeTitle05-09DSC 5x07"Erigah"05-16DSC 5x08"Labyrinths"05-23DSC 5x09"Lagrange Point"05-30DSC 5x10"Life, Itself"07-01PRO S2TBAEpisode Discussion Archive

In Production

Lower Decks (2024)

Prodigy (2024-07-01)

Strange New Worlds (2025)

Section 31 (TBA)

In Development

Starfleet Academy

Wondering where to stream a series? Check here.

Allied Discord Server


  • Be respectful to other members Treat others with kindness and courtesy, even if you disagree with their opinions.
  • Stay on topic Keep your discussions relevant to the purpose of the forum. Avoid going off-topic or derailing conversations.
  • No spamming Avoid posting irrelevant or unnecessary content, advertisements, or links to unrelated websites.
  • Use proper language and tone Choose your words carefully when commenting or replying to others. Avoid using profanity or engaging in offensive language and personal attacks.
  • Do not share personal information Protect your privacy by refraining from sharing personal details such as addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses on the forum.
  • Report any issues If you come across any inappropriate behavior or content, report it to the forum moderators or administrators.
  • Have fun and contribute positively Participate actively and add value to the discussions. Engage in meaningful and constructive conversations with fellow members.


Share a story, ask a question, or start a conversation about (almost) anything you desire. Maybe you’ll make some friends in the process.


  • Be respectful: no harassment, hate speech, bigotry, and/or trolling
  • Encourage conversation in your post
  • Avoid controversial topics such as politics or societal debates
  • Keep it clean and SFW: No illegal content or anything gross and inappropriate
  • No solicitation such as ads, promotional content, spam, surveys etc.
  • Respect privacy: Don’t ask for or share any personal information

Related discussion-focused communities Icon


“The fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal emulator”

A place for discussion and questions about the kitty terminal emulator.

kitty feature overview:


  • No NSFW
  • be respectful (we were all noobs once)
  • try to keep discussions in the ballpark of kitty even if it’s just to contrast another emulator with it


Supported OS:

  • Linux
  • macOS
  • Various BSDs


Canvas — The Fediverse’s r/place

July 12th, 2024 @ midnight EDT


Was on August 4th (12:00am EST) - 6th (11:59pm EST) Thank You Post


Timelapses Icon


Are you addicted to the clicking sounds of your beautiful and impressive mechanical keyboard?
If so, this community is for you!

Here you can discuss everything about mechanical keyboards (and only mechanical keyboards).

Banner by Jay Zhang on Unsplash Icon


A gaming community free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it’s price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don’t meet the system requirements, or just haven’t had the time to keep up with the latest releases.

^(placeholder)^ Icon


Warning: If the community is empty, make sure you have “English” selected in your languages in your account settings.

🔎 Find discussion threads

A community focused on discussions on movies. Besides usual movie news, the following threads are welcome

  • Discussion threads to discuss about a specific movie or show
  • Weekly threads: what have you been watching lately?
  • Trailers
  • Posters
  • Retrospectives
  • Should I watch?

Related communities:

Show communities:

Discussion communities:


Spoilers are strictly forbidden in post titles.

Posts soliciting spoilers (endings, plot elements, twists, etc.) should contain [spoilers] in their title. Comments in these posts do not need to be hidden in spoiler MarkDown if they pertain to the title’s subject matter.

Otherwise, spoilers but must be contained in MarkDown.

2024 discussion threads Icon


A place to post ridiculous posts from

(Full transparency… a mod for this sub happens to work there… but that doesn’t influence his moderation or laughter at a lot of posts.) Icon


In-depth political discussion from around the world; if it’s a political happening, you can post it here.

Guidelines for submissions:
  • Where possible, post the original source of information.
    • If there is a paywall, you can use alternative sources or provide an,, etc. link in the body.
  • Do not editorialize titles. Preserve the original title when possible; edits for clarity are fine.
  • Do not post ragebait or shock stories. These will be removed.
  • Do not post tabloid or blogspam stories. These will be removed.
  • Social media should be a source of last resort.

These guidelines will be enforced on a know-it-when-I-see-it basis.

Subcommunities on Beehaw:

This community’s icon was made by Aaron Schneider, under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

  • All
  • Subscribed
  • Moderated
  • Favorites
  • fightinggames
  • All magazines