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Trump juror quits over fear of being outed after Fox News host says she should scare Trump (

Those calls came after numerous media outlets reported potentially identifying biographical information about the woman, including her job and the neighborhood she called home. Fox News Jesse Watters highlighted the juror’s details while reading through public pool notes about the selected members. “This nurse scares me if...


The comment was made by one.


No, I just made a joke at the expense of someone who jumped straight into suggesting the use of violence. To me, violence is a bit antisocial generally. You’d do great in a comedy club audience.


There’s not a lot of people on here.


Yeah, I just mean relative to other platforms, there just aren’t many of us.


He’s the red team pick, so the red team likes him. No different from whoever the blue team pick is for the blue team. I know this seems simplistic and stupid. The reason it seems that way is because it is, in fact, simplistic and stupid.


Hey silent downvoters, nobody is surprised that you can’t come up with a rebuttal that you’re not too embarrassed to even anonymously type. At least dip your toe in the water to see how having dignity feels. It may not be as uncomfortable as you fear. Stand up for what you “believe”.


Wow, I wonder if someday people like you are going to evolve out of repeating that one line whenever anyone critics the blue team. Seriously, we get it, everybody understands that there are differences between the two teams. For real. Now that that is settled, is there anything that you have to contribute? or is repeating a single, irrelevant line really what it looks like when you perform at the top of your intelligence? I used to think that surely there was more to people like you, but you’ve really got me doubting.

Some day you are going to grow up, and it will be on you to form opinions, you might as well start practicing now.


Do you genuinely think you would vote for Biden if they told you to vote for someone else? Do you honestly, feel deep down, that you are choosing who you support so strongly? Is that truly your subjective experience? I’m genuinely curious.

The idiocy here is too thick to spread on magma. They told you “you like biden” so you say “I like biden. Anyone who insults biden is an idiot. This was my own thought because I’m so smart.”. Guess what. They did that to the red team too, and it worked equally well on those morons. This isn’t a mystery. They just know you are an idiot. That’s all.


Whoever is maintaining this bot, you are supposed to tag bot accounts. Also, your bot broke, it is senselessly copying irrelevant comments. There are plenty of free local LLMs that will do much better than the vast majority of this accounts comments.


The system is such that nobody gets a choice on either side. This doesn’t mean that both sides are the same. For example, clearly the blue team is better for poor people, and the red team is better for the rich. This isn’t difficult english. This is what happens when you don’t strive to do anything beyond repeating what you think you are supposed to repeat.


The only people I’ve seen saying the “both sides are the same” line are the ones saying it’s not true in irrelevant situations. I’ve literally not come across anyone pretending like they are both the same. It is just that so many people are so embarrassed by their own candidate that that’s the only thing they can think of to say. It is awful that the best thing Biden supporters can find about Biden is that he isn’t Trump. That is pathetic.


I appreciate you taking the time to write that. I think there has been some confusion. Clearly, they have differences as candidates. I have yet to see anyone claim otherwise. I was responding to a comment asking why the red players like the red team captain. I said it’s because that’s who was chosen as the red team captain and who they are told they are supposed to like. Then I went on to say that that is the same reason that the blue players like the blue team captain, because that’s who the blue players are told to like.

It may come as a surprise, but this is not how it used to be, and it’s not how it is everywhere. It used to be that people were excited when the team captain spoke. They were inspiring, the stired souls, their people loved them because of who they are, not because of who they are not. Now, we have degenerated to the point where the teams like their captain simply because they are told to and because “at least they are not as bad as the other team captain.”

It is absolutely insane that saying this stuff gets a bunch of downvotes. This is not revolutionary. Both sides are convinced that if they don’t pretend that they think their guy is great, then that makes them a horrible team member. As a result, we have two groups of people that are both backing candidates that should absolutely be in assisted living, and both groups are acting like their candidates are fantastic. You got tricked, that’s fine, it happens, but the sooner everyone can admit that, the sooner we can get back to not arguing over which clown has the most human-like features.


Believe it or not, there are actually quite a few other people that see how awful the two party system is. You just wouldn’t guess it by looking at all the mindless red and blue(mainly blue) knights galloping around here. It doesn’t have to be that everyone just gets assigned a guy and then they go about pretending how they love the guy oh so very very much.


Yes, the trumpers are technically more far gone than the biddeners, but not dramatically more far gone. Not when you consider just how deteriorated biden is. Nobody ever quotes biden. Nobody ever points to inspirational speeches or actions. Everyone who has been paying attention has seen him spew long, multi-sentence, incoherent word vomits. These are not accidental fumbles, it is absolutely “we need to get grandpa to a doctor asap”, the man is not well, we have ALL seen it. Repeatedly. The best they can do it try to find 5 minute clips where he manages to string together sentences that can actually be understood, let alone inspirational.

Any rational person who feels they have to vote for their guy on either side, should be making absolute sure that their team knows how much it pains them to be doing so. By not doing this, and by quite frankly, doing the opposite, they are spreading the absurd signal that they actually think their guy is a good candidate. This does nothing but lower the expected standard even more.

People like to talk about their duty, well their duty, if they have one, is to make sure everyone knows that this is so messed up. What do they do instead? They either silently downvote, they make up absurd “both sides” defenses that make no sense, or they just tell you how much you love trump if they catch any whiff of a side-eye towards biden. Then very rarely, after much teeth-pulling, you might get someone that admits they aren’t absolitely thrilled about having a moldy wrinkled pillowcase flying the airplane.


Will do. I’m sure 10,000+ dead Gazan kids agree with your perfect blue hypothesis. Nobody is perfect you ignorant, self-righteous fool. Just because it’s impossible to see anything when your licking the insides of your own small intestine, doesn’t mean nothing is happening. Here’s an image of what your infallible blue team is spending money on since words seem to be a bit tough for you to grasp.


Maybe you sure worry about understanding one side before trying to stretch your brain to something as big as “both sides”. You are miles away from being able to contribute anything resembling an constructive discussion, hop back on csgo or whatever bs you’re flushing your life away with.


Ya know what, I bet he would have done a worse job. Believe it or not, it is possible for someone to simultaneously not like multiple options. I know, crazy, right? This is what you have to look forward to if you ever start thinking for yourself, you’ll be able to actually have a nuanced point of view. It’s unlikely that you will though, because first you’re going to have to confront the fact that maybe you and your team aren’t always perfect.


Sorry if I hurt your feelings. Not everybody who can see the world isn’t black and white is wrong. At least you are trying.


Your reading compression is very bad. I don’t even know what you are taking as me admitting that I was wrong about. Maybe I did, I don’t know, I don’t see change of opinions as something to be ashamed of. I’m not surprised that you see that as a bad thing or as a way to try to attack someone.

Even outside of politics, the realisation that you can be something other than 100%/0% on views in general, will help you tremendously at being able to get a more realistic view of the world. I understand that it can seem simpler to just go all in on things, but simpler isn’t always better.


Wow. Finally, someone can admit that Biden is also an awful choice(just a less awful choice). It’s not so hard to actually speak your mind. Now, if you were to do this at the beginning of a thread, when people would actually see it, you would be ripped to pieces. That’s the problem.

The issue is that people are so fucking scared to mention Biden’s ineptitude around here, that so many morons start to actually believe that other people see him as a good president. It is such a breath of fresh air to finally see someone admit this. Thank you so much, hopefully more people start to be willing to say this stuff straight out of the gate. It’s so frustrating to be one of so few that are willing to say that hating one doesn’t have to mean loving the other.

If you don’t believe me, then try it out in a fresh thread. Mention how awful Biden is(yet still the best choice), and watch the idiot hive mind swoop in on you.

Thanks so much, I really appreciate the help with the voice of reason. By the way, this “real world”/“it has to be this way” stuff is just a thing some places, it’s not a given for all human politics. The more people are willing to do what you just did, the more it moves the conversation to a place where maybe we can start to make real progress away from feeling doomed to a shitty system we all hate.

Good on you!


I’m on the internet a lot, especially around lemmy, and I have yet to find anyone who is suggesting it is a good idea to vote 3rd party. There is just a bunch of people that take any sign of someone not absolutely loving biden as “Both Sides BS”. I think it must be all these drama queen biden cult followers that make it seem like there is this evil “both sides” boogeymen running around, but thats just their reactions, not something that’s actually happening. I don’t know why really, like is it just that people care about getting upvotes so they are all just trying to read the room and play along? I’ve no idea. It’s just so dumb that it requires so much pushing to get people to actually feel like they are safe to speak their mind on him.


I can’t say for sure, but the reason I’ve not seen it is probably the same as the reason nobody seems to be able to link to examples of it.


Very interesting, thanks, that’s a first for me around here. It’s interesting to see someone actually do what so many people get blamed for.


What is it about this comment that the downvoters disagree with? Is it people who don’t realise that fiat is inherently inflationary? I can’t even come up with a guess as to what kind of mind reads this and is able to both understand it and decide it is something that needs downvoted. Please, someone explain, I feel like I’ve lost touch with the world people are living in.


Exactly, put your value into cash if you are in a situation where you need to do that in order to use it. Holding value as cash is like holding tobacco as smoke.


You’re an absolute idiot. You think the cost of eggs went up 10bagillion dollars and they make sense to you? Fuck off. Biden want even in office when the groundwork got laid, shithead. Good luck arguing that one.

For anyone wondering what the original comment that just_another_person was embarrassed for having had made.


It’s no use. I’m embarrassed for having told people that Lemmy is a generally intelligent group. I had no idea that basic economics was beyond the hive mind here. It feels weird even calling this basic economics, this is more like basic observation. I had no idea that there were people emotionally invested in pretending like inflation is fake.


How dare you think that it is possible for there to be more than one shitty option for president. The world is entirely black and white, and no colors could possibly repeat.


How ridiculous is it that any time anyone points out Biden’s obvious ineptitude, the response is always “Both sides are not the same.” No shit they aren’t the same. The only people that ever bring up the “both sides are the same” thing are the morons claiming it’s not true.

Step 1: Read a comment Step 2: Respond to what the comment says or just do nothing.

There is no Step 1.5 that says you have to make up a bunch of bullshit to respond to. If you don’t have a response, then just say nothing. You don’t have to pretend like there is stuff there isn’t just to have something to say.


I think it may be like a peacock with extremely long feathers. It shows other countries that we are so strong that we can survive even with such a massive handicap.

Even the people that try to argue for the goodness of either candidate just say “at least our candidate sort made it through a speech a while ago”. It’s literally never “You’ve got to see this speech our candidate made. It was incredible! Truly a remarkable individual!”.


I don’t think anybody thinks Biden isn’t completely deteriorated, nobody ever has anything specific positive to say about him. There are just a bunch of people that hate Trump enough that they think it is their duty to pretend like a slime mold is a vague political Einstein.


Generally, when people make predictions about hypothetical futures, there is nothing to cite. Citations are more of a thing when talking about stuff in the past.


Nearly everyone on both sides can’t get beyond the simple instruction of “I have to hate one with all my might, and I have to love one with all my might” anything more complex than this just melts their brains. Anyone who points out this obvious fact is seen as an absolute trader equally by both sides.

Nuance has taken a distant 2nd place to black-and-white thinking. It used to be that the blue team was less fanatic than the red team, they’ve become indistinguishable in this regard, and we are getting to the point where nearly everyone doesn’t even realise that it wasn’t always this way. It is just that the red team got converted to mindlessness a few years before the blue team did.


I agree Biden is a 2, but the scale is 1-10, and Trump is a 1. This ridiculous, over-the-top, non-sensical hyperbole of putting the other candidate at -50 on a scale with a minimum of a 1 is the problem. You can dislike someone without saying that they are 52 points behind on a 10 point scale. This does nothing but encourage the people who want both sides to look/feel like absurdly moronic sheep who can’t do anything but follow the rest of the herd.

Don’t let them win by sacrificing your own self-image and dignity. If you keep pretending to be that stupid just to “show your team loyality”, then you will actually start to see yourself as being as stupid as you’re pretending to be.


This is absolutely the reasonable take. Unfortunately, the vast majority of Biden people are trying to pretend like they love they idea of someone taking a sloppy shit on their salad just because they don’t want napalm on their salad. You can order the diarrhea dressing without acting like it is a delicacy that should be praised for its brave choice of texture.


I’m sure the commentor they were responding to would have totally accepted past examples of charismatic presidents who got votes as valid citations. Lol.


Yes, he is a criminal, and he is not ashamed of it, you’re right. Most politicians are criminals, he just cares less to hide it. It would almost certainly be better if a more embarrassed criminal is in office, I agree.

If a Trump presidency means all of our rights being sold, then I guess we have nothing to worry about because we must not have any rights left for him to sell(he was literally already the president). I know this seems like a simple rebuttal, that’s because it is. This is the problem when you get used to always having people agree with anything that is pro-Biden, it completely deteriorates your ability to debate on the issue.

If you only ever play with cheat codes, when you then encounter someone with any ability to push back you just have curl up in a ball and wait for the anonymous upvotes to stroke your ego and convince you that you must be right because you said “Yay! Biden!”. This is the part where you would typically ignorantly call me a “Trump Fucker”, then I say “No, I don’t like Trump either”, then you just get more angry because it makes no sense to you that maybe I dislike both of the mental patients.


I feel like it’s in nearly every thread on here when Trump or Biden gets mentioned. I guess it’s just easier to see when you’re not head-over-heels for one of them.

Other than this one that we are currently in, just off the top of my head:

I’m sure that if you keep an eye out for it, you’ll start to see it. That is, if you can quiet the voice in your head that keeps telling you how awful it is if you question Biden’s brilliance. Seriously, it’s not a religion, it’s OK if you doubt a little bit every now and then.


Well, it’s refreshing to see someone admit they are both shit(I know, I know, clearly one is more shit). It’s just a shame it takes so much pushing to get people to admit the obvious. Imagine if people could start out in conversations willing to admit this.

You’re right, it is a bit maddening that people are so scared to speak their minds. I’m glad you were able to speak your mind, prepare for downvotes.

Just so you know, it wasn’t so long ago that Biden was chanting his “marriage is between a man and a woman” bullshit, maybe he truly had a change of opinion, or maybe, just maybe, he is like all the other politicians that just try to read the room and pretend to be passionate about what will get votes.


Yeah, the Israeli government sees civilian lives as very valuable.

Trump’s Brain Is Not Okay (

While for many it’s obvious how serious Trump’s declining mental capacity has become, for too many Americans that reality has not yet broken through. The media continues to treat Trump like a normal candidate; many Americans have baked Trump’s bizarre behavior into their perceptions of him; and many take right-wing lies...


I think the most remarkable thing about this is how both sides are so unable to see that their own guy is clearly experiencing extreme mental collapse. Believe it or not, it is possible for two people to simultaneously be losing their shit. The cognitive dissonance is so thick that it seems like nobody on either side can see their own hand when it’s an inch in front of their noses.


Exactly. How is this a revolutionary concept that neither side seems to be able to understand?


Look, if I had to pick a team, I’d be on team blue, but by no stretch of the imagination is Biden an exemplar of mental acuity. It isn’t exactly hard to find countless examples of him tripping all over himself. Trust me, I wish there was a chance that we were not about to put someone who should probably be in assisted living into office. If you take a step back for a second and look at him with an open mind, its not hard to see. Just as an experiment, watch some videos of him and pretend like it’s trump saying that stuff. If you can do that, then you will get a glimpse of what any rational person has been seeing for quite some time.


Believe it or not, it is perfectly reasonable to point out that when the president forgets that Mexico isn’t next to Gaza, it is a sign that he’s not exactly at the prime of his life. Not everything is a big conspiracy. Sometimes, it’s just normal people pointing out that it sucks that this is the best the dems could find. Can we please just try to be able to speak honestly without feeling like we are terrible team members if we say what we think? Honest discourse is your friend, no matter which side you are on.


The President of the United States shouldn’t be praised because there was a speech that can be found that they were able to make it through. The bar should be higher than that. It used to be that people heard presidential speeches and they said “I’m inspired! That was moving!” Not just, “Hey! I found a speech where he made it to the end without embarrassing himself!”. The bar has moved, it’s no longer a pull-up bar, it’s a limbo bar.


I said I would choose the blue team if I had to choose. I don’t do the whole thing where I avoid magic phrases. I just speak my mind. If you are being honest, would you say that you find Biden, in his current state, to be an inspirational leader?


Anyone who thinks the red team is more pro-palestine than the blue team just hasn’t paid any attention to us politics before. The red team is inherently anti-darkskin, especially when they are going up against “god’s chosen ones.”

It is absolutely perfectly reasonable to complain that there are no options that are likely to not have dementia. That’s a valid complaint that rational people can make. I always just assume that people who get so upset about that complaint have just been scared and pressured out of being able to share honest observations because they think it means they are some sort of traitor. Instead, they put on performance about how delicious the taste of puke-on-rye is.

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