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It may not work at all as they have fairly closed down hardware. Also you may not get firmware updates which is a big security issue.


What do you want to do with it?

This request is impossible to fulfill

  • people that dont care about wayland etc. may use Linux Mint
  • people that want a server will choose Debian
  • people dont care about malware will choose ubuntu
  • people that dont care about all of that will use an Atomic Fedora Spin like Silverblue

Very well put.


Yeah, it is also full or DEB GNOME stuff and has no podman, distrobox or flatpak support.

Debian is nice but “neutral”


Nobara is highly hacked together and not well maintained. It is a cool proof of concept but should not be used for daily usage.


The setup is a few commands, on ublue its a few less.


Sounds pretty solid but dont use Trinity lol.


Yeah for sure you can do that, but it is not secure.

Updates are extremely delayed and not CI/CD like for example ublue Bazzite.

It has disabled SELinux.

It uses a custom Kernel and tons of other stuff.

Its for sure cool but the performance increase is like 5% (TheLinuxExperiment tested that once) and not worth the issues.

I would use Bazzite instead, you can layer stuff or different things, ublue has a Resolve Podman container afaik. Reaper has no Wayland support, does it? Last time I tested it at least, a few months ago.

Cool that their releases are good, my knowledge was from the 38-39 upgrade which came months too late. But tbh Discord is not a good way to document, ublue does the same though.


It is for sure cool for the retro KDE vibes but thats what it is, old buggy KDE code. Konqueror is not maintained anymore, and either they ported everything to Qt6 or their Qt is also EOL, as well as a ton of other apps.

Apart from being well tested, newer software is mostly just better. Plasma 6 is a huge cleanup and its quicker and better than ever (long time users recognize that, even though its under the hood).

Google Allows Creditors to Brick Your Phone (

I installed NetGuard about a month ago and blocked all internet to apps, unless they’re on a whitelist. No notifications from this particular system app (that can’t be disabled) until recently when it started making internet connection requests to google servers. Does anyone know when this became a thing?...


Banking is a hit or miss, GrapheneOS should pass all security checks and more, but none of them is Google certified and apps start to request that, which sucks

How I install Mullvad on Silverblue based distros and add repos

One of the things I struggled with initailly when using immutables was installing programs like VPNS that need to interact with the immutable parts of the distro but don’t have a flatpak option. I figured I’d just make a post to help anyone with this specific issue regarding mullvad or if it helps people install other...


Doesnt work. Networkmanager has no native concept of a “airtight VPN mode”.

The mullvad daemon does stuff like

  • control DNS
  • block internet when not connected
  • prevent early boot connections

Those require it to be privileged. For sure it would be nice to have all these features integrated into networkmanager, and vpn apps just placing their wireguard configs and DNS settings in there.

But for now the Mullvad App is way better than what we have. You can also keep a very insecure DNS conf (no DNSSEC, no DOT, no custom servers) as a fallback for public wifi bs, and when the Mullvad app is running the system uses a secure DNS.


They do, but networkmanager doesnt have the necessary features like a block mode. Read my other comment.

Btw there is a GNOME applet for mullvadvpn, so you dont need to use electron, just the background stuff.

Pantherina, (edited )

Very cool! Mullvad also updated their Linux install guides to reference the repos immediately, but they use dnf for whatever reason, making it unnecessarily complicated (issue report).

Your commands where good and secure, but this is a quicker way

<span style="color:#323232;">curl` | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/mullvad.repo
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">rpm-ostree install --reboot mullvad-vpn libappindicator-gtk3
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">systemctl enable --now mullvad-daemon

You dont need sudo for rpm-ostree and systemctl, they work natively with polkit. In general you can replace sudo with pkexec in your shell config and have easier and more granular permission controls. But dont remove sudo, that will currently break at least some things like shutdown.


Only if there was a portal, I would suppose. But idk to be honest. Flatpaks can write to /etc if they want.

Hotspot Wi-Fi connected to my laptop works without connected to mobile data. What could be the reason? (

Title is self explanatory. For background, I am currently running Asahi Linux on my M1 MBP. Whenever I connected the hotspot without data being turned on, it somehow still worked like any regular wifi. I even ran several updates in the system and downloaded multiple apps in this wifi, which I find it amusing. But out of...


A hotspot is a connection where your phone creates a wifi network using its wifi antenna. The signal strength depends on how far away the phone is, thats it.

The hotspot stays on also if the phone has no cell data connection. Normally a phone should only be able to connect to either a wifi or be a hotspot, phone model is important.


A ton of extensions are executing scripts, but this is generally behind a warning.

This REALLY has to change guys, and for that the getnewstuff backend must become better.

For example Dolphin extensions are still downloaded to some random download location that is not actually used.

And the packaging of addons is extremely random too.


This is why you shouldnt allow anything to execute arbitrary code without permission


COSMIC is getting “fancy zone” snapping at the moment it seems (community efford)

COSMIC already has tabbing/stacking windows which is so cool, as I can finally ditch Konsole for Alacritty (if I manage profiles for distroboxes and color profiles etc).

I kinda try to get used to autotiling but its strange as fuck.


Yes fish is great. It has some special syntax for functions, I will add my configs soo.

set fish_greeting is useful to silence it.

User scripts can go to ~/.local/bin which is already in the path.

You can split up your shell configs into topics, and put them into ~/.config/fish/conf.d/abc.conf


Very chill. But this screams “dont theme my Apps/OS/Icons” so much.

Vanilla GNOME 43 on Debian 12 looks gorgeous, this looks like from 2005


  • Loading...
  • Pantherina,

    Test it and report bugs using this ublue image! It is pre-alpha and not guaranteed to have a working fallback session (in this case GNOME).

    You can also probably run it from a rootful distrobox following this guide


    It got delayed, and that is very much needed.

    COSMIC is huge, they implemented like all the base components (compositor, xwayland, font rendering, refresh rate stuff, own GUI toolkit, …) which is incredible, but the GUI is very alpha and I wouldnt like using it tbh.

    Their groundwork is awesome, and with a style like KDE I think it woulf be incredible. Their apps are very fast too.


    Why is there no asahi atomic image? That would be so useful to consume, add the COSMIC stack compiled for ARM and you are done.

    Pantherina, (edited )

    Thanks for the reply!

    I find some things confusing to use. Like maximizing/tiling windows my dragging them to screen edges doesnt work. I think documentation about the tiling would be awesome, as meta+arrows also didnt do anything.

    It seems the tiling is only active when using tiling mode? That mode is slick as fuck, but having super+arrow always available or at least the tiling applet always shown would be great.

    I am also not a fan of the color scheme, which is too black and I would prefer a less aggressive “active window” border.

    The screenshot tool is very minimal but works well, its hard to reach a (bugfree ;D) KDE spectacle.

    Same with the Filemanager and Editor, Dolphin is the best piece of software in existence, I love it. Kate is also great. (Main dolphin features: filter, search, preview size, column selector, custom right-click actions, custom buttons, custom places bar with custom names and icons,

    And there is this issue with 3rd row symbols and keyboard layout not working at all. I have an en-GB keyboard, en-US either has no 3rd row or this is actually not working, and I also needs to disable capslock and use it to switch between 2 layouts.

    The app menu has no “show all apps” view which makes searching a pain for me. I also prefer the layout of either GNOME (showing all apps with folders and rearranging) or KDE Kicker (WinXP like with search and favorites).

    I will try and see what my problem with the search was, because that would probably be my preferred way.

    The ability to remove the top panel, and to resize the applets independently of the app icons is crucial for creating a laptop-friendly one-button-panel layout. The GNOME-style only makes sense in GNOME I think.

    Style-wise I think it already looks great, and its snappy and modern and has better dual-monitor support than Plasma 5, which is kinda crazy.

    1. I found that it only works in tiling mode, which may be better but normal snapping in windowed mode is pretty normal I think.
    2. Okay thats fair
    3. Clicking on the notification doesnt open the image, there is no recording and it has no editing :D but it works well and way quicker than Spectacle
    4. Added features I like about dolphin. For sure I could install dolphin instead. I would also prefer a places bar where you can click on the parent directories, clicking on the empty space after them activates manual path selection mode. But the filemanager is already pretty nice. In the editor I would miss things like LSP and text snippets, but it seems very nice for its purpose.
    5. That view is nice, but the drag-drop animation is similar to KDE (apps need to already be opened) and they are not minimized during the action, so it looks a bit clunky. Also removing workspaces is kinda buggy.

    Disclaimer: using the latest ublue cosmic 40 image, no idea if the RPMs are up to date.


    Nice, I already tried that editor. Thanks!

    The best source seems to be COPR titaniumtown/lapce


    Uhm I dont know, but it needs to be handled by them, there also is xwaylandvideobridge (only in KDE?) which is also important


    Very very cool!

    Tbh I am on Ublue Kinoite and nix just broke and seems extremely hacky. Also no idea how to remove nix again, there seems to be no way?

    The ujust vs just is kinda confusing.

    Boxbuddy is really cool, but distrobox and Konsole works just as well.

    You know what? I will write a script that automates

    • creating a distrobox box
    • creates a konsole profile to open it
    • adds a desktop action to konsole to launch it

    Wow this is great!

    if you are using your own index, I think you could use a more economical approach to fight the spam bullshit of the modern web.

    • instead of using badness enumeration, crawling everything and filtering malware, use an opt-in principle
    • have a community method of gathering new trusted websites
    • use websites internal search functions to get more results
    • use categories to split up the websites, reinventing what people should find: general, news, navigation, science, politics, IT, technology (not code), art, music, philosohy, …
    • have an app or submission website where users can submit new websites, and some form of community control over it (kinda censorship but in a good way)

    This could fix the web as it currently is, by rethinking what should be found, pushed etc. Rating websites by quality could also be helpful.

    Also if you support payments in crypto or cash, there should be no problem to make it paid.


    What's the state of the art for KDE Connect Clipboard Sync?

    A couple of years ago with my old phone (running if I don’t remember wrong Android Pie) and my old laptop (running Manjaro KDE) I discovered KDEConnect and how it could enable a clipboard sharing feature similar to the one Apple provides between Macs and iPhones. It was great! Now, after having changed both my phone (now...


    Only foreground apps and keyboards can read the clipboard, which is a really good thing.

    KDE Connect could partner up with Florisboard or Heliboard/Openboard, and integrate that sync. The keyboard takes it up and sends the content to KDE connect via IPC (inter process communication), which is still not blocked through the Android Sandbox, not even on GrapheneOS.

    Android phone saving metadata for screenshots (

    I always remove this data from my screenshots before sharing, but is there any way to prevent this from happening in the first place? I’ve searched and searched, but all I can find is information about how to remove the data after the fact, which I already know how to do, but it would sure be nice if it never got added in the...


    GrapheneOS Camera is very nice. May only work on Pixels, but on stock android (which is an insane tracking platform you should ditch) too.

    Download their appstore, there you get the camera app.


    This was about screenshots, sorry. No idea, dont think you can change that without a different android OS


    Thunderbird is fine.

    Tbh I have no idea what they are doing though, they have more funding than GNOME but after Supernova I didnt see any updates.

    See my list of flatpak repositories

    There is an unofficial Thunderbird nightly Flatpak, that will likely reveal what the hell they are doing.

    So Supernova is kinda nice, mainly a big overhaul of the underlying stuff, making it easier to maintain.

    It lacks a ton of things like Threads (the addon TB Conversation works though). Also their “spaces” bar is useless, as it just opens tabs, so it is redundant. Good idea, but only if it could replace tabs.

    Their search and filter stuff is still the same, really bad. Either displaced in the message list column, as the global search still opens a new tab which is kinda bad UI.

    Some addons broke too, not a big deal though.

    I have the feeling they removed nested filters, which is extremely bad, but filters still work.

    Thunderbird works well.


    No way.


    Electron runs a core Chromium Browser + NodeJS + a bit more.

    Unlike Chromium itself it is not backwards compatible and removes a ton of things like its sandboxing capabilities.

    I am not sure how it is less secure, but it may use more RAM (also not always but generally yes of course), doesnt allow hardening (unlike android WebView apps) and breaks LD_PRELOAD-ing another memory allocator.

    This is only a big problem in special cases, in general it makes apps strictly dependend on GNU glibc and others, no idea how it works on Alpine or others (that actually try to make a secure system).

    If somebody knows more about security concerns about Electron, please add.


    Chromium had better Linux support for things like HW-accelerated decoding than Firefox?

    Source? Experienced the exact opposite, especially on Wayland.


    This. Its webapp with more persistent storage maybe. If the Browsers could integrate this, it would be a gamechanger.

    I am also very sure that Chrome preloads google. com to make it seem to “load faster”. Its all just preloading or persistent storage


    That too but afaik thats a separate Android dev


    I mean, I think their global search is not that useful, while their inline mail list search is. So I have a cluttered UI with 2 search bars, to supplement the incomplete inline search.


    Chromium is not stripped down at all, just use googerteller and see. It contacts Google everywhere, on the password list, on the account list, in some settings pages, and just randomly sometimes.

    It is very crazy. And also it is not fingerprint resistant at all.

    I am using all flag settings, policies and GUI settings possibly existing and it still is like that. So no, it is not the same privacy-wise.


    For Firefox I am either using Librewolf or Arkenfox user.js

    But as Librewolf has a good CI/CD system I think I will switch to that. Problem is they are not active at all, while the arkenfox guy is very active.

    For Chromium I use the secureblue policies in /usr/etc/chromium/policies/managed


    sudo allows so run actions as root, so I would say yes.

    But a privileged filesystem might not be invoked by the user, it may be a process running as root.

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