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Close, the us exists because a bunch of europeans moved to a new land and ethnically cleansed the natives.

Netanyahu says deadly Israeli strike in Rafah was the result of a 'tragic mistake' (

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that a “tragic mistake” was made in an Israeli strike in the southern Gaza city of Rafah that set fire to a camp housing displaced Palestinians and, according to local officials, killed at least 45 people....


30k+ mistake. Yeah right. The slaughter continues. This was not the first and it won’t be the last


Israel has never been a victim. And occupier much like a colonist cannot be a victim. It isn’t self defense when people fight back against their occupier. Rather it is the occupier continuing to oppress. We should however bring justice to those innocent civilians who were killed.


Can’t wait for wider adoption and further development so I can also experience wayland


Genocide Joe wouldn’t want to incriminate himself


It was obvious from the start it was political posturing as he had already sent them so much and it wasn’t like they immediately needed it. Just like the port to deliver aid, also posturing to look good.


I agree, but so is biden for being a genocide supporter.


Sure maybe not committing genocide with his hands, but hitler also didn’t kill all the jews with his hands. Sending weapons and funding it is just as bad.


Despite the pause, the Israeli military has enough weapons supplied by the U.S. and other partners to conduct the Rafah operation if it chooses to cast aside U.S. objections, the first official said.

He added that none of the pauses apply to the billions of dollars in additional israel aid passed by Congress last month. With regards to that, the Biden administration just approved $827 million worth of weapons and equipment for Israel in the latest tranche of Foreign Military Financing, the official said.

Take it with a grain of salt. A good first step however.



One is open source and you can check the code while the other is not completely open source and uses proprietary encryption. That’s right, proprietary encryption.


Ah yes as if the European jews have been there for 2000 years. Cannanites are natives to the land and it was the tribes of israel that came from Egypt to their land. Modern day Palestinians are a mixture between cannanites, Arabs, jews and some other groups.


Condemnation is good but action is greater.


Apartheid south Africa


I did not mention it was solely due to sanctions. But I do think it played a role.


I do think there is a difference between people and their governments and I while I do hope that Israelis do not agree with their government with their actions to the Palestinians and and the people of gaza there was a poll conducted a couple of months ago that showed 58% of believed that the IDF wasn’t using enough force and another 37% believed that they were using the appropriate amount of force. I’d like to believe that it’s changed since then but I’m not sure.



Don’t take it with you, or have a faraday bag and only take it put when you’re done


“Many of us like to ask ourselves, ‘What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?’ The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.”


A good fallout NV remake would be welcome

Uncommitted voters are not apathetic. The Democratic party is (

What happens in November is up to Biden – it will not be the fault of the protest voter if Trump is elected. The questions remain: does the Democratic party fear Trump as much as we do? And does it value its voters enough to shift away from an approach to the onslaught in Gaza that a majority of Democratic voters are against?


I agree


If you vote blue or left no matter what then you minimize your reach and power. When the elected officials have to work for your vote is when your vote matters. Biden or trump palestine issue isnt gonna change just like foreign policy hasnt changed blue or red. At the very least youd punish biden and set precedence moving forward. We clearly also need reform so we dont end up with two terrible human beings.


I just don’t understand how car manufacturers can do this. We need better privacy laws. Also, why is it a game of always protesting and backlash just to keep our basic rights? Smh

Hamas official says group would lay down its arms if an independent Palestinian state is established (

A top Hamas political official told The Associated Press the Islamic militant group is willing to agree to a truce of five years or more with Israel and that it would lay down its weapons and convert into a political party if an independent Palestinian state is established along pre-1967 borders.


You mean to fight the occupation?


Unfortunately, in a recent poll 80% of israeli said that israel should take into consideration the suffering of civilians. Only less than 2% said they believed the IDF is using too much fire power. I think there is a deeper issue with people’s sentiments.



Oct 7th would’ve never happened if israel didn’t treat the Palestinians like human animals. If your excuse they hide terrorists whats your excuse for how they treat Palestinians in the west Bank where hamas isn’t a thing?


Israel is a terrorist state


come to another persons land

steal their land and homes

kill their children and rape their women

humiliate their people

surprised pickachu face when they get radicalized and fight back

I dont endorse the extreme actions of hamas or any other group. But lets get something straight are you saying that all the oppression Palestinians face can be explained away by extremeist groups? Do you reject all the accounts of human rights organizations which have documented the plight of the Palestinians? And do you condemn the actions of israel?


That’s a false equivalence. Sure, there are extremist actions which you can point to. But to completely omit that it was the Palestinians people which were expelled from their land and massacred is disingenuous.


The Palestinian cause was already dying and it was only time before they were erased or expunged. What hamas did was revive that cause, even if you don’t agree with them killing civilians (which i dont either). Most Palestinians were already living in terrible conditions and not because of hamas but because of the israel blockade of gaza. Which rendered it essentially to concentration camp.

The 1300 figure wasnt all by hamas. And from what we know so far about 300 were soliders, 300 were killed by israel themselves in the crossfire, and 300 were indeed civilians.

So far hamas has done pretty good for it self and has made some losses for israel. At the very least you can see its not a victory for israel.


The Palestinians are the natives. Most have cannanite DNA. Palestinians aren’t just the Arabs/muslims but also include jews and Christians that have lived for as long. Jews who came from EU have no claim to the land


So why extend the destruction to hamas who commits extremists actions but not israel?


Terrible, nukes should’ve never been a thing


Fantastic. Should’ve never been allowed in the first place. What the FTC did also recently with the internet “nutrition” labels was great


Good. Amazing how people are suffering here but we always have the money for foreign countries. Next time they say how can we fund Healthcare, homelessness or some program designed to help us people remember this.


He already is winning. Look at a map of controlled areas by Russia vs ukraine. Watch analysis by Scott Ritter and John mersheimer.


Your classification of them as far right says everything about your ignorance. Is everyone who doesn’t agree with you far right? Did you know that both soctt and John consider what’s going in palestine a genocide? Or can you not comprehend nuance and just like to stay in an echo chamber where you feel validated with your beliefs?


Perhaps you may live a privileged life but many of us don’t. And that money will end up in the pockets of corporations and those who own them, not us peasants. If standards were better and we had what some would say are basic rights such as Healthcare then it would be less of a problem


I never said I’m with them. I’m simply saying that our money shouldn’t be diverted else where when people here are suffering. Don’t put words in my mouth.


Reminder the US is an imperialist power that is evil.


Wow your such an intellectual. So you wanna tell me rape, torture, genocide are all not evil? What about pedophilia? What the nazis did? Is that evil? Killing innocent civilians?

NoLifeGaming, (edited )

Someone who has helped commit genocide vs someone who hasn’t yet. Sure. When you consistently vote the party no matter what they do then you give your voting power away. Start punishing them with your vote and see how quickly the switch up and come to the table.


Or we punish biden and establish a precedence that you can’t support genocide and get re elected


But at least you punish him and maybe set a precedence?


How does the assassination of solemani have anything to do with it? He’s an iranian general. And yes the slaughter did start under biden but the occupation, zionist oppression and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians has been there since the british mandate of Palestine. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem certainly did not help the Palestinians and im not saying its gonna be better under him. What I’m saying like many others is that we won’t vote for someone who’s basically committed the genocide. I’d rather punish him then have him in office again and I’d rather play the game of chance of maybe setting a precedence forward that genocide won’t help you get elected again.


I think its fair to say that there is a difference between then and now as some polls show a decent number of Americans are against whats going on there. Although we’ll see i guess


I love how people don’t quote what trump fully said about the israel issue and just the “finish it up” why don’t you also quote the part where he said you have to get peace? Why don’t you also quote that it was a departure and that he didn’t condition it on the release of hostages? (…/trump-israel-conservative.html)

This attempt to show biden as better is pathetic when biden has not been kind to any immigrants and he has slaughtered many in the mid east. Im sorry to break it to you but neither are your friends and this game of “better of the two evils” doesn’t work when you have someone committing genocide.


Both Republicans and democrats and no matter the president has been bad abroad for others. We should not vote Biden to set a precedence and get some of our voting power back. If you vote red/blue no matter what then your vote or voice doesn’t matter.

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