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I imagine this is the kind of sentiment that really scares the Israeli government and probably the people of Israel. Most people didn’t really care before but now everyone has an opinion on Israel and it’s generally not good. Potential political isolation aside, the social isolation’s gonna be a big problem for them too.

Unoriginal sins: why does Russell Crowe keep making exorcism movies? (www.theguardian.com)

This week, a new Russell Crowe movie is released. The film concerns a demon that comes to inhabit a person, and the struggles of a priest to cast the demon out. You might have seen its poster, in which Russell Crowe wears a dog collar and clutches a crucifix....


Maybe a hot take, but I liked The Pope’s Exorcist, hit all the right classic-supernatural-horror buttons for me. Didn’t know about this newer movie but now I wanna watch it


2045… I get it’s better than nothing but looking at how things are going timelines gonna need to be much faster to avoid being thoroughly and completely fucked


Immunity for cops = more pigs = cheaper bacon

Supply and demand


There’s really no end to the depth of Clarence’s moral bankruptcy… Not even responding to your “son” when he’s struggling and reaching out.

“I actually don’t know if they know that I’m locked up—I’m not sure they’d care too much,” Martin said. “I’ve seen—I’ve probably seen them two times, maybe three times, over the last 14 years.”

Fucking cold… I really hope Martin’s able to get the help he needs as well


I know nothing about guns but I wanna know, what happens if he starts firing that thing?


Burnt butt crack, got it!


I hate this but I also get it.

A little while ago on the TWIT podcast one of the guests, or maybe Leo himself, was talking about how this is exactly what they want out of AI, for it to be able to know how they use their computer and just streamline everything. Some people are really excited about the possibilities, and yeah, the AI needs to track whatever you’re doing to know how to help you with your work flow.

That said, I don’t want Microsoft keeping track of everything I’m doing. They’ve already shown that they’re willing to sell our data and shove ads down our throats, so as much as they say we can filter out what we don’t want tracked, I’m not inclined to trust or believe them.


Yeah, maybe some kind of situation where you turn it on for “training time” with access to only specified files and systems on the computer, no internet access, etc. At the same time though, I wonder how much an AI could really streamline things. Would it just pre-load my frequent files and programs? Make suggestions or reminders on tasks? I don’t think we’re anywhere near the level where it could actually be doing work for me yet.

Interesting possibilities, but I’m not sure how useful yet.


Somehow suddenly remembering that feeling of discovering the head of Team Rocket, that I’d been fighting all this time, was the final gym leader and having my little mind blown.


It’s so crazy to me that they throw this word around and they haven’t come up with a shared definition. I know the article cites that lady who stumbled with the definition last year saying “it’s hard to explain in a 15-second sound bite” but after all this time, you’d think they’d have figured out some kind of ELI5 explanation.

I also don’t accept that same person’s line of “It is sort of the understanding that we need to totally reimagine and redo society in order to create hierarchies of oppression” because I’d argue what so called “woke” media tries to do is be aware of inequalities that already exist, not create them. But I suppose if they said it that way they’d have to recognize that current systemic inequality is a real thing.

Lots of reasons to hate on the anti-woke movement but at this point, this in particular really bothers me for some reason.


After the case where courts ruled in favor of a person who got false information from a chat bot about bereavement fare for flight tickets, you now have a case for setting up a cannibalism business and suing when they try to stop you


This is an official government chat bot apparently.

From the article:

The announcement touted the ChatBot as a way for business owners to “save … time and money by instantly providing them with actionable and trusted information from more than 2,000 NYC Business webpages and articles on topics such as compliance with codes and regulations, available business incentives, and best practices to avoid violations and fines.”


Porco Rosso


It literally became one of my favorite Ghibli movies for this very reason, I hadn’t even heard about it before I watched it, but it’s absolutely amazing


Makes sense, we know how much the US likes to spread democracy


At this point it’s an internet inside joke, and like any niche inside joke, there’s a bit of a rush when you recognize it, that you’re in on something special. In the beginning it was mostly just mocking the absurd sudden tone shift in the original Ctrl+Alt+Del comic but like a lot of memes it seems to have evolved and now the fun is creating and finding the loss pattern in unique and different ways.

I like it, it’s fun


Having lived in two of those three countries, a lot of the internet is randomly censored. Browsing in Malaysia I’d sometimes get some kind of government page popping up with no idea why the site I was trying to visit was blocked (blocked porn sites are a given in both Malaysia and Indonesia but honestly, just random sites kept showing up blocked). Indonesia blocked tumblr for a good long while, and I’m pretty sure Reddit still is. Plus in Indonesia, I really don’t trust ISPs to keep my data safe, intrusive ads are everywhere to the point I’ve blocked SMSs from any number I don’t know because the moment I got an Indonesian SIM my phone started blowing up with ads.


Somehow I think Podcasts will survive enshittification. The basis is just RSS and file hosting, so at its core, it’s possible to create and distribute podcasts without huge capital investment. There’s always gonna be some people trying to get their voices out and Podcasts still seems to be the easiest way to do that so until some better method comes out, podcasts will live on.

If you’re talking about Podcast networks, streaming services, ad networks, then yeah, those might face some kind of enshittification and destruction, but no matter what, I’m pretty confident some good podcasts, and some good ways to listen to them, will stick around.


Truth. I was genuinely angry seeing how Spotify kept trying to buy up everything podcast related. Felt like I was screaming into the void about how platform exclusive podcasts are antithetical to the free and open nature of podcasts. I hope their billions of dollars invested into podcasts continue to bite them in the butts.


There’s a decent Legend of Korra game by Platinum. Simple, short beat-em-up in the style of something like Devil May Cry or Bayonetta


In recent years I’ve gotten a couple 8BitDo controllers that I love.

As a kid though I think I had one Wildcat controller for the N64 that I felt was lucky, but besides that I was never even aware of what brand my controllers were, it was just whatever you could convince your parents to buy you.


I had game save/hanging issues at first too, but figured out it was the cloud saving that was making the game hang. I turned off both the Larian cloud saves and Steam and then the game worked smoothly for me.


Hope it works! I do see with a brief search that there was apparently some kind of cross saving bug for PS5 and looking at headlines only Larian seems to have done something about it at least

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