@fishos@lemmy.world avatar



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State Department official resigns after Biden administration says Israel not blocking Gaza aid (www.middleeasteye.net)

A career State Department official resigned from her post on Tuesday, saying she could no longer work for the Biden administration after it released a report concluding that Israel was not preventing the flow of aid to Gaza....

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

But remember, we’re still supposed to vote for Biden even though his own cabinet members have lost faith in him. Because otherwise we get Nazi Trump.

Remind me again, is this what a functional, healthy, democracy looks like? The institutions that form our “political parties” are rotten to the core. The ideals don’t need to die, but the corrupt groups who stifle actual change and progress need to.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

It basically only makes sense if corruption is involved. There’s no reasonable moral ground for enabling genocide.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

Mass protests. Civil disobedience. The kinda of things that ended slavery and helped raise women’s rights. The things we used to do instead of sitting down and just taking it. Look at the French: they stage months/years long protests. Now check their labor laws and compare it to the US. Where would you rather work?

It’s not going to end until people accept that this change won’t be easy and won’t happen taking the easy way. It’s going to be a shit ton of uphill battles. But that’s the only way to take power back from the oppressors: you demand it.

You think Biden could keep his course of actions up if a large percentage of citizens were out on the streets protesting? I’m asking you to hold your elected representatives accountable. And if they arent doing as they should, you should damn well make it known. Not go “well, he’s not gonna do what I want, but he’s not a Nazi”. DONT ROLL OVER AND TAKE IT.

Do you realize how much you can slow the government down just by calling your representatives? Even if you don’t talk to them, every secretary and assistant taking calls instead of doing other things slows them down. Keep calling. Don’t stop. Send in letters. Show up to meetings whenever possible. Be visible and make your voice heard.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

I said this only makes sense if states lack morals(corrupt).

You say “well states aren’t moral”.

How are these different enough that you felt the need to downvote me? I’m literally agreeing with you.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

The people who claim that voting will solve our problems. You know, like all the Dems saying “well you have to vote!”. If we were in a functional healthy democracy, sure. In this current farce? Nah. That’s just feeding the slow deline of our nation. Will it possibly let Nazi Trump win? Sure. But we’re already in a corporate oligarchy anyways, we might as well throw the mask off and admit to it. Trump winning is the least of our problems when the Tree of Liberty is already diseased and rotting away.

We can either keep the current system on life support and keep the farce going for a few more elections/decades, or we can pull the plug and admit that the system as it is today has failed and needs to be reworked.

But go ahead, act like “voting for the lesser of two evils”(which has been a thing for decades now) really matters and is enacting any real change.

Remind me again how many of our basic rights keep getting swept away? And before you start the usual “well it’s the Republicans fault!” speil, consider if they would be able to do the same bullshit if the democratic party had any real teeth and didn’t just roll over conveniently every time. We have words for that: accomplices and enablers.

The system is rotten to the core and until we admit that, we aren’t going anywheres. It’s a prisoners dilemma and we’re all fighting for our self comfort instead of the greater good.

Hamas launches rocket attack towards Tel Aviv area (www.bbc.com)

Hamas says it has launched a rocket attack towards the Tel Aviv area in central Israel for the first time in nearly four months. At least eight rockets were launched from the Rafah area in southern Gaza and several were intercepted, the Israeli military says. No injuries have been reported.

fishos, (edited )
@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

“Hey! Stop that! Be genocided in peace! How dare you fight back!”

Look, if we’re gonna agree that Israel has been occupying Palestine for decades and abusing them for decades, at a certain point you need to admit that Hamas isn’t 100% at fault. Just like how the USs actions in the Middle East increased extremism and terrorism, so has Israel’s. You can’t keep murdering mothers and fathers and expect the children to grow up thinking that “peace as dictated by your oppressors” is the solution.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

How many rockets has Israel launched? Defending yourself with 8 rockets vs hundreds? Get real

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

Or you do nothing and get completely walked all over.

Because what’s your solution? Words aren’t doing shit.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

This is my exact response every time someone suggests federating wikipedia. This is exactly what you will get.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t believe you. Not at all. Is this true? Maybe. But I’m not clicking anymore of your links after the other bs April 1st post. Thanks for living up to your name I guess.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

Many users don’t log in. After the fall of the 3rd party apps, I only use the rdx webapp if I want to view reddit. I don’t log in with an account at all anymore. So all of my data looks like some anon browsing from the same VPN server as hundreds of other anons. Yes they can analyze all of that traffic and individualize it, but that takes work. I’m glad to make them expend more effort, even if they get the same data in the end. Every step that makes it less cost effective for them is better, even if not perfect.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

Which is why good vpns are hosted in countries with extremely high privacy laws. And some can even be bought and used without giving any personal info. And why most vpns are RAM only and literally can’t log any records.

But you knew this before you spouted off, right?

The Political Divide Between Men and Women Is Getting Wild. One Party Is Primed to Take Advantage. (slate.com)

It has long been the case that American women are generally more liberal than American men. But among young Americans, this gender gap has widened into an enormous rift: According to recent Gallup polling, there is a 30-point differencebetween the number of women age 18–30 who self-identify as liberal and the number of men in...

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

Which is why some men are becoming “anti-feminist”. It’s not that they’re anti-women, it’s that they are anti-“A movement that tells them they are the source of all problems and offers them no support”. Why support a cause that openly tells you you’re the bad guy just for what private parts you have while simultaneously shouting that private parts are irrelevant and shouldnt be part of the conversation.

But nah, guys are just hateful and terrible. Keep up the divide 👍

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

You said so well what I have felt and expressed for so long. It’s really heartbreaking to feel like you’re a “lesser ally”. Thank you for taking the time to write this.

Google Allows Creditors to Brick Your Phone (lemmy.world)

I installed NetGuard about a month ago and blocked all internet to apps, unless they’re on a whitelist. No notifications from this particular system app (that can’t be disabled) until recently when it started making internet connection requests to google servers. Does anyone know when this became a thing?...

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

Checked my pixel 6 and it’s on mine. Might not be in the store for everyone, but it’s installed on my owned device.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, when you say stuff like this, it shows how woefully unprepared you are for the realities of this. You can’t scale, can’t self host for long, don’t see a way to pay for this… When I can already pay Kagi for a fully working, excellent service, why would I choose you? This is guaranteed to crash and burn the moment your ISP tells you you can’t run a commercial grade server through your residential connection. They’ll either cap your bandwidth to unusable levels or disconnect you entirely. If you’re lucky you’ll have 1 or 2 other options to choose from, whom will blacklist you shortly after. Then, after you’re burnt through all the “easy” ways to host, all you’ll be left with is professional grade services that you admit you can’t afford.

Also, you make zero mention of user privacy. So what happens when you get your first subpoena? Or before that, why should I trust you with my data in general? What policies do you have in place to ensure my legal rights are protected? Do you even know what the legal rights are per state/country and how the location of where someone connects from impacts you? How are you gonna handle visitors from the EU with GDPR?

Nifty idea, but way too much “I’m gonna single handedly reinvent the wheel” vibes.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

My boss just told us all how this will “remove our lunch and break times and take away all holidays” trying to scare us. Leeches, all of them.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

So you won’t be able to steal as much of the value Joe creates from him and instead have to pay him a fairer share? Oh darn. You mean you won’t be able to live in luxury while others do the work for you?

Fuck off lmao

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

While I 100% agree with your interpretation in this case, I’m sure we can agree that “mentally ill person setting themselves on fire because the voices in their head told them too” is a plausible scenario. Self-immolation itself can absolutely be mental illness.

This was not mental illness.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

Welp, guess I’m gonna go pirate those too. Fuck you WB. Add it to my collection with Final Space.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

Honestly, stfu. “Nows not the time to change it” has been an excuse for far too many elections now. If we don’t start changing it now we never will. Pacifism and apathy is just as bad. It will never be a great time for change because by it’s very nature, change is hard. If it were easy, we’d be doing it already.

The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago. The next best time is today.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

It’s really cool that after being told by a bunch of different people that the joke has been beaten to death, those of you with zero creativity have continued the trend, making it really easy to block those with only one brain cell.

Thank you for your service.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

Bean posting was just a decades old rehash of a trend. It’s really not much better.

At least with Stroganoff, it had a funny origin(Google Opinion Survey asking if you want “important updates about Beef Stroganoff”).

Most of these are just “hrrr drrr this is dumb so let’s trend it”.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

I always love how it’s the people advocating for an unregulated shit show calling everyone else facists if we won’t let you destroy something that others enjoy.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

I’m so sick of this revisionist bs. Plenty of us were outraged then and warned of EXACTLY this. Y’all reaped what you sowed. Now micro transactions and paid early access are the norm. We screamed and yelled to “vote with your wallets”, and by god, you did. “It’s just a few bucks” is the most common one I hear. Well, now EVERYTHING is “just a few bucks”.

You won.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

I mean, as it stands now, there’s no gameplay other than “build up base”, “collect all monsters” and “level up”. End game is non-existent. It needs something more or it absolutely will die. There’s been a million open world survival games that have come and gone for the same reason. This very well could just be a flash in the pan, largely held up by hype more than anything.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

OMG, stfu. No one is talking about “you’re still alive as long as someone remembers your name” type bullshit. We mean an active and engaged player base. That’s what a games “death” refers to. You are being incredibly obtuse.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

Because it should have NEVER BEEN a pop in the first place. It didn’t go anywhere because OP correctly points out, it was done long before. The fact that it went anywhere in the first place is just a testament to humanities mob mentality. We are very easily swayed.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

Check Steam. It lists minimum system requirements on each games store page at the bottom.

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

I always like when the recommended maximum requirements are clearly some devs high end rendering box with 256 GB of RAM and 4 Video Cards.

[SOLVED] Need help getting my dad to play Baldur's Gate 3

Edit: Looks like the GOG version is available for OS X, so I’m hoping that’ll work. I guess I was just a little tipsy when looking at the GOG page since it’s the holidays and missed it. Also, I didn’t think about Steam gift cards/PayPal. That’s another way of getting games on Steam without giving payment info. Thanks...

@fishos@lemmy.world avatar

I mean, if credit card is the issue, you can buy steam gift cards with cash at most game/electronics stores. I know this will depend on your region, but he can absolutely have a steam account with no card attached. I sometimes delete my debit card info by accident trying to use a different card and have to readd the card entirely. There’s been plenty of times my steam account has had no payment method.

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