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It’s not immature, it is their calculated tactic so that you have to vote for people that broadly represent almost identical politics. They don’t wont to promise any good things, just promise that they will not be as bad as the other candidate and then they are free to do whatever they want. This is why Democrats got Trump as a Republican candidate. source


That is why democrats got Trump elected in the first place with their pied piper strategy. Just so they can still destroy the planet and threaten us that if we don’t vote for them, Trump will win. They are holding the whole US hostage as terrorists.


Yes, US needs to vote for a Green Party. Joe Biden approved oil drilling project last year despite the usual lies that he cares for the environment. Until there is a real change in politics, there will be no real effort in climate change.

Joe Biden calls trans people “fabric of our nation” in Trans Day of Visibility proclamation (www.lgbtqnation.com)

In commemoration of the upcoming Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV), President Joe Biden issued a statement praising trans people’s contributions to society and describing actions his administration has taken to counter transphobic bullying and extremism. Additionally, many members of Biden’s Department of Health and Human...


I wish democrat politicians would stop with their propaganda on lemmy. Like it is anything new that some politician lies and pretends to care about minorities while funding the actual genocide. There classic liberal distraction tricks from more urgent issues don’t work on anyone who thinks for themselves.


That is part of the strategy of both parties for decades now, to talk about controversial issues that don’t affect our lives as much as wars and economy, so that we get busy arguing about these things instead of seeing that we have very important common goals as people vs the politicians. A classic divide and conquer strategy.


They are not the same but they are almost the same. Identical on most important issues such as genocide, police power, prisons, wealth inequality,etc.

They just pick controversial topics that they know will divide people, so they can make us vote for them so the other side won’t win, while both couldn’t care less about anything but money in their pockets.


You are going a bit too far with being proud, since he openly sidestepped congress to fund genocide in Gaza.


Politician’s words are worthless


Why are people downvoting you when you are 100% right.


You should never be proud of voting for someone, they are all crooks.




Sorry mister educated high-class. Shame the poor slaves that are too stupid to fight for their rights. You as an educated high class society man should tell us poor slaves how we should vote for some rich morons that have only their rich pockets in interests. We, ignorant slaves, shouldn’t even be allowed to vote, if we can’t even be proud for voting for some idiot high-class fascist such as you.


oh no, I am so hurt by your high-class educated words


I highly respect peasants, workers and slaves. And would much rather be on their side of history then of some rich fascist snobs. PS: I assume you are a young kid in collage, so I will not participate in shaming you anymore. When you grow older you will understand how wrong your values are right now.


I think this guy theodewere perfectly shows the classic liberal mindset in his insults towards me in the comments here and disdain for the poor and uneducated he has for no reason but to shame them. This is shows the true values of the liberals that pretend to care about the weak and being so highly upvoted it is clear that many agree, but don’t really want to be that open about it.


What I meant was that they are always lies. They don’t represent reality in any way. Biden doesn’t care about Trans people no more then Trump believes elections were stolen. They just say those lies to get people to support them and then they hurt those same people when they get what they want.


It is relevant now again. Since their tactic worked, people are supporting Biden now simply because Trump is on the other side, ignoring the fact that he is there exactly for this purpose, to make horrible candidates a better alternative.


Yes, but is very relevant now.


witnessing a genocide

*funding the genocide

In fact they are not only purposely funding the genocide, they are actively ignoring majority of people against it, even surpassing the senate just to be sure they can send the money to Israel quickly

Actually since TikTok is where most of the popular support for Palestine is from and probably why after decades of this genocide it finally became well-known, they are trying to shut it down, since China won’t censor it for them. Classic fascist moves from the government.


the only super power locked in a provable genocide, is china This statement is absolutely false. Isreal genocide is almost exlusively funded by the US.

we’re simultaneously bringing food into Gaza while also supporting its destruction Small amounts of food into gaza is PR and changes nothing in the big picture. There is a big difference in amount of money sent for weapons to Isreal and food to Gaza. You can send few trucks of food, get pirctures, run it in media, and then silently give billions for weapons. There is no two sides of this, US government is fully running a genocide in Gaza with full knowledge and intent. There is nothing that Chinese government does that US and Russia government don’t do as well. There is only difference in the media coverege of these things in each of the countries and is the result of difference in opinion between people who are exposed to that media.

A New York Times reporter was asked why they consistently frame things as bad for Biden but never bad for Trump. (old.reddit.com)

"I think what you're reacting to is that, at the moment, Biden is an unpopular president seeking a second term while Trump is a popular figure inside his party who is winning primary races. I wouldn't necessarily compare the two."...


It seems like everybody needs to remind democrat voters that it was Hilary that made Trump a Republican candidate so she would have a better chance at winning. Republicans work towards Trump, Democrats did. Voting for Democrats is a vote for worse Republican candidates and I assume vice versa.


Hilary was the one that got Trump elected in the primaries so she would have a better chance at winning. When Wikileaks leaked that, they bribed Ecaudor billions to get Assange in jail. Vote for Hilary is a vote for her tactics, getting worse Radical candidates and journalists reporting on it in jail.


How can a politician that manipulates free elections and risking so much the lives of the many, for her own benefit, be a good president. She is obviously selfish and manipulative. She Got the worst possible candidate to be a Republican nominie just so she doesn’t have to let someone else more popular in her party be candidate.


Hilary, just like Trump, is a rich person shill and would do anything to get corporations that are losing money from lockdown to get what they want. She is no better, she got Trump as a primary Republican candidate in her pied piper strategy just because she knew she would certainly lose if someone more reasonable would have been a Republican candidate.


All of the things and much worse then that happens under both Democrats and Republicans and Hilary is no better. After all, if she knew Trump was that bad, why would she risk all of that and support him in her pied piper strategy if she actually cares about any of these people? The examples you listed are the smallest arguments you could make, since any of that is easily overshadowed by an actual genocide both sides fund. Since when should people have empathy towards CIA agents that coup governments, traffic drugs, kill people and destroy democracies for benefit of some oil companies. And since when should we have empathy for murder cops? And how would you be sure that less people would have died of Covid with Hilary, she has same interests as Trump did in that situation. And Democrats where happy with not letting separated kids be reunited, they just pretend like they always do.

And all of these are so small compared to most important issues like wealth inequilty, gencoide, housing crisis, etc. Where their rich people policies are almost identical. Don’t be fooled by their propaganda.


you are so cool


A classic authoritarian tactic is to make people think that other governments are worse and that only giving away your freedoms and giving power to them is the way to fight it. TikTok became to risky for the government not because of China’s propaganda, but because China didn’t want to ban or deprioritize posts against genocide in Palestine funded by the US government. When any government feels treatened they censor the media and call it propaganda from another country. This is prime example that US is not better then China or Russia when it comes to it, only that so far it was their companies that were more popular, so they didn’t need to.


CCP is better than the US. You’re implying you’re a TikTok user Not even close. Never used TikTok in my life, I have no reason to believe CCP is any better then US either. I don’t think you should assume that when someone is critisizing one group is automatically support another, this is exactly what everyone in power is using as propaganda to discredit any critique of them.


US has far more influence in Middle Easst then Russia. Russia didn’t win anything in Middle East. US has control of Saudi Arabia and Israel quite famously. Most other governments where once funded by the CIA as well.


And that is exactly the point. Only thing it matters is that you have the power, all sides do horrible things, it is the power balance that has some meaning, not morality here. Currently power is very much on NATO side. No one can touch US when they commit war crimes, instead the whistleblowers and journalists are the ones that go to prison, like in Assange and Manning case.


It does matter if it is my honest opinion or if I was just wrongfully accused. One would be a critique of me, another is a critique on the propaganda that anyone who disagrees with people in power must be a KGB agent.


Well if you don’t see common western imperilism pattern, I can’t help you.


Russia is not known for their naval invasions.


Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised. Regular people are always the ones that suffer, on both sides, while for the politicians it is just about profit.


I never said we should let Russia annex anything, you are assuming that because I am against NATO expansion that I am pro Russia.


I didn’t dismiss any victims. I can critique Israel’s genocide of Palestinians without being anti-semetic. I can critisize Russian genocide and rape of Ukranians without being racist towards Russians. People are not the armies that claim that fight for their interests.


NATO is heavily influenced by US. When they ask other countries to join, they wear a NATO hat, when they invade other countries they where their counturies independent hats that just so happens to be in NATO.


Defense alliance that invades countries in middle east.


When you debate grammar it shows you have no good arguments. I don’t always spell things correctly, because I am more focused on making sense, then appearance. If you understand what I mean, that is good enough for me. I understand that Russia and NATO are both problems and I understand that NATO is obviously far more powerful and bigger. I also understand what NATO claims to be, but I also see their presence in places where legally shouldn’t be. Take Kosovo for example, by the UN it is not recognized as independent, legally it is part of Serbia and Serbia does not support NATO troops there. Legally speaking, that is an invasion. Practically NATO countries invade many Middle Eastern countries as well, they wear NATO hats when they speak of peace, but often (but not always) remove that hat when they invade other countries. You can either accept that both NATO and countries that invade Middle East are the same countries run by the same people with same interests and same goals, making it the same thing. Or you can pretend that only what is legally defined as separate is important, but then accept that legally NATO also sometimes invades countries and were never invaded themselves, making them more offensive then defensive. You can’t have it both ways.


Then anyone can be a neighbor.


They are not forced legally but practically indirectly. It is as voluntary as someone agreeing to landlords terms or those of your employer. Legally speaking, yes no one is forcing you, practically speaking you don’t really have a choice and such a system was created on purpose so you can’t have a choice. Once you start depending on US for their support in your defense, you need to scratch their back in doing an invasion or two so they keep supplying your weapons.


Well if you claim that you are attacked by “Terrorism” and you declare war on it, you can make any invasion a defensive action. That is my point, in theory it is defensive, but they can twist it any way they want to make it offensive. Also if you go around the World claiming you are there to stop a genocide (ironically while funding a genocide yourself) just so you can send your army there, than you have no reason for CIA not to just finance some genocidal maniacs on one side to justify you going in there to “save” them (like Israel funded Hamas, and HIlary funded Trump). This is not even legally clean, just ignoring the laws when they don’t suit your interests.


Organization can’t be better then it’s members that are controlling it.


You clearly see this as a game. You know exactly what I said and you are running away from it, just to have some kind of play of semantics like that somehow communicates some greater point. I really have no idea what is the point of this comment of yours.


It’s not a buzzword just because you want to keep it a secret.


You can’t seriously compare Russia and NATO by military power. They are competent to keep small regions under control, but they don’t have even a small portion of the world wide power that NATO has.


I am not moving the goalposts, I am trying to put things into context rather then nitpicking every single sentence and strawmaning every argument. I speak in general terms, as I am not a robot. Everything I say is in a general political context.

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