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To those of you with nothing to hide: One day you might have. Because you don’t make the rules. (

The most common argument used in defense of mass surveillance is ‘If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear’. Try saying that to women in the US states where abortion has suddenly become illegal. Say it to investigative journalists in authoritarian countries. Saying ‘I have nothing to hide’ means you stop...


You’re right, nobody can ever know even remotely everything.

Luckily, the same device you used to post that comment can also be used to check if what you are about to say is actually true, so you can prevent yourself from spreading misinformation like this in the future.


As a communist neo-liberal myself, I think all women in video games and real life should look like straight dogshit.


The only one I can think of is that Source might still have some id code in it from the goldsrc days, but that was before it was open sourced.


I’m playing through Turbo Overkill right now which has the high-poly model and smooth animations but gritty low-res texture thing going on, and I like it. I’d take stylized textures that are visually interesting over boring photorealistic textures in most cases.

Nightdive’s System Shock remake is probably my favorite example of that same aesthetic.


The one time I tried playing it the average age of everyone else seemed to be around 10-12, so you might be on to something there.

Campaigns Can Now See What You Watch on TV. (

Televisions that can stream platforms like Hulu or Max usually come loaded with technology that collects information on what viewers are watching, and buyers consent to have their viewing tracked when they open their new TV and click through terms of service agreements. Sometimes, data firms can connect those viewing habits to a...


I’ve never heard of this happening before. What does the TV do?


How does Hi-Rez even still exist when they have never made a single decent game?

I remember when they tried releasing Global Agenda with a monthly paid subscription. It was shit and no one played it so they switched to no subscription within a year (here’s when I got suckered into buying it), but it was still shit and no one played it so it went free to play within another year.

How do you exist as a company for this long with that as your foundation?


If you don’t think Valve is banning anyone from their games then I invite you to take a trip to the VAC steam forums and see all the posts from people proclaiming their innocence and complaining about their ban. Always a good time.


Are you under the impression Microsoft was being paid to find that exploit or something? How is that at all related?

That truly was an independent third-party finding an exploit, and do you know why it was possible? Because the code was open source.

Great point.


If you could play through all of Doom II using only the super shotgun without constantly running out of ammo you were playing on easy.


To me it feels like they’re leaning into more of a Quake 1 aesthetic, which I really like.

Funnily enough I never really liked that the quake sequels doubled down on the sci-fi so hard.


I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to have a self hostable authy alternative with mobile and desktop apps plus a web portal.

Why not just use one of the password managers that also support this? Vaultwarden also has all that.


Sure, but if you’re already going to have your 2FA codes available from anywhere you could possibly want them like that then you’re already sacrificing security for convenience.

I’ll still take my chances with my LAN/VPN-only accessible Vaultwarden instance that manages both passwords and TOTP over anything internet-accessible that handles just one, but to each their own.


if you want to build a copy of my car be my guest


How do you know the terms of Larian’s licensing contract with Wizards of the Coast? I’d be extremely surprised if they haven’t retained the right to have final say over anything Larian does with it.


That doesn’t mean Larian has authorization from Wizards of the Coast to release modding tools allowing for custom content to be created easily.


Without scripting changes the “custom content” you will be able to add to the game is extremely limited. That is specifically limiting your ability to create something like a custom quest line, which was the topic of this comment thread.

If you think licensed games are created with no oversight from the IP owner, especially when it comes to something that would potentially compete with another product they are trying to sell, you are extremely naive.


You skipped the part where it specifically says you’ll be able to create script mods with their modding tools

Yeah I must have, can you please show me where it says that?

gaylord_fartmaster, is not their modding tools. You are conflating the two. The modding tools will allow you to create the mods, is for packaging, sharing, and loading mods. The only references to actually making scripting changes on the pages are talking about the Script Extender, which is an open source community made tool and NOT part of their mod tools.

There is nowhere on that page that “specifically says you’ll be able to create script mods with their modding tools”. If anything it says the opposite.

New Details on Valve's New Game 'Deadlock' - Insider Gaming (

As already leaked, the game is a 6v6 third-person hero-based shooter. Heroes include magicians, robots, creatures, humans, and more. There are currently 19 different heroes, each with different abilities and playstyles that you’d come to expect from a MOBA including ranged, healers, tanks, assassins, etc....

gaylord_fartmaster, (edited )

I keep seeing everyone comparing this to overwatch, how is this like overwatch at all? Just because you pick a character and they have unique abilities?

I’ve been playing dota for over a decade and couldn’t get into any other moba I’ve ever tried, but I think this sounds like it could be fun and I’d give it a chance at least.

Edit: I take that back, I’ve played exactly one other game I’d classify as a moba extensively, and it was Monday Night Combat, which was really similar to this concept. Super Monday Night Combat killed it and sucked though.


I loved that game. If Valve wants to take a crack at making Super Monday Night Combat but done well I’m here for it, and I think they could pull it off.


I’m not an expert on this by any means, but I think the issue is they would have to work out how to encode the audio for surround themselves, and then it would be up to all of the different AV receivers out there to decode it properly. Using Dolby just standardizes it to where if your receiver supports that format you know it’ll decode it properly.


Still a great example on why not to preorder, the game needed years of more work to be in an acceptable state. Why waste your time and money when you could just hold off until the game is actually finished, or at least until you can confirm it’s actually worth the investment based on its quality to you.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt like this. I kept thinking maybe I just wasn’t giving it a fair chance but I loved KF1 and was immediately put off by KF2.

I felt the same way about Red Orchestra 2 to a much lesser extent. I was super hyped about Tripwire overall at the time and thought it was awesome a mod team was getting funding to make the full-scale games they wanted, and they basically just immediately lost all momentum after that.

gaylord_fartmaster, (edited )

They do, and it’s awful. No access to your single player games when their servers go down.


I wouldn’t say it needs a really beefy PC. I built mine 5 years ago and it ran at 60fps at 1440p in Xenia without any major issues.


The lore and plot was ridiculous though. Way overdone, didn’t feel like doom.

As opposed to a screen dissolve followed by a wall of text? I thought it was fine.

I didn’t finish the DLC if it started going off the rails there, though.


And if you find yourself needing a less simple but more powerful tool for this:


A judge would probably throw this out long before it went to a jury.

Microsoft says it needs games like Hi-Fi Rush the day after killing its studio (

Today, one day after Microsoft announced that it would shut down four of its games studios, Matt Booty, head of Xbox Game Studios, held a town hall to discuss the division’s future goals. “We need smaller games that give us prestige and awards,” Booty told employees, according to internal remarks shared with The Verge....


I wouldn’t be surprised if licensing a song to a video game pays more than the fractions of a cent per stream you get from the bump afterward, and exposure doesn’t pay your bills.


GTA is one of the few games where the value of exposure might actually be worth it during negotiations though. That’s getting up to doing the super bowl half time show for free levels of publicity.


He’s not saying Doom was the first FPS, he’s saying the term “First Person Shooter” didn’t exist yet to describe the few games it would apply to at the time.


Even earlier than that, it was brought over from Fallout 3.


It was, devs just realized they don’t have to break the content up into episodes or actually complete the first part they release, and can call it early access instead.


What you’re describing is the whole point of flatpaks. Just don’t use flatpaks then.

A Bash script to rip music off CUE/BIN files (

I thought I’d take the opportunity to share a Bash script I made to automate ripping music off CUE/BIN files. It splits BINs into separate files, so it’s 1 file per track, and strips pregap data, encodes audio tracks to FLAC or Ogg Vorbis, and it also generates new CUE sheets....


I’m sure the artists behind the music for the 20+ year old games this could be used for are really feeling the pain of their creative rights being abused from people trying to still enjoy their art after all this time, you wet blanket.


Sony Says Crash Bandicoot Art Referencing Racist Language Was Unintentional, Will be Patched Out

This seems kind of silly.


I started using fooyin recently, and it’s good enough to have replaced running foobar2000 in WINE for me.


Different strokes. If I preferred using software that was just good enough out of the box over something I can customize to my exact liking then I probably wouldn’t be using Linux in the first place, or at least not the way I do in general.

Beyond that, having it be customizable means other people can change it to their liking and share that configuration, and maybe I’d experiment with it and find something I didn’t even know I wanted.

gmr_leon, to games avatar

What kinds of games might you recommend with deep worldbuilding and interaction that aren't RPGs?

I like worldbuilding and stories, and I like when they're mixed with the interactivity of games, so RPGs seem like they should be a natural fit. Problem is, I dislike the stat-heavy, grindy progression of many RPGs.

I enjoy point & click adventures and visual novels but they're often more limited in their interactions. What kinds of game might I be missing combining the two?



Hypnospace Outlaw kind of seems like exactly what you’re looking for to me.

I love that game so much.


Great advice, just want to add that Bitwarden will do TOTP for free if you self-host Vaultwarden.


Maybe I am in the wrong here, but from the Arkenfox page, I’ve read that having way too many extension is bad - there’s an unbelievable amount of these plugins.

By plugins, do you mean browser extensions, or something else? Librewolf just automatically downloads and installs uBlock Origin from the Mozilla add-on store the first time you run it, so there isn’t really a difference between that and using Firefox + Arkenfox and just manually installing uBO.


The best music player on Linux is still foobar2000 in WINE, so I will definitely be trying this out.


I mean, the acquisition did change VR from being a pretty open standard to being a walled garden where Facebook is paying devs to make their games not work with any other headset. I think without exclusivity there would be more interest in PCVR as a whole.

gaylord_fartmaster, (edited )

I had the second version of the G15, and I loved that keyboard.

I use a G910 now, so basically just trading the screen for mechanical switches.

Edit: I finally got around to watching the video, and damn, that mention of checking ventrilo on the screen brought me back. That really was the best feature back then when I only had a single monitor.


You don’t honestly believe that, right? Like you’re aware that the Steam hardware survey only includes Steam users that have it installed and choose to participate in the survey? There are way more computers and servers running Ubuntu than there are steam decks.


Your position is based on a flawed understanding of one statistic. If Canonical released a hardware survey for snap, and it showed that 99% of the machines using snap were running Ubuntu, would that mean 99% of all Linux machines are running Ubuntu? No, it would mean that snap users are more likely to use Ubuntu while steam users are more likely to use SteamOS. You are seeing a very small piece of the overall picture and are making wild extrapolations from it.

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