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DingoBilly, (edited )

Surprisingly narrow minded and incorrect viewpoint.

Layoffs are inevitable, including at Larian studios. Otherwise they’re saying all video game studios just have linear growth forever which is stupid.

People downvoting have no idea what they’re talking about lol. One flop and Larian Studios will do mass lay-offs like every other studio. And no studio will make continual success after success.


Well luckily every game studio only ever makes successful games and Larian will never make a flop. Right?

Just like other great studios like CPDR. Or Blizzard… Oh…

I swear people are just idiots or have zero memory.


Well luckily every game studio only ever makes successful games and Larian will never make a flop. Right?

Just like other great studios like CPDR. Or Blizzard… Oh…

I swear people are just idiots or have zero memory.


Well luckily every game studio only ever makes successful games and Larian will never make a flop. Right?

Just like other great studios like CPDR. Or Blizzard… Oh…

I swear people are just idiots or have zero memory.


Yes. See my other comments. It’s just basic logic.


Phew! So they just have to make good enough games to avoid two complete flops in a row. Which is impossible but feel free to try and argue that it’s possible.

It’s also an extremely privileged view. “Just have lots of money and you’ll be fine lol! Dumb studios who don’t make enough money to weather flops are bad!”

It’s the equivalent of the rich billionaires saying if you want a house just work hard and buy one. It’s not hard! Why are the poor people complaining?

It would be nice to not have Layoffs but it’s just reality it will happen. If you think it’s impossible you are a child or are completely blinded by corporate interests.


This had been well documented a number of times now in multiple countries.

It’s ironic given the right usually argues they’re doing better for the economy.

Gameplay mechanics were also a lot better with more replayability. (lemmy.world)

Ignoring the lack of updates if the game is buggy, games back then were also more focused on quality and make gamers replay the game with unlockable features based on skills, not money. I can’t count the number of times I played Metal Gear Solid games over and over to unlock new features playing the hardest difficulty and with...


Games were definitely buggy and I honestly think people forget how much better the quality is nowadays.

I also think there is something to it just being the 90s or so and not having much choice. If you only have one game to play then of course you’re going to replay it to death. If I have a steam library of 1000 games then I’m much less likely to.

A lot of this is just nostalgia for the past and the environment as opposed to games being any better.


I think it’s because people only remember the good games and not the stinkers.

I played a lot of shit games I can’t recall because I played for 30 minutes max. There was one game I never passed the first level as I couldn’t figure out what to do, I think something to do with jelly beans and a blob. How is that good gameplay lol?

But of course myself and others can tell you about the games we played for hours like Super Mario Bros which didn’t really have bugs and were good.


It’s a nostalgia thing - I don’t remember the games where I got stuck on the first level and could never finish the game (which happened). Or were just boring so I quit after a half hour.

I do remember donkey Kong country, super Mario bros, sonic Etc. Which all worked well and were fun.


Not sure that’s right - before the internet I had no clue what was supposedly good or not. I’d rent games from blockbuster and just try them one by one. Lots of shitty games and I had no idea that Mario or sonic or anything was meant to be good.

Now it’s a lot easier just based on metacritic or steam reviews to figure out if something is good or not.


Brock is the hottest. He always makes me rock solid.


It’s a hard call at end of day. If you want it to all be privacy respecting and open source and decentralised then you’re almost guaranteeing you won’t make money from it.

The alternative is ad based software that’s free which is also garbage.

Hard to find the balance between the two, can’t think of many examples if any that actually work besides just making a paid product that’s very good and hope it’s better enough than the rest to be successful. But even then you likely will have to cross lines because you’re just relying on viral luck at that stage.

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! (pawb.social)

I don’t like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...


So many dumb Americans here not voting. Cutting off your legs so you can hold the moral high ground. Moronic.


Why is the onus on the left to vote left to promote left values? Because that’s how voting works?

I’m not sure how to answer that question. Reword it as “Why is the onus on the right to elect a right-wing candidate?” maybe to see.


Sure. But it’s a two way street. Climate change is important but you don’t realistically solve it by stopping everything coal powered tomorrow. You have to gradually introduce it.

I don’t know if it’s a younger generation thing, but they’re not patient and demand change now when it’s just not realistic. Change is glacially slow. Voting in something that’s not ideal is better than voting in something completely opposite.

The more you allow that left or moderate side to win, the more the axis changes towards it, which is still a win if you’re left/moderate as it moves it away from the right. It’s this last bit some people don’t understand.


Yes I also cling to the past and never update my views or thinking on things.


Sort of goes against the whole point!

Like if you’d read the news and updates about NMS you’d see they fixed most of the complaints and made a great game, and all for free.


Ah, so it has nothing to do with NMS then, it’s just you don’t like the sandbox genre. That’s fair.

The developer has pretty much delivered on what they promised at this stage.

You’re basically saying you bought an RPG and you don’t like that it has a levelling system. Bit different.


Aladdin was pretty good though.

Haven’t seen the rest.


This stuff is great.

But ignoring all the real issues with Steam is stupid. Its people like you that require others to point out all the issues with Valve and how it won’t last forever.


I don’t care about the things you mentioned, but yes, those are also issues.

I was talking more about the issues around gambling and making loops specifically to take advantage of gamers with problems.

As well as the real problem that a single leader leading a company/nation will mean that company/nation always fails. The successors will inevitably mess it up sometime.


You are doing exactly what I said.

Valve is good, but they have shit features and I’m not sure why you’re defending them (but maybe you’re just a troll/ignoring my points?).

I don’t care about the competition - it’s like saying a person is molesting a child but hey, those two over there are molesting multiple children and murdering them! So they’re worse!

Marketshare is also a poor predictor as it’s often the first person to market as opposed to what’s best.

Think of it another way - Google has the most marketshare of search. Is it the best and is it doing only good things? If you say yes to both then I can’t help you further.


You can’t just ignore the arguments that don’t fit your world view/argument. In that scenario I could just look at the negatives of Steam and the positives of Epic and say that the Epic Store is better than Steam because I ignore all the stuff that doesn’t fit my argument.

It’s not just Cs go but multiple games like Dota Etc. They have specifically built a whole market and ecosystem to convince you to buy stuff and gamble effectively.


Favourite is probably Naughty Dog as it’s one of the few studios that keeps producing amazing games and is fairly consistent.

Most other studios drop the ball at some point.


Subtle arrogance? It seems like a completely reasonable and well thought out post. People read way too much into normal posts.


Fuck I hate useless trailers like this.

2 minutes to basically announce a title and nothing else.


To each their own, but I think this is a bit extremist. Life isn’t black and white. Free games with mtx can be good or bad, paid games without can be good or bad.

Just not buying solely because it has a shop/battle pass means you miss out on a lot of games where it has zero meaning and you’re not allowing any nuanced discussion to happen on the issue.


A lot of it is political at end of day.

Taylor Swift is looking to be a supporter of the Democratic Party in US, so the Republicans are running targeted attacks on her to reduce credibility as the election is coming up.

It’s nothing new but just be aware that people posting these memes may just be bots/paid marketers essentially.


Lol they’re so kooky omg! We just have to go inside for a coffee!!


Lol as someone else put it, it’s silly to complain that you won’t buy a game because it doesn’t use the marketplace you want to use.

Steam is just one marketplace and it needs competition. One day it’s going to go through enshittification and when that happens you’ll be thankful other marketplaces exist.

Sometimes I honestly wonder why PC gamers get so riled up over inconsequential things.


I’ve never found it more convenient to use Steam or another store over piracy so it doesn’t make much difference to many.

Some of the games I do own on Steam now don’t work either, so it’s not like it’s an amazing store.

But if it’s inconvenient to download a different client just to buy a game then you’re just lazy. It’s not like you have to subscribe to it, it’s just a click and 5 minute wait.


Who cares if it is on Steam or not though?

If everything was on everything then sure, that would be great. But that’s not realistic, and having this alternative where everything is on Steam but not elsewhere is not a good solution for that because Steam will be shit one day, and already has quite a few shitty issues.

Honestly, people have this ridiculous view of PC gaming and Steam sometimes. Look around the world and show me where having one company having a massive hold over that sector has ever worked out well long term for consumers.


It sounds like we agree then. Ideally everything would be on every platform, but that’s unrealistic so OP is pretty much complaining needlessly. It’s good there are different platforms and competition.


If it’s hard work having 6 launchers, it’s easier to just get a pirated version period, so might as well just pirate everything.


Nothing really. Just pick whichever platform is cheapest/where your friends.

It’s just another competitor in the games marketplace. Some people like it, some people don’t. It’s the same as with any other brand/item.

God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story (comicbook.com)

Despite being nominated for numerous awards and even winning Game of the Year in 2018, the creator of God of War, David Jaffe, is not a huge fan of the new direction the series has gone in. Jaffe himself hasn't worked on these new God of War games, but thinks that they're not staying true to the spirit of the character and the...


Worked for the first two games then went steadily downhill. It’s honestly incredible how they managed to ressurect that franchise as GoW was just a boring crappy series of sequels by 2017.


Nice. The porn streaming wars have begun.


Destroy or severely damage the stock market? It was just one stock, some people lost money but it didn’t affect 99%+ of the stock market or its traders… Just a little meme blip on the scale of things.


I just subscribed for 4 or so years ahead at original prices. Will decide in 4 years if it’s still worth it, but for me the free games are easily worth the price of entry.

I’m not sure it really needs to be debated - prices have gone up, they raised prices. Either pay or don’t pay. It’s no big deal at end of day.


Lol. This is a cute idea but we all know it will go through enshittification with time. You are naive if you believe otherwise.


It’s impossible to future-proof. You can’t for the rest of time have good leaders, inevitably someone will come and ruin it.


Even if you carefully get a successor, they can still fuck up and ruin it. Or they just die/decide to move on 2 years in and you’re in similar shit Creek. Or hell, Gaben himself gets dementia and starts making shit decisions.

It’s impossible to control.


God I wish the endings were as clever as this bug.

In reality the ending is pretty mediocre, and for some endings it’s literally just a few lines of dialogue and that’s it. Massive letdown.


Yeah sure, Epic wants more market share.

But that’s ok - this is why competition is good. Devs make some more money, consumers get some free games.

Even if Epic ends up only matching Steam then this is a net win for people.

Asking for a monopoly is just short-sighted. Gabe leaves and then the next person in line is some $-hungry mofo who makes terrible decisions and you end up with a shit system. You need competition to keep things in check.


So you’re making some false assumptions here:

  1. That a new person to Valve would be equal to Epic, as opposed to massively running Steam into the ground in a significantly worse way. It’d be easy for some dumbass to suggest a subscription service is needed for Steam for example, you need to may $10 a month to support it. Whelp, Steam is now shit.
  2. You assume I’m helping Epic whatsoever. I get free games, that only costs Epic… So yes, this is helping me and costing Epic. Net win for consumers.
  3. If a developer/publisher wants the choice to pay lower fees they can do so via Epic. It’s great they have the choice, I support devs being able to do what works best for them.

There’s no hypocrisy there - it’s just logical that it’s a good outcome to have competition.

Perhaps I should turn the argument around - why is a monopoly by Steam a good thing? Long-term it’s completely unsustainable and they will do bad things, so why would you support that?


I don’t understand.

Valve is good now so it doesn’t need a competitor? And only when it goes bad should another company exist as competitor? This makes no sense… It’s just not how the world works. Once you have a monopoly it typically stays a monopoly. Look at any of the current monopolies - many are going to shit like Google but there’s no real competition regardless.

You’re also discounting the fact the opposite fact - Epic might be terrible now, but change leadership and its now amazing.

You’re buying way into a very specific case of looking at where things are at now and making a judgement VS. Thinking of longer term ideas like competition is good.

Also, is steam infinitely better than Epic? That’s very debatable, I have no issues with either. To be honest, they’re much of a muchness. You may just be too heavily emotionally invested in these companies. Realistically, they are both just trying to make as much money out of you as they can. For instance, Steams use of their market and giving out digital cards to collect and level up is very predatory.


If you don’t have an argument attack the person. I’ll take the point cheers.

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