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And who am I going to need the gun for?

The conservatives who want you and your family to not exist.


The same way they came for Gabby Giffords or Paul Pelosi or that pizza parlor owner or all the Democrats in congress on Jan 6th. You’ll need some help when your neighbor has finally heard enough AM radio and decides today’s the day, or when conservative stochastic terrorism is so wide-spread that the cops just can’t keep up with it all.

Let’s see… In this thread we’ve now covered who, how, when, where and why.


Friendly Reminder: If you aren’t fighting conservatism, you aren’t fighting climate change.


Making lead both the cause and the solution to the planet’s biggest problem.

Trump Might Be Too Broke for a $175 Million Bond, Too (newrepublic.com)

A New York appeals court on Monday reduced the $454 million that former President Donald Trump was required to put up while he appeals his civil fraud case. Now Trump must put up, by April 4, a mere $175 million. The trouble is, he may not get a bond for that amount, either. Should that happen, this act of judicial mercy will...


Then the court will lower it again for him.


Never in the history of mankind has conservatism been stopped by pacifism. The plague of conservatism can only be cured through action.

Courts will not stop conservatives.


This is exactly what is about to happen.

Burn_The_Right, (edited )

American Civil Rights Movement…

MLK was murdered by conservatives. He tried peaceful resistance before admitting it was ineffective. Peaceful resistance famously did not work. It’s amazing to me that you would try to cite this notorious failure of peaceful resistance as some kind of success story. It honestly just comes off racist with today’s conservative rhetoric that racism no longer exists.

Indian Independence from Britain…

Again, Ghandi was murdered by conservatives. Indefinite detentions were enacted and countless Indians were tortured to death by conservatives. Peace did not work in gaining independence from Britain. Unending mass-resistance that caused the deaths of many innocent Indians led to it just not being worth it for Britain.

Singing Revolution in the Baltics…

Only Estonia earned independence through peaceful protest. And that was due to a great deal of support by western nations, and a lack of trying to stop it by the Soviets. Estonia was not being actively oppressed, they just wanted independence. But when Latvia and Lithuania tried the same approach, violence WAS necessary in the form of riots, and deadly barricades. Numerous unarmed citizens of both countries were killed in violent resistance that eventually led to agreements for their independence. And again, the Soviets were barely motivated to stop it. Active conservative oppression was not a motivating factor here for these countries. Simple independence to pursue their own prosperity was the goal.

Arab Spring…

Really? Really?! This is an absurdity on its face. Innocent people are being oppressed by conservatives in the middle east in record numbers today and no one on earth thinks any differently. Why would you even try this one? The brief victories earned during the Arab Spring were earned through well-documented bloodshed and violent resistance.


It’s time for the world to step up and put boots on the ground against evil.


Count me in. A conventional first-strike against Russian nuclear assets by the U.S. would be the most effective opening move as Russia is primed to begin using nukes against Europe and the U.S.

A first-strike (conventional) strategy would be the safest way to avoid the nuclear war Putin is so insistent upon. It would also likely result in an immediate end of Russian operations in Ukraine.


The plan doesn’t require everything to go off without a hitch. Many things can go wrong and still result in success.


For people who work in defense, a Western first-strike scenario (conventional) is widely understood to be the option that results in the fewest casualties and the greatest possibility that no nukes detonate at all.

Your scenarios of doom presume that one sub could destroy the west. You assume that we would not be able to defend against their attempted launch when we’ve spent decades investing in top secret defense systems for this exact scenario. You assume Putin’s delivery systems will function after decades of maintenance by notorious black market scalpers. You assume Russian soldiers would be willing to erase their families for Putin’s attack order.

A conventional first strike means very few, if any, of Russia’s delivery systems would launch. It is extremely unlikely that any of them (if any were to actually launch, given all of the roadblocks I’ve mentioned) would make it to a target. Additionally, every soldier and leader in a warhead firing position knows an attempted launch of any nukes would result in nuclear annihilation of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. They also know that not launching means saving the lives of their families.

This game has been played out over and over again. If Putin launches before a western first-strike, we will suffer mass casualties. If we strike first (conventionally), it is extremely likely that we will suffer no casualties at all and it will also limit the casualties suffered by Russia.

Burn_The_Right, (edited )

Instead of half the world being instantly turned to glass…

I think I now understand why you have taken the position you have taken. You profoundly over-estimate the ability of Russia’s arsenal in a second-strike scenario. Turning half the planet into glass is not possible in a second-strike for Russia.

If they are permitted to first-strike, however, they could seriously inhibit the planet’s sunshine for an extended period of time, which would cause a lot of starvation globally. This outcome would be avoided in a first-strike by the west.

The only scenario in which we all are jeopardized is a scenario in which Russia attacks first. There is no question that allowing them to attack first results in significant death globally. A western first-strike can avoid western deaths entirely and can minimize damage and death within Russia as well. We did not insist upon this position, but based on Medvedev and Lutin’s constantly escalating threats, it seems extremely likely that Putin will use nukes. Allowing him to launch any nuke will result in an extremely poor outcome for everyone, whereas stopping that threat now will avoid that possibility.

The western public would be listening to our military experts if not for the hyperbolic Russian propaganda that Putin will kill everyone on earth if he is angered.


The same way he sold secrets to the Saudis through a $2 billion “investment” in an unskilled, unqualified relative.


Looks like supporting genocide may overshadow all of the impressive things Biden has accomplished. He needs to take a stand against genocide instead of funding it. Then we will have a chance at holding on to democracy for a few more years.


So, what can he do to win more votes than a fascist? If the fascist wins, I am definitely not going to stick around on this planet for that again. I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in that sentiment.


Ronald McDonald’s opinion on any topic is irrelevant. She is not human. She is a conservative troll.


its a human psychological defect that allows for a compartmentalized lack of critical thinking. its choosing/trusting invalid information proxies and running wild with them.

AKA conservatism.


🤣 What makes him think he’d qualify for a mortgage?!

This motherfucker has never made a legitimate penny in his life and is world famous for not paying his bills. He shouldn’t qualify for a studio apartment lease, much less a mortgage.

Gaza: Increasing numbers of newborns on brink of death, agencies warn (news.un.org)

“What doctors and medical staff are telling us is more and more they are seeing the effects of starvation; they’re seeing newborn babies simply dying because they (are) too low birth weight,” said Dr Margaret Harris from the UN World Health Organization (WHO)....


According to the article, she siphoned off a lot of dong.


rocked”? Really?

Last time I checked, the U.S. is still sending more military aid than ever to assist in the genocide of the same vulnerable, impoverished, starving people. Nothing has changed.

Climate protesters can't rely on beliefs in criminal damage cases, UK court rules (news.yahoo.com)

LONDON (Reuters) - Environmental activists accused of criminal damage cannot rely on their political or philosophical beliefs as a defence, London’s Court of Appeal ruled on Monday, raising the prospect of more protesters being convicted for direct action....


Conservatism is a scourge of death. Conservatives are pathologically driven to hold authority over normal people to ensure the misery and death of normal people. Harming normal people brings a deep, fulfilling satisfaction to a conservative.

It is instinctual for a conservative to do whatever they can to cause misery, sickness and death. This is who they have always been throughout history. And, historically, they cannot be stopped by pacifism.

Conservatism is a deadly plague that is long overdue for a cure.


You know… Total as in “Final” and victory as in “Solution”. It’s more polite than saying genocide.


I cannot find a single person on earth that can give a valid reason for sending them any money or armament whatsoever. We gain absolutely nothing from supporting them. Nothing at all.

Conservatives cry crocodile tears about “wasting money”. Every penny ever sent to Israel has been wasted. It’s not an investment. There is no return. There is no political or financial gain of any kind for us.


In theory, you could make an argument about defending the people living in a hostile region.

There are vulnerable groups in the middle east. Why lavish only this one with billions of dollars of munitions? We do not have any valid reason to support them any more than any other vulnerable group.


The measure was a good idea. The implementation was a failure. The plan included opening rehabs and encouraging/requiring addicts to get treatment if caught, but that part of the plan was never implemented.

So they never really committed to measure 110. They only tried half of it. So strange that a good idea would fail when only half of it was implemented.


KGW news reports that the treatment facilities were never built and that the citations for this program were never created. They also report that special citations to issue and instructions to contact any number were never given to police. So, there were no “new” citations issued, no new instructions given to the recipients of the standard (pre 110 style) citations and so there is no reason to expect anyone to call anything.

This was an implementation issue from the very beginning. They never even tried to issue the new citations. They used their same old citations without giving any instructions to call anyone. And they never built the specific facilities to support any of the potential new citation recipients. The only part of measure 110 that seems to have been implemented was not jailing people for drug possession.


more people would have called if we had given them “special” tickets. There’s absolutely no evidence for that.

This statement is disingenuous. The citations aren’t “special” just because they are specific. The change in citation involves educating the recipient on the program and what will happen if they do not engage in the program. The “special” citations are clear, written instructions designed specifically to encourage addicted and often unhoused people to participate.

What was done instead was a small number of non-informative business cards (which were often not provided anyway) and regular (uninformative) tickets issued by officers who received zero training on encouraging participation in the program. There were no general orders created for police requiring them to provide instructions to ticket recipients and no training of any kind on implementing the new measure.

Police need to be trained and instructed on how to implement something like this. They can’t be expected to guess what’s needed or to make it up as they go. They cannot be expected to make an effective verbal sales pitch to an addict, or to even try without training. That is not an appropriate way to implement such a measure.

The few police who did their best to verbally explain it and handed out business cards did so on their own, without training or standard process. This program was simply never fully implemented.


Defund Israel and let them answer to their neighbors on their own. We get nothing from them but headaches and guilt by association. Our funding makes us complicit in their nonstop atrocities. End this grotesque, valueless, one-sided relationship.


Conservatives knew the “evidence” was fake. The public at large knew the evidence did not exist. Everyone knew this was all made up, yet conservatives thought they could push this through by sheer will. This was never about evidence for them. This was always dishonest.

A conservative is incapable of honesty. Every word uttered by a conservative is either deception or manipulation. Every word. This has been true throughout history and will not change in our lifetimes.


That’s true. That’s why every accusation from a conservative is a confession.


This is the best use of hand emojis I have ever seen. Outstanding!


Pootie’s nukes have been maintained by notorious black market scalpers for decades. It’s extremely unlikely that most of the delivery systems would still be functional enough to make it to a target. There is a litany of critical components on a warhead delivery system that are high-value and easy to replace with phony parts. Not to mention how highly valuable rocket fuels are.

Also, the west has invested very heavily in secret defense tech for the last several decades. It’s kind of our full-time hobby and is the U.S.'s single biggest expense by far. Has Russia really kept up? Or have their financial difficulties and limitless arrogance allowed them to fall behind? Find out on the next episode of “Erasing Moscow”.


I came oh-so-close to moderating a conservative community and I am quite vocally opposed to conservatism.

I’m hoping that maybe some conservative communities on Lemmy are moderated by normal (non-conservative) people who can keep the conservatives within the bounds of their instance’s guidelines. Perhaps this is one such moderator. That would certainly be better than letting conservatives moderate a community. We’ve seen how that turns out.


Conservatives are simultanously cartoonishly evil and cartoonishly dumb as fuck.


Neoliberals are conservatives. Unfortunately, we don’t have a progressive party in the U.S. We have a conservative party and a more conservative party.


Hey, now. That’s not fair. The rich purchased these policymakers fair and square. They are bought and paid for, so they can do what they please with them, thank you very much.


Let’s see how conservatives try to defend our spending in Israel. In what way does that money help U.S. citizens in any way? Our relationships with oil-producing countries do not benefit at all from this expense. So… Why spend this money? Go ahead, conservatives. Try to justify your religious cos-play.


Support of Israel is a conservative thing. Biden is a neoliberal. Neoliberals are conservative.


That was for primaries. Now it’s time to bury nazis.


It is not possible for a conservative to enter any conversation or negotiation in good faith. A conservative is biologically incapable of honesty. Every word uttered by a conservative is deception or manipulation. Every word.

Defund Israel. Let them answer to their neighbors on their own!


That’s very true. The other way you can be sure they are lying is that they are conservatives.


Impossible. Conservatives are not capable of shame.


Conservatives aren’t exactly known for their intelligence.

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