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When I worked for the country I found I’m a pretty decent shot with what you’d’ve called an m16a3 . I had a couple of really great shooty-powpow days.

You know what I’d do if jan6 got crazy again?

Continue to stay away. I have no business being there. I’m not some gung-ho halfwit, passable shot or no.


False dilemma.


None with a chance of preventing PP though.


Remind me how far (high) a drone can be from a good radio repeater and still be controlled?

Yeah. Thought so.


FedGov! Come for the low wages, stay for the provincials dictating work policy.

The Dead Sea Effect is gonna be awesome, despite the high percentage of newcomers working in gov.

corsicanguppy, (edited )

Honestly, though, NM is useless on a server or VM. I don’t know why they still have that kludge installed on 90% of machines.

Having said that. Lennart’s Cancer is junk from junk process. It WILL be adopted by every distro but PCLinuxOS because no other distro is putting effort towards stability and reliability.

I’d hoped that moving to Microsoft would allow IBM to re-evaluate the shit shoveled into its declining enterprise product, but that’s not looking likely given staffing and IBM’s ancillary priorities. RHEL only needs to be Good Enough so it can sell certs and classes and AAP and other make-work.




Systemd has always been about “don’t ask questions or well call you obstructionist and old”.



You can pluralize without the apostrophe. In fact, you never need an apostrophe to pluralize.

It also saves distro’s a lot of effort.

Only if they want to break free.

And they don’t need nfsroot or a separate consolidated /usr mount or, really, a whole host of things that lennart didnt understand and unilaterally broke like an arrogant noob.

But that’s blasphemy.


Did C ever generate bloated or insecure stuff for you? I had a completely different experience so I’m curious.

Pierre Poilievre Wants a Carbon Tax Election | The Walrus (

REMEMBER BREXIT? That time a Conservative Party directed widespread voter frustration at a single easy scapegoat, smothered the public with misinformation, and were rewarded with their biggest electoral victory in decades? Something similar is happening today in Canada....


Isn’t Harper the guy who signed away our sovereign mineral and resource rights to a hostile foreign entity?

Is that why we wanted to rename a landfill the Steven Harper Dance and Supper club?

corsicanguppy, (edited )

Ah. I think I’m top-ten, but we’re renters. So that’s the window where people improving their economic spot need to reach – you need to be top 5% to own a home without buying-in 20 years ago, and above that to own a vacation home.

Contrast that with a nation so heavily-taxed like Sweden where 50% of the country seems to own a cottage AND a small boat.


When you only know Sweden, you don’t know how awesome you have it.

Travel helps people appreciate things, sometimes.

CSIS had officer investigated after she reported a superior raped her (

A CSIS officer’s allegation that she was raped repeatedly by a superior in agency vehicles set off a harassment inquiry, but also triggered an investigation into her that concluded the alleged attacks were a “misuse” of agency vehicles by the woman....


My sister in-law moonlights as an EMT and firefighter when she’s not a cop. Is she a bastard then?


a […] software

A software WHAT? There’s a word missing.


Sadly, the real story’s in the comments.

Trump’s McDonald’s bill is big, but its prices have ballooned (

Donald Trump’s appearance in criminal court on Monday has raised many questions, constitutional and otherwise, but on the evidence of the first day I find myself most curious about the former president’s McDonald’s order. During jury selection last week, the Daily Mail reported on a $700 (£560) McDonald’s order put in...


There’s a lot of accusations about the food. The food itself isn’t extra-bad, though: it’s beef, cheese, bread, pickles, onions and condiments. You may eat these already.

Secret Service agent assigned to Kamala Harris detail involved in fight with other agents (

“At approximately 9 a.m. April 22, a U.S. Secret Service special agent supporting the Vice President’s departure from Joint Base Andrews began displaying behavior their colleagues found distressing. The agent was removed from their assignment while medical personnel were summoned. The Vice President was at the Naval...


It s a politician. It’s almost the most political of politicians.

Our federal leader choked out an intruder in his own home, late one night.

“TMZ” is right.


This is patently false. Younger Canadians want to retire at an age where they’re still healthy. But can’t.

My cousin retired at 48.

Astounding, right? A little luck, a little wisdom and careful spending, and also a union job he slid into at 23 and worked 25 years at in various cities until he’d built his time and could retire out.

He’s not perfect; his hands are trashed, but he can still steer his bike and climb rocks. His back is rough but he doesn’t need to lift much, now. So even he’s on the border of health.

He’s living the best life we could hope for, the life this trickle-down myth from the conservatives took from the rest of us.

We need so many unions that the labour rights they claim to fight for become almost a standard; then it will become one. They’re not in the business of helping non-members anymore, but we can use them to our benefit.

And maybe give those cons the boot.


I work in IT. The reduced neuroplasticity is a thing we noticed, especially as they approach new IT processes.

  • we need our elders to show us why some new products (like the one we call Lennart’s Cancer) is wrong-headed
  • they still need to work
  • learning is slower, but they leverage their 40 years of meta-experience to great effect.

Maybe they should retire, if they can. Maybe we recognize where their strengths have changed and make use of them accordingly.

I know mentorship and working-lead posts are few, but that’s kinda how we got where we are now. If you think we should ditch the one group who will champion fair labour and bring the proverbial receipts, then you may need to check your limbs for puppet-strings.


SOME of the points in this rant are valid. The conclusions are wrong because the context is wrong.

This guy wanted to get paid for his free software. Sure it’s not free – any more than the miniatures my warhammer-lovin’ cousin painstakingly paints are ‘free’ for his time. Wanting to get magic money compensation, though, is wrong in both cases.

The public issue on github where people are slagging him for maybe expiring some old software; that’s just stupid drama. Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t. NO. ONE. CARES. They’re just pissed at the apparent rug-pull and “buy a license” isn’t the best way to be not-a-dick about it.


Good that this developer speaks up. The recent XZ backdoor story is

Is unrelated. XZ is about burnout. This is about some guy saying “I did this thing for free. Where’s my money?”


Offering the source code of a project to the world is extra work and an act of kindness. We should reward it in kind.

We should have the option to reward it. We shouldn’t be harangued for not.

Disclosure: I maintained a well-used piece of software for about 10 years, and contributed to other projects as time permitted. I never, ever, wrote a single line of code or email expecting money for any of it. I went into it as a spare-time thing and I stopped when that ran out. I have no compassion for people who just magically expected a wealth of ready donations for whatever they produce. It’s entirely naive. It’s like the beggar yelling at you for not dropping a twenty into the cup.


I sincerely hope they can make a living from their project

Or someone will fork it and put some time in.


FOSS is barely surviving due to passion

How it started: passion

How it’s going: passion

corsicanguppy, (edited )

It’s not like the left cares, either.

They care More. Don’t both-sides on social programmes.


What happened to her[?]

I had a thought, but that was Gabby Giffords in 2011 and a better human.



Took me a sec to parse that, but it’s the perfect word there. NICE.


If there’s a spin without systemd let me know.

Edmonton condo at risk of collapse to be sold as corporate law clouds hope for court fight (

The corporations behind the construction of an Edmonton condo building that was evacuated last year due to the risk of collapse no longer exist, which poses a legal hurdle for owners who were forced from their homes seven months ago....


Not enough inspectors to do a thorough job. Defunding inspection and compliance-checking is a classic pro-biz/anti-people play by the conservatives, and this is how it plays out; either tainted food, bridges collapsing, or something with normal people shafted.


Excellent point: get and keep insurance for complete liability .

Aaaaand build with concrete.

corsicanguppy, (edited )

Some gun owners will be skeptical of any buyback programme. The rest will turn in guns they don’t need for hunting, and walk away.

(And if you think you need a fancy stock or long mag, spend your money at the range instead and just get better, for all our sakes)


Obligatory reminder that the Globe and Mail, once Canadian-owned and consistently centre/centre-left, is now owned by a republican-leaning American organization, and that stories about our two countries or anything in the typical Conservative agenda may be more prevalent or seem more biased.

Immigration, ‘othering’ immigrants, and highlighting supposed links between crime and ‘others’ like immigrants or homeless people, falls in that agenda.


left early to make it hurt

But, crucially, just late enough so there’s no interim member in their seat.

What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?

I’m working on a some materials for a class wherein I’ll be teaching some young, wide-eyed Windows nerds about Linux and we’re including a section we’re calling “foot guns”. Basically it’s ways you might shoot yourself in the foot while meddling with your newfound Linux powers....


Let a narcisist bipolar family member onto my home server for phaseI. For phaseII I granted too much access in sudo because I was busy. Fast forward a year or two and a downswing triggers the victim rage and he attempts to wreck my server after a minor argument – would have, too, if I wasn’t keenly aware of a conversation he had a few weeks before where he detailed “how to fuck with someone horribly” to a peer and I used that recollection to reverse the damage. It was a lucky thing, and 25 years on I have better security and backup processes.

I still regret that. , right?


Ah, but 25 years ago? No easy vm setup. And I trusted the guy then, so I wasn’t guarded as I should be.

We learn through pain.


Here’s the facts:

  • freedom is hard and expensive
  • the conservative “I got mine;fuck you” doesn’t work when it’s ‘others’ in need; it doesn’t even work when it’s poorer Americans in need
  • the sea lion questioning is a stalling tactic; always has been.
  • Republicans can’t even keep a Senate leader, and this guy was right up their seditious theocratic enslaving-women hell-hole alley. They will readily agree to nothing that doesn’t fit their cruel and narrow ideological dependencies.

It always was going to BE a money pit, as that’s the alternative to Normandy and ditching the UN shackles (which is a terrible idea but required).

Time to spend 1/10th as much on Ukraine’s military as America spends on its own, and solve this shit.


If the current thing is the least worst option, then yes. If you can’t see it’s about least-worst and not branding, you may need to repeat some courses.


seems to be primarily concerned with real estate value and helping it achieve higher and higher values by ensuring not enough homes are available for all Canadians

That’s a pretty specific guess that Hanlon’s Razor slices up in seconds without some kind of data other than ‘seems’.


Canada: “there’s nowhere to live and it’s all YOUR fault”

Don’t blame Canada for what its bigot minority says into the megaphone.


Everyone […] but Indigenous Peoples are immigrants

Psst. The current resident indigenes immigrated.


All else fails fall back to Ansible

Fucking hell. THAT far back?

We were doing everything Ansible does for the 95% case in 2002. Like, for 95% of use-cases, Ansible is absolutely no better than a conglomeration of tools from 2002. Definitely no reason to pay licensing.

Bonus: since it’s version-agnostic (another win over Ansible if you’ve ever managed Tower/AAP/whatever next week) I’m still using that paradigm today because it works SO well. It’s losing to Cinc or mgmtConfig but only because those are 1 and 2 generations newer than Ansible and do offer distinguishing features.



It’s “run”, here.


Samba just works. It’s easy to set up and easy to manage.


If you believe postmedia group the dollar is terminally I’ll and seriously needs some trickle down if it’s going to survive.

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