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excitingburp, to politics in Trump’s PAC Burned $230,000 a Day on Legal Bills in February

You know, in hindsight, you’d have to be an idiot to turn down being Trump’s lawyer. Absolutely tons of money, and you’ll have no moral worries when you decide to intentionally throw the case.

excitingburp, to linux in Planning on moving over from Windows 10 to Linux for my Personal Work Station. Can't decide which OS I should switch to.

Do not use Manjaro. It is a known trap. What you can do is install pamac, which is what Manjaro uses for GUI package management. It’s been a hot minute since I’ve used Arch, so here’s a tutorial:

Alternatively you could look at Garuda, which is a solid Arch distro. You’ll either love or hate the theme, but that’s easy to change. It also comes with an interactive kernel by default (most distros use a regular kernel build, which works better for servers).

Whatever you do, please please please not Ubuntu. It’s the lowest common denominator. Emphasis on “lowest”. It was good in the past, but Canonical have really lost the plot.

excitingburp, to world in ‘We stand here as Jewish men who refute the Holocaust being hijacked’: Jonathan Glazer calls for end to Gaza attacks at Oscars

At some point when people ask about the Holocaust, we’re going to have to start asking “which one?”

excitingburp, to lemmyshitpost in literally me

I don’t consider The Prestige to be one of his better works. I like to be left thinking. The Prestige has closure and explanations built in. It’s like the age-old books vs. movies argument: people nearly always say the books are better because books offer the reader agency. It’s not merely because they enjoy looking down their noses at us movie goer mortals - they enjoyed the books more because their preferred interpretation of the words were layered above the literal text.

I didn’t suffer through Tenet, I was completely immersed - which almost never happens for me. I needed absolutely none of the muffled dialogue to figure out what was going on - and I didn’t watch it in a cinema.

And if you hated it and suffered through it, that’s fine too. I don’t get why you have a problem with other people enjoying it.

excitingburp, to linux in Help needed: State of graphics stack on linux for Gaming (OPTIMUS laptop)

I have read on more than one occasion that Wine is becoming the “Linux Gaming ABI.” It’s no longer just about Windows. With the huge variety presented by distros, Wine is simply a nice stable target that never moves.

excitingburp, to lemmyshitpost in literally me

Just like modern plots, modern audio editing spoonfeeds the audience: We need to be told each and every detail about the security system in order to understand that it’s extreme, even though those details wouldn’t add to the plot in any way (as I recall, the last thing you can hear is the risk of suffocation - which is the last aspect of the security system that was relevant later on).

Next thing you know, audiences will start complaining that depth of field/camera blur is obscuring in unimportant details in the background.

excitingburp, to lemmyshitpost in literally me

You didn’t understand my ridiculous plot?

Why is it such a sin to cater to a different audience to you? If you don’t enjoy his movies then don’t watch them. He’s one of a handful of screenwriters who does complex stuff, there’s an absolute deluge of lighter stuff for the rest of you.

What would you say to a person who continues to eat fish, even though they hate it and spit it out each time? “Stop eating fish, that’s your fault.”

excitingburp, to linux in Help needed: State of graphics stack on linux for Gaming (OPTIMUS laptop)

Try forcing it to use Proton (game properties in Steam).

excitingburp, to lemmyshitpost in Please Stop

I’m Bitcoin there is a built-in reward to keep things moving forward even if there are no transactions. Different coins do different things.

excitingburp, to lemmyshitpost in Please Stop

The cryptography has much simpler algebraic analogues - what we are looking for is a “one-way function”. This means a mathematical symbol that only works on the left side of the equals. The simplest one is the remainder of a division. For example if I told you that I had a remainder of 5 after dividing by 20, you wouldn’t know if the original numerator was 25, 45, 65, 85, and so on. This operator is called mod (modulus). Even if you don’t know what value I started with, It’s not hard to guess what possible numerators could be with modulus. That’s where the cryptography comes into play: a cryptographic hash is designed so that it’s practically impossible to guess the original numerator. We’ll stick with the modulus for explanatory purposes, but imagine that you can’t list off possible numerators like I did.

Now we can invent a puzzle for a computer to solve. We’ll start off with the same values as before, but - again - we are disallowing easy guesses. This forces us to check 1 mod 20, 2 mod 20, 3 mod 20, 4 mod 20, 5 mod 20 and so on. Eventually we’ll hit 25 mod 20 giving us the solution to X mod 20 = 25. Now you can go back to the person that gave you the puzzle and prove that you’ve done 25 steps of work to arrive at a solution (or have made a lucky 1/25 guess). This is called “proof of work”. A cryptographic has consists of a certain number of bits, such as 256 bits - this means a series of 1’ s and 0’s 256 long. The puzzle presented to the computer is “find the numerator that results in the first 50 bits being zero” (the more bits are required to be zero, the longer it will take to find the answer). Because of the incredibly slim chance of guessing the correct numerator, it doesn’t really matter if the computer counts up (like we did with modulus) or guesses. So, in practice, everybody trying to find the solution starts at a random number and starts counting, or trying other random numbers, until someone wins the jackpot. It’s basically a lottery, but the correct numbers have to be discovered instead of being dropped out of a glass ball at the end of the week. Once a computer finds a solution, everybody else playing the game can check their numerator as [probabilistic] proof that they have done work.

Now we can use this lottery to create a blockchain. We start with 5 things: a globally agreed on solution we are looking for (789), an initial block (which is just a number - lets say 12345), Bob’s account #5 of $100, and Sally’s account #6 of $200, and a huge amount of players of the above game. Sally wants to transfer $20 to Bob, so she says to all the players: “I’m #6 and want to give #5 $20. There’s a $1 prize for finding a new block for me.” All the players make a new denominator, by placing the numbers next to eachother - so 12345 6 200 5 100 20 1 - or just 1234562005100201. All the players start trying to find the number that will result in 789. Eventually someone finds 1234562005100990 after a lot of work/guesses. Everybody checks their work 1234562005100990 mod 1234562005100201 = 789. The winning player receives their prize, and now everybody has a new block to start from: 1234562005100201 1234562005100990. Next time someone wants to send some money they will use 12345620051002011234562005100990 as the initial block instead of 12345. Hence, we have set up a chain starting with:

12345 -> 12345620051002011234562005100990 -> …

There’s your block…chain. Anybody can independently verify that the work has been done by checking the answers. It’s incredibly elegant but, as we’ve seen, incredibly destructive.

excitingburp, to privacy in Is it unnecessary to cover one's webcam on Linux?

All software has bugs, including Linux. Some bugs can lead to security escalation. Those bugs are called vulnerabilities. Like bugs, all software has vulnerabilities - including Linux.

Your webcam can be accessed by hackers on Linux, on Windows, on MacOS, on BSD, it doesn’t matter.

excitingburp, to lemmyshitpost in Does Palworld have 3000 planets!?!?!

Not at all. Skyrim was a groundbreaking game, for 2012, that occurred in a few small regions from several planets/planes. The praise ends there, though. If Skyrim came out as a new release in 2024, even with the remaster work and all the DLCs, I wouldn’t have nice words to say about it either. It has been more than a decade.

excitingburp, to lemmyshitpost in Does Palworld have 3000 planets!?!?!

Starfield is actually a great framework for a video game

It really isn’t, that’s 99% of the problem. It’s basically a mod for Skyrim with some additional tech.

excitingburp, to world in Scientists Are Freaking Out About Ocean Temperatures: “It’s like an omen of the future.”

I’m not sure. I’m worried that we’re already in the feedback loop.

excitingburp, to linux in OS Recommendations for 2014 MacBook Pro

MacOS is a BSD, so go with Linux if you want variety.

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