
Just a silly feller

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you can do both if you just choose not to care about wrinkled clothes.


I got into sewing so I do use an iron, but even then half the time I’m lazy and don’t even press my seams. I’m not very good at sewing as a result, but I have a good time all the same.


I loved Elden Ring, I don’t play many games these days but it really hooked me. But also it really needs to get over itself and add difficulty options.

I do think the difficulty is part of the fun but I almost didn’t finish it because it was so all over the place, toward the end it just got grindy, bosses just turned into long roll fests until you got your one chance per minute to knock off 2% of its health bar. They feel more like endurance matches that test your patience more than skill.

Sometimes I’m dying a lot and having fun because the challenge is good, but sometimes it’s just tedious and I want to move on to the next area. I would love to be able to drop the difficulty for a bit just for those spots, hell make it an in game item called cry baby bottle for losers and wimps for all I care.


Even if what you said was true (spoilers: it’s not and you’re making shit up, most dairy cows are impregnated once a year) your argument is that it’s ok because we only rape and kill the cows calf shortly after birth once.

It’s fine that you have shitty opinions, but stop spreading misinformation to support them. And definitely stop doing it while using big words to smugly pretend you’re smarter than other people.


I love being an annoying vegan because it was annoying vegans who made me go vegan. I was once like you, I knew the animal ag industry was fucked, but I still liked eating meat and dairy. Then eventually the cognitive dissonance caught up to me and I realised that enjoying meat and dairy wasn’t a good enough excuse to support a cruel industry that is quite literally destroying the planet.

At least you’re not in denial about what you’re supporting and you’re not spreading misinformation. I’m chill with that, but I think you’re wrong about what’s effective at converting people to veganism.

PS: people make pineapple and cactus leathers nowadays, I’ve heard of a mushroom based one, too. Not sure on how the durability and longevity compares just yet but it seems pretty tough so far. Also not sure on the processes involved and how ‘clean’ they are.


It’s like if you pay a hitman to do some murders for you. Are you a murderer? I guess not technically, but ‘conspirator to commit murder’ doesn’t have the same ring to it. Thus we just opt for rapist, since you support an industry that annually rapes cows and kills their calves so that you can enjoy a tall glass of cow juice.

It’s ok if that’s what you want to do. No judgement here.


As someone who was successfully converted to veganism I’m not going to take your shitty cow raping, carnist ass, stanky opinions on how to convert people. Go on, chuck a few slices of bacon in the pan for me.


You can’t really compare the two things. You have limited control over how your taxes are spent, you can vote on how you want them spent and protest the actions of your government, but outside of that it’s not up to you.

With milk, though, you are directly financing it by buying the product, and the product wouldn’t exist without those things happening. So you are in effect a ‘conspirator to cow rape’ since your demand incites the act.


Ok, so because you’re being needlessly pedantic here is the comparison.

I am not directly responsible for the wars and murders my government commits because of the reasons I stated above. But if they had a big bucket that said ‘put money in this big bucket to directly support the wars and murders of your government’ and I were to put money in of my own free will - then yes I would be directly responsible for those wars and murders.

If I do not put money in I am not directly responsible.

That’s the difference between paying taxes and buying a bottle of cow milk.


You realise that veal is often just the calves taken from dairy cows, right? If you drink milk you are already supporting veal. They’re killed anyway, it’s just the difference between them being discarded or being sold.


Yeah, I used a metaphor to help explain how you can be found responsible for something even if you didn’t do the thing yourself.


Without getting into a semantics debate on what rape is. The reason the word is used is because dairy cows are impregnated by fisting the cows asshole and stimulating their cervix before squirting a semen gun into their vagina. The cows cannot consent to this so the word rape is used. Some people might not consider it rape for whatever reason and yes, the word was probably chosen to be provocative. But that’s the explanation.


I guess I don’t agree with you. If I buy a product that specifically requires the death of an animal I would feel like I am responsible for the death of that animal and monetarily incentivising the death of other animals.

If I pay a hitman to kill someone I am not innocent of murder.

You don’t get to support an industry that kills animals and then say you’re not responsible for the death of animals.


I didn’t choose to ignore anything. I just have a life outside of being an annoying vegan.

You already knew what I was going to say, though. I’m personally against wool products because they breed sheep specifically to grow unhealthy amounts of wool and once the few good coats they have in them are gone they send them off to be killed for food anyway.

Sheep can also be mistreated during the shearing process, and since shearers are often paid per sheep they’re incentivised to rush through them.

I’m not going to use the word rape here since I don’t think it applies.

Have I activated any trap cards?


They might not like it but they sure do tolerate it happening to an animal they like the taste of and don’t actually have to see it themselves.


Obviously I’d prefer it if you didn’t eat animals but I’m actually chill with just being more mindful about what you support. If you’re going out of your way to try and minimise the harm you’re doing then that’s better than most people.

And at least you recognise the environmental harm. The only thing that really annoys me is people lying about these things.


Who are you trying to convince?


If it’s not to qualify for jobs you can always just learn online for free. I suppose it depends on the degree but there’s quite a lot you can just teach yourself these days.


I know so many people who adamantly stand by their use of it. I used to say it, too, but all it took was one person to point out to me that it was hurtful and I apologised and stopped no questions asked. I don’t get why it’s so hard to just have a little empathy.


I hope that most people can look past it in the same way but unfortunately intent doesn’t change how hurtful some things can be. And it’s still language that serves to otherise a group of people. Just like the N and F words which have both declined heavily in use (at least since I’ve been alive).

The way I look at it is that my want to use certain words does not outweigh other people’s feelings. English is full of fun and interesting things to say, we can get a bit more creative than just using slurs.


I’m vegan btw, lol


Yeah, I’m in my 30s and I remember how wildly different it was when I was young. There’s still a lot to be done but seeing the general shift toward acceptance is nice (where I am at least).


I just feel incredibly angry all of a sudden.


I watched a documentary about Alex Jones’ court case with the Sandy Hook victims and he did the exact same thing. In court he does nothing, but as soon as he’s back in front of a camera he’s straight back to peddling lies and crying injustice.


Is there any actual weight to this talk of campaign interference? I heard it somewhere else, too. It just seems absurd to me that that would be considered at all. Like if I did a few felonies but was like: your honor, I’ve got to water my plants. so you see - I can’t do any prison time.


I have mixed feelings on this. On the one hand that’s pretty interesting and like, hurray for saving lives. But on the other hand it seems kind of incredibly messed up to raise animals as sacrificial organ sacks.


They might get better treatment in these cases but I don’t think it would be different. I’m vegan if that helps understand my point of view.


I don’t care how they treat each other, we should hold ourselves to a higher standard. And I’m not labelling anyone here, I just said I had mixed feelings about it.


I literally don’t even know what you’re trying to say, I haven’t cast any judgements or told anyone to do anything. Get off your soapbox.

Nachorella, (edited )

That’s not what I was trying to say. I was specifically referring to you talking about how animals treat each other.

I don’t want anyone to suffer which is why I have mixed feelings about this.

edit: actually go fuck yourself, I don’t care, you’ve continuously put words in my mouth and obviously don’t care about having a reasonable conversation.


Stuff like this is so silly. I understand having rules around how things are named, nobody wants to be misled about what they’re buying. But were cow juice enthusiasts really getting tricked into buying soy juice? Do we have to specify the animal? Can I sell rat milk as ‘milk’ and they’d be ok? What’s the difference between that and oat milk? So long as the origin of the milk is clear I really don’t see the issue.

Obviously I know it’s just dairy industry deep pockets doing what they can to remain #1 but it’s just so silly.


That part I understand, no more formaldehyde and brains in the milk. It’s more the industry fighting against the term being used for alternative milks which should have their own standards associated with them. Coconut milk and cream have existed for ages and nobody cares. But my (dairy farmer) family all of a sudden have really strong opinions on using the term milk for alternative milks. Or other generic terms being used for vegan products like mince, sausage, burger, steak. All of these things typically have a word in front to describe what they’re made of, but for some reason certain people get real worked up when that word is ‘vegetable’.


There’s also titles where the Devs cooked and ended up spending too much time and resources and underdelivered on huge flops. See Daikatana or whatever kickstarter game is disappointing people at the moment. Making games is just difficult, let alone making something that everyone loves.


I’ve recently taken up this attitude, slowly acquiring tools as I go. Just small stuff, but it feels good to repair instead of replace.


how come?


Fair enough. I liked the message, but I guess it’s a bit inderwhelming if you’re expecting more information.


It’s difficult because it’s just very untrue and wrong. This is very widely documented, grains are absolutely grown just to feed animals. The majority of corn and soy in the US is grown to feed animals. I’m not sure why you’re so insistent on something that can so easily be looked up, you don’t even need vegan sources, the animal ag industry reports this stuff.


You’re pretty funny, before you said they only graze, then you said we simply don’t grow food for cattle, now you’ve admitted we do based on some random dude pulling 5% out of a hat.

info you won’t read

They cite a paper that puts the land used purely for growing feed at about 38% of our cropland. If you combine it with grazing land it goes up to about 80%. Cropland for food humans eat is just 16%.


Ok but we use twice as much land to grow animal feed than we do human food and it has all the same drawbacks. And then the meat we get still only provides 18% of our calories.


Stop making stuff up, please. Idk what you do on your farm but globally we absolutely grow a lot of food for animals.


Habitable land is not the same as the ability to grow food on it.

Umm yeah? No one said it was.

So most stats that are pulled out of someones ass, because they came up with a system that says all feed we provide to animals is more than the tonnage we eat ourselves. No shit we feed way more grain to a 2k lb cow. It’s 2k fucking lbs. It doesn’t even provide a breakout of what isn’t actually human consumable, because it’s bullshit stats.

When talking about feed grown specifically for livestock it doesn’t actually matter if it’s human consumable or not, it’s land that could be used to grow human consumable food. They make the distinction between cropland and grazing land pretty clear.

Also you don’t just get to dismiss science when it doesn’t suit whatever you think. You asked for numbers, there they are.

And if I combine the road as part of my land in front of my farm I have more land…this is fucking stupid. Grazing land is not usually suitable for plants. It’s why crops are not planted usually in places that are rocky or have to many hills.

You’re source is bullshit.

There are things that can be done with grazing land other than planting crops and almost all of them are better for the environment than having livestock graze on it. They are just talking about the total land at that point, not trying to convince you of anything, stop reading everything so defensively.

And also it’s a pretty credible source and it’s definitely better than your anecdotal ‘we literally don’t grow food for cattle at all, ever’ nonsense.

We use more than twice as much land to grow feed for livestock than we do for humans, and the livestock only supplies 18% of global calories. It’s an inefficient use of land full stop. When there are more people we will need more efficient sources of food. This might mean farming more human food and therefore less animal feed.


36% of corn grown in the US goes to feeding livestock. Not including the stuff you’re talking about like byproducts from ethanol and such.


You keep trying to have it both ways. You’ve finally conceded that there’s 36% of land used to grow livestock feed. But now it’s time to shift the poles somewhere else. At least you’ve started reading and trying to back up what you’re saying.

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