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cynar, to privacy in Drones trespassing in my property

The best bet is to let your local aviation authority know. They are generally the ones with the actual powers, as well as the knowledge to apply them.

At least in the UK, the laws cover anything that leaves the ground under an open sky. There are exceptions for RC toys and drones, but they have limits. One of the limits is you cannot fly within a certain distance of anyone or anything not under your control.

Basically, most places require your permission to fly over, or near to your land. If they are overflying, they are breaking the rules.

It’s worth noting, depending on the size of the system, it can be difficult to judge distances. The ones I work with are large. We regularly have officials insisting we are massively out of our flight area. GPS logs show that it was well within the entire time.

cynar, to politics in New poll finds strong majority opposes gender-affirming care bans for trans minors

In almost all cases the point is to keep things reversible. The problem is puberty. Once the hormone cascades hit, it’s far harder to transition. At the same time, fully transitioning is not something many children are equipped to cope with.

Luckily there is a 3rd option. Puberty can be delayed without permanent issues. This gives the patient and doctors time to figure out what to do long term. If they were confused, they stop the drugs, and puberty happens normally. If they truly want to transition, they are in a far better position to change than if they experienced puberty as the “wrong” gender.

By delaying the changes, it allows time for them to process what they want. It also lets them experience living as the other gender, in a reversible manner.

cynar, to baldurs_gate_3 in They can have a little murder - as a treat…/59961192-i-swing-both-ways-with-a…

Apparently it’s available from multiple places.

I’m not sure who did it originally, unfortunately.

cynar, to politics in A Florida law blocking treatment for transgender children is thrown out by a federal judge

First things first. The Tories get a good kick in the teeth. Then we can work on the labour party. Thankfully they are generally more responsive to pressure. The Tories regularly screw them over on that front, but hopefully we can actually get some improvements out of them.

cynar, to politics in A Florida law blocking treatment for transgender children is thrown out by a federal judge

Thankfully we have an election soon. The current polls put the Tories in a VERY bad situation. Hopefully we can send a clear and unequivocal message about things like this.

cynar, to politics in Trump’s felony conviction has hurt him in the polls

I would suspect it’s low information voters.

Anyone who pays attention, and isn’t part of his cult, realises how bad trump is. Unfortunately, a lot of voters just don’t pay attention. To them, they seem mud slinging in both directions, and just tune it out.

A felony conviction is a different beast. It’s not just mud slinging. If he’s been convicted, it’s not just smoke, he’s a bad man!

There’s a reason that the right pushes the “both sides” mentality. This just managed to cut past the smoke screen that they threw up. Whether it sticks is another story.

cynar, to politics in MTG spreads bonkers conspiracy theory that "Deep State" convicted Donald Trump to help drag queens

Ah, but ARE they a tiny minority? They could be anyone, ANYONE, and you would never know, until it was too late!

cynar, to games in The RTS genre will never be mainstream unless you change it until it's 'no longer the kind of RTS that I want to play,' says Crate Entertainment CEO

I think the key difference is that it’s “easier” to apply a meta to a RTS game. In shooters, the meta often involves quick reflex decisions, where to hide, where to shoot etc. This is hard, and requires practice. It also means there is a significant number of players not applying it, or doing so sub-optimally.

With RTS games, the metas are easier to apply. This means that, in human Vs human games, the newer players often get flattened. It also means that far more complex metas can be developed and applied.

Shooters tend to back load the difficulty curve. It’s easy to get into them, and not do badly, but hard to do well. RTS games tend to front load the difficulty. You need to get over the initial hump to get “ok” with it. Once over the hump, the curve smooths off and you get good fairly rapidly.

One of the big differences between nerds and normals is that nerds enjoy punching through that wall. The difficulty is seen as a challenge, not an impediment. Most people want a faster feedback loop on the dopamine reward. FPS type games deliver that extremely well.

cynar, to canada in Conservatives want to bring back the smoking rooms in Tim Hortons ultimately, and fuck the planet.

I’d definitely be the annoying shit on that one. I would insist on proper PPE for the environment. If the smokers in the team want to handle it without PPE, that’s entirely on them.

It’s also worth noting the smoking rooms are effectively empty, except for lights and some seats. Most staff can avoid it entirely.

cynar, to canada in Conservatives want to bring back the smoking rooms in Tim Hortons ultimately, and fuck the planet.

I’ve seen them done well in airports. They have additional extraction and filtering. They are also kept at a negative pressure, so the smoke doesn’t roll out whenever someone opens the door.

I’ve no issues with what people want to put into their bodies. I only take offence when others are forced to be exposed to it.

cynar, to world in Chinese zoo under fire after dyeing dogs to resemble pandas

Take a look at some of the taxidermy at the time. It’s horrifyingly bad. Then again modern amateur taxidermy can be as bad as well.…/hilariously-bad-lion-taxidermy

cynar, to world in Conservatives crushed by ‘worst local election result’ in years

A depressing number also decided, I voted labour, and nothing changed (when they didn’t win). I’m going to try conservative now.

cynar, to games in Manor Lords is off to a flying start on Steam, just hours after its early access release

Early access is extremely effective, when used correctly. It lets smaller studios get an income stream a lot earlier, which helps significantly. It also lets them form a tight feedback loop with fans. They can find out what works and what doesn’t. Some examples of it working well would be Rimworld, Kerbal Space Program, and Factorio. All released as amazing games, primarily due to early access.

Unfortunately, a lot of companies seem to be abusing the idea right now. Particularly bigger studios.

cynar, to politics in These 112 House Republicans voted against Ukraine aid

I’m all for countries standing by their commitments, long term. The risks of not disarming Ukraine, particularly back then, is more than worth the cost now.

Appeasement is rarely a good idea, long term, no matter which warmonger it’s aimed at.

cynar, to politics in These 112 House Republicans voted against Ukraine aid

At the very least, they should help because they promised to. In 1994 Ukraine gave up its nukes (it had the 3rd largest arsenal). It did this with assurances that the US, UK and Russia would all respect its existing borders.

By not helping Ukraine resist Russia, the US is reneging on that promise (by letting Russia change the borders).

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