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Or like Alex Jones.

“No no! I’m really broke. I owe mommy and daddy a bunch of money that didn’t hit the books until the shit was hitting the fan. That company should get any money owed first.”

“LOL get fucked son!” - the court.


It’s like that internet law. The quickest way to the correct answer is to confidently assert an incorrect answer. Maybe the quickest way to getting noticed is whatever will entice the masses to “correct” your actions?


You’ve got it all wrong. Since it was a black church and all the attendees were white, she was just applying the 5/3 conversion rate clearly established in law.


I’d bet a large sum of money at least one dunce makes that claim.


Do you want another release of skyrim? Because that’s how you get another release of skyrim!


I’ve wanted to try VR. Any recommendations?


Context isn’t what they care about. It’s media format. They know their base consumes mostly video/audio. Reading is not their strong suit. The same reason you might keep the runt of the litter on soft food while those with normal development can move on to solid food.


Fuck that’s bad. Though I’m not playing starfield I’m certainly paying attention to shit like this. Before 76 I would have been a fully committed fanboy pre-ordering most, if not all, Bethesda games. Between 76 and other shenanigans they had dropped sharply out of favor. I wasn’t going to buy a game brand new until reviews came out (hence why I still haven’t played starfield). They gained some favor back with the TV series as it seemed well done for just my kind of interest level. Now they’re losing it again.


There was a rally not long ago where there was an issue with the podium. Some headline made it sound like he was unstable and shaking and had to hold on to the podium for stability. In reality the podium was wobbly and he quipped something like “oh no, it’s leaning to the left”. It was legitimately funny and a prime example of what his base finds charming. Yet still some clickbait headline tried to spin it in a bad way. Fucking infuriating.


So the EU vote includes offer countries then right? So like, “I’m not as popular among the other countries, do you still want me around France?”


Already have an idiot posting “can you say mistrial?” from this.


That asshole is really gonna make me get nebula isn’t he. How much does it cost? Do you think it’s worth it?


As long as that hooker keeps his skirt down.


He probably just thought it was night time and so the sun was no longer shining. Very simple explanation befitting the GOP.


I had read something similar. But then I’m also pretty sure I read she’s been a nuisance to that part of her family and the ashes thing might not be true.

I dunno what to think. So I’m reserving judgement for now.


Are you sure? I know someone on Facebook that seems to think YouTube videos are irrefutable evidence of pretty much whatever they claim.


Except that’s terrorists doing terrorist things. If instead they were filing thousands of formal complaints against judge Merchan, that would be different.


And so what if Cletus has a hundred guns. He’s only got 2 hands and early onset diabetes. I like my chances.


Well yeah. One’s behind closed doors. The other is out in the open with letters.


Are you the fucking moron I argue with on my Facebook? Cause that’s exactly what he does.

meco03211, (edited )

Every single source is unreliable and biased.

See mine’s different. He doesn’t claim my sources are unreliable or biased. In fact half the time I just use his very own sources. The problem is I’m digging into the actual data from the study. He doesn’t get past the impotent rage inducing clickbait headlines. So he’ll take someone dying shortly after getting the vaccine as incontrovertible proof the vaccine is bad without understanding how often (and more frequent) it hairball happens in the unvaccinated. “ArE tHe NuMbErS wRoNg!!!” … well no. Your idiotic interpretation is wrong and you don’t even comprehend why.


I still like to pepper in “guilty” every once in a while. Sometimes a little Trumpette will bite and try to correct it to “liable”. I then confirm that they knowingly support someone liable for sexual assault and defend the distinction as if it makes it better.


I’m betting they find him guilty of enough items that would lock any of us up for the rest of our lives. I’d also bet he will not spend any time in jail.


I don’t give a shit what the heel spur draft dodger has to say about “fallen heroes”

Good news. His Memorial Day message doesn’t mention them at all. I wonder what he thinks this day is for.


Oh they’ll make an example of her. I’m sure the GOP want all the newcomers to know just what happens if you don’t toe the line.


“Hey mindless zombie valued customer. We noticed you thought about putting your phone down. Here’s an article to stroke your ego. Resistance is futile Thanks!”


Are they going to wait for the appeals to be heard before saying anything?

Oh heavens! That just wouldn’t be proper. In keeping with decorum they must wait an appropriate amount of time out of respect. Surely the American people will understand who is truly the more ethical choice.


I forget what award show it was but I’m pretty sure Tina Fey and Amy Pohler brought her up and listed a lengthy resumé of all her accomplishments. Then transitioned to “And tonight we’re here to give her husband a lifetime achievement award.”


Dual airbags are for cars, not congress.


Can’t be sued/charged if they can’t serve you papers.

Taps temple


I also wouldn’t be surprised if trump was one of the few people in the world that could push a religious person like Jimmy Carter to “forget” to include him on the invite list.


I’d churn my own butter at the sight of a woman’s bare ankle bone. Best to just punish women for that. It’s impossible to control my own urges.


Of course not. For that he’ll propose legislation mandating married couples produce kids.


Big “I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I?” energy. Brings me right back to grade school…


This reminds me of a joke.

Two guys are sitting in a bar watching the 6 o’clock news. There was a report of a suicidal person threatening to jump from a bridge. One guy turns to the other, “Bet you fifty bucks he jumps.” The other guy thinks for a second and says, “You’re on.” Lo and behold the person does end up jumping. The first guy turns to the second and says, “I’m real sorry. I can’t take your money. Truth is I saw this on the 5 o’clock news so I knew he was going to jump.” The second guy is having none of it, “No no. Fair is fair. I saw the same thing. I just didn’t think he’d do it again.”

I feel like a bunch of Trumpettes are the second guy. They are watching with rapt attention thinking Trump surely wouldn’t fail as hard the second time.


It’s hard to imagine a bank stupid enough to loan him anything against his stake in that company.


Yeah. Bezos could die and there would still be plenty of value in Amazon. A little wacky shit over the election or, gods willing, a stroke or heart attack that leaves him mostly crippled and Truth Social will die in a quick fucking hurry.


And in come the farmers to game the system which doesn’t generate revenue for the advertisers but tiktok would still rake in the impressions.


About the only new information this is likely to reveal is if he humped his cousin on video or maybe had a picture of himself in lingerie. Then he’ll get primaried.


When my dog is acting up I tell him he’s adopted. Sometimes it backfires though cause he just looks happy at the fact.


I don’t care for Gob these constituents.


If “publishing in the media” is indeed “communicating”

Which it would not be otherwise all the right wing propaganda outlets that go even further would be facing serious charges that are trivial to prove.

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