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That’s great for climate goals, but can someone tell me how we’re supposed to heat our homes? Electricity?


Heat pumps sounds like a good way forward. I haven’t looked into the cost to replace a heater in a home, but I guess new homes could just have them installed by default.

What about natural gas use in home cooking/restaurants? Surely, you can’t just replace that easily.

EDIT: And what about heating water? I mean, natural gas is used for more than heating the space in a home.


Since when? This article, last reviewed this month, pretty much says the same thing as their last published position statement.


It’s not that they no longer support the idea of a plant-based diet, it’s more likely that plant-based diets are so overwhelmingly supported by the evidence that they no longer have to keep saying it out loud.

Especially since their recent articles seem to echo what their position paper on vegetarian diets already said years ago. To them, it’s like common knowledge.

That said, they are one of dozens of dietetic and health authorities around the world who have made it clear that a plant-based diet can not only be appropriate for all life stages, but it can be used to reverse certain diseases (i.e heart disease and T2 diabetes) when other diets simply can’t compare.


They did not retract or change their position, though.

And they still publish information based on the same wording and conclusions they had when they did publish a position.

I’m not sure what’s so confusing about this. They did not change their position on plant-based diets, and I believe because it would be redundant to keep saying what the science has confirmed year after year.

Is there any position they continually confirm year after year? If so, I’d be really surprised, unless the science isn’t supporting their position, so they have to give their reasons for still having them.

The only article I linked was reviewed by their people just a few weeks ago, so it’s as current as you could expect.


Why do they continue to publish articles literally stating the same facts, word for word, from those old, published position statements?

The science hasn’t changed. In fact, it’s only supported plant-based diets over the years.

If you talk to a registered dietitian today, they will say the same thing. At least, that’s been my experience through working with several over the years.

Either way, it doesn’t particularly matter to me. I’ve been vegan for over two decades and my doctor is quite happy with my health.


This makes me physically ill.

Cars are the only weapon in the world where you could injure or kill a few dozen people “by accident” and be let off without being held responsible. And it happens all the time.

Even when someone is charged with anything, it never accounts for a loss of human life. It’s always some BS traffic violation that might as well be a parking violation.


I use FF as my primary browser on my desktop, laptop, and mobile devices.

As much as I love and support FF and the Mozilla Foundation, I find that some websites simply need a Chromium-based browser to function properly. It’s frustrating as hell.

I wonder how many people tried FF, had their favourite site stop working, and then switched back to Chrome.


Maybe that’s why you don’t have problems with most of sites from Europe?!?

That’s an interesting observation. I’m not sure, since I’m in Canada.



I wonder if the same strategy can be applied to the industries just east of the Whitby Harbour, directly north of the waterfront trail. Because at some times of the day, one of those companies is either burning tires or releasing some other toxic shit into the air, which makes it impossible to use the trail without being poisoned in some way.


A diet promoting plant-based protein to help the environment now has a more human argument: It may lower your risk of dying from several major diseases.

We’ve known this for decades, and modern research is only strengthening this position.

The question is: what will it take for people to change their diet?


Not really true. If you exclude those other factors, plant-based diets still come out on top. You should check out studies on the Seventh-Day Adventists like this one, as it’s fascinating stuff!

There are simply too many harmful compounds in animal flesh which aren’t compatible with health in humans.

But overall, plant-based is just better in every way: cost, land use, water use, climate change, health, longevity, chronic disease risk/prevention, food security, etc., etc., etc.


There are loads of other benefits that come along with eating plants, but regarding protein source:

“Conclusions Higher intake of total protein was associated with a lower risk of all cause mortality, and intake of plant protein was associated with a lower risk of all cause and cardiovascular disease mortality. Replacement of foods high in animal protein with plant protein sources could be associated with longevity.SOURCE

“Conclusions and relevance: High animal protein intake was positively associated with cardiovascular mortality and high plant protein intake was inversely associated with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, especially among individuals with at least 1 lifestyle risk factor. Substitution of plant protein for animal protein, especially that from processed red meat, was associated with lower mortality, suggesting the importance of protein source.SOURCE


Not only social services. The Ford government also underspent during the pandemic, when doctors and nurses were begging for more resources.

Let’s not forget underspending on education, too.

You know where there’s a “spare no expense” attitude, though? When it comes to spending paying off his business partners buddies.

But it’s ok, guys. Let’s keep voting for a conservative premier, and we’ll just blame Trudeau for all the failings that come as a result. /s


Good. Hopefully this will put an end to idiot parents who illegally park in the bike lanes near schools, putting cyclists and kids at risk, just because they are lazy AF.


That would help, but wouldn’t do much for the mountains of people in cars on the weekend… going to stores they could easily walk to.

Personal driving needs to be one of those things that you might do a few times a month, when necessary, to get to a destination further than 25 km away.

The only vehicles you should regularly see on roads are delivery, emergency services, transport trucks, and maintenance vehicles.

Anything else can be handled by public transportation, micromobility, walking, bikes, zoom calls, etc.

Yes, it’s not easy for everyone to do that, which is why government should step the hell up and subsidize and incentivize the crap out of every mode of transportation that isn’t a car. Give away free e-bikes to every family if you need to, just get people out of cars!


Exactly why we need to deconstruct car infrastructure and promote 15 minute cities.

Food deserts are also, in part, due to systemic racism and the lack of incentive to invest in impoverished areas.


Costco has never been low-cost from my experience. At least not for the food I buy.


I wish this report could explain how a company like Loblaws can continue to consistently post hundreds of millions of dollars in profit per year, because the report makes it seem like pricing is out of their control.


. These proposed changes to how capital gains are taxed would only require the richest 0.13 per cent of Canadians to pay more

Are these 0.13% of Canadian the ones hoarding 99% of the wealth?

Because if so, any excess income above a few million should be returned to the rest of the population.

There’s no benefit to the country or society to have a handful of people keep money they will never be able to put back into the economy.


Why is Doug so obsessed with the alcohol industry? From the “buck-a-beer” gimmick to ramming booze in ordinary stores, something tells me he’s got a lot of money in private investments and favours from his buddies in the industry.


This wasn’t caused by a lack of training, though.

He sped through an intersection with an oversized stop signs at it, which featuring a flashing light, without even trying to stop. (Source)


I agree that the truck industry needs to change (I know a few career truck drivers who have shared their experiences), but this was not a case of improper training, or even fatigue.

There were so many warnings for the driver leading up to the intersection. He didn’t even try to stop.

Only he knows what happened, but the court documents have listed perfect driving conditions, ample warnings, and squarely puts blame on the driver.

This was beyond tragic and completely avoidable.


Prior to the Liberals coming to power Ottawa was responsible for about seven per cent of the money spent on reducing homelessness, a number that rose only to 14 per cent with all the new money. Most of the money spent on reducing homelessness was spent by provincial and municipal governments.

This is the most important take away.

The Liberal government doubled their funding, but it’s the provinces and municipalities who are responsible for spending it in ways that help the homeless.

Any failings are on them, and the headline makes it seem like Liberals are at fault.


“Therefore,” concluded the report, “cars continue to be the main contributor to changes in overall motor vehicle traffic.”

When you think about it for a second, the worst traffic congestion you’ll find are in places where only cars and trucks are allowed to be: highways.

Yes, you get traffic congestion in cities, too, but hours long congestion only happens in places where cyclists aren’t.

If a [insert ridiculous number] lane highway at [insert any speed] still results in bumper to bumper traffic, perhaps really should be blaming cars for being the least efficient, traffic-inducing, time-wasting form of transportation available.


I guess just bury me in a ditch, or just leave me there if burying is too expensive. 😮‍💨


“Why do people stay in abusive marriages?”

Cost is likely 90% of the reason. Make divorce free with nobody having to give up anything they own, and without any other support payment, and I guarantee the rates would skyrocket to at least 75% of all married couples. LOL


If the federal government wants to fund childcare just increase the CCB from ages 0 - 4 and let parents decide what childcare works best for them.

Wouldn’t that just be giving out money, even if there was no intention of using childcare?

The lack of available childcare is the issue. Even if you wanted to pay a premium, there’s simply nothing available.


I always wanted to contribute to OSM but found it a bit daunting.

Any contribution helps! Hell, I went around town just looking for bike parking racks to add, and was able to put dozens of new ones on the map. You can even just label house numbers (with the aforementioned apps listed in the comment you replied to).

Showroom7561, (edited )

It should be highly noted that despite the substantial danger he poses to everyone, especially children, the courts decided it was OK to release this animal into the general population.

Until we start holding judges responsible for the actions of those set free, this “justice” system doesn’t benefit anyone except those committing crimes.

EDIT: Has Keith’s friends found this post? What’s up with the downvotes? Stop defending this violent pedophile.

ASUS Scammed Us (

This undercover warranty investigation is a one-year follow-up from our series that investigated ASUS for motherboards incinerating AMD CPUs, at the end of which ASUS promised a number of improvements to its then-anti-consumer warranty processes. Spoiler alert: They’re still anti-consumer. We sent our ASUS ROG Ally Z1 Extreme...


Having been through warranty hell with ASUS years ago, this doesn’t surprise me.

Such an unethical company that deserves nothing but hardship and bankruptcy.

Could nurse practitioners fill the primary care gap? (

Nurse practitioners could help fill the void, advocates for the profession say, if more provinces would adopt policies to integrate them into primary care and pay them fairly for their work. Some physicians’ organizations have pushed back against that approach, arguing that NPs don’t have as much training or education as...


Could nurse practitioners fill the primary care gap?

Not if we can’t provide childcare for those nurses to be able to work.


We’re splitting hairs: “Nurse practitioners (NPs) are registered nurses who have additional education and nursing experience…” (SOURCE)

The same need for childcare still applies, no matter where on the spectrum of nursing someone decides to be on.


Fair points re:the distinction for those who don’t know the difference.


overall Canada’s still obviously a great place to live.

Especially when you ignore clickbait, sensationalist, controversial, “this really doesn’t affect me” articles like this one.

Unless your country is in the middle of a genocide, war, militant religious control, or experiencing constant natural disasters, most will be similar.

And if you came from a country like that, what could honestly be worse about Canada?

Not everyone can live in the Netherlands, and if it’s only about the cost of living, not everyone wants to live in Peru.


It’s why, she said, they’re able to offer items like organic strawberries for $0.97 a pound.

I haven’t found prices to be lower in any small shop or co-op that I’ve used, but I would donate a kidney to get organic strawberries that cheap!

Showroom7561, (edited )

some of these families have said the money they’ve saved on child care has helped them buy a second property.

If this is true, everyone should be furious. We’ve been trying to find childcare for our two grandkids for YEARS. Their mother is in healthcare, and if we weren’t able to care for them (at our loss), she wouldn’t be able to work or survive.

Why are daycare services even offered to families who aren’t in desperate need? Those families can afford a babysitter.

Single parent homes, low-income homes, parents who work in an industry in crisis (education, healthcare, etc.) should be at the top of the list for $10 a day childcare.


I’ve been avoiding their stores for years.

Not only was I spending 100% of my grocery budget at a Loblaws owned store, but I can probably count on one hand how many times I’ve visited one in the last 6 years.

Switching to alternative stores saved me thousands over the years.

American Motorcyclist Association Urges DOT to Act on Automated Driver System Regulations Following Tragic Collision (

PICKERINGTON, Ohio (April 26, 2024) — In the wake of the most recent tragedy involving a fatal collision between a Tesla vehicle in autopilot mode and a motorcyclist in Washington state, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) once again urges the Department of Transportation (DOT) to strengthen Automated Driving System...


I don’t give a fuck if crash avoidance systems plow through test dummies sometimes. The times it doesn’t matter.

Would you be OK with human drivers plowing into pedestrians without any reason whatsoever, just because other people don’t the other 99% of the time?

These advanced systems should never fail, especially not in test scenarios that couldn’t be easier for them to pass. Some of these vehicles literally fail to even slow down while hitting the test dummies!

Add them into a random adventure that is the real world, and I wouldn’t trust them unless they don’t kill people like it was a lottery draw.


Here’s a video report from last week, showing how crash avoidance works, and that auto break simply fails to work in some vehicles. And yes, the feature does work in other vehicles, as they should in such easy scenarios.

The problem is, you have cars marketed and sold as having these features that simply do not work. And it’s clear that drivers who own vehicles with all these magical features get lulled into believing they don’t have to pay attention 100% of the time and at a moment’s notice.

Nobody on public roads should be OK with this.


A new report lends insight into Canadians who leave the country, estimated to number around four million in 2016, or about 11 per cent of the population according to Statistics Canada.

More than one in ten people in a single year?

I don’t think I know a single person in all my life who moved out of Canada.

Are they all movie stars or millionaires?

Loblaw reports $13.58B in Q1 revenue, as Reddit group's boycott kicks off (

Loblaw Companies reported $13.58 billion in first-quarter revenue — a 4.5 per cent increase from a year earlier — on Wednesday morning, the same day that a group of frustrated shoppers said they would begin a month-long boycott of the grocery retailer....


The company’s quarterly profit was $459 million, marking a 9.8 per cent increase.

This is far, far more important than their revenue.

The company is run by thieves.


If you need an anti whistleblowing law, that’s a red flag.

100% this.

Any company or industry that actively tries to get these laws instated should be investigated immediately, because they are doing some really, really bad things.

Showroom7561, (edited )

to make illicit drug use illegal in all public spaces, including inside hospitals, on transit and in parks.

Wait, was it legal to use illicit drugs in parks, on transit, and in public spaces???



I’ve been using it, but it’s so unfriendly compared to Merlin, which allows you to play back recordings, see more info about the bird detected, etc.

Showroom7561, (edited )

Apparently it’s a “tip” that’s been passed around to international students.

That doesn’t surprise me. I’ve seen people suggesting to others, who are NOT in need, to visit their local soup kitchen for free/low-cost meals. I don’t know how they can sleep at night with a clear conscience, but that’s disturbing.


I got a confirmation that payment was on the way… Unfortunately, “all class members who made valid claims will receive a payment of $7.86”, which is hardly worth the time spent filling the application.

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