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Exactly. Conservatives do not change. They just change how loud they are about their bigotry.


Goddamn. I have a feeling some of them aren’t done dying yet.

Burn_The_Right, (edited )

Their family is not a “loving family” that normal people would imagine. These are conservatives who lack the capacity for empathy and do not feel kindness or love for one another. Their relationships are transactional.

If they sue, it will only be because they see an opportunity for profit. Not because they want to prevent this from happening to anyone else.


you can find the emergency release in the door pocket.

Not without some training first. They are inexplicably hidden. I imagine Elon laughing aloud when he reads of people drowning in Teslas, frantically trying to figure out how to escape.


Stop saying it out loud. Elon can only get so hard.


Impossible. Conservatives don’t have the capacity for introspection.


I’m really torn between hoping the lawsuit payout is very high vs. not wanting the McConnell crime family to become even richer.


Every word uttered by a conservative is deception or manipulation. Every word.

There is no “good conservative” alive today.


Most of the Dem establishment are neoliberals. Neoliberals are conservatives. They may occasionally permit progress to appease voters, but neoliberals are conservatives where their personal profit is concerned.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a progressive party in the U.S. We have a conservative party and a more conservative party. We really are using buckets to keep the ship afloat right now, hoping progressives will take over the Democrat party and save the country. It’s a scary place to be.

'Complete Madness': Israel Blocks Food Aid as More Gaza Children Starve to Death (www.commondreams.org)

According to the Gaza Health Ministry, 21 people in Gaza ranging from 1 day to 72 years old have died from malnutrition and dehydration. However, the humanitarian group Defense for Children International - Palestine (DCIP) warned that “the true death toll due to starvation is feared to be much higher as many Palestinians,...

Rep. Ronny Jackson was demoted by Navy following investigation into his time as White House physician (www.cbsnews.com)

“The substantiated allegations in the DoDIG investigation of Rear Adm (lower half) Ronny Jackson are not in keeping with the standards the Navy requires of its leaders and, as such, the Secretary of the Navy took administrative action in July 2022,” a Navy spokesperson told CBS News.


Jesus Christ, Biden is so old he isn’t even a fucking Baby Boomer?! Fuck.

Apparently he’s from the “Silent Generation”. Goddamn.


He’s lying. He wouldn’t do it if it was moderated by Jon Stewart or Mehdi Hasan.


DONE! No takesie-backsies!

I’ve tried to move to Canada for years now, but I’m not young enough or tech-sector enough to qualify.


If you aren’t hired by an Irish company, moving to Ireland is extremely difficult.


Conservatism is a global cancer. It is an ever-spreading plague of death.

There is no such thing as a “good conservative”. Each one is a cancer cell working to oppress, harm and kill the vulnerable. Coworkers, family, friends, neighbors… Every conservative in our lives is cancerous to humanity.


Legal peaceful protest has never accomplished anything in democracy. Nope. Not once.

I’m glad we can agree on something!


As was my reply. Fight fire with fire. The ending is near.


I do not advocate for murder at all. I advocate for resisting oppression. Sorry to annoy you with my will to live.


Let’s see… Goalposts being moved? You accused me of advocating for murder then apparently equated blocking a roadway with committing murder. Neat. Glad you aren’t in charge of making laws. You’d have broke down motorists on death row for treason or some shit.

You and I have something in common, though. I don’t want protestors blocking roadways. I don’t even want them protesting. Protesting just puts targets on their backs for conservatives to attack them. We are past the time for protests. Action is required now. Not protest. Action.

Hamas Says Gaza Truce Possible 'Within 24 To 48 Hours' If Israel Accepts Terms (www.barrons.com)

“If Israel agrees to Hamas demands, which include the return of displaced Palestinians to northern Gaza and increasing humanitarian aid, that would pave the way for a (truce) agreement within the next 24 to 48 hours,” said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive issue, as negotiations were...


Here’s a link to proposed cease-fires, courtesy of user Keeponstalin.


Here’s a link to proposed cease-fires, courtesy of user Keeponstalin.


We are funding and facilitating the genocide. What is the fucking point of pretending to patch up the wounds we are causing? Why not just STOP facilitating the murder?


They can’t. These moves are being purchased.


There is no “good conservative” alive today.


No one who commits genocide should be believed. They are genocidal liars.

Defund Israel.


Every act and every announcement so far have been openly genocidal. They deny genocide with their words while engaging in genocide with their actions.

This should never be called a “war”. It is genocide.


It will give the people something to celebrate when they drag government officials through the streets. That would at least boost morale a bit.


That’s OK, the U.S. can cover that for them. No worries, Bibi.

Someone remind me what the U.S. gets out of the BILLIONS we spend on them every year? What do we get? Genocide of vulnerable people? Preservation of some conservative fairy tale about “end-times”? Access to oil being sold by completely different countries who already sell it to us directly? What exactly?

Stop supporting them, for fucks sake. We can use that money on important things instead.


Can we just get healthcare instead? Israel has healthcare. Yet we are giving them billions a year. Where the fuck is our healthcare?

Conservatives are pure garbage.


Except it is an unreasonable fear.

Putin has a dysfunctional nuclear arsenal. His ancient systems have been maintained by notorious black market scalpers for the last 50 years. Fuel, electronic components, chassis components, nav and guidance system components, sensors and other parts are valuable. It is extremely unlikely that even a single delivery system would survive launch and make it to its destination, even if the advanced global defense systems in place completely ignored it.

If he detonated a tactical nuke instead (because his international delivery systems would fail), he would not be able to cause enough destruction to punish the EU for fighting him. He simply does not have the physical leverage EU citizens give him credit for. All he has is sabre-rattling and overt threats.

He has been bluffing for decades now. If no one ever calls his bluff, he will win. He is coming for the EU. Will the EU let him have what he wants, or will they call his bluff?


It seems no one will call Putin’s bluff. Every time Medvedev calls out specific countries that Russia will nuke if a line is crossed, the civilized world has a moral obligation to cross that line and call the bluff. We must call their bluff. Failing to call their bluff is capitulation and surrender.


Does Modi want them to be mindful to keep their numbers up?

“Please be mindful to exterminate as many families as possible.”


“Detained” is inaccurate. Arrested, beaten, tortured and disappeared are all more accurate terms here.


Conservatism is a deadly global plague that needs to be eradicated.


Nothing good in the history of mankind has ever come from conservatism. Maduro is a prime example of nothing good.


Goddamn. Thanks for the perspective. This is much more horrible than I thought. It sounds like vulnerable working class people are going to be hurt the worst.


We’ve been saying conservatives will be marginalized soon since the 90’s. I really hope it happens in my lifetime. The infestation has only gotten worse.


Nothing good in human history has ever come from conservatism. Nothing at all.


I’m not sure you’re spelling “butt” correctly.


Fuck Forbes. They prop up conservatives and conservative talking points. They also post screens of tweets from conservatives, like the dickbag (from this article) who referred to the Ukraine army as “Ukronazis”.

The news of this attack is great to hear, but we should not be supporting Forbes with clicks. They are the enemy.


Conservatives frequently refer to themselves as centrists or neither. In the U.S., it is obvious someone is a right wing asshat if they claim to be centrist or neither.

“bOtH sIdEz r EqUaLlY bAd!!!”

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