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IIRC mine (as an employee, not HR) verified some stuff on my CV (education details I think).


If you can get to work on city streets, there’s a good chance you can bike or take public transportation. Nothing evil about that!


I hope them publicly advocating for this backfires spectacularly.

“First they game for gay marriage, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t gay. Then they came for the abortions, and I didn’t speak up because I didn’t need an abortion. Then they came for divorce, and…fuck, that might be a real a pain in the ass. Maybe I won’t vote for these asshats.”

— some people, hopefully…


I live in a very high CoL area, and the fact that you meet people in your neighborhood who are socioeconomically different — in large part due to very strong tenant protections — is really neat.


Can you post the CPU info? I think it should be available from the BIOS.


We really need to see info from the BIOS — exact CPU model, RAM speed, etc.

As others have pointed out, this is a pretty anachronistic build — i586 with DDR1 is just weird, so it’s possible there’s some really niche hardware and you may need an exotic kernel (or kernel options) to get anything to boot.

That said: have you just tried running a standard live or install CD from that time period? You could try booting a 2001 Slackware installer to see what happens.


I always thought backwards-compatible FM stereo was pretty cute — transmit L+R channels as before, so they can be picked up and played without trouble with mono equipment, and transmit L-R separately. Just add or subtract to get the L or R channels.


Too lazy to look up everyone, but all votes against were from Democrats: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Senate


Probably because we don’t dead reckon off the position of the gas pedal, but rather, our mental shortcut is, “clutch is furthest left pedal.”

As others have said, brake on automatic tends to be a wide pedal. Pedals on a smaller car or sports car tend to be small and very close together for heel and toe and whatnot.


If it saves on waste, I say go for it — I hate removing those stupid stickers before throwing them in the compost.

Bananas take really well to laser engraving.


If it can replace the not-always-compostable stickers, I think it’s likely a good tradeoff.


I once laser engraved “help I’m a banana” on a banana.

Death to non-compostable produce stickers. If lasers are what it takes, I’m all for it (not sure if that’s really what’s going on here though).


I think a lot of produce uses some PVC material for labels.


Yeah I was googling around and as far as I could tell they must not be harmful if accidentally consumed, but I think can still be made of plastic (which is…weird), and don’t need to be compostable:



I could be wrong though, it’s kinda confusing as to the rules.

Linux on old School Machines?

Hi all, the private school I work at has a tonne of old windows 7/8 era desktops in a student library. The place really needs upgrades but they never seem to prioritise replacing these machines. Ive installed Linux on some older laptops of mine and was wondering if you all think it would be worth throwing a light Linux distro on...


I still use my i5-4670k machine. It has a SATA SSD, only 8GB RAM, but it is a completely zippy machine. Ancient (by today’s standards) 750Ti, but I only rarely use it for old games (Xonotic and Portal2) and it doesn’t break a sweat.

Debian, i3wm, so it ends up being lightweight but that’s my preferred setup regardless of specs.

qjkxbmwvz, (edited )

According to the screenshot, it doesn’t even call her a trans woman, it calls her a man. Presumably because man and woman are the only options on her little TERF world.


Have you heard the joke about the SEO manager who walks into a bar pub saloon watering hole place to meet friends great cocktails beer on tap?


The Chevy Suburban is about the same weight now as in 1973 (5837lbs then, 5785-5993lbs now, according to Wikipedia).

It was huge then, it’s huge now.

The BMWs pictured are not the same class of car either — one is a coupe/sedan, one’s an SUV, so of course they will be radically different.

Don’t get m wrong, I think modern cars are too big and, in the case of BMW, way uglier than they used to be.


Bigger does almost always mean more emissions/worse economy for a given technology. In this case someone else pointed out that the economy is about the same for both, which is due to the fact that technology has improved; if you put the engineering effort of the big car into the form factor of the little car, it’d be much more efficient.


Right — and I think that is a real issue that deserves real attention, and closing these bullshit carveouts for high GVWR vehicles should absolutely happen.

That said, I take some issue with ragebaity posts when less ragebaity posts (such as the article you linked) are more informative, offer fair comparisons, and ultimately are more critical of the problem.

Just my 2¢.


Disappointed that there was no “Rule 34” reference. I expected more from this community…


Don’t believe me? Just google “Trump Stormy Rule 34.”

PayPal Is Planning an Ad Business Using Data on Its Millions of Shoppers (www.wsj.com)

Wall Street Journal (paywalled) The digital payments company plans to build an ad sales business around the reams of data it generates from tracking the purchases as well as the broader spending behaviors of millions of consumers who use its services, which include the more socially-enabled Venmo app....


There’s a certain irony in bemoaning subscription news paywalls on an article about the alternative, unsavory monetization paradigm…

Me at age six, at Star Trek: The Experience (startrek.website)

Here is me at Star Trek: The Experience in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Hilton. This was 1997 (spring or summer). I got to go on The Klingon Encounter (which may have been the only ride-type attraction at the time). The line to enter was lined with status of Borg (First Contact had just come out the previous November)....


This is a memory that I hold dear with honor and glory.



I just tried that and got the same result. It’s from a site that just quotes a snippet of an Onion article 🤦


Another option is to remove it and symlink it to a static version of your choosing. I believe NM won’t replace a symlink. You can just remove the symlink when you’re done and it should go back to normal…I think.


So it’s a security camera pointing at your screen, but with AI involved.

Honestly though, this sounds like the kind of thing you could hack together with a shell script and OCR on a *NIX system in an afternoon. Cronjob to take screenshots and run them through OCR, keywords to a database. Add hooks to your window manager to take additional screenshots on relevant events (change desktop, application opens/new window on screen, etc.).

(Newbie question) Did i handle my system crashing correctly?

Ive just installed Linux (Fedora 40 KDE) on my main PC over the weekend, so im a complete newbie and i apologize if some of my questions are nonsensical 😅. Yesterday evening the system seemed to completely lock up at a certain point while playing Red Dead Redemption 2 for the first time (installed & run via steam using proton...


Only additional thing I would do would be to try to ssh into it to. Sounds like that wouldn’t have worked anyway. But if you can ssh into it while it’s in a degraded-but-not-completely-borked state you can poke around, troubleshoot, and of course cleanly reboot.


A perk of belonging to my city’s bike advocacy group is that you can rent this for no additional charge:

64″ aluminum truss-frame trailer; easily carry a 4×8 sheet of plywood, eight bags of groceries, or whatever else you can fit on it up to 300 lbs; holds 4 plastic tote boxes before stacking

Nosireebob, can’t haul stuff around with that… /s


I kinda prefer xargs to the -exec option — just feels more UNIXy to me (do one one job well).

But as another comment said, for grep I just use -r and –include. So clearly I’m not very consistent…


I got an Orange Pi 5+ for Immich (pi 4 [4GB] was struggling with the ML features enabled).

Immich is awesome!

Coming to terms with no longer having privacy and control over my technology

I miss the days of VHS and DVD shelfs in homes, for example. If you bought the tapes and had them in your home, no corporate entity could alter those tapes without your consent, monitor how many times you watch them, sell your data to whomever they please without your knowledge, roll out new mandatory conditions to a ‘user...


For the Spotlight issue, was this certainly a local change without consent, or was it a change in the way the query is processed on Apple’s servers?

There is functionally no difference but it’s a big philosphical difference.


One of the real downsides of ARM is, it seems, the relative lack of standardization. An x64 kernel? It’ll run on most anything from the last ten years at least. And as for boot process, it’s probably one of two options (and in many cases one computer can boot either legacy or EFI).

ARM, on the other hand…my raspberry pi collection does one thing, my Orange Pi does something else, and God help you if you want to try swapping the Orange kernel for the Raspberry (or vice versa)!


I think this is the real question.

Did they quit and join a competitor who offered a better WFH option? Or did they get a taste of the good parts of white collar pandemic life — no commute, flexible hours, work from anywhere — and decide that actually, their entire identity is not just their professional life, and maybe they should retire to see the world/spend time with family?

There are definitely some high profile rage quits over return to office, but I think there are a lot more of the “hey this was fun but time to take care of myself” quits.


No no no, they’re right, it won’t happen again.

…but something with a very similar outcome due to a very similar, but not identical, root cause…well, no guarantees I guess.


To be clear, most science/advanced education in the US is conducted in SI units.

Also, a year is about pi*10^7 seconds, which can be useful for back-of-the-envelopes.


Wikipedia page has some explanation.

There’s also this gem:

In October 2016, McDonald’s decided that Ronald McDonald would keep a lower profile as a result of the incidents.

That said, a 16 year old was killed in relation to these incidents, so not completely fun and games.


They explored this concept a little with Data in Starship Mine (TNG). But a recurring Vulcan character would be pretty great.


Was Jobs really a techbro? I usually think of techbros as being fairly political/libertarian (or some interpretation of libertarianism, at any rate), while Jobs was afaik pretty apolitical.


From article:

Paying people to develop features or fixing bug is fine, but when a huge number of contributors are paid by companies, this lead to poor decisions and conflicts of interest.

I think this depends on the structure of the project though. The Linux kernel has a huge number of corporate contributors, but it seems to be doing ok.

qjkxbmwvz, (edited )

I think these ones are particularly interesting because yeah it’s stupid, but not entirely baseless. Garlic has antibacterial properties, as well as (I think?) antiviral (!), antifungal, and antiprotozoal properties. So it is plausible, and it seems like the reason it doesn’t work is that it’s additionally an irritant, which ends up stimulating mucus production and inflammation, exacerbating the problem.


Some false premises in this thread — corporations are not required to maximize profits. Even if maximizing profit was mandatory, this is a pretty subjective topic — is short term profit while pissing off your customers “maximizing profit,” or is sacrificing short term gains for long term customer loyalty “maximizing profit”? It’s not a rhetorical question, and I think you can find examples of both.

Corporations are also not all pursuing endless growth; in addition to “growth stocks” there are “dividend stocks.” Some companies aren’t aggressively pursuing growth, but are making profit, and the stock reflects this. It feels almost antiquated in the “to the moon” era, but these companies do exist.


In grad school I had an old (though not that old) HP networked (Ethernet) laser printer. It was awesome. Cheap toner, worked flawlessly with Linux.

I totally get the hate that inkjets (and many modern printers) get, but there were some older printers that kinda just printed what you told them to print and that was it.


Before criticizing the GOP for this, let’s not forget the kind of degenerate that Salk was: not only did he not seek profit for the polio vaccine, but he also worked on AIDS vaccine research.

So I think the GOP should be lauded for their consistency here! Surely the work of someone who wanted healthcare for all (regardless of means) and who supported efforts towards a disease which was at the time synonymous with certain “lifestyle choices” cannot be trusted.

(Big fat /s, but I really hope that’s obvious.)


Maybe both? BSD for his server, Slackware for his desktop. Or something.

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