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If you’d ever slept with a Republican you’d join an anti-sex movement too

Nearly half of Haley voters in Ohio say they'd back Biden: Exit polls (

Two in 10 to as many as three in 10 Republican primary voters in Ohio continued to resist former President Donald Trump’s 2024 candidacy – and among those supporting Nikki Haley, nearly half in an ABC News exit poll of Ohio’s GOP primary said they’d back Joe Biden in November....


moderate conservatives gonna moderate conservative, I suppose


Is there anywhere where courts don’t approve of litigation? Where does one litigate other than the courts?

Republican Admits Impeachment Probe Hasn't Found Any Crime by Joe Biden

Representative Don Bacon, a Nebraska Republican, told NBC News’ Kristen Welker on Sunday that according to lawyers hired by Congress, “at this point, there’s not a specific crime that’s been committed” by President Joe Biden in the impeachment probe against him.


Clinton did actually lie under oath about the affair.

He didn’t, though. They asked if he had sex, he asked them what sex was, they told him, and he hadn’t had sex based on that definition. They purposely equivocated on their definition of sex so that they could accuse him of lying.


“It wasn’t sexual on my part because she only touched my penis with her mouth” is a stupid fucking argument.

then the people asking the question should have defined it such that oral sex counted. You don’t get to choose one meaning when you ask the question and then another meaning when you report the answer. Bill Clinton is a piece of shit but they asked if he put his penis in her vagina and he said “no” because he didn’t.


How does the latter not reasonably imply the former?

I’m not dumb and I write shit code all the time. Bad code only implies that the author is dumb if you assume only dumb people can make mistakes.


the supreme court is illegitimate and needs to be dissolved. any member of the court who took so much as a stick of gum from anyone who has any relationship to an entity that had business before the court needs to be disbarred and jailed. look how stupid they think you are.


bullying works. if it didn’t, bullies would do something else.

reverendsteveii, (edited )
  1. the US sees Israel as the only thing it can control in the middle east. it was always meant to be one of a few “pro-democracy beachheads” in the area, with the US attempting to make iraq work the same way in the 2000s. The idea was to put Israel in a position where they were powerful compared to their enemies but dependent on foreign aid, so that they could do whatever they want as long as they also did whatever we want. This is straight out of the British post-colonial hegemonic playbook - you don’t send people to take over, and instead you elevate one local group from second or third place to the top and then make sure they never develop enough power that they can remain on top without your help. If you do this successfully, you can control them completely because all you have to do to send them tumbling from power is nothing when they’re counting on your support.
  2. Up until now, the impact of helping Israel didn’t have to be all that massive because the impact of Israeli violence against Palestinians (edit: ON THE OPINION OF THE AVERAGE AMERICAN) wasn’t either. What you’re seeing is a replay of the US allowing anyone with a camera to report from Vietnam - the narrative used to be pretty tightly controlled but between Palestinian social media updates and Israel’s internal jingoistic propaganda being leaked to the western world it’s becoming harder and harder to sustain the whole ‘most moral army in the world engaged in a limited defensive operation that respects the right of all law-abiding people to live in peace’ narrative. We see them shooting at people gathered around aid trucks now. We hear them talking about “children of light vs children of darkness”, “every Palestinian is a terrorist because they all support Hamas” and seizing all of Palestine to build beachfront condos. Americans tend to like war in theory, but we have a strong sense of fair play and we’ll only stay on board up to a certain amount of video of unarmed people being mowed down by soldiers. This is why they’re simultaneously softening their position on Palestine and moving to seize the only major social media outlet that isn’t US-based (and therefore isn’t able to be pressured about ‘misinformation’ the way that FB, X, reddit, etc are). It’s a matter of appeasing us in order to stay in power now while moving behind the scenes to ensure that they control the narrative in future so that they’re never again put in a position where they’re beholden to the will of voters who think that foreign people are people.

you’re absolutely right. nothing good ever happens just because it’s good, and this is no different. brandon is currently trying to figure out a way to keep power in both America and the middle east, and built into the british model for post-settler-colonial hegemony is the precise lever that he’s trying to pull. Namely “either you quit fucking this up for me or I’ll fuck everything up for you so badly that you’ll cease to exist”


Fun fact: every newborn since the year 2000 has a 3%-5% chance of being a GOP speaker of the house one day. My niece just turned 11 and she’s been speaker of the house twice, and hopes to be minority whip later this fall!

Trump Might Be Too Broke for a $175 Million Bond, Too (

A New York appeals court on Monday reduced the $454 million that former President Donald Trump was required to put up while he appeals his civil fraud case. Now Trump must put up, by April 4, a mere $175 million. The trouble is, he may not get a bond for that amount, either. Should that happen, this act of judicial mercy will...


because he cannot claim that he’s been treated unfairly

lol watch him


it’s a narcissistic behavior that I see at the core of the conservative movement time and again. demand the most, and then when you get it (or most of it) continue to insist that actually you get the least and deserve more in the name of fairness


this is an excellent time to introduce the idea that The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does. Not what it claims to do. Not what it tries but fails to do. What it does. You can be confident that every system is operating as-designed, doubly so when the “failures” of the system benefit the designers.


Breaking: Law Ignored For Trump Again


he will be crying he can’t secure the 175 million dollar bond either

and bragging on Truth Social that he has ten times that much in a garbage bag under his desk right now

The House GOP just gave Biden’s campaign a huge gift: Roughly 80 percent of House Republicans just lined up behind a plan to cut Social Security and ban all abortions (

Donald Trump would be on track to win a historic landslide in November — if so many US voters didn’t find him personally repugnant....


republicans cosplaying as Democrats

but we need to vote for the republicans cosplaying as Democrats so that they can continue to be the reason we don’t get anything instead of Republicans. The fatal flaw in the idea that people like Manchin, Sinema and other blue dogs are another obstacle the Dems need to overcome is that Dems. Chose. Them. Those people are in congress getting in the way of the democratic agenda because democrats put them there.


Puns like this have become par for the course


for some reason only things already ubiquitous get marketed these days

the reason you’re looking for is capitalism. why would I bet marketing money on anything but the most likely big return? this is also why such a huge portion of movies are either reboots, sequels, prequels or “homages”.


every queer suicide is a murder, and the manner of death is bullying. they can make it legal to murder us, but they can’t make it not murder.


summarize the satanic panic in one sentence


Trying sssssooooo hard


Giving the state the power to kill a certain class of people is a great way to get the state to reclassify anyone inconvenient as a member of that class so they can be murdered legally. With that being said, I’m unlikely to get Vietnam to eliminate the death penalty entirely or be mistaken for a corrupt billionaire so maybe this will remind the other billionaires that they’re made of soft, fragile meat just like the rest of us.

Major Asset Seizure Likely as Trump Can't Afford Bond for NY Fraud Case (

Less than a month after New York Attorney General Letitia James said she would be willing to seize former Republican President Donald Trump’s assets if he is unable to pay the $464 million required by last month’s judgment in his civil fraud case, Trump’s lawyers disclosed in court filings Monday that he had failed to...


“about 30 surety companies” have refused to accept assets

well yeah they’re lending him money to pay off a court judgment against him for lying about what those assets are worth. I wouldn’t lend someone money if their collateral was worth anywhere from 10%-1000% of what I lent them and there was no way for me to verify either. Besides, you know if he owes you money it’s gonna be years and millions before you can recoup anything at all.


Another option would be getting Trump to agree the documents were classified, but that’s a dumb move to agree.

He already did, on tape

“See as president I could have declassified it,” Trump says. “Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.”…/index.html


One of my favorite traditions is world leaders congratulating Putin the day before Russian elections.


officially: data mining and algorithm manipulation to promote propaganda

unofficially: data mining that hasn’t been approved by the US government and algorithm manipulation to promote propaganda that hasn’t been approved by the US government


Everyone has fumbled a relationship with someone who feels like the once in a lifetime hottie. Please just go to therapy and meditate for a few my a day.


House Republican leadership appears to be officially backing down

lol have they actually accomplished anything they tried to other than firing one another from leadership positions?


the Roberts court is the Bribery and Treason Court. It may also earn the honor of being the Last Court.


Oh they’ll build something else to take its place, but there’s no way SCotUS will survive the Trump takeover. Too long a tradition of people who can tell him “no” and he can’t do anything about it. They’ll be wiped and replaced illegally.


as long as you’re feeling settled-for, that’s what counts


that’s gonna be a fun nursing home confession one day


and wouldn’t you know it, a former US government functionary is the head of a group ready to buy it!

This isn’t about protecting people from propaganda and data mining, it’s about making sure that only people in the pocket of the American establishment get to manipulate us.


they are just telling me they don’t understand statistics.

You’re right, but in fairness to the regular person who gets their news from regular news outlets, they were being told that Clinton had a 98% chance of winning when in reality it was more like 75%. The fact is while everyone was cocky in 2016 and nervous in 2020 I was the opposite because I followed the polls and Biden in 2020 had consistently bigger leads on Trump than Clinton in 2016 with even bigger leads in swing states. His odds of winning were much greater than hers and the likely margin of victory was much higher, but they were being underestimated by a media machine that was absolutely snakebit after going all in on congratulating HRC in June for being the first woman president with a dem supermajority in both houses of congress and flipping Texas blue.


paying off hookers isn’t actually cheating, the issue is that he used campaign funds to do it and that’s fraud (but not electoral fraud)


Biden has more than half the total delegate count already pledged to him. Primaries are over, Biden has won regardless of the outcome of the remaining primaries and will be the democratic nominee in 2024.


may someone ask of you one day what you’re asking of this old man today


If I had a dollar for every kernal panic I’ve seen…

you might be able to spell kernel panic


I kick in your front door and kill two of your kids. I then plant mines at the entrances to your living room and kitchen, eat all the food from the refrigerator and shoot at you if you try to come downstairs. You need to end this aggression, it’s unseemly and it’s getting people hurt. Just cede the living room and the kitchen, you wouldn’t want to escalate things. Also I can’t help but notice that your basement and upstairs bathroom are looking pretty liberateable.


Take a look at everyone clutching their pearls over this painting and think about what doesn’t upset them


Neat take! This says that trucks are backed up for miles trying to get into Gaza and that Israel is blockading them. Got anything to support your claim?


no you support Israel well past a fault


When you’re poor accusation is guilt and you sit in prison without trial for years. When you’re rich, losing in court is just the beginning of negotiations.

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