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Biden’s populist budget marks the overdue end of trickle-down economics (

A president’s budget proposal is seldom passed into law. Instead, it’s an expression of the priorities the president promises to fight for, often coming on the heels of an agenda laid out in the State of the Union address....


Can’t wait for the Republicans to hold the Senate, block every part of this budget and have everyone blame Biden because politics are too complicated.


At least old Data still has hair! Lucky jerk!


The one upside of trump beating a deeply unpopular Biden would be it might give JT the impetus to acknowledge reality and move on.


What isn’t true, specifically? I’m curious to hear what you think is “never true.”

Have you uhhh, looked at the article headline? There’s a pretty obvious and specific claim. That, as OP pointed out, has been claimed for many presidencies including the last time trump won.


As long as almost every pollster is wrong, sure you’ve got a point.


If you read the article, how were you possibly confused as to what OP was talking about?

Anyway, like OP said, people have said they were going to leave if W won, if trump won in 2016 etc. Guess what? No real surge in migration either of those times. But sure maybe THIS time they mean it.


For all I care, they’re being manipulated by Russia, China, North Korea and Iran.

This is the silliest MAGA style conspiracy nonsense…

You not understanding polling doesn’t mean they are disinformation, that’s a ridiculous thing to say. Or, maybe just like now, you dismissed information that you disliked and as such had another misinformed understanding of things.

Polling aggregators like 538 said that trump had a 1/3 chance of winning and the thing about 1/3 chances is that they happen about 1/3 times!

And then trump damn near won 2020 and lost by under 12,000 votes in one state. You can’t get much closer than that!

What a goof.




This is like when conservatives deny climate change because it is unpleasant.

Why do you think the polls were pretty much dead on for the 2022 midterms? Just blind luck?


This sounds like a you problem.

If you got your news from non social media and looked at polls, not punditry, you’d have known the most likely outcome was pretty much what happened, the Republicans won a narrow majority.

Don’t blame polling for your ignorance.

Edit: If you want an interesting (okay, interesting to nerds like me) recounting of the polling in 2022:…/2022-election-polling-accur…


You should try stomping around the room and yelling at the screen.


Polls are shit. Only one poll counts.

If Clinton had paid attention to them, trump might not have won.

Even the article you posted has a self-inserted bias.

With what part do you disagree? They post all the methodology and results. Or are you just “this person works in polling so I can’t trust them despite them laying out everything for me to see!”

You haven’t presented a logical thought just “I DISLIKE POLLS” which is pretty silly.

You may not like what the polls say but that doesn’t mean they aren’t valid kiddo. As you grow up, you’ll realize that lots of things that are unpleasant are still true no matter how much we wish otherwise. Throwing a tantrum doesn’t change the validity of polling.


I’ve read they’ve been dropped, haven’t seen a response from Silver. Is this a social media thing?

Edit: Though if your trying to argue that polling is inaccurate because Nate Silver has an issue with what his former outfit is doing, ooooooooh boy.

That’d be as dumb as saying rockets don’t actually wor because, most of the scientists who did the pioneering work were working for the literal Nazis!


“There’s something so human about taking something great and ruining it a little so you can have more of it.” - The Good Place


Yeah but deciding not to vote for Biden just feels like a good trendy way to express my sympathies with Palestineans… /s


From most polls I’ve seen, the US public still generally backs Israel. Crucially, the voting public who, unlike our loud and demonstrative progressive wing, actually shows up to vote, tend to support Israel.

And we had options to help, it just required us to vote in the primaries (2016, 2020) despite not being a tik tok trend or whatever. Sanders wanted to cut military spending but the online and very vocal progressive wing didn’t show up and vote for him.

It’s sort of like not staying fit, eating poorly and not sleeping well and then wondering why you got hurt when you tried to play a sport with your healthier friends. These things take work/showing up well before they become a critical issue.


Everyone else: We’d better switch to EVs so as to look out for future generations.

Alberta: Fuck 'em.

"But godliness with contentment is great gain. (...) (

(…) For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all...


Are these real pictures? I’ve only ever had the one cat but have never seen her have any interest in apples or stacking or anything. Amazing pics regardless.


Pretty sure Newt Gingrich did that but with cancer. And then continued to lecture about the lack of morality on the Left.


Far right extremists claim easy solutions to complex problems. With housing etc pricea going through the roof it’s easy to demonize foreigners etc.

Look what happened in Germany with hyper inflation.

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