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a use-after-free error, a class of vulnerability that occurs in software written in the C and C++ languages when a process continues to access a memory location after it has been freed or deallocated.

Immediately I noticed how when Tesla’s can’t drive themselves we also blame the car and not the driver.

Weak. Blame the driver.


Yet another problem that actually updating your shit - which is trivially easy on enterprise Linux - would fix.

It’s part of the 95% of problems solved by actually updating your enterprise Linux host.

  • You dont feel like youre defusing a bomb like when writing C.

Whoa, Skippy. It’s not saving the world, it’s just coding properly.


It’s amazing how long she’s been Bernie-ing in politics, and how much hate Fox news has created around her for it.


That’s disappointing. Without autopsies, can we be sure who they were and more importantly how they died to where a charge can be laid? A crime has been committed here, and the headmasters and workers there need to take their share of the blame and be tried.

The remains need to go home to their families, right? Let’s stop ignoring the victims and the stories they can tell forensically.


Now adjudicated rapist felon Donald Trump.

That guy’s gonna have SO many initials after his name.


70% (about 35% on either side) of the electorate are uninformed voters who just vote based on party and don’t really care

Now, when people vote to try and elect an absolute wankglaze to office, we can be sure that they’re voting for their favorite sports team and will never stop.

But people voting for the least-worse option, how do we know they’re voting for teams and not voting in a marginally-less-horrific platform after careful consideration and a bit of a cry?

I have one team I’ll never vote for because they just keep proving themselves dicks, but I do like to consider the options while I can still convince myself there is a choice between what’s left after that.


Trump’s pet judge slow-rolled that case until she could stall it.

Israeli campaign against ICC may be ‘crimes against justice’, say legal experts (

Efforts by Israel’s intelligence agencies to undermine and influence the international criminal court (ICC) could amount to “offences against the administration of justice” and should be investigated by its chief prosecutor, legal experts have said....


Burying the lead

And a bone apple tea to you!

State Department official resigns after Biden administration says Israel not blocking Gaza aid (

A career State Department official resigned from her post on Tuesday, saying she could no longer work for the Biden administration after it released a report concluding that Israel was not preventing the flow of aid to Gaza....


It’s not [too] late to ditch him for a candidate [who] represents the values of dem voters.

Nice try, Ivan.


He’s a shitty candidate [who] was always a [compromise?]/ most-least preferred candidate and he’s not going to win.

Shitty compared to whom? To the leading republican? Are you high?


Mass protests. Civil disobedience.

I don’t expect to see that as an option when it comes to voting.

Because, if you go back, you’ll see that was the question. It was about voting. Voting is that thing you do where you choose between (currently) two options.


Biden and Co. can’t lose any more credibility than this.

Not without having to switch parties, they can’t. And that party has a candidate already.


in stress, they will always vote conservative to ensure their own survival

That isn’t a safe bet, though.

The cornerstone of the conservative M-O is withdrawal of services and opportunities for the 99%. Sure, this sticks it to immigrants, but only because it shafts everyone but the rich.

And when those services go away - healthcare, unemployment protection, programmes sponsoring training so people can get back to paying tax sooner - they never come back under this administration. It’s left as the sole focus of the fools who follow them and have to stoch a country back together out of the unmaintained underpowered mess of a system the elitist scum left them with.


I hate that there’s a voice in the back of my mind saying I’m gonna get called an anti-semite again. Damn you.


People can’t use it to talk shit about Biden, after all.

No. The Kremlin and Trumpers are using it to single out Biden so people will forget them and trade Bad for Much Worse.


If they succeed, Palestine and Sudan and Ukraine will be every bit as fucked, but so will America with all its money and rockets.


I think my workmate was in Bosnia as a peacekeeper. I may have the wrong Bosnian conflict, though.


Rwanda had no oil.


Look at the demographics. Understand WHY Canada is hoovering up young professionals like it’s Coke at MaraLago:

  1. our population is ageing.
  2. we’re a tax n’ spend economy, because it saves money
  3. we need people to support an ageing population near or over retirement
  4. rental barons are rakin’ it in on the house prices
  5. we can’t kill the oldies
  6. we can’t back off on services, or the cost to the taxpayer (without consolidation and the reverse monopoly) is gonna be cruel and horrible like America but they’re not cognitively dissonant about it and will be in shock
  7. we can’t adjust the retirement age*


Immigrants, excluding refugees

  • are young
  • are professionals
  • are healthy and so need little healthcare
  • pay lots of delicious taxes
  • are sometimes doctors (yay!)
  • need somewhere to live

Okay, too much information to be hit with all at once, but those are the predicates. So it follows:

The problem isn’t immigration, despite what the russian bots and conservatives will tell you: it’s that we have an ageing population not working - as mentioned - who needs more care to stay alive and whom we want to stay alive; and all the indolent hillbillies high on russian-anti-vax hate and rejecting basic social responsibility made the experienced doctors fucking quit by being dickheads. But it’s the imm’grints’ fault? Housing is an issue because rental barons are raking it in and voting for the guys who promise no services, no taxes, because hoarding greenspace and greenbacks is the American way; and imm’grints are the issue?

Look. We can’t kill Nana, and she’s done with work anyway, so we can’t send her back to work as the only job she’ll score at her age is stocking shelves at the loblaws and I know that for a familial fact. We can’t claw back a bunch of years of retirement and hope Uncle Bob will reopen his bait shop happily and pay more taxes. And we have to keep them alive because we don’t have that loophole where the poors and retirees and soldiers die from being poor like in America because we don’t do that (and we like them because she makes good cookies and he tells us all the dumb things Dad did as a kid).

We need:

  • more young pros to immigrate because if we have to suffer population growth it needs to be earners.
  • more housing density because Nana and Uncle Bob both still have their homed and we’ve already eaten too much farmland for bungalows and we’ve cut down our version of the rainforest for bungalows while telling Brazil not to do the same - what hypocrites. So we need to revert more land back for food and forest, and have to bulldoze in the urban centers and consolidate people there into shared space that happens to also cost munis waayyy less to serve anyway because bungalow sprawl doesn’t even pay for itself at these rates… So it’s towers, not fucking laneway tryhard housing outside fucking bungalows, and it’s shared parks and not hoarded greenspace lawns, and we’re gonna do all property taxes by distance from city hall and square feet divided by density so Chad and Alicia can pay more of their rightful share or give up their mansion in the hills so we can stop maintaining all that pipe and wiring. Right. We also need …
  • the knowledge that angry voters choose trumps and polievres even though it’s a horrible idea for everyone not rich. It’s a fact borne out by study after study.
  • the understanding that fucking immigrants are the best chance we have of not becoming the states and losing our EI and Healthcare and other things that make us happy and awesome.
  • the maturity to thank immigrants for helping us in our journey to not suck like the parts of America we fear the most, and hope they stay a long time but maybe go back home (as they often do) when they’re no longer young. Because thanks!
  • the courage to tell Billy-joe-Bob to get back in his Dodge RAM and go find another city to blockade, but just leave our earners the hell alone aside from a heartfelt thanks for saving his kids’ asses.

Sadly, we’re gonna have to raise retirement. But let’s do it slowly, like a half-a-year each year or so, so Uncle Bob can stay retired and a few people to near the age can fulfill that wish and the rest who are almost as close can still accomplish it sooner just not right away, etc, etc, just stay in the job they have a little longer and use their experience. We’re all living longer, and that’s awesome. Let’s still be Canadian and try to care for one another if we still can.

(If you own a dodge ram and no cowboy hats, this is probably not about you, but your downvote will be lost among the people who don’t know better, so a flash of spite on the mouse-click is all good)



This is what leads me to worry you’re oversimplifying something. Is it cool if we avoid the generalizations here? We can all confidently say Mr Trump isn’t a very upstanding cretin, but don’t let him take your rep down.

corsicanguppy, (edited )

If a reckoning came her way, would it be a supreme Court thing right away? I do worry she’ll skate if it is … but I half worry J. Alito or J. Thomas feel they could simply whack a progressive counterpart and then have no court in which to defend themselves … and thus skate as well to open up space for her.

Nightmare fuel and nothing more, of course.


We have an election coming up, and the O&G poster children could get back into power and set us back decades again.


Former OS security chief here.

Please, God, avoid flatpaks, appimages and snaps. They break rules just to break more rules, and you’re the victim.

I need some help choosing a monitor.

Simply put I have built a gaming tower that I have no monitor that will connect with the machine only having a BIOS and no OS. As I understand it, I need something that will connect with an HDMI cable, but that seems to be either a traditional monitor or a tablet. I’m completely unsure which would be more stable, and therefore...


Whoa, but the comma splice.

Are we doing popularity contests here?


the tourists treat the sherpas like shit.

I submit it’s the shitty tourists being shitty, and either selection bias or toxic generalizations is filling in the rest for you .


True. At least an attempt was made, with a semi-colon. But for the missing word, it’s almost readable.


You’re gonna need all three countries declare it so.


an Instagram photo then the environment

Well, at least they cared about the environment, even if only after the photo.

A commentary on Pretendians by an indigenous woman from Norway House - YouTube (

This is one of best commentaries I’ve heard recently about indigenous fraud. I’ve stopped referring to it as “Pretendians” because this isn’t a cute joke, this is serious fraud and can sometimes add up to tens, hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars worth of lifelong fraud....


It starts by asking a statement - or stating a question; you decide - and stays at “YouTube that could have been an op-ed with actual words but isn’t.”

Biden’s Morehouse address was a farewell speech (

But the Morehouse crowd, at least, understood that no matter how much Biden talks about his proximity to HBCU graduates and having worked with President Barack Obama and Vice President Kamala Harris, his policies have yet to fully meet their expectations, and while some may argue that a little progress is better than no progress...


Any vote not for Biden is a person who needs to accept their role in electing Trump. It’s binary.

And it’s sad and it’s not fair but there’s no third option and that’s where we are today.


What would the homeless numbers be without a plan to reduce it? When NatPo’s done with its crystal ball, can we use it for other things? What would (US Republican-tied) Chatham Asset Management suggest as a better plan? Declare homelessness illegal and house people in jails for profit?

Philanthropist who gave $30M to U Manitoba condemns 'hateful' valedictory speech, university for allowing it (

The philanthropist behind the University of Manitoba’s largest-ever personal donation — $30 million — has denounced a speech made by a valedictorian for medicine grads and admonished the university for letting it happen....


more money for education is always a good thing

This article shows the strings on that donation.


shutdown stores

The bad spelling makes it look like these stores specialize in shutdowns.


Downsizing is neat if the numbers bear out.

The Globe reporting that it’s cool to downsize immediately comes off as the rag promoted by the rich Republican owner preaching to the same plebes about extravagant homes as they did about iPhones vs healthcare before.

The Globe offering advice to anyone is going to be rather suspect even for a while after it’s re-sold to someone without an elitist agenda.


Luke Skywalker said it best, but he was a hologram at the time.


keeping the borders wide open and allowing itself to be invade

I hope you’re referring to Chrysler’s field. It’s an example of the continued trend of Canada Not being invaded.

Did you confuse America and Canada? Hint: the white House that Canada super burned-down was the famous one in America.

  1. Establish the service level objectives.
  2. Again agreement so objectives become agreement.
  3. Compare all behaviour against this new SLA.

Seems the path is clear. What was your idea?


in 21st century

That’s an adjective missing a noun.

in the 21st century

That’s what I think you meant.


Can confirm that maintaining vet and support staff in vet hospitals is a serious challenge; horrifically driven by suicide as anything else.

Unfortunately the corps have seen how it’s completely unregulated for price and, like dentists were, open to arbitrary prices bounded only by what people can afford for essential service.

It was only natural they’d snap up all the vets toward price fixing.


moose hit by a car have to be euthanized

… After retrieval from the front seat. Apparently they are the same height as the windshield.


As an answer to your question I will remind you that unicycles still exist.


It’s really quite sad that so many businesses will be at risk after being so over-extended.

I dunno about you, but when I started my company - years ago - I was well aware of the horrible failure rate, and when it died I was at least pleased that it didn’t die of cash flow but of corporate crime (but he skated on insufficient evidence). The point is, every business owner knew the end was coming a long time ago; or they should have.

This cataclysm is coming, and I hope everyone survives it, even if their businesses don’t. No business is worth losing your health over.


Is it still before 18 January?

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