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I think Dune is closer to game of thrones, especially the politics side, Leto II (let’s make him not worm like in this example) would have everyone under his thumb in Westeros, ruled over everyone


I would but it would make his character too overpowered, he would be bran with the all seeing eye and have superhuman strength speed like children of Dune and his burrowing, healing abilities in God emperor. He does have a great weakness with water, but even that would be trivial to him


Was the Catholic church not explicitly anti Jewish until after Vatican 2


I really hope this will be a lesson to other developers that signing up for Epic money to be an Epic exclusive means you exclude a huge chunk of the PC market.


Love my PS VR with my PS4, but I am not buying a ps5 anytime soon, but if I can have the psvr2 on pc it might be an impulse buy from me


Can they release it on steam? Unfortunately this might be where epic sticks to its guns and won’t release it on steam, since if they did why would I ever get it on epic, I will just wait a few years. One way they could have gone is have it maybe at twice the price than what it will be on Epic. But this is like the streaming wars, first Netflix gave us what we wanted, everything in one place, and now that has led to a lot of great shows and movies being unknown due to the fragmentation of the platforms. Steam was ahead of its time, has a massive following and if it doesn’t get greedy will hopefully stay the place most relevant PC gaming platform


Can I state that this is in my opinion the best move to make. AMD can go and throw a crap tonnes of money for the title of slightly faster or almost as fast as Nvidia’s 5090 TI Super, where both cards will retail $2000 and very few will buy them, or it makes a bang for buck, focusing on the $200-$500 market where most are waiting for basically a generational leap in performance to make the commitment to upgrade. The RX range like the 480-580 from AMD used to be the plan and even Intel has seen a gap in the market there.


Yeah that is true during Apartheid, and of course there would be spill over. But the new government after the Apartheid regime under the leadership of Jacob Zuma started embracing the system, creating their own elites known as tenderpreneurs. The ANC, and promoted by Mandela,have also promoted cadre deployment where rather friends of the ANC get government positions instead of the best and most qualified person, so also a form of discrimination. But 30 years of ANC rule we might see the first coalition government. I am not sure how it will turn out but it will be interesting


Exactly, stop the runaway inflation. Small inflation is good, stops the hoarding of capital, but runaway inflation just destroys capital. Usually an independent central bank aims for 3-6% inflation to bring stability to a country, and stability leads to prosperity


I think a lot of people forget how before the war, but after the 2014 annexure, Ukraine begged to be able to buy western weapons, such as the javelin, because one random guy can take out a whole tank (great force multipliers against the russian bear). Great deterrent. But they were not approved because they fought giving arms for Ukraine would provoke and not deter, and that dialog and greater economic integration with Russia would be the solution.

So the west miscalculated, luckily Russia as well and Kiev did not fall, but now Ukraine is in a war, and unlike previously where they could have put resources into acquiring western weapons, they now have to input their resources into fighting and defending their country.

The EU and America have stepped up initially, like 90% of the pledges went straight back into the American economy, since the give Ukraine their old stock and manufacture replacement stock for themselves. EU is close to matching USAs total contributions and if you look at France and their economy’s size they are percentage wise out spending the US in contributions.

The nice thing here is most support money gets spend in their own country, stimulating their economy, Ukraine is putting their own citizens and soldiers life on the line and it will weaken a common Nato foe. But not supporting Ukraine will emboldened Russia and now that most of their military ineptitude and corruption has been exposed and is being improved, Russia might calculate further expansion, since that is their modus operandi.


Exactly, but hindsight is 20/20. What I wanted to show was that a lack of support for Ukraine was then a win for Russia. But even more so now, that a lack of full continuous support for Ukraine today is just another win for Russia.


Your right, I don’t think anyone actively cares about Soviet eastern Germany anymore


Depends on how many people government employed. If they have multiple people in the same positions, or in useless positions then a new government can greatly reduce public spending and free up a lot of funds.

I know my country is not Argentina, but I am from South Africa, where it is the current and ruling (for the last 30 years) government’s policy to employ people closely aligned with them, or as they like to call it cadre deployment. So many people in government are just friends here with salaries way more than the private sector, where the government employs about 2% of the population but 30% of the current budget for the whole country is allocated towards their salaries.

Don’t get me wrong, pulic sector workers do a great deal in ensuring a functional society. But what happens when a government turns this idea into a grafting scheme to enrich their friends.

Now I do not speak for Argentina, but if their previous government did the same I am with there new effort in reducing public sector wages to lower the tax burden and free up money to rather help a larger part of society than a few


Agreed, but similar to how businesses retrench and let good with bad people go they do make mistakes, but hopefully they are not doing it blindly with a dart board and pictures, but rather through analysis in determining what fat they can cut and what part is muscle. I am right now as we speak in the middle of a company restructuring, where they are retrenching about 13% of employees. Won’t lie it is not nice going through it but also this is my third time going through it and on a personal note it is not fun but in a broad sense I understand why the company has to do it.


Pinky pie’s pink punch is great to party with friends and if you add polystyrene, it makes a hell of a Molotov cocktail to overthrow the government


Yeah waiting for Rick to de-curse these pills first


No, he is not a sadist, he would do it to screw with the original creator just to show he is better. He would though put his own mumbo jumbo for his own experiment, like remove the ability to be unable to sleep until you die from sleep exhaustion and make you a slave to his sleeping consciousness, or the ears and tail pill he would make you an anime extra backup dancer to his new single; “how to score puss in boob world”


How the hell would Jeff Bezos succeed in a Librarian system? He has had the US government given his business tax breaks, subsidies for its work force and duties on foreign companies to bar competition. No this is not a librarian society, he operates in a protectionist society where he has already beaten any competition inside the country and the US government wants to protect “American” companies against foreign ones. Let’s not lie, Amazon has brought a lot of conveniences, but it came at a cost and now it can buy any competition in the US before it can challenge it or lobby government before any foreign competition can become dominant. So continue to vote for presidents who vote to keep your job safe, makes it so much easier for them to exploit you


Who is this random chicken, where did plucky go. Also where did Clarke Kent go and oh my god, Superman is here as well


Gorilla any day. If the Black Mamba kills you, it is not a pleasant death, 7-15 hours. Gorilla will probably beat/bite me to death as fast as possible to minimise any risk to itself. The Mamba will also be much more unpredictable vs the Gorilla. But I wonder how this situation would be if it was over a week and not 24 hours


If there really is a good story that wasn’t told, which is possible in this time travel universe, then I am all for it. Like episode 5 of star wars, terminator 2 or even recent examples blade runner 2049, there was a story to expand on the previous, not imitate the original.

Unfortunately sequels and remakes are now cash cows to milk existing IP’s for easy cash with minimal risk, since they tap into the goodwill of the existing fanbase. It leads to dilution of the original because they don’t take risk with the pre-, se-, or whatever -quel, and it leads to an inferior experience for the fan.


I loved Talos principal, can’t believe after all these years we are getting a second one


Imagine a ±6GHz CPU with 3D cache. Now we just have to wait for LTT to fuckup the graphs

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