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Embracer rolls out new AI policy to 'massively enhance game development' | Game Developer (www.gamedeveloper.com)

Article textNewly-restructured Swedish conglomerate, Embracer Group, will leverage AI models to bolster game production. As noted in Embracer’s annual report, the company has adopted a new AI policy package it claims has the capability to “massively enhance” its production process by “increasing resource efficiency,...


They’ve gotten drunk on the hype of AI (LLM in disguise); I can’t wait for them to make a costly mistake that wakes them the fuck up. Or dissolve into a formless mass of corporate sludge.


Yeah, there is always new Kool-Aid for executives to consume. I just wish more research, discourse, and testing were done before these concepts became either a scam or a true innovation. Of all the things that you’ve mentioned, there are only a few things of which I have no knowledge of; as a lay person, my familiarity with some of these tech developments is due to the major media coverage some got. I’ll have to look into the unfamiliar tech innovations.


Gaming is going to get worst thanks to these shameless executive leeches trying to please Shareholder Daddy and get his approval. They need to stop lying about infinite growth, ripping off the bandage is the fastest way to please Shareholders. The second faster way would be to enjoy the savings from jettisoning overcompensated executives. Purging studios is just a short term solution.


I just want those films to be good! Not an overpriced, low stakes, mediocre film created by souless executives to have mass appeal. Superhero movies can be great, but they don’t have to be bombastic life-changing experiences.


Eh, if there’s no announcement, I can’t be bothered. As of late, the Switch has been showing its age to me. I don’t want to buy games for out of date hardware; I will play the games that I own, but not buy another game until Nintendo gets vastly improved hardware out there.

LostWanderer, (edited )

Honestly, I’d accept something much better but not a massive upgrade. The thing enough power under the hood to make it easier for devs to port their games. Making the Switch an attractive choice and for games to run smoothly on their handheld/console. I would prefer Nintendo bring back home consoles, as it would be easier to make a strong performer.

My hope is that they make a true contender, however, this might not be Nintendo’s plan. They very well may choose to make another gimmick; perhaps Nintendo will refine a gimmick this time with their next hardware release?

LostWanderer, (edited )

I’m pretty excited about this game! S.T.A.L.K.E.R has always been an interesting game series, mixing a post apocalyptic with strange phenomenon. They recently did a shadow drop of a remastered edition of all the PC games on Xbox; those can tide me over until S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 comes out.


I’m excited about this game! It looks like a lot of fun, and has so many paths to follow that this dev team hasn’t mentioned!


Hmm, I’m less skeptical of this game. I won’t get it on launch though because these games benefit from plenty of time for post launch patches. This will be on I play when Ubisoft puts it on sale for like 25% or 50% off.


I’m ready for this game, it looks so good! Obsidian has the storytelling chops to make this world come alive, Bethesda could never.


Eh, I thought I was being funny, my attempt failed. I was poking fun at Bethesda because they’ve put games that were either bland or watered down like Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starfield for example. Avowed feels fresh and interesting to me, I’m excited about visiting the Living Lands and experiencing that story.


This trailer got me interested! I’m fascinated by the cozy and survival elements of Winter Burrow.


Fallout 76 made a comeback? I was pretty sure that one is beyond saving…


They are masters of hype, not sure if they’ll be able to actually deliver because Starfield wasn’t their best work.


I have no sympathy for this man, he deserves to pay the price for saying spouting so many lies and misinformation about Sandy Hook. They aren’t likely real tears because he’s just a husk of a person. It’s a shame it took this long for it to happen.

Trump plans to claim sweeping powers to cancel federal spending: In a second term, allies said the former president would look at funding cuts for the World Health Organization and green energy (wapo.st)

Classically, Congress held the power of the purse, able to both bar and require spending. This imposed a significant limit on Presidential power. With a bought court supporting him, Trump would have significant ability to essentially chart power as a king.


Shudder I remember those dark days…I despise my state for letting that even come to pass. I remember voting for someone else instead of Brownback for this reason.


I didn’t think they were going to go full bore and attempt to protect a very guilty Netanyahu; Republicans, I expected that because of who they are, we know what they are like. 42 Democrats is an eye-raising number. It won’t stop me for voting blue because the alternative is truly worse. However, it does give me pause while reading the article. The shit going down in the Middle East is clearly not kosher in the slightest, Netanyahu is a person of interest.


For once this person who in my mind is synonymous with ‘bleach blonde, bad built, butch body’ has said something I agree with; Ironic that she is also part of the problem, it’s an accurate statement at least.


Sony will one day learn to not shoot themselves in the foot while running…PSN is terrible and vulnerable to hacking! Given that it isn’t available everywhere, its a non-starter for me.


Reading the live updates warmed the cockles of my heart! The fact this jury did its job based on all the evidence is great. That orange troll deserved this, I hope the sentencing is something that will humiliate Trump to the max; I feel so happy that this shit burglar is getting this verdict.


For a game that’s been out for nearly ten years, I’m not expecting over much in the way of actual work from this team. It would be nice as I do miss playing the Sims 4. I suppose this is only happening to reach a larger audience since the move of making The Sims 4 free to play and the packs their cash cow. Which most users have been happily buying despite these packs being glitchy and broken on launch, and for most of their existence.


I was concerned about this business model from the onset and my worries have proven accurate! Buying the game while in early access would’ve given them more funding to work with instead of going with a free to play with cosmetic only purchases. I hope the affected developers are going to be okay in this layoff heavy year. 😭


That’s what I thought too…In addition, needing to buy a fake currency with real money before being able to buy a skin pack has a dark pattern vibe to it! They would’ve been better off making the skin packs cheaper (using real world money) and listing their game for a reasonable price during early access. However, their staff is paying the price for the leader’s poor decision and that honestly sucks!


ROFL Tragic, I hope these fools awaken from the terrible collective nightmare they’re trapped in!

LostWanderer, (edited )

Republicans love punching down whenever possible, I hope all those jerks get booted out of office!


Do it and get appropriately lambasted EA, I dare you scummy bastards! Android Wilson is such a foolish individual. What would truly stimulate growth for them is making great games people would want to buy. Advertisements in games are a strong hell no from me. One of the main reasons why I avoid EA games is because of their scummy history in the gaming space, if they could let go of their shortsighted greed; I could be inclined to reward those slavering executives with a game purchase. However, they won’t until it really tanks their sales to the point of desperation.


Yeah, I feel like that would’ve been the best route…Arkane proved they were amazing at that sort of game! Rebooting it into a solo, single-player experience could’ve worked. Instead, they were forced down a path unfamiliar to them, just because executives meddled and wanted yet another multiplayer/co-op game.


I hope Arkane Austin devs can unite once more to make a cool game; As corporate funded games tend to be way too safe and often disappointing. Seeing them make a breakout hit would be like egg in Microsoft’s face, I’d feel a rush of schadenfreude!


Bethesda only published the game (obviously had some influence on development by way of making demands), Arkane Austin was the developer. The scuttlebutt that I could find was that internally they weren’t interested in making a multi-player/online game. So, it was a problem because it led to understaffing due to so many members leaving the project after losing hope in their Redfall game. It created a mess that lead us to the release version of Redfall. There were strokes of Arkane genius within the bones, but the flesh was poorly constructed as a result. If Arkane Austin weren’t pushed in a bad direction by their publisher, Bethesda; I feel that we could’ve gotten a better version of Redfall. Microsoft shouldn’t have closed their studio because of that failure, such a short-sighted move enacted by an inept executive looking for quick savings.


If only Americans protested like the French, we’d be in such a better place. Politicians would actually work for us, I hope they win continued access to gender affirming care!


Yeah, that mentality of ‘at least I still have my job’ with the added cost of work/life imbalance and stress is wild to me! Corporations shouldn’t have so much power as their staff are the ones bringing in the profits. Sane business models can be profitable, respecting their staff’s time and effort. I can only hope more people wake up and unionize! As there have been victories here that should blaze a path.


Yep, in many cases people live paycheck to paycheck without being able to save money for an emergency. Often, we are just one emergency away from homelessness! By design, the US has very few avenues in the way of social safety nets (the few we do possess for those who are disabled or elderly, are being attacked by Republicans). People have voted against their own best interests enough to cause this crisis; it will be an uphill battle to destroy those walls built against real change.


I’m at a loss for words. How did this man not get shouted down for saying that out loud and in public?! Those are the thoughts of a predator, which is a position of power.


Always have been, however without facing real consequences they’ve grown way too bold!


I’m deeply familiar with them it’s never been in their nature to say the quiet part out loud in front of everyone! Rather it’s projecting their desires on others to vilify them, hopefully their looser tongues sink their ship. 🤢


In my mind there is no generous interpretation of his words as there is a paragraph which makes his statement worse in my opinion.

In a state where 18 is not old enough to drink, Edwards believes girls at 16 are old enough to get married.

He wants marriage to 16 year olds to be legal; I don’t believe this is a good thing, especially if he also then argued for parental consent for marriages to adult men. It’s a huge red flag to me, personally.


ROFL I wasn’t even surprised, honestly was keeping up with the news to see when the big story about the fraud that this firm engaged in. Almost everything that man has something to do with this sketchy as fuck!


I don’t want to fully paint every company in a corrupt light (some might be on the up and up, but an employee or two may be scummy AF). It would be inept of said company to not notice their employees colluding with Trump, but not necessarily intentionally corrupt. I’m a weird ass cynic with idealistic tendencies, make of that what you will.


Ah, the executive class in need of some strong policing in terms of sign on bonuses and salaries! Nobody should be making that insane amount of cash, especially wantonly participating in unnecessary layoffs like Unity did.


Good, this is a necessary step to curbing their power granted to them by wealth…More of these assholes need to pay their fair share instead of dodging their responsibility. Good things like better healthcare and other social safety nets could be funded with that financial excess; if only our politicians were on board with those great ideas, hopefully, we can vote the good ones into office. (I’m an odd mix of cynic and idealist, this is truly a farfetched idea at the moment).


ROFL It’s tragic that Amazon is in the insurance game…That’s when you know it’s a true dystopian present getting started in full gear.


I just tried to say something sarcastic but, yeah; In truth, I do agree with your assessment of Amazon OneHealth. As it’s a hybrid of a low end concierge medicine program with a tiny amount of insurance-like benefits.


I was never aware of that fact, as I never expected that Sony would be in on that kind of scheme! There’s too much going on and I simply can’t take it all in. However, this doesn’t surprise me as megacorps will do whatever it takes to make as much money as possible! Since buying power makes right (up until they get a firm slap on the wrist). 🥴


Personally, I don’t think 7DTD is ready for a 1.0, there are stability and performance issues still plaguing this game. It’s possible the Fun Pimps could fix those glaring issues before 1.0 in June, but stability and performance have been a recurring issue in every version of their Alpha releases. Sure, the game at least has enough content to mostly qualify for a 1.0. They could always add new things via updates (if they don’t abandon the title post-1.0).


The style reminds me of Inscryption and that’s a cool thing to make a game based on!

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