


Hail Satan.


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That's really weird. I've got ~300 hours logged on my PS5 and haven't had any significant issues like that. Occasionally I'll get some frame drops if I've got a build that's very spammy with abilities that produce particle effects (going apeshit with mantis blades in Dogtown tends to be pretty taxing on the system), or if I leave the game running for way too long. But relaunching the game generally fixes that.

Otherwise, I've had a pretty consistent 60 FPS experience in Performance Mode all the way throughout.


The 2016 DOOM fits these requirements. DOOM Eternal is pretty decent, but honestly I feel like it's actually a step down from the 2016 release. They added a lot of new mechanics that you have to juggle, and a bunch of plot (euch, gross), and is overall not as good of an experience. 2016 also has a better soundtrack, IMO. BFG Division is one of the best songs ever produced, even outside of game soundtracks.

If you want something a little more unique, I could also recommend SUPERHOT.

Basically, if an FPS puts its name in all caps, it's probably gonna be a banger. Caps-locking the title of your game requires a certain amount of confidence, I feel.


Unless he has anything resembling an employment contract (which I'm doubting is the case, as I don't think YouTube has ever offered such contracts to creators outside of the now-defunct YouTube Red productions), I don't see this working out in his favor.


This would be an absolutely insane precedent that would just result in further gate-keeping the ability to earn revenue on YouTube.

Exactly. If YouTube was forced to treat every monetized creator on the platform as an employee, this will end up hurting smaller creators who can't meet the requirements for an actual employment (those with smaller followings or irregular upload schedules), and many who were previously monetized will suddenly lose it.


People who hate sbmm hate it because they have to play with player of their skill level, instead of just stomping bad players

Not entirely. While it's definitely true for some players (mostly content creators), people generally hate SBMM because they often end up in laggier lobbies. Nobody likes getting killed while you're behind cover, and CBMM directly remedies this.

For instance, I play Destiny 2, which switched from CBMM to SBMM a while back. I'm not a top player (top 48% in casual game mode according to D2Tracker), and even I hate SBMM since the games have always been of much lower quality since that switch. I'm actually playing lower-skilled players than I was in the CBMM days, because my region has a decent amount of high-skill players that I'd previously match up against. But now I'm playing lower-skilled players in higher-latency matches. That's not a good experience.

I'd rather lose to a player because they're better than me, not because their internet is trash.

CBMM should always be the default, no matter what the game is. SBMM can be used as a secondary filter, but making it the primary matchmaking factor is always going to be trouble for players of all skill levels.


This article is over a month old. Is the OF throttling even still happening?


I'm just glad it got a redemption arc at all. I fell in love with the game at launch, despite the bugs and performance issues, and was sad to see people being unwilling to give it a shot.

I just hope CDPR remembers this lesson the next time. Just wait until it's actually done. Whatever projected losses you may foresee by delaying the game are nothing compared to the reputation that will haunt you by releasing it too early.


Only legislation will fix this.

You say this for everything, holy shit man.

"Only legislation will fix this" was your response to WoW charging extra for early access, to Mortal Kombat having paid fatalities, to a Disney game not being free-to-play when it leaves early access, to a translation error from a developer who does not speak English and/or the developer adding paid DLC to their $20 game, to a free mobile game having in-app purchases.

I'm really starting to think that you truly believe game developers should perform unpaid labor.

StarCraft could return, according to Blizzard president, but not necessarily as an RTS (www.pcgamer.com)

While Blizzard is very much focussed on its big money-makers like its various Warcraft games, from WoW to Hearthstone to Warcraft Rumble, as well as Diablo and the much-maligned Overwatch 2, he’s still open to StarCraft making a comeback. That said, RTS fans shouldn’t get their hopes up. While the series might return, that...


StarCraft doesn't have to be at RTS, you know.

RTS is a dead genre, but that doesn't mean the SC universe has to die with it.


StarCraft hasn't seen any significant development since 2015. There aren't many other competitors in the RTS space since about that time, as well.

C&C hasn't had anything since 2010. AoE's last major entry was in 2021 and had a pretty weak reception. I can't think of the last RTS that actually sold well and has large adoption besides SC2.

It's a very niche genre these days, and few developers are willing to make them in today's climate of looters, extractions, and battle royales. RTS games just simply aren't making the waves they used to anymore.


This thread is literally the first time I've heard of either of those.


I dunno, there's some pretty bizarre and dark elements to Stardew that I think Lynch could really bring to life. Surface-level, Ghibli sounds like an excellent choice, but when you dive a bit deeper into Stardew, it does become a little bit Lynchian.

I could actually see it working.


If you're hosting meaningful files on Discord, you need a better hosting solution. Discord isn't meant for large-scale file sharing.


What would this sort of legislation look like to you?


So wait, are developers supposed to labor for free then? I'm not sure how that's even close to being feasible in any scenario.


You literally said "no recurring costs" (subscription) and "no up-front costs" (price). I'm not sure what other takeaway I was supposed to have from that comment.

Either way, it still sounds like you're expecting developers to work for free, so that you can play video games without paying for them. That's a really weird sense of entitlement, imo.


I really don't understand what difference "products" or "services" is supposed to make in this argument, though. Many games these days are a service, a fact which is inherently true for an MMO like WoW. MMOs require active and ongoing development and support in order to function. That's just the nature of that type of game.

If you want single-player, offline games that only require a one-time purchase, those still exist. But WoW is not that game, and has no intention to ever be, nor do the players have any expectation that it would operate in such a manner.

Maybe instead of getting defensive, you could just clarify wtf you're talking about, or at least take into consideration the context of live-service games, which is what this discussion is specifically about.


I didn't drag live-service games into this. This thread is literally about World of Warcraft, a live-service game.

My guy, are we even having the same discussion here?


Considering you thought ‘don’t charge up-front for subscription games’ meant ‘destroy all subscription games,’ evidently fucking not.

I never said or suggested this, so your "reading comprehension" complaints are a little ironic now. I was trying to figure out what you were trying to say, which I still don't fully understand.

It seems like your argument is more "I don't like these types of games, so nobody else should". And it's fine to not like live service games; they're not for everybody. But for millions of people out there, that's the type of game they want to play, and are willing to pay for. You can make the argument that microtransactions or subscription fees are predatory, which is fine, but nobody's obligated to pay for those; people choose to because they want to play a live service game, which is a product an a service which is not free to develop or maintain.


Don't play WoW, then. I'm not sure what the issue is. You don't like their pricing model, I get that. You don't have to, and you're allowed to not like it. I also don't like it, because I haven't the time or level of interest for the costs to be worthwhile for me.

The thing is, other people are allowed to like it. It's not a scam, though; you're getting what you're paying for. Just because it's not something you would pay for doesn't mean nobody else would or should. If you don't feel that the cost is worth your perceived value of the service, then don't buy it. But to suggest that the government should restrict them from being able to sustain their product (or even - GASP - make a profit from doing so) is absurd.

But the fact of the matter is that games like that cost money to create and maintain. If people are willing to pay for a base game, expansion, and a subscription fee in order to access it, then the creator should be allowed to charge for those things. It's not exploiting a vulnerable demographic like, for instance, payday loan sharks. We're talking about a purely recreational hobby. Hobbies generally cost money.


Consumers should simply not buy the product if they dont consider it a fair value.

Does that work?

Yes, it works. Source: Me, I don't consider WoW's costs to be a fair value for my time and interests, and have not bought their products or services.

It was really tough, though. I had to really fight my credit card who was just begging to be spent on WoW. But I pulled through.


It costs them nothing extra

Untrue. Servers don't run on pixie dust and dreams. Employees don't pay rent with good vibes and well-wishes. Every second of operation costs money.


This was not a conversation.

We can definitely agree on this much.


PeerTube will be a real competitor to YouTube when the Year of the Linux Desktop happens.


Sure, but there's a time and a place where nudity is appropriate, which I think is the point they're trying to make.


One of the tournament presenters, who was broadcasting the match that was being spectated through his PC, forgot to disable the nude mod.

This article goes further into the original incident.


You should always have the option to use a mod in your home.

If we weren't talking about an inherently competitive multiplayer game, I'd agree.


They fixed that, by the way. There's a new UI that shows their faces.


It's not that they wanted GameStop to win. They wanted Wall Street to lose.


So now they act like the shitty video game store in the mall is actually cool and innovative and soon some management changes and NFT nonsense will turn the company around.

Outside of people clearly being facetious on WSB, I literally never see anybody genuinely have this attitude toward GameStop.


They redid the entire skill tree. Not only does it look and work differently, but many old skills were reworked, and some were removed completely and replaced with new skills. It's also a lot easier to tell what the level requirements for each skill are since they're unlocked in tiers based on your attribute levels.

CDPR released an online skill tree planner, so you can preview it for yourself:


Or just stop playing games from shit studios with shit ethics in the first place. If they're that bad, you shouldn't be playing their games at all, pirated or not.


If intellectual property is not real, then why do you support the idea of paying small developers instead of large developers? Their intellectual property is just as fake as large studios, right?

I really wish pirates were more honest with themselves. Just admit that you're taking something that doesn't belong to you and own it. I pirate content all the time, but I don't do the mental gymnastics to justify it. Just admit that you stole something and that you don't care, it's not that hard. I have an old PC in my closet that has about 200 movies and a bunch of cracked games on it that I've pirated over the years, and I don't care that I stole them. The Robin Hood complex some pirates have is just weird, imo. You're not sticking it to The Man; The Man is still bankrolling more per week than the team who made the content you stole is making in a year, regardless of your seed ratio.

By the way, large studios also have developers who rely on their jobs to put food on the table, just like the small studios. If you think anybody at EA aside from the C-Suite execs are significantly richer than the average indie dev, you'd be mistaken. Next time you're playing a pirated AAA game, look at your character; the guy who spent several weeks of his life sculpting and rigging that model is probably just as concerned about paying his rent on time as you are.

By the way, this isn't entirely directed at you, specifically. Just my thoughts on the general attitude I see in a lot of piracy communities lately.


The only difference is you gotta go outside.

No, the difference is that you're expected to return it. You're not supposed to keep it forever. That's why there's a "due by" date on checked-out materials.


If I value the item at $0 then I have robbed them of $0.

Luckily we live in reality, where thieves don't get to arbitrarily determine the values of their plunder.


Jesus Christ.

I think... I think I understand conservatives a little now.


It feels very similar, gameplay-wise. Traversal is still super engaging and fun, the combat is pretty fluid (it starts out kinda rough until you upgrade your skills), and visually it's amazing. If you liked either of the previous games, you'll like this one. It hits all the same notes, plus some new ones.

As for differences, there aren't many. You can fly/glide now, you can switch between Spider Men, there's some new gadgets, some new skills to compliment the old ones, etc.

There's a lot of low-key flexes the devs snuck in that you might not even notice while you're playing, which just goes to show exactly how well they've optimized the game. Things like full-city zooms with no pop-in, extreme close-ups, etc.

Twitter's lost 13% of its daily users and its rebrand has failed (www.bigtechnology.com)

The new data — comprehensive and definitive — should put to rest the countervailing narratives over Musk’s management of the app. Under his stewardship, X’s daily user base has declined from an estimated 140 million users to 121 million, with a widening gap between people who check the app daily vs. monthly. X’s...


If the content creators left Reddit, they certainly didn't come here.


I had to do a double-take on that title, too lmao


This is good news. One problem I've always had with using Wikipedia as a research source is that while most of the claims may have citations, those citations will often point to dead links, or to pages that may have been updated/edited since the Wikipedia page was originally written and no longer back up the original claims. There've been numerous times I've seen multiple citations for a single claim on an article, and every single link the citations point to are either dead links or don't actually say what the claim was, at all.

Hopefully this helps to clear up a lot of that mess!


Plus, the game was soooo bad on release that they decided to kill all future DLC except for this one.

The reason they scrapped plans for further DLC is largely to do with the fact that CDPR is dropping RED Engine and using Unreal going forward, and they don't want to spend all the time and resources building new content for an engine that they're not going to continue supporting for much longer.


Not really. The best outlook V has in the original endings is that they have 6 months left to live, but the ending cuts off just before starting what is likely to be V's final mission.


Nope. Xbox One/Series, PS4/PS5, and Switch. Those graphics are definitely rough, though.


Same, I was about to say that I don't even remember any TW games coming out in the last 10 years.


Lore has always been on the back burner when it comes to the Zelda franchise, and I imagine is a major part of why Nintendo so rarely makes any direct sequels to Zelda games in the first place, because they really don't seem to like continuity when it comes to Zelda. The only reason Nintendo even wrote Hyrule Historia and established an "official" timeline for the series (which didn't even make sense at the time, and makes even less sense with the games released after) is because fans wouldn't shut up about it.


Maybe I'm in the minority, but I feel like this looks worse than the original model. Sure, it's thinner, but it looks like a 2000s-era AlienWare design.

Not including a vertical stand is an odd choice, as well. I get that console hardware is typically a loss-leader in general, but not including something so basic that only costs $30 just seems like unnecessary nickle-and-diming.


Barely any variations? Did you even finish the game?

There's several significantly different paths you can wind up going down in the end. Like, incredibly different endings. And your actions do influence how those endings all play out, too.


I think he means the developers were pressured by CDPR's upper management. The devs were saying that the game wasn't ready, but management was telling them it had to ship, anyway.

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