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Feds will stop investing in new road infrastructure, environment minister says (

Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault says the federal government will stop investing in new road infrastructure — a comment that immediately drew the ire of the Opposition Conservatives and some premiers who said the climate activist turned politician is out of touch....


The federal government also wants to encourage “active transportation,” which means getting people to walk and cycle.

Don’t just encourage it.

Feds need to incentivize people and invest in programs to support it. Bypass Premiers who oppose, and directly fund municipalities who want to build out their active transportation networks.


You’re assuming that the problem is purely economic.

Homelessness is not a one-cause problem.


But a whole bunch of us just don’t give a shit about anyone except ourselves.

I think it’s the opposite.

People who “don’t believe in vaccines” don’t care about themselves, they actually hate themselves, and quite possibly their family.

For them, not getting a vaccine is like chain-smoking around people. They don’t care about anyone by that point.

The real tragedy is that their actions have consequences for people who love their lives and want to be safe and healthy.


We’re returning the favour:

“… Canada will be sending wildland firefighting help, also thanking Chile for its “invaluable support” last summer, when Chile helped Canada fight unprecedented wildfires…”

But, yeah. Canada’s forests will likely burn strong again this summer, and the next, and the next. We’ll need help from whoever can offer it.


I think the idea is that we need to do what we can to stop whatever forests are burning in Canada.

Because at some point, the loss will be catastrophically irreversible, if not for the forests, then for the wildlife we’ll lose in the process.


Half of Canadians are already living paycheck to paycheck, and they are expected to have at least $2 million in the bank in order to not die homeless and hungry when they “retire”?

How grim does our future need to look before society slaps itself in the face and demands to have better wealth distribution?


Yeah, you’ll certainly boost supply if mortgage rates continue to be as high as they are, because people won’t be able to keep their homes.


Disband these grocery cartels and come up with a better food distribution system that works for the people.

I mean, what the hell is this anyway? Our government has more than enough power to force these companies into the ground if they don’t comply, so move that muscle and work for the taxpayers who are being robbed by these corporations!


Alberta’s New Policies: Anti-trans, Anti-evidence

Anti-Canadian, too.


The image and the headline really conflict with each other. 🤔


The rich make that amount in under an hour. GO ASK THEM TO PAY FOR IT!

Showroom7561, (edited )

Which mental illness would benefit from MAID? Is there a concept of terminal mental illness in a way the patient would … suffer for the rest of their life?

Yes, quite a few, except they just get lumped into suicide cases because they could never find a treatment that helped.

It’s easy to treat “the blues”, seasonal depression, and depression caused by an event.

It’s not nearly as easy to treat major depression, bipolar disorder, major anxiety disorders, and a whole host of other mental illnesses that can cause prolonged suffering spanning decades without relief.

I think its cruel to not offer MAID in these circumstances.

Many of these people will decide to take their own lives with or without the government’s support.

And in those cases, the results are far worse, and considerably more traumatic, for the family of those people.

Consumers look to Value Village for a bargain. Many are finding 'ridiculous' markups (

While browsing the goods at a Value Village store in Toronto, Evan Boyce spotted something he didn’t expect: A used vase for sale with a Value Village price tag of $8.99. Then he realized the original price tag was still on — and to buy it at a Dollarama store would have cost only $3....


Yeah, I’ve noticed this lately. It’s often cheaper to buy NEW clothes from Walmart than at VV.

I will say, however, that I scored some pretty nice cycling jerseys from VV for under $10 each. I can’t complain too much.

National 988 suicide prevention helpline has received 1,000 calls, 450 texts per day since launch (

Canada’s new 988 suicide prevention helpline has received approximately 1,000 calls and nearly 450 texts per day since its launch in November, according to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), which operators say is consistent with what they expected.


I understand that a lot of people crank call suicide prevention lines, too. How did CAMH qualify fake from real calls?


FYI, Metro “reported a first-quarter profit of $228.5 million”.

I think it would be fair to legalize shoplifting at grocery stores, since they are clearly robbing us blind.


Hey big pharma, it’s time to spend those billions in profit on biodegradable meds.


“biodegradable meds”

Hypothetically, they would break down when they enter sewers.

I’m not saying they exist, I’m saying big pharma can most certainly invent them with their billions of extra profits they make per year.

It’s more like we need to spend money figuring out better ways to treat sewage to remove substances of concern. That includes medicine but also stuff like PFAS and microplastics.

I don’t disagree, but this puts the onus on taxpayers and municipal water treatment plants, rather than industry.

Industry should be paying for the mess created by the products they manufacturer and sell.


I think billions can accomplish a lot. Installing new water treatment technology isn’t solving the problem. Meds are used in places where this advanced water cleaning tech will never be available.

It needs to start at the drugs, and save us all a lot of grief downstream.

Do I think it’s trivial? Not at all, but I’m sure governments can pressure the industry to do more.


It’s not “child poverty”, but “family poverty”. Families are struggling, and that impacts kids, too.

Unless, children are expected to get a job and support themselves, which they aren’t… at least, not yet.


About the same number of Indigenous children are permanently in poverty across Canada and no one ever thinks about doing anything about it.

For the record, Canada has spent tens of billions of dollars over the last decade to support our indigenous people. This is over 150% more than in previous years.

Change doesn’t happen overnight, but significant progress has been made, and continues to be made.

Nearly every municipality that I’m aware of also celebrates our first nation people, and gives a land acknowledgement with every single event, council meeting, public gathering, etc.

I can understand your frustration, but to say that Canada isn’t doing anything about, or that no one ever thinks about it, is not accurate.

it’s always been a joke to me for Canada to say it’s a first world country when a million of it’s people live in third world conditions.

Name one country, just one, where there isn’t a segment of the population that lives in poverty.

It’s unfair to single-out Canada, although I do empathize and want more support for our indigenous populations. I think that many of us do!


it’s still a debate with very stereotypical, short sighted and even racist overtones in many groups, including those in government.

This is very much a shame, and hopefully it’s only a matter of time before those groups/people fade away, because that is not what Canada is about.

I am optimistic that things will continue to change for the better, especially when I see more celebrations of indigenous culture being offered throughout the region I live in.

Even the inclusion of smudging ceremonies at helps to raise more awareness, and I’m seeing more of that, even in events not specifically focused on indigenous culture.


See if your region or municipality offers subsidies. In Durham Region, there’s no waiting list, and I believe they’ll cover up to half the cost of daycare as a subsidy.

Also, look at local YMCAs, which seem to have low(ish) rates already.


… many of the 245 people referred for donation withdrew from the process over concerns about some aspect of it, but there’s no detailed data about their reasons.

We really need to find out what reasons they would have had.

Outside of “religious beliefs”, which would have sent them to hell for suicide anyway, there aren’t any overwhelmingly good reasons to not donate your organs after death.

Such a shame, really. Each person had the potential to save many other lives.


That’s a fair point, but still speculation unless they ask the patients.


And what about raising fines or jail time for people selling to minors? Or simply enforcing these laws might be a start.


The problem is, when is enough, enough?

Should someone suffer in hell for 10 years? 25 years? 59 years without any relief?

Medication doesn’t work for everyone, and they come with side effects which can exacerbate mental illness.

Cognitive therapy doesn’t work for everyone either.

It’s easy for them to say “who has not had the opportunity”, but that sounds like arrogance. As if everyone with mental illness can be successfully treated.

People considering maid aren’t just feeling under the weather, their existence is suffering to a level that these doctors could never imagine.

It’s selfish to the extreme, and extreme in its cruelty, to force someone to suffer. Or worse, to force them to take an undignified exit from this world alone.

Shame on these doctors.


industry reports…

Ah, yes. Like the reports that Dupont gave when their toxic chemicals were poisoning an entire town and their own employees, but tHe LeVeLs ArE sAfE.

“Industry reports” like that need to result in some major jail time for everyone important at these companies. Better yet, shut down their entire operation and let them go bankrupt. It’s clear that whatever they are doing is not only destructive to the environment, but to human health. SHUT IT ALL DOWN.


solely on the basis of a mental illness.

Perhaps they don’t know anyone who’s struggled through a lifetime of mental illness that no doctor or medication can help with. Worse, they get no assistance from the government, so they are left struggling to support themselves for decades.

If you can’t help them live, at least help them die. Unending suffering isn’t a way to live.


And they would have been even more effective if we didn’t have such a large number of idiots who were against wearing masks, against getting vaccines, against lockdowns, against social distancing, against listening to their doctor, and who generally hated their families enough to not care!


After reading the article, I’m on the hotel’s side.

If someone asks for meat to be prepared in a way that Health Canada says is below the optimal temperature to kill pathogens, then the customer is putting themselves at risk and should bare any liability.

If someone asked for unpasteurized milk, raw eggs, or live seafood, I’d expect them to get the same waiver.

Seems quite sensible.


They are completely welcome, but someone should let them know that we have no housing.


The Special Investigation Unit says police did not respond to the scene after an initial 911 domestic disturbance call was made from the residence, or to a follow-up call to “cancel” the first call for service.

They won’t respond to the first call if a second call canceled it.

The question is, did the victim cancel the call or did the person who caused her death?


Same with events that exclude attendance based on sex/gender.

There’s a time and a place.

For example, a “women’s only” group may be for a group of women who are healing from a sexually violent relationship, so they really don’t want to see men there.

But a parent and child group that excludes races? That just a gross kind of bigotry.


I'm getting up to your age, but over the last few years I've been spending less time (nearly no time) playing video games, and I grew up with them! The only exception is if my son and I are playing together, then I don't mind sinking a few hours into it.

Gaming is an investment of time.

Not that I find it unacceptable, especially if that's a pastime or hobby, but the older I get, the more I realize that I don't **want ** to spend any more time than I need to in front of a screen.

My priorities and commitments have also changed over the years, so any "free time" I get is usually spent maintaining the house, fixing something, running errands, being outdoors, or preparing meals for my family.

As a side note, I think some of my feelings have also been caused by the direction the gaming industry has gone.

I simply don't have the patience to be bothered with today's video game business model to really care at all about investing time into it. Microtransactions, "seasons", Gold/Platinum/GOTY/ versions, unnecessary grinds to get non-important stuff, ads in the console dashboard and in games, etc.

I'm more likely to play a retro game off an emulator than I am playing one on my Xbox Series X on a 120Hz, 4K, OLED TV.

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