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It’s a common insult in many languages - with a lot of theories about origins. You can track medival usage of this all over Europe, but I have no knowledge about other continents.

Insults in general hold more power in honor-cultures. Your grandparents might have reacted the same way she did, while you might not feel the same.


I know of at lest Nordic languages, german languages, slavic languages, Urdu, Yiddish

Some are not literal translations, but have the same meening. Like silly as a goose - not stupid. Or just beeing refered to as a goose implying simplicity, stupidity or sillyness.

The word goose by itself has extensive use un english www.reginacoeli.com/blog/goose-idioms.htmlwww.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/goose

They do look kinda akward

Supreme Court wipes out anti-corruption law that bars officials from taking gifts for past favors (www.latimes.com)

The Supreme Court on Wednesday struck down part of a federal anti-corruption law that makes it a crime for state and local officials to take gifts valued at more than $5,000 from a donor who had previously been awarded lucrative contracts or other government benefits thanks to the efforts of the official....


We will thank you for inventing hip hop, but both the japanese and the british have better hip hop than your pop hop these days


British and Japanese


Tbh i was just trying to bluff and sound like a hip hop connoisseur. Sorry for giving you false hope, but i will listen to your favourite to try and broaden my knowledge. I do like both british stret accent and the japanese are just cute. I listen mostly to pre2k hiphop from us when I do listen to hiphop

Not because its the best, but because im that old


Nice addition to my regular “daily discoveries “ from tidal. I will check them out tomorrow (im in europe and should sleep now).

I listen through the discoveries every day on my commute to work, and Im quite sure AI is overrated as 70% is shit.


nah - they are very real. Maybe sock puppets but real. I imagine them like rich 15 year old kids beeing “rad and cool”


Kids i tell you - radical kids living a safe life beeing “radical”. Its no different from the MAGA - just another extreme worldview


He don’t sound sane, but from what little US politic I catch in news it’s pretty common far up into your law and political system. Maybe all the way to the top.

I believe your doing yourself a disfavour by assuming he’s criminally insane


Why do you let those destroying your country walk the earth?

You can’t reason with cancer - Steve jobs is really dead


Yeah, but that’s not gonna sink in for a generation or so


Pretty common beggar practice - let’s see how Biden wags his tail and promise more weapons. Puny little lapdog




How many FOSS Linux firewalls are there? Let’s see, we have iptables and there’s nftables.


A ppa is a repo. It’s Ubuntu stuff, and there’s no reason to work your ass off for Ubuntu for free. They’ll just shit on you and claim that snaps are great (they’re not)


Ppa’s are Ubuntu… Debian is not Ubuntu even if Ubuntu is Debian


I’m quite sure it won’t be long until some bad practice spreads like this. Giving clueless “Linux pros” top advice on how to enable a back door.

LLMs can be poisoned and as datasets increase and complexity grows it will be harder to contain.

Cgpt works great for some stuff, but all you know is that someone somewhere wrote something similar. They are no better than Google in predicting what is good material and what’s wrong, and training is statistics.


I’d say the fact that he’s still alive makes me lose all confidence in the 2nd amendment. No matter if you like him or not he’s cancer to the legal system setting new presidents every day.



You guys have too many words. I Norway we have about 90 odd words that we use for everything. Much simple


Well - the screen seems to indicate that it might wanna duel you anyway


Have you tried turning it off and back on again?

If that doesn’t help boot with a live-cd or rescue, and check that your grub config points to a valid kernel.

Your hdd might be the culprit but it’s very hard to say from that screen. Maybe the one previously that can show your boot command

What It Takes to Break Joe Biden’s Zionist Bubble (www.thenation.com)

According to NBC News, another guest, Dr. Nahreen H. Ahmed, “was taken aback when she showed Biden prints of photos of malnourished children and women in Gaza—to which Biden responded that he had seen those images before. The problem, the doctor said, was that she had printed the photos from her own iPhone.” Biden was...


The issue is that the conservative vote for party lines while democrats vote for what they like. I’m not sure it’s true that Ukraine will get wiped out, but I’m fairly sure Biden won’t have a 2nd round as president.

And I’m not sure it’s a bad thing in the long run. We’ll end up with a further weakened USA, giving room for others to rise up and set a new agenda


Yeah - I’ve done nothing to elect either of them so I’m the one that should go fuck myself. You utter rubbish of a tosser- go back to your armchair activism


As far as I’m concerned the US does not bring peace, stability or anything good to anyone including a vast portion of its own citizens.

The US has hard right and far right politics - do you have any idea what that does for a country and subsequently, international relations?


While you will get somewhat the same from apt, I like the Debian way of providing base config support in packages and have local config loaded by include statements.

As you don’t edit the default config and automatic updates can happen w/o user input and your config will stay safe


I might be a special case as I Mostly use Linux for servers. But I have maybe experienced one such case on the last three years on our 50-odd servers


Oh no! The repercussions!!

I’m a bit uneasy on how this system works. Are there no consequences for allowing fugitives to escape a country? Why should a country respect another country’s embassy borders if they accept fugitives?

I’m not sure about this, but I think this is all that will come of this, and it might be ok


I get that international law states this, but I’m not sure it works the same in real life. Will be interesting to see if Mexico answers to the invasion of their country with more than words.


Nice - Mexico as the moral high ground.


Yeah - it’s gonna be real harsh for them going forward now. Unlike Russia and Israel, who both seem to handle breaking international law without dire consequences

Edit: typos


I’m not the type to invade anything, so no.

I’m not saying it’s an ok move to make, but in this world today this isn’t what I think are big violations of international law. And I don’t think much will come from it


You’d have to wait a while for Debian to reach version 24

I like Debian - it’s foss and stable


What’s wrong with just removing snap? When ever I am forced to install Ubuntu I will remove snap and the “advantage-tools” (the part trying to sell you support)

First I’ll snap remove —purge all snap packages Then apt purge —auotoremove snapd ubuntu-advantage-tools


Nice try canonical - no matter what you say snaps is just your way to lock people in to your store. You’re no better than apple, only your product is shit. Excluding the shoulders you stand on, which are made by others. You’re the enshitification of Linux.

Why would you pull debs from random sites? Do you know how hard that is to do for the average user? And you want to compare that to a download from the store that’s in the basic install on Ubuntu?


There’s like one directory left after my uninstall - I don’t do this by hand though so I’ll have to look up the playbook.

My first line was the snap remove

Might need an autoremove —purge at the end to clean up.


I would not claim that Ubuntu is anything but stable. We run a bunch of Ubuntu lts servers at work and there’s hardly any issues. Found a 16.x the other day with over 500 days uptime driving signage. That was desktop version.

I use Debian because of the OSS focus, and stability. And because I know the distro fairly well. They’re conservative in choice of tools and for instance only went full systemd a few years back (5?)

I don’t mind systemd but I don’t mind sysv init either. Even slackwares scripts worked fine. If it’s not broken don’t fix it.


Does pipewire interface directly to drivers or is it user-space magic on top of alsa like pulseaudio?


I still don’t understand flatpack on Linux. I see how it makes releasing binaries easy, but the cost and idea is contrary to basic unix principles.


+1 insightfull

How can i rsync over my network without using ssh?

I have 6 devices that i rsync to a central location to back them up. Ive been using ssh as the -e option. Problem is i use public key with passphrases, meaning to backup all six i need to go to each device and run the backup script. Since i typically backup /etc, /home, and /root this means entering sudo and the ssh passphrase...


And they have to use locked keys? In a setup where they don’t need encryption?


There’s 0 need for Linux to grow. It powers 80% of new web-apps, runs the big gaming systems, parts of azure and aws. It’s the go-to server os for most use-cases.

The Linux desktop needs to mature if it’s to grow. Non-tech users don’t care for “new and innovative ux paradigms”. They don’t wanna scan the internet to figure out why sound is missing after upgrading to pop_os 4. That or they need someone close by to fix it for free


I’m not sure what you mean about without sudo - if there’s a root account logging over isn’t more secure than SU or SUDO. At some point you trust someone with root access either by ssh key, password or sudo abilities.

Openbsd har a rather stellar security history, but there’s still root.

Also there’s still root on Android, so I don’t agree with your point of “Android fixed Linux”. You don’t need to elevate to install software, but the software you install can elevate (www.tomsguide.com/round-up/best-root-apps)

In what way is the need for privileges for system stuff like boot config solved without root?


Maybe firewalld are not the right firewall for your use case if you feel the need to remove “bloat” zones? Do they impact your firewall efficiency?


Do what you like, I’m just voicing my opinion.

While it’s a nice thought, I’m not the king of the internets


I get it and I was just voicing my own feelings. I don’t click on Reddit links anymore. Also I don’t think it fosters discussions here, more just directs people to Reddit.

But that’s just my opinion - and it’s no more valid than yours.

Sorry I was rude, it’s a bad habit.

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