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US has authority in Israel and NATO, so they can make both of them fight in these wars that benefit their oil companies. So NATO and Israel are part of the same miltiary force, only run by different puppet governments.


Don’t fearmonger people just so they can join some wars in the middle east for oil companies. They are under no threat and have only to lose.


Yeah, he is either stupid or desperate. It does worry me how centralized power balance in the World has become over US controlling most of the conflicts and countries in the World.


Don’t be racist. Russian government is to blame, not their people who are constantly oppressed by their government. Russian people are the biggest victims in Ukranian war, lost more lives fighting for some idiot. Some successfully surrendered, but a lot of them are forced to fight and lost their innocent lives in all of this.


Don’t be so blinded by your hatered towards the Russian government to not notice how US used this to strenghten their control over Europe. As horrible as this Russian invasion is, it is nothing compared to the decades of invasions in middle east done by NATO countries. Sweden will have to send their troops now to fight for US oil companies.


NATO is defensive only on paper. Almost all of the wars in the World right now started with invasion of NATO countries in middle east and african countries still unofficaly under collonial rule of western european countries.

This is classic case of fearmongering. Russia can’t even win a war in Ukraine, despite local support of some of the Crimean citizens and proximity to their nations. They can’t get to Sweeden by the end of this century, Meanwhile, NATO is the biggest war allience this World has ever seen and it is scary how centralized the power in the World has become and US oil companies running the whole show.


I think this haterred towards Putin blinded most of us to let governments increase their authorariansim. Like in US after 9/11. Of course Putin is dangerous, but he can’t even win a war in a small country right next to his. Lost more troops then Ukraine. Meanwhile NATO expansion across the World and US influance is truely scary and unprecedented. Most of the wars in World are started by NATO counties and here we don’t hear about is as much.

All the invasions of Iran, Afganistan, Vietnam, Syria, etc where unjustfied invasions just like Ukraine and in case of Palestine, far worse. Yet, media successfully is pointing our focus on a single war in Ukraine where Russia has made no advencments and is clearly inferior military power. It reminds me of 9/11, when fear from a small group of terrorist gave the government power to spy on all of its citizens, run torture camp in Guantanamo and remove citizens rights one by one.


Only on paper. In practice there are many financial and military infulence that US gets when a country joins NATO that result in joining wars in Middle East.


Most of the casulties are russian troops, are they not? They don’t join volonterily you know, they are forcefully conscripted.


In is defensive only on paper. In reality it is NATO weapons that supply wars in Middle East. Joining NATO isn’t just mutual defense, you need to sign a lot of other requirements that inevitably gets you under strong influance of US military and finances. Check out military intervantions of NATO, they are all offensive, no one ever attacked a NATO country, they are too strong. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO#Military_operationsNone of these counties they invaded where part of NATO, Iraq, Afganistan, Kosovo, Bosina, Libya.

Laws don’t matter when you have the military power. Laws only apply to the weak. Powerful countires (and people) don’t protect them selves with laws, since they have the military. When Assange and Manning published US war crimes, militry officials didnt go to jails, but they, whistlblowers and journalists did. Don’t fall for the laws for a second, they don’t apply to them.


Can you elaborate?


What did I say wrong?


How is Russia one of the main reasons that Middle East is unstable? Middle Eastern borders where drawn by the NATO mamber states, all terrorist organizastions are now publicly said to be first funded by the CIA. Every war that started in the Middle East was by US invasion and funded coups. Russia is bad and it got involved in some of the confilicts, but lets not be blinded by the hatered towards them so much to forget all the crimes in the Middle East done by our governments and pretend it is Russias fault for everything.


They are not independent, that is the point. NATO military is still present in most of them or have puppet governments or are still at war.


But they also influence NATO organizations through various requirements of joining the NATO so that in the practice, they are involved. NATO as an organization has participated in mmultiple invasitions around the World, it is on the Wikipedia page. All of their military involvements where in non-NATO countries. Nobody ever attacked a NATO country, they never did a defensive war. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO#Military_operations


So are US people to blame for Biden supporting genocide in Israel? Or have they just voted for what they saw as lesser evil. You have to understand that Navalny, has started as a real neo-nazzi. Talking about killing all the muslims in the area. It is the same thing in every country. There are no real democracies in the World, people have to vote for the lesser of evils, or at least that is what they see as the only option.


en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO#Military_operationsAll of NATO wars were in non-NATO countries, all where offensive invasitions. They fight in MIddle East for oil companies. I do not sympathize with Russian government, they are just as bad when given the chance. But NATO is scarier. Calling people to support Russia when they critisize your government is insane.



What? What don’t you understand in that sentence? Are you saying there is no genocide in Israel? Or that Biden is not supporting it? Because both are easily provable.

I made a very obvious counterpoint that citizens of the US are not to blame for their presidents actions, just like the citizens of Russia. You can’t have it both ways.


There is this wikipedia article with a list of all the countires in the world with their military presence outside of their countries. en.wikipedia.org/…/List_of_countries_with_oversea…You can google for each of these countries as well, such as France and their presence in Africa, as well as other “past”-colonial forces, US with their presence in Kosovo, Turkey with their presence in a lot of Balkan countries (also previous colonies of Ottoman empire). There is a lot of countries in the World that where past colonies that never got rid completly of their imperialist rulers. In fact during cold war they made an alliance just for that, that is where the term third world comes from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_WorldObviously imperialist didn’t like that and the media propaganda changed the meaning of that term to the “developing country” to excuse them staying there while they “develop”. Never actually leaving of course.


Wikipedia has citations. I don’t know what could you find as more reliable? What did you have in mind? Also I don’t think this is fair. I gave you the source, it is just as reliable as any other, since it has citations for all of it. If the situtation was reversed and you saw wikipedia article that claimed the opposite and I replied exactly the way you did, how would you react? Be honest


I never said NATO is not effective defensive strategy for the government, just that it is effective offensive strategy as well. However this only applies to the government, not the people. Troops are sent to die in these offensive wars, while otherwise they would be safe at home. Don’t spin this as an opposite claim that all non-NATO countries end up in a war. Some of the countries now in NATO where invaded by NATO first and then forced to join. That is like saying surrendering is safer then being nutral, bacause they can’t attack you if you are already surrendered.


You can say that for literarly anything. Wikipedia has sources for every claim. Are you dispututing that NATO was in those countries. I have seen some of those troops in those countries with my own eyes.


They actually did get Europe involved en.wikipedia.org/…/NATO_Training_Mission_–_Iraq#O…Germany,France,Spain,Poland,Norway all of them ended up training armies for US oil companies invasions. Influence is there.


A country that is attacked by NATO doesn’t join it after 15-20 years with their populations support. They fund the politicians that are pro-NATO and get them to join it without the support of the people. It is what actually happened in places like Montenegro. Just beacuse it is horrible, don’t assume it is not true. As for blaming me of spreading a russian propaganda, beacuse of letting you know that we have part in impersialistic regimes, I have a book for you.



Dude, that is not fair. Israel is taking land from Palestine, it is Isreal controlled land now and that is just semantics and you know it. The point is that Isreal is particiapting in genocide and Bidan has sidestepped congress to send them weapons. That is both undemoctratic and is support of genocide.


They are made to be willing by funding politicains that secretly support it. When they get in power, they join without the support of their people. CIA has a long history of medeling in elections and this statement that it is willing is of course manufactured, as most of the democratic processes are.

bumphot, (edited )

I completely agree about all superpowers.

CIA and NATO are very close.


These are semantics that have nothing to do with the point as was making. The point was that the genocide was happening and that Israel government is doing it with the support of the US government.


Well the people in Montegro existed and they where part of the same country that was bombed. There are more montenegrians living in Belgrade then in Montegro, they didn’t like the bombing. Besides, Serbia is not Russian friendly at all, that is propaganda. Serbian government did 10 times more NATO joint military exercises then with Russia, not only are they not Russia friendly, they are hardly neutral. They have NATO offices inside the general military headquaters, the same that building that is still in ruins from the NATO bombing in 1999. Main opposistion persidential candidate in last elections was a litaral NATO general. Serbia also recieves more donations from EU then any other entetiy and every law passed in the last 20 years was EU law in hopes of integretions that will never happen and people know it. Entire Blakan is under NATO thumb, the rest is just politics and PR. When you see the actual actions, like Serbia passing secretly passing weapons for Ukraine or wikileaks files showing CIA using Balkain states to supply weapons to taliban, the picture makes far more sense.


I did mean Iraq, but Iran is not much better. US staged a coup in Iran to get a puppet government en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d'état#Re…Afganistan is not justified, you don’t invade an entire country because of a terroist attack. It was an excuse, just like the Patriot Act for more imperisalism and antidemocratic actions. Calling things invasions are semantics, more important is the bigger picture. US has huge influnace in the region thorug coups and military invasions.


You took it out of a context of a bigger picture. Of course on it self it is not the end of the World, but it was a simple show of how US influneced NATO states to do its bidding to get oil. Other horrible things that they are doing around the World and other NATO invasions are what really puts it all toghether.


If only thing you can say to someone who is proving you wrong that they must be paid by some boogieman, you are insane. Just because I critize the government doesn’t mean I support other governments. This is some cold war type of red scare. During cold war if you speak about worker rights you are branded a communist soviet spy. Now you say that NATO is resposible for wars that they admit to, you are all of a sudden a russian bot. https://lemy.lol/pictrs/image/21dbd7cd-7612-47b8-9f40-6837340c4108.jpeg


I understand that. I am not saying they are not wrong in this. I am just saying that our governments are using this to extend their power, like they always do and is hurting us even more then the problem itself. As it always does.


True. I am just saying that NATO is helping them and they are using this as an excuse to get more countries into NATO to help them with their wars.


By CIA coups, puppet governments, military funding, weapon supplies to insurgents or to the governments, sanctions, etc.


Sweden, like many other non-NATO states, are only officially not in NATO because of lack of popular support. These wars are used to pass these things officially. US influences many countries, being in NATO officailly makes this easier. As volontery as it might seem, people rarely give support for these things and politicains that do usually get funded by the US.


It is more then just having a base. They often run the whole country. I simply tried to find a single list for all of it, but if you look into these cases, one by one, you can see what I mean. Take French troops in Africa, they are collonizers that never left and their government can’t kick them out. Take NATO troops in Kosovo, they are completley dependent on US support to exist. Or Israel as well. Or many other places in Middle East. These are not volontery military presence in these locations, they are invasions which people can’t get rid of, either under threat of antoher force taking over or because they just wont leave.


I am not defending Russia. They do horrible things as well, but it is no excuse for our governments to do these things too. And they do it a lot more. As for Russia funding Hamas attack, that just sounds like insane propaganda, sorry. Israel government funded Hamas and let 10/7 happen on purpose to justify genocide, they even brag about it.


It is in regards to this article that we are talking about these things. NATO membership grew after this Russian invasion. Even from countries that are under no obvious imidiate danger.


It sounds like you where never forcefully conscripted in a war. Difference is that they can hurt your family, this way you die in a war either way. If you are forced to kill, under threat of death or your family getting hurt, you are clearly a victim. Furthermore Russian people aren’t just ones that are still fighting in war, they are also their wifes and childeren that are losing their husbands and fathers. They are also Russians that surrended to Ukrainain rather then fight, not everyone can do that safely without their commenders stopping them or without Ukrainian troops killing them by mistake. They are also Russian people that killed their conscription officers. There are a lot of good russian people, some died as heroes fighting their governments. Some died as victims of the war on the battlefield not willing to shoot back at Ukrainan soliders, some just fought because they had to and died in the process. There are bad people everywhere, but there are good people too. Claiming all russians are bad is just racism.


That is like saying it is justifed to bomb New York because Biden is helping Israel in their genocide. People are not their governments, going to war for revenge is cruel.


I did mean Iraq. I am not a russian bot simply because I critisize our governments.



Of course no one is paid to post on lemmy, this person is a lunatic that thinks anyone who critisizes their own government must be a Russian spy.


I think Putin is horrible, I never said otherwise, not a fan. And a troll doesn’t post sources, you however are a troll. You just call everyone who critiques NATO a Russian bot. You are either a troll or completly insane


Could be said the same for most Europen countries to be honest.


Well they are giving them money and equipement to do it. The only difference is that isntead of one attack it is complete genocide of people and the fact that the base is not in US but in Isreal. But the support is the same and the crime is even greater. There is no sense to blame Afganistan for 9/11 and not US for genocide.


Since when is Sweden a neibour of Russia?

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