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The only thing the charity has done with the money donated has been to pay for it’s own expenses. The rest has just been sitting in an account somewhere. No grants or anything have been made with the money so far.

At least that what the charity’s filings claim.


AAA industry is doing great and still pumping out great games. This seems more of some surface level “indie good, AAA bad” nonsense that I don’t much value in.

There are plenty of great games out there and trying to turn gaming into some purity test is unnecessary.


So it’s not that the games are bad, it’s that the goal of the games is to provide a simple and fun game for kids to be introduced to Pokemon.

Makes sense to me and clearly they are doing a good job of it. Even if it makes the hardcore games angry that their tastes aren’t being catered to.


Just because they are for kids doesn’t mean they have to be garbage.

The hyperbole makes it hard to take you seriously. Games being either amazing or garbage is just an exhausting mentality to be around.


Vote with your wallet, and they’ll make a good game again

People are voting with their wallet, you just don’t like the results.

At the end of the day, people who post on places like Reddit and especially even more niche communities like lemmy making up a meaningless percentage of the gaming market. And expecting the entire market to cater to your personal whims is just unrealistic.

The video game market encompasses people who buy Pokemon games and FIFA games is the same market where people buy Baldur’s Gate 3, Witcher 3, Factorio, etc. All you can do is buy and play games and you enjoy and go from there.


I really think that normies are psychologically incapable of judging or even noticing quality.

I almost feel like I’m back on /r/gamingcirclejerk with this type of perspective.


MMOs are definitely on the decline at this point. They are too big and expensive to make, and companies think GaaS setups are more lucrative.


There has always been a steady stream of “promising” MMOs from smaller developers over the past couple decades. So that’s not really a new phenomenon.

As for the Riot MMO, I’ll believe that when they actually have something that people can play.


It’s available, but not really built or supported for standard desktop installation, at least as far as I know.


The name is old, but there are distinct distributions. Debian vs Arch.

Goronmon, (edited )

It’s tuned for a specific hardware platform right now. Choosing specific hardware platforms for support is just an extensions of that.

However the “PC” platform is basically an amalgamation of any possible hardware combination that currently exists, and is a whole different target for a project like this.

Goronmon, (edited )

First off the idea that “other people share this opinion” is some form of validation of said opinion is…less than persuasive. “The earth is flat and you can find lots of people online saying the same thing” is an example of why you can’t just rest on other people agreeing with you as being the primary support of your positions. And it’s one of the first things brought up in the video so clearly this person feels it’s important to bring up.

Secondly the idea that older games respected your time or weren’t grindy is ridiculous. From core MMO designs, to JRPGs there are plenty of examples of old games that waste your time in some way or another.

It also sounds like he is saying that all games need to be simple games like Tetris. No story/cutscenes and no complicated game design that someone had to spend time learning. That’s certainly an opinion, but I don’t agree that game developers should only make games that target one specific person’s taste.


Nah, I enjoyed Baldur’s Gate 3, Elden Ring, Tears of the Kingdom, and yes even Starfield enough to not give them up just because rage-bait Youtubers told me to.

Just like I’ll eventually probably pickup Super Mario Bros. Wonder and Spiderman 1 and 2 at some point along with many other AAA games that I think I’ll have fun playing in the near future.


Opinion arguments, like “gaming feels like a chore” require different support from fact arguments like, “the world is flat.”

Sure, but “other people say this” isn’t going to hold much sway in pretty much any context. It’s not really worth bringing up at all.

I think that many of the new, big titles have tried to capture all possible niches - part FPS, part RPG, part basebuilder - and it’s hard to make all of those seem important to the game without forcing FPS players to do basebuilding and basebuilders to do RPG.

Some do, but plenty don’t. Just like there are plenty of indie games not worth playing, there are plenty of AAA games you can avoid if you don’t think you’ll enjoy it. And the reverse is true for both cases as well.


I dont include bg3, elden ring and totk in the AAA category. AAA no longer means high quality and fun, it means made by huge companies with more money than balls. CoD is a AAA game. And its shit. For example.

This line of reasoning is nonsensical.


They call it AAA but ithe term has become ubiquitous with just popular games made by big profiteering entities like activision.

The term AAA has always just meant games made by larger developers/publishers to distinguish from games made by smaller ones. That’s really it. Large vs small budget would be another way to think of it.

It’s never implied anything about innovation or risk-taking, or uniqueness or mass-appeal.

Goronmon, (edited )

All those quotes (none of which I could I actually find working references to support, I even have a copy of the “High Score!” book referenced in the article, at least the 2nd edition) are focused on budget and production value. Any expectation of quality is just based around bigger budgets leading to higher expectations.


In no way is BG3 a AA game. It is firmly in the AAA category. The rough numbers I’ve seen indicate a team of 300+ people working on it, not including all third-parties that were involved.

BG3 is a AAA game.


That’s not really a source, that still just one person’s opinion on what constitutes AA vs AAA. and companies like Platinum Games are really stretching.

Larian is definitely bigger than those companies either way, and if Baldur’s Gate 3 is a AA game, then I guess so is Starfield. The companies are pretty similar in size at this point. And games like Skyrim and Fallout 4 would definitely be AA games as well.




Both articles have references to where that number comes from. If you have sources that indicate otherwise that would be good to know.


OLED is a really nice upgade, especially given the original screen being not so great.

Still not sure if it’s something I can afford anytime soon, but would be a pretty nice device to have around for sure.

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