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THAC0 is just subtraction instead of addition. I'll never understand the hate it got.
I have no problem with ascending armor classes and attack bonus. The math is the same. It's easy and intuitive. But if you're having issues subtracting whole numbers less than 20, you've got a problem bigger than the wrong game system.


Unless theyre scrapping 2077s engine and starting over completely in a different engine for Cyberpunk 2.

They previously (last year or so) said this was their plan.


"People are entitled taint-lickers because they don't like something that I like"

You sound like a lot of fun to be around.


Will the mountains be as boring as NMS?


I suffered through the awkward feeling of telling Gale off

This happens in real life too, though.

And the dialog gives you the options to turn him down, just like in real like you'd have a "dialog option" to turn down a gay person who hits on you. And in real life, it's awkward just like it is in game.

All sorts of uncomfortable things happen in the game. Friends die. Children get murdered. Girls get kidnapped and used as baby incubators. Gnomes are forced into slavery. A hobgoblin fucks a ogre in a barn. As much as people don't want to experience those things in real life, you don't see mods deleting them. Yet people can't seem to figure out that making a special case for the gayness is quite actually gay erasure. They're fine with countless uncomfortable things, buy a bisexual character giving them eyes is too icky to handle??

People need to grow up and stop making excuses for homophobia that they wouldn't make for anything else.


Because it actually is 100% homophobia, even when it's unintentional. A bit of introspection as to why it bothers people or why they defend it with "I can see why some people..." would do wonders to highlight peoples' subconscious prejudices.


The other commenter has it 100% right. You had to reject the female companion too, but you only complained about the male one. It wasn't a problem when you had to reject a girl coming after you, but when you had to reject a guy coming after you, you wished for some game mechanism to disable that kind of interaction. So yes, it's a form of subconscious homophobia. Look, I'm not calling you a bigot or anything like that, but I am calling you out on having some subconscious prejudice. We all have it somewhere or another. The key is that when you're called out on it you should recognize it and correct it, rather than get defensive about it.


No, I understood what you said. The point I was making was that while many people are perfectly ok shrugging off women they don't want to partner with, they get all icky and upset when it comes to shrugging off a man they don't want to partner with.

Like in your post you specifically singled out Gale. Yet here you are kind of ret-conning that to "4 characters that hit on you." But when you commented your initial complaint it was just Gale. It was just the gay one.

That's what I'm talking about when I say subconscious prejudice/homophobia. I'm not putting you on the same level as the mod maker or some rabid homophobe who's out there trying to take rights away. But I am asking you to examine your reaction and consider if maybe there was something more to it then just "I don't wanna bang this person." Why specifically the sympathy for people who don't like Gale coming on to them vs people who don't want space-lizard-with-tits or daddy's princess coming on to them? That's all.

osarusan, (edited )

Does it not work on Linux?

Edit: Ok, it does not. I just tried it.


I loved the demo! This is one I am really looking forward to.


That Blizzard is selling their games on Steam at all speaks volumes about how poorly they are doing.

And at a 25% discount so soon after launch. It's crazy!

Impressions: Starfield’s sheer scale is already giving me vertigo (arstechnica.com)

There's a quote from Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. “Space is big,” he writes. “You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the drug store, but that's just peanuts to...


25,000 planets, but only 10 faces and 5 voices shared among all the inhabitants of the universe.


This is the weirdest take I've seen on Astarion...

He's not part vampire, he is a vampire. He is definitionally an evil, undead monster.

But also, he's not a rapist. He never rapes anyone in the game, and he never tries to rape anyone in the game. When he flirts with you, if you turn him down he backs down immediately and accepts that no means no. Hell, when he tries to bite you if you say no he backs down immediately and accepts that no means no too.

You're also given plenty of chances to kick him out of your party and to even attack him, precisely because he is an evil undead monster. For Astarion to hang around, you have to explicitly allow him to do so.

Call him a monster, call him evil, but comparing him with a rapist is just so far out there and makes no sense at all.


https://historyforatheists.com/2016/12/the-great-myths-2-christmas-mithras-and-paganism/ This site has a great breakdown and take down of the most popular atheist "myths" about religion. Religious stories and arguments collapse on their own lack of merits; there's no need to make up bad history to try to debunk or discredit them. Movies like Zeitgeist are not helpful, and if anything end up poisoning the well by making objections to religion look weak and fallacious.


Ignoring anything you might say about the game itself (i.e. it's not a good game at all), the biggest reason people are shitting on it is because Overwatch 1 was a $60 game that they abruptly canceled and re-released as Overwatch 2 "free to play" without any changes to the it, locked the characters behind a paywall, and leaned as heavily into micro-transactions as any game ever. It was a massive bait-and-switch. They also promised that a complex story mode pve experience was the reason they had to make it OW2 rather than an expansion or whatever to OW1, but they ended up canceling that... so literally all they did was take a game they had charged people $60 to play and made it an f2p micro-transaction game. They royally fucked over the loyal player base, and cheapened the game by making it free. I've never seen a more blatant "fuck you" from a developer to its fans ever.

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