


Hail Satan.


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It's like looking into an alternate timeline, where a young Trent Reznor started a J-rock band instead of NIN.


You clearly missed much if this was your takeaway. Did you even watch the video, yourself? Because it isn't what you say it is.


This article is absurd. Corridor made a tech demo to show what's possible with AI. They weren't suggesting that it should or shouldn't be how things are done in the gaming industry, just how it could be done. What sort of smoothbrain neanderthals take issue with a tech demo?


This is promising! I'm glad to see that the expansion has revitalized the love for Cyberpunk. I really hope they keep expanding on this franchise, Night City is just too good of an environment to not have those amazing stories put into the spotlight.


This fixed the save file corruption bug for me, so I'm quite happy about this.

I think it may have also fixed the bug that was causing NCPD to not aggro on me, as well.


You've never worked in software development, have you? Adding colorblind modes isn't as simple as just adding a filter and calling it a day. UIs have to be redesigned for each colorblind mode you add.

Do you have text in a menu that says "Click the red button"? Gotta change that for each colorblind mode. Also gotta change that for each language you write the game in. Can the user adjust the settings on the UI, themselves? Then you've gotta account for user-adjusted settings, too. Does the UI change itself depending on the context of things happening in the game? Gotta have alternates set up for those, too. Does a voice-acted character refer to the colors of anything that may be impacted by colorblind modes? Gotta record extra dialogue for those, too.

Each of those stack on top of each other, and take a lot more time and effort than you're making it out to be. Not saying it's an impossible task, but it's far from a 10-minute implementation. Very rarely is the solution "just a few lines of code" like people tend to think.


Why does nobody question the price tag in general? 60 USD for a remake, sounds outrageous, no matter what platform.

Because it's a remake. Meaning, it's been re-made. Not remastered. Not reusing assets. Built from scratch. That costs money. If anything, it cost Capcom even more money than the original did, so it's actually impressive that it costs the same now as it did when the original came out.

And porting it to Apple's platforms costs even more money, on top of all that.

By the way you can buy the game for almost half price on other platforms in digital and physical form as well. They are just taking the piss.

Fat lot of good that does for the people who don't own those platforms.

Elon Musk demanded a cameo in Cyberpunk 2077 while wielding a 200 year old gun: "I was armed but not dangerous" (www.pcgamer.com)

While Elon’s then-partner Grimes was recording her part in the game as cyborg popstar Lizzy Wizzy, the erratic tech billionaire turned up with an antique firearm to “insist” on being included in the game. “The studio guys were like sweating,” Grimes is quoted as saying. Musk adds “I told them that I was armed but not...


I would reload that save over and over and over.


Elon is literally everything Cyberpunk warns is about. He's the biggest corpocunt the world has ever seen. Arasaka is exactly what Elon wants X Corp to be. He's actually trying to make chips that get implanted into your brain. He wants his own Relic. He wants to be the immortal Saburo Arasaka.

The lack of self awareness is astounding.


1: PC Gamer has already played and reviewed Phantom Liberty.

2: Of course every outlet that can write about Cyberpunk is going to right now. It's what people are searching for. They want clicks on fresh content that is relevant to their readers' interests.


Yeah, it really depended on what platform you played it on. I played on Stadia, and while it was buggy, it was at least stable. No crashing, but a lot of broken quest lines and T-posing NPCs. But PS4/Xbox One players had a lot of issues because the hardware just couldn't handle the game.

Poor decision-making from CDPR's execs on that one. They should've just cancelled the older-gen versions of the game, but instead they wanted to rush it out the door to take advantage of the new Covid market, and because a lot of people were still having trouble getting their hands on PS5s/Xbox Series systems. So they got absolutely shafted, unfortunately.


Have you played it? Aside from the horrible buggy condition it launched in (most of which is fixed now), it's still an absolutely fantastic game. The story, the music, the character development, are all spectacular, IMO. Honestly, it's in the top 5 for me.


I've been replaying a new character lately in preparation for Phantom Liberty. I'm fucking hyped as hell to learn about Idris Elba's character after that new trailer that they released a few days ago.

Stadia's death spiral, according to the Google employee in charge of mopping up after its murder (www.pcgamer.com)

A statement from a Google employee, Dov Zimring, has been released as a part of the FTC vs Microsoft court case (via 9to5Google). Only minorly redacted, the statement gives us a run down of Google's position leading up to Stadia's closure and why, ultimately, Stadia was in a death spiral long before its actual demise....


The subscription was only necessary if you wanted to play in 4K or wanted "free" monthly games. Everything else worked just fine without the sub, with no change to performance.


The worst thing about Stadia was the squandered opportunities. Had Google actually put some effort into marketing it, it could have really succeeded. The tech behind it worked amazingly well. I played Destiny 2 on it from launch to the service's shutdown, and it was a fantastic experience. The latency was nowhere near as bad as people (who often never even tried the platform) would claim, and it was also the best place to play Cyberpunk 2077 at launch, as it was somehow the most stable version of the game. Streaming to YouTube worked very well, and some of the integrated features with YouTube (where viewers could interact with certain games) were also kinda groundbreaking.

But somehow, Google couldn't be bothered to advertise the product at all. They ran 1 Super Bowl commercial which didn't make a whole lot of sense to the average viewer, and then basically zero marketing after that. They refused to inform the public about what the product is or how it worked or what stood it apart from its competition, which led to bad-faith reviews and rumors being spread about the platform, ultimately leading to most people who knew about Stadia being wildly misinformed on it.

It's such a shame. I absolutely loved Stadia. It fit my needs perfectly. None of the other streaming platforms I've tried have even come close, even today.


Would’ve loved a streaming platform that doesn’t cost a whole console in a year in subscription fees + makes you pay for the games

Stadia's subscription service wouldn't have cost more than a console for several years. It was only $10/month, and also not required to play the games or use multiplayer.

It would've taken over 4 years for Stadia Pro's subscription costs to reach the price of a PS5, not even including a PS+ subscription. And during that time, you'd have been able to claim ~150 free games. Realistically, Stadia had the potential to be more economic than buying a console.


Because the TOS stated, from the platform's launch, that they'd refund all your purchases in the event of a service shutdown. Which they did.

Stadia ended up being a savings account for my PS5, which I bought with my Stadia refunds.


Nope, you could still same them via Google Takeout.


I pulled them all from Google Takeout. Most of them are unusable unless I figure out how to convert them to a state that can be read by other platforms, but at least I still have them, for such a day.


Google is really bad at marketing despite being an advertising company.

They're an ad server, not an ad producer. They don't make ads of their own, they distribute other's ads.

Small distinction, but helps to explain why Google is terrible at marketing their products.


I mean, it probably would have been better than this. Not every game needs to release on all platforms. NeverRealm made a stupid decision trying to release on Switch at the same time as other consoles, especially when the Switch already has a foot in the grave as it is.

If they'd have waited for the new hardware, sure some fans might've been a little upset, but it's not like there's a whole lot of crossover between MK fans and players who only own a Switch in the first place. Half of the MK games never got released on a Nintendo platform at all, and several that did didn't release simultaneously with other platforms, and were also heavily modified ports.

They could've waited a year or two, and not left such a bad taste in players' mouths. I'm sure most people would've rather waited.


I've been replaying Cyberpunk 2077, in preparation for Phantom Liberty coming out shortly. The storytelling in this game is so damn good.


Meanwhile, you're a petty commenter who can't bear the thought of the existence of people who host their own website with their own rules.


They're not arbitrary.


Here's the thing: They are chosen by a deterministic set of conditions. Just because you don't understand what those conditions are does not make the terms arbitrary.

Also, that's not what "arbitrary" means, either. For somebody who seems to be so uptight about the definitions of words, you sure do invent a lot of your own definitions.


they are chosen by "I identify as..."

So you acknowledge that there are deterministic sets of conditions after all. Great, we're making progress!


based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system

It's not random choice or personal whim. There is a reason and a system. Again, just because you lack the understanding does not mean the rest of the world is as riddled with brain worms as you are.


You know gender and sex aren't the same thing, right?

Who am I kidding, of course you know. You just don't care about the difference, because reality is meaningless to you.


Not how it works. Clearly you've never actually met a trans person and actually had a conversation with them and tried to understand their life, have you?


Oh lawdy, we've got an enlightened centrist on our hands, don't we?


I feel sorry for them the discord they feel in their identity, but beyond that I really don't give a shit

I feel sorry for the trans people in your life. They deserve better.


As much as I want to be critical of it based on the cringelord description, the actual gameplay footage doesn't look awful at all. Of course, it's impossible to really judge an ARPG without seeing how the loot system feels as you play it. But at least visually, it looks pretty well fleshed out. Honestly, I hope they find success with this project.


Well damn, that all sounds very promising! I'm gonna have to look into this game a bit further, as this sounds like it has a lot of my favorite elements of the ARPGs from AAA studios that I love, but without the problems I often have with those games. Thanks for sharing this!

If you haven't already, I'd definitely recommend putting this up as a proper review somewhere, too. That's way too in-depth to just get lost in a random Lemmy thread over time!


If you're paying $20/TB, you're probably getting ripped off with some counterfeit garbage from a no-name Chinese Amazon seller that's not even close to the advertised capacity. I wouldn't put anything on one of those drives that I have any intention of keeping for longer than a week at that price.


More and more developers seem to assume everyone else can afford what they consider to be cheap, and feel entitled to gobble up all the resources on other people’s systems as if they aren’t needed for anything else.

It's adding insult to injury when most of these games are now also launching at $70-80 these days, too.


This is misleading. Not sure if by ignorance or malice, but it's very misleading.

This isn't happening with your browser bookmarks. This is Google Collections, which is a shareable bookmarking feature, meaning it can be made publicly available. That's why it's moderated. It's basically Google's version on something like Pinterest.



I don't really understand how Twitter works, but why aren't these tweets on her profile? Did she delete them? The most recent posts I can see are from 2021.


I think by "some developers", they're referring more toward the AAA studios who have spent the last couple decades baking MTX into every nook and cranny they can find in their games, and not indie devs.


He's not wrong, though. Game development is a business, like any other, and larger-scale games require exponentially more resources to produce than smaller indie titles.

Obviously one could make the argument "Well they shouldn't be making every single game into a huge, multi-billion dollar blockbuster title that costs the player an arm and a leg to gain access to, then they wouldn't need that amount of resources to begin with", and that would be a fair argument. But ultimately, people keep buying those games, anyway. And not by force, they buy them of their own volition. So those games continue to be profitable. There's no incentive for big studios to change their ways when consumers keep giving them money, so they're going to keep making huge games that require huge resources and huge payments from the players.


I'm not sure what you mean. Were you offering some sort of insight into what I or the other person was actually saying, or just whining? Some of us are having a conversation here.


Okay, thanks for sharing that. Much appreciated. Have a nice day, then.


It might be, but what would that change about the story? Unless Larian is paying other studios to say that they're panicking (which I doubt, for a million reasons), then I'm not so sure there's any difference to the situation.


They're also not on your instance in the first place. You're looking at the Global feed. That isn't content from Firefish.Social, that's content from elsewhere on the Fediverse. Firefish.Social admins can't moderate content on another server.


I'm just saying, that's like buying a window from Lowe's, installing it in your home, and then being mad at Lowe's for having a bad view. They can't control what you see when you use the tool literally designed to look at the outside world.


I really hate that cross-play is still so hit-or-miss these days. I feel like the only developers who put any effort into it are ones who focus on live service games, and I'd honestly like to see a push away from that model, in general.


Yeah, and I feel like that's only going to get worse as time goes on as more and more big studios get bought up by console manufacturers. Seeing Bungie and Bethesda and Activision/Blizzard all getting bought up has me worried about exclusivity contracts fracturing what was fairly recently a thriving console market.

Pokémon Sleep: Japanese walkthrough site lists “sleeping pills” as a tool for real competitive sleepers, but quickly backtracks (automaton-media.com)

A Japanese video game walkthrough listing sleeping pills as one of their recommended methods to get high scores in Pokémon Sleep has gone viral on Japanese Twitter recently. The mention of sleeping aid has since been deleted from the site.


Nah, you can take a blowtorch to a modern mattress and you'll burn a hole through it, but it won't catch fire and spread at all.

In fact, that's literally how they test the flame retardant abilities of a mattress; it has to withstand at least 70 seconds of a blowtorch from a foot away. If the fire spreads, it's a fail. That's how most mattresses are tested under the 16 CFR 1640 standard.


Nope, all bedding materials have to undergo the same testing for flame resistance. This includes sheets, blankets, pillow cases, etc. Without the aid of any sort of accelerant, the most that'll happen is you'll get some smoke and charred bits.

Now granted, more people these days are buying bedding materials from Amazon sellers that may not be complying with US laws on these fire standards, so the risk is a bit higher if you're buying online from sellers you don't know. Which is why I always encourage people to NOT buy their bedding materials on Amazon, and instead but directly from a retailer in the US.

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