@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar



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@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Was playing it a bit in the morning while it was slow at work, seems fantastic so far!

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

It would be an alright show… If it didn’t use the Halo name and was written to just be another science fiction/fantasy TV show.

But unfortunately I don’t think the show was ever made for hardcore Halo fans - whether that’s because of the writers or just Paramount going over the writer’s heads I couldn’t say.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Doesn’t the publisher of the game have to approve for a game to be put on GeForce Now?

I mean, don’t get me wrong - I know anti cheat detection has never been perfect, but you’d think this would be something they heavily try to make sure they get right.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Right, I didn’t mean to imply that playing on GFN was cheating by any means - I probably should’ve worded that a bit better.

I meant more of “If Call of Duty explicitly allowed GFN to add the game, then players who play via GFN shouldn’t have a chance to be banned just for playing through it”

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Correct on all accounts. Just to be more precise, I’m not placing any blame on the players in my prior comments - the blame goes to GFN and Activision since the player expects to be able to play a game that they’ve paid for, on a service that they have paid for.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Once I woke up a bit more I had another look at the article, and this phrasing certainly makes it sound like it needs approval at some point:

Due to a licensing dispute between NVIDIA and Activision in 2020, GeForce NOW lost access to all Activision-Blizzard games.

Perhaps though it’s a case of “Better to ask for forgiveness than permission” and they just add games until someone tells them to pull it off, I’m not sure. It’s been 4+ years since I looked into GFN, I tried it out during the beta period but I don’t believe I’ve used it since then.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar


First of all, after the shitshow that was the launch of D4, that’s just hilarious. S2 is certainly better than the start, but it is no holy grail that magically fixed everything.

Secondly, you’re dreaming if you think a DLC is worth more than the base game.

And finally, I like how they’re “asking” players if they’d “be okay” with it. Are you telling me that if the majority of the player base said “NO!” they’d actually listen? If there is anyone who believes that, well I’ve got a bridge in Sanctuary to sell you.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

It never should’ve gone out in the first place. Whether it was ever going to be a good idea (I do not believe so) is something that can be debated elsewhere, but it definitely was not a good idea with the current state of Bungie and Destiny 2.

Am I surprised that someone higher up in management pushed/green-lit the idea? No.

And no Bungie, you do not get brownie points for seeing the train wreck (that they were completely tone deaf enough to cause in the first place) and being like “Oh we can see that this was not bringing joy, we’ll pull it… for now”.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Oh man, please don’t remind me of that disappointment.

On the other hand, I felt like “Drivatars” from the Forza series were decent. They at the very least felt a bit better than the static randomly generated drivers. I’m sure others may have had different experiences though.

Guess we’ll see how it turns out though.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Huh, I wasn’t even aware that the Switch had a Twitch app available. I was still under the impression the only video apps were YouTube and Hulu… Guess I am out of date then.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Ugh, I miss Simple so much. I was alright with ONE until they stripped the virtual card function from pockets… What is the actual point of Pockets now if I have to transfer the money directly back to my main checking area??

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Have you found any other decent online-centric banks to switch to? I’ve been wanting to switch away from ONE for pretty much the reasons you listed, but through a basic search I didn’t see anything else to was too appealing to me.

And the 2FA thing is ridiculous, at one point they didn’t actually have the email option (or it was very well hidden) - had a bit of a rough month at some point and wasn’t able to pay my phone bill which got it suspended, I also happened to have my card locked and got kicked out of the app so… I couldn’t unblock my card to pay the phone bill, which I needed to get the 2FA code to login in… Ended up having to reach out to support and they were able to show me how to request a 2FA code over email.

This wouldn’t even be a problem with most sites because I always use TOTP/Webauthn via my Yubikey when I have the option, and for something as critical as my bank account I really do not want SMS/Email to be an option for 2FA (I get why they have it, but I’d like to be able to turn it off for my account).

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Interesting, I will have a look at them - thanks!

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

This is one of the reasons I don’t use GamePass, because it all goes through the crappy Microsoft Store which always gives me weird download errors, and when trying to research the issue it just leads to nothing that works.

God forbid you reinstall Windows and have your GamePass games on another drive. It won’t let you re-use that partition because the games folder is “owned by someone else” even when you’re signed into the same Microsoft account, and it won’t let you delete it because its protected by Windows… You either have to nuke the whole partition, delete it from Linux, or go through the whole take-ownership ritual which is buggy at best.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Thankfully Minecraft Dungeons does work via Proton, though I’m not super familiar with macOS so I’m not sure if Proton works for macOS given that Apple’s platforms use Metal rather than Vulkan (though I hear a translation layer is being worked on for Vulkan->Metal).

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Not that I’d be remotely interested in the skin (nor do I play OW2), but really Blizzard? You’d think that with all of the PR issues they’ve been facing lately with both games, that they wouldn’t pull something like this so quickly.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

This was somewhat done for Destiny 2, when they moved from Battle.net to Steam (so like the Bethesda situation mentioned in another reply). I’m sure it was a bit easier for them since the base game went F2P which obviously hasn’t happened here for Diablo 4, but all of my purchases/DLCs for the game were transferred over to the Steam equivalents.

I’d assume if they really wanted to, they could find a way to just give everyone who has it on BNet a key to the Steam version, but there’s no real incentive for them to do that.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

It certainly has been for me. Picked it up a couple of weeks into Diablo 4’s first season launch, after remembering that I had heard some folks on Lemmy talking about it during D4’s open-beta.

Zero regrets on picking it up, feels like I’m actually having fun along the way whereas in Diablo 4 I kept wondering where the fun was at (and that said “fun” was always just a few paragon points away so I could unlock a node that would end up being inconsequential).

I’ve primarily played mage (and it actually feels like a mage unlike D4’s so called sorcerer class…) so while I can’t personally speak on the other classes, a friend of mine has done a lot of experimenting with the other classes and they have nothing to say but good things about the various classes.

It is worth noting that Last Epoch is still technically in beta, and does have some bugs every now and then. But they are targeting their 1.0 release before the end of this year. I’m not normally one who picks up early access games, this one certainly is a nice exception though.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Yes, I’m pretty sure its just because if you hit enter on that screen, it assumes and selects the Play Online button.

Play Online is actually a relatively newish feature as far as I understand. Multiplayer only came around earlier this year, before then your save was only offline.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Right, just like Denuovo only impacts people who pirate games that use it.

Or DRM only impacts the people who pirate movies and TV.

A tale as old as time itself really.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

For me, it’s been Last Epoch which is an ARPG. It’s been doing a fantastic job of scratching the itch that Diablo 4 just failed to do.

I finally made it past the campaign and am in the endgame (as far as I understand), and I’ve had a good time trying to come up and play with various builds on my Runemaster character!

Also, American Truck Simulator for when I just want to turn my brain off and relax.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar


We removed it way before the pricing change was announced because the views were so low, not because we didn’t want people to see it.

(emphasis theirs)

I don’t believe that in the slightest. While yes, they did do that quite a while before the change took place, it was hosted there as an easy way to track changes to the ToS. I bet it was more of a “Any changes we make will stand out a lot more”, not realizing that any big change they make was going to stand out regardless (this whole thing being an example).

I mean come on, they could’ve at least tried with a better lie. I would’ve gone “Eh, maybe” if they’d said something like “Our legal team suggested that we keep it hosted in a central location, on our website”. But really, “not enough people looked at it”?? What a joke.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I definitely wouldn’t completely discount that as a possibility for sure, but Unity sure is bad at damage control (as are most companies that make dumb decisions like this) - even if this is true, it would’ve been better to just not mention it, as it could only ever just douse fuel onto the already out-of-control PR fire that has erupted due to all of this.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I’m kind of surprised, I thought they were done with The Division series after TD2 being put into maintenance mode. Will be interested in seeing how it ends up at least.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Ah this is fantastic! I’ve only been using Kagi for a few months, and have been concerned about running into the search limit, but this means I can go and set it as the default everywhere now.

List of specific video game communities on the Threadiverse, feel free to comment with more (kbin.cafe)

When I mean “specific,” I mean things like something dedicated to a certain genre, a certain video game, to gaming suggestions, to asking whether you should buy a certain game… anything that isn’t just one catch-all for any video gaming topic. So I’m not including the various !games@instance or !gaming@instance links....

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

A couple of video game specific communities I’m subscribed to that I don’t see here already:



And then this one is a genre based one:


@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I’m not currently in a great spot to watch a video, so I asked Bard to summarize the video. In case anyone else is curious / doesn’t want to watch:

AI Generated Video SummaryThe video you linked is a trailer for the EventLab 2.0 update for Forza Horizon 5. This update introduces a number of new features to the EventLab, including: The ability to create custom routes for races and challenges. The ability to add custom props and objects to events. The ability to create custom weather and time of day conditions for events. The ability to share events with other players. The EventLab 2.0 update is a major overhaul of the EventLab, and it gives players a lot more creative freedom to create their own custom events. The update is scheduled to be released on September 9, 2023. Here are some of the highlights of the EventLab 2.0 update: Custom routes: Players can now create custom routes for races and challenges. This is a major new feature that gives players a lot more control over the layout of their events. Custom props and objects: Players can now add custom props and objects to events. This includes things like traffic cones, barriers, and even animals. Custom weather and time of day: Players can now create custom weather and time of day conditions for events. This allows players to create events that take place in any environment, at any time of day. Shared events: Players can now share their events with other players. This means that other players can play the events that you create. The EventLab 2.0 update is a major new addition to Forza Horizon 5, and it gives players a lot more creative freedom to create their own custom events. The update is scheduled to be released on September 9, 2023.

Keep in mind, since I haven’t watched the video, I can’t confirm the accuracy. For example, the video description says the update releases September 12th, but Bard thinks its scheduled for today, September 9th - so take it with a grain of salt.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Well I just picked up Last Epoch last night / Monday! It’s an Action RPG so follows the same format as PoE / Diablo. Haven’t been super impressed with the post-campaign experience of D4, and immediately after jumping into Last Epoch I already feel like it has exactly what I was looking for from D4 in terms of power fantasy and buildcrafting potential.

Its still Early Access which I generally don’t pickup, but someone here on Lemmy recommended it and I have to say, so far I regret nothing!

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I mean, to be fair, the person you replied to is using Kbin rather than Lemmy - they’re interacting with a Lemmy community though.

You’ll Soon Be Able to Install Nix Packages on Your Steam Deck (linuxgamingcentral.com)

This would solve a major issue with SteamOS. The SteamOS itself is immutable/read only as you know. This means, one cannot install or make changes to the core system (it is possible, but that is temporarily until update will revert those changes back). That is why we have the Flatpak support. But many software are not available...

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Whoa! Definitely not something I expected, but will happily take it!

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I've never really been great at open world games, with Minecraft being the "exception" for me (and even then, I don't spend nearly as much time in Minecraft as I used to). I tend to struggle finding out what exactly I need to do - and in BoTW I especially hated the fact that tools/weapons/gear would break after so few uses, it pretty much ruined the game for me.

Which, that's perfectly fine - clearly its not the game for me, I know plenty of others who've spent countless hours in BoTW+ToTK but I just can't.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Good point, I hadn't really considered that!

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I saw that a new season / "year" just started for TD2, I'll have to download the update and give it a go!

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I'll be continuing to grind a little bit in Diablo 4 (and maybe hitting up D3 to finish some season challenges). The Division 2 also looks to have a new update, so I'll give that a go as well.

Then finally maybe just some relaxing time in American Truck Simulator as a way to wind down!

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Especially if you were to use sleep mode on the PC - then depending on your setup you can combine that with Wake-on-LAN and then just use another app on your phone/streaming device to send the "magic packet" to initialize a wake up.

I'm not familiar with Moonlight, but I'd imagine that would prevent it from asking for a pin again as well.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Looks interesting, I'll give it a try later on! I generally don't like to go for early access games, but these days it feels like just about every major game is for all intents and purposes, "early access" without the title...

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I'd say my thoughts on that quote is:

Weird flex, but okay

russjr08, (edited )
@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

The fact that it need an internet connection alone can´t be the reason for not being able to pause the game, right?

Yeah I don't think so (see the next part however for my thoughts on the full reasoning why there is no pause) - D3 also was always online (sans console editions) and you could pause with a few exceptions.

There must be some real time interaction going on between your “world” and the worlds of others.

There definitely is a shared world state component, in that you seamlessly matchmake with others who can appear near you, and engage alongside you - this also grants you some extra XP ("Nearby Player Bonus") while someone else is close. It becomes even more apparent during world events, such as world boss fights or Legion Events (which you can think of as a mini world boss fight).

I think this is where the true cost of not being able to pause comes from - since they didn't add in a private vs public mode (in D3, you couldn't pause when you had the game set to public, or when friends were in your game). If it existed, and you were to pause as it is, you'd need some sort of immunity buff or such, as another player could cause enemies to come near you, and either kill you outright, or right when you resume the game.

Hm, I read up on it for a second and it seems like there is a portal that you can use to teleport to a safe place? A town? Supposedly you can even do that from within a dungeon AND even teleport back to the same place?

Yep - this is nice to have (though you cannot use it in a boss fight AFAIK) though it'd really be nice to be able to actually pause still, but I suppose it's better than nothing.

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