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I’m not sure what’s wrong with this article but even AI articles are more coherent these days. Old model? Unsupervised machine translation?


That’s funny but I think Son is easily the dumbest billionaire. He’s also the bag-holder for the whole WeWork grift. Got more dollars than brain cells.


It’s ltsc an option for 11 like it was for 10?

Facial recognition startup Clearview AI settles privacy suit in the U.S. by giving plaintiffs a share of the company’s potential value, rather than a traditional payout, over lack of liqudity (

Facial recognition startup Clearview AI reached a settlement Friday in an Illinois lawsuit alleging its massive photographic collection of faces violated the subjects’ privacy rights, a deal that attorneys estimate could be worth more than $50 million....


More like, “they will be offered part of the proceeds of any further watches we steal.”

I don’t know if I’m personally part of the class, but if I am, as relief I would want an injunction for them to fucking leave me alone, not shares in their operation.


They ostensibly weren’t until… Well, let’s just say “recently”


I stuck with 7 for an extremely long time under similar reasoning. Like I missed win 8 completely and only got 10 in maybe 2018. And only because I needed a version of directX for work that was unsupported on 7.

And it was the same shit back then. 10 was pulling a lot of the same tricks. Ads, reinstalling candy crush without permission, more bloat and antifeatures.

Eventually a combination of third party tools and understanding of how to keep the garbage at bay made 10 tolerable. And, I guess, now 10 is the semi-reliable legacy alternative to the current shitfest.

Is there a Shutup10 analogue for Windows 11? Or an LTSC? Not looking forward to having to go through that dance again. But I assume the day will come.

Can somebody explain why game makers don't start their own companies together?

It seems like every other week a game studio is massively laying off employees; sometimes after years of development. What I’m reading is that it’s a quick way to lower expenses and pad the investors’ pockets, flooding the market with developers and reducing their value, to then hire them back a few months later at lower...


As a counterpoint to most of the cynicism here, this is how the company I now work for formed. Caveats include: the founder had a lot of money because he had previously worked for a big name Internet company when it was a startup, and we spend almost all of our time as contractors for other studios rather than developing in-house IP.


Holy fuck. 373 games. I’m very touched that so many are giving their hard work away to support this cause. Got it and added the extra payment on.


Ngo monitor is right wing bullshit with zero credibility.


If the administration admits this, it will be legally bound by the Lahey act, which constrains military aid to countries committing human rights violations. They know how ridiculous their denials look.


I think it’s fair to acknowledge that everything is a trade-off, and without downvotes, we have to accept the downsides.


Let’s have the authorities force us to eat salad and exercise while we’re at it, it’s better for us


Meh. You’re not just talking about just making it automatic or easy or recommended, but actually forcing everyone to have to go along with it and taking away the option to not do it.


Even at the risk of Microsoft adding more spyware to my machine, reinstalling apps I deliberately uninstalled, reverting privacy settings I set, strongarming me into using their browser, etc? All of which has been reported.

My hardware, my choice.


I’d be fine with what you describe in the second paragraph, but that’s not what’s meant by “forced.” That’s opt-out. Forced is what’s really objectionable, especially when it’s abused, as discussed in the article and elsewhere in these comments.

derbis, (edited )


As long as security updates are bundled with antifeature updates, this amounts to “install candy crush or go to jail!”


I’m not sure I follow the last “or” clause, but you can bring the criminal liability to Microsoft if you think it should attach for this reason


No. How about you, are you anti-abortion?


If it helps, this is the first time I hear it 🤷‍♂️


Yes thank you. I’m pretty worried about what happens without this guy. We still have Ed Markey but he’s up there too.

Much as a lot of the worst people in government are relics from another time, age discrimination doesn’t behoove us, IMO. Some of the best are also the most venerable. I’d take Bernie in a heartbeat.

Apple will require notarization for apps from third party app stores, and will disable updates for apps installed via third party app stores if staying outside EU (

As far as I can tell this basically means that all apps must be approved by Apple to follow their “platform policies for security and privacy” even if publishing on a third party app store. They will also disable updating apps from third party app stores if you stay outside the EU for too long (even if you are a citizen of...


Hate that phrase. Great way to excuse malice.


There’s a Stardew valley mod that does this but it seems development has stalled


“…AI” concerns me. I use quotation marks there because what is often referred to as AI today is not whatsoever what the term once described.

Lost me right there. Not only was and is this AI, but the term gets narrower over time, not broader. If you want to go by “what the term once described,” you have to include computer vision, text to speech, optical character recognition, behavior trees for video game enemies, etc etc etc.

When I see people complain about calling LLMs “AI,” I think the only definition that would satisfy them is “things computers can do that we aren’t used to yet.”


Oop, wish I’d read this comment before mine. 100% right


How do you short an IPO?


Man I really don’t get how discord has become the default for so many things. It’s chat. It’s persistent, but not in a way that’s easy to look through. Like, support forums or discussions about things that aren’t just fleeting? Whyyy


Almost always? I have some strong doubts about that. It’s just that you don’t see articles about “Nothing is particularly going wrong with”

derbis, (edited )

I was on it back when it was in closed beta and even went to their launch party. People were even saying how much the quality was declining as the closed beta got larger. It’s been a shitfest for a while - it seems tailor-made for blowhards to speak authoritatively without having any real authority on an issue.

To react to the article:

most interesting and longest-lasting corners of the internet: Quora

The first one is subjective but the second one isn’t - and neither are true.


Wow that was fascinating, thanks. For those who prefer to read, there was a full transcript!


? Firefox plus ublock origin works fine on the Mac. Unless you mean ios only?


Dave the Diver! It looks so goofy but give it a shot. It’s got hilarious cutscenes, and a really well executed blend of roguelike, restaurant game, resource management, and story RPG.


Any languages besides Spanish planned?


My hunch is that those layoffs are going to come from the more peripheral efforts like that malware startup they acquired


I might even suggest that having an mp3 or other file-based record collection is still in the same vein.

The big departure, imo, is people who don’t own their music collections. They rely only on Spotify or Apple or Amazon or whatever and just stream.

One day, when their contracts with the labels or whatever expire, or the service is discontinued, or you move to another country… your collection evaporates. It’s happened before.

derbis, (edited )

Yep. BIG deficiency in this article. I don’t use a VPN because of shadowy “hackers” who sit in front of their keyboards with a pistol and a balaclava. I use it because ISPs and governments have demonstrated they can’t be trusted.

How about this?

I live in the United States, where I already have no digital privacy, and tunneling my internet traffic through a VPN owned and operated in another country won’t meaningfully improve my privacy or safety

Uh, what? If someone wants my traffic logs in the US, now they have to go through Mullvad, which has a track record of not providing or collecting it.

They don’t even know who I am, much less have all the data that my ISP has about me. So selling it would be pretty useless

Oh last edit: turns out this is the guy who was trying to well ackshually us into thinking Chrome nerfing ad blockers is not a big deal.


Some of them don’t even log the data required to cooperate with requests. Mullvad is one.


I’m torn on this topic because on the one hand there’s enough evidence for the harm it does, but one thing these finger wagging experts seem to ignore is that if you keep kids isolated from the tools then you’re leaving them behind.

I was probably an Internet addict as a kid with dial up and a CRT monitor, but I don’t regret it given how well it prepared me for the tech-dominated present.


Seems really ridiculous to me that they can write an article like this and still use terms like “deathbed,” “barbones console,” etc.

If anything this shows that hardware matters less and less. The game itself is king and Nintendo is really good at it. Beefier hardware has diminishing returns and people who write articles like this seem to have cut their teeth on the big leaps: 8 to 16 to 64 bit and don’t realize that doesn’t really matter anymore.


Why does this constitute trolling, though? That means they actually did invent and produce the tech for that whole period, doesn’t it? I could understand filling a provisional patent and then only pulling the trigger on the whole shebang when you actually have to protect it.


Patent trolling is buying up patents from their actual inventors for the purpose of suing and extorting money from companies that actually make use of the tech, while not actually doing anything productive with them.

Two facts here: 1) they invented the tech, and 2) they used the invention to legitimately produce items for sale.

Trolling is not a fit for this.


If it’s a third person game, I’d rather be looking at her ass throughout the playthrough than his.



Maybe some examples would be in order.

Counterexamples might include Firefox, Blender, and Lemmy.


While that’s true I think this meme is far from a fair characterization of that arrangement, given how Mozilla differs so starkly from Google on the direction of the open web. Case in point, their refusal to deprecate manifest v2 for browser extensions.


I sort of agree. These things appeared overnight in a bunch of cities. It’s not surprising to me that we didn’t and don’t have cultural best practices around them.

There are always going to be inconsiderate people, like those who don’t pick up after their dogs or don’t follow traffic laws. We don’t respond by getting rid of dogs and cars.

Bird, Lime, and others should have invested in acclimating the culture to the presence of the scooters, helping ensure people weren’t going to react like the top level poster (“I hate these things, get rid of em.”)

I personally used them when they were first out and I happened to be visiting LA. They were useful, convenient, fun, and affordable. And most of all, low-impact compared to the alternative.

It’s a loss to not have something like them as a transportation option. But considering the carelessness of the approach, I suppose it wasn’t long for this world. Typical silicon valley pirate stuff; “disrupt” the culture on VC dime, try to push expenses onto someone else, and try to cash out ASAP. I like them; just wish they had been done better.


I’ve only played the first three you mentioned, but I would say they’re all far from minimal focus on combat…

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